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About GundamSV7

  • Birthday 02/15/1987

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    Gundam Fan
  • Occupation
    Webmaster, programmer

GundamSV7's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)



  1. Hey, anyone know of some place that offers really cheap or free media hosting? The best offer I've found is from X2Servers.com giving 2 GB of space and unlimited bandwidth for $10/mo with CPanel 8. Please post offers better than this.
  2. Hey all, I just found a media host that's giving me 2 GB of space and UNLIMITED BANDWIDTH w/ CPanel 8.0 for only $10/month! There's NO SETUP FEE!!! Check em out at X2Servers.com!
  3. GundamSV7

    Good RPG

    The game is in Alpha testing, meaning it just came out. If you look under the developement on the main page, we are still making the landscape pics.
  4. GundamSV7

    Good RPG

    What exactly makes an RPG good? being able to interact with squad members, being part of a team, being part of a whole? or do people just RP for the fun of it or cuz there's nothing better to do? Please post your thoughts, I'm making my own fully automated RPG and would appreciate opinions.
  5. hey, would anyone participate in a fully automated Gundam RPG if there was one? or should i not waste my time?
  6. check out [url]http://mswar.com[/url] for Full Gundam Episodes + Movies + Games!!!
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