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About Kenshiro

  • Birthday 09/14/1986

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    fran ssj

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    umm....too lazy to write one..heh

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  1. She's not a fighter atall.....more of a shopper.....
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]This is why I should pay more attention to actors, and actually watch the movie I am going to see. :drunk: **pssssst* can anybody see my banner, I am having trouble seeing it on this pc** [/B][/QUOTE] You need to upload it onto a host first, then put the url in your sig ( i presume you know how to do that )
  3. lol...they've only just started showing the new babidi saga episodes this week....
  4. lol mines a mess most of the time too.....damn..i think i am supposed to tidy it today too...:mad:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trunks02 [/i] [B] His names Qui Qui... [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm....it sounded like Pui Pui to me but uhh....whatever i know its something like that.
  6. Pui Pui is the guy Vegeta fights on the first stage of babidi's ship...
  7. I dont think rockstar made any games for ps1, but thye might have....and if they did it probably wasant any good if no-one has heard of them.
  8. Yeah ive seen it, the one on tommorow is Vegeta Vs Pui Pui, umm....Vegeta wins (he kicks his ***....)but its a good episode.
  9. I know there are games coming out but i dont think they have a release date yet.
  10. I used to spend ages playing on Soul Calibur on my bro's dreamcast, i really liked it. I'm hoping the new one will be as much as i expect but really all you can expect is better graphics and more characters isnt it? I mean it would be hard to improve the gameplay because i personally think it was great.
  11. I used to have a modem like that, you would never know if it would be fast or not.....but now i have adsl so im sorted..:D
  12. Why dont they just show the edited versions of the episodes in the daytime....then show the more adult aimed ones on adult swim?
  13. Yeah....if radditz is as good as you say he is......why did he die in the first place?
  14. I think (not that sure but..) they only have the dubs.
  15. Yeah hes not that good...but i guess his new song is better than the stuff he used to come up with......
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