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Everything posted by Exodia

  1. Exodia


    OOC: Team Rocket and Officer Jenny? Trust me. I know what I'm doing. IC: Mew flies over and says something to Mew. Seto listens and walks up to the edge of the volcano. Seto jumps in.
  2. Exodia


    Seto sneaks out of the cave and grabs the 2 crystals and runs off back to Mount Raikou through a secret tunnel he built. Mewtwo: Good Job, Seto. Seto: No problem. It was easy once I tricked them with that crystal trick. There just rocks I painted. I have to go. Mewtwo: Yeah. We can't be spotted together or they'll get suspicious. Seto runs back to the others where they are waiting for him. Seto: I was exploring, but there is nothing down there.
  3. "Help me! Help me!" cried the voice. I saw a little girl falling. I reached out but was not able to save her. I watched helplessly as she fell to his death. " NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I woke up in a bloody sweat. I looked around and grabbed the photo of 2 young boys and their sister standing together on the beach. "Soon, little bro. We'll be together again and We'll all go back to that beach again." I whispered. I got up, got dressed, and I went into the kitchen. I fixed 2 bowls of cereal for me and my older sister. Sydney walked in and looked surprised. " What's up?" she inquired. "Nothing. I thought that you might be hungry." I told her. She is always inquisitive. We left and got everything we needed to get finished done. " It's happening again." I said. " That same dream. Over and Over. Every night." I told her everything. " You can't go." She said. "I must." I told her. " You're so brave. Most people think you're dumb, but sometimes you're smater than anyone I know." she told me. Little did I know. I wasn't expecting this new twist. Later that night, I had gone to bed. Syd and her friends were over. After they all left I saw Syd and June talking. June threatened Syd to take me away. I woke up, got dressed and got all my stuff ready to go. I was packed and ready. I saw June get ready to leave, but Syd pulled a knife and stabbed her. I gasped. Syd turned and revealed she was a machine. I grabbed my stuff and jumped out of the window. I hopped in a 2002 Toyota Supra parked nearby and drove away. Meanwhile, back at the hose, Syd called her boss and told what happened. " He knows too much." Syd said. "You mean that 13 year old punk knows." He asked. "I'm not sure." Syd said. Now, Back to me. I thought and figured out some things. I pulled into an alley." Soon, I promise." I murmured. OOC: It's not finished yet. I'm still Tweaking the bugs out.
  4. Exodia


    Seto pulls out a flashlight out of his backpack and looks around. Seto: Someone's been here recently. [I][I] If only Jenny could see me now. I wonder what that box is for that I got back in that cave. [/I][/I]
  5. Exodia


    Seto: Got it. Mew, transform into Moltres and talk to him. Se what's wrong. Mew transforms into Moltres and talks to him. Mew comes down and tells Seto. Seto: Guys. Down, It's a trap. Mewtwo is going to ... Seto falls down a mine shaft. Seto: This shouldn't be here unless the Rockets are using it for a hidden base.
  6. Exodia


    [I][I] When I do this I'm thinking. [/I][/I] Seto:[I][I] I have to fake them. If they found out what I do for work they'd desert me like rain in the Sahara. So, I was right. Mewtwo is working with Team Rocket now. I'll get you Rocket. [/I][/I]
  7. Exodia


    OOC: WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? I'm not even out of the tunnel yet. how can I be with you, plus you don't know where the tunnel is. And you've already been to Mount Entei. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  8. Exodia


    Seto looks at umbreon. Seto: Is Umbreon ok? Mew, what's up? Mew: Mew MEW MEW!!!! Seto: Up ahead. Rocket. Trap! Seto realizes what it means and breaks out into a flatbed dash.
  9. Exodia


    Seto: Lauren, you can be so stubborn sometimes. Wil you do something for me? Take Mew and stand outside. It's gone on. I thought I heard Water. I need to lookk at it. Make sure you watch the floor. Seto turns the corner and sees a little metal box. Seto: What's this? Oh, Well. Seto puts the box in his backpack. Seto: Lauren, come on. This tunnel will take us straight to Suicine Cove. It's a cave overlooking Suicide's Mouth.
  10. Exodia


    Seto and Lauren hear Mewtwo and turn to see the entrance closing. Seto: Lauren run! Lauren escapes but Seto can't make it. Seto: Go. Help the others. I'll meet up with you. the door shuts. Seto turns around and starts walking Seto: Mew, Flash. Come on out. I know you're here. ?: You shouldn't have interfered and come back. Now, You'll pay.
  11. Exodia


    Seto: (in a whispering voice) I'll get you, Rocket. you may have them to stop me but I'll get to you first. And when I do, I'll finish this. Mew, You know what to do. Mew transforms into Lugia and Seto jumps on his back. Seto: I'll meet with you at Suicide's Mouth. It's a cave between the moutains. Mew flies back towards Mewtwo
  12. Exodia


    Seto: Not sure, Can you remember what happened? We need to get help.
  13. Exodia


    Seto thinking: It has begun. What have we done? Hey, there are pages missing in this book. He's ahead of us. I know he's working for someone. Seto: I've got it. Mewtwo always causes a disaster of some sort and flies away. If someone could track his trail, then we'd know what to do.
  14. Exodia


    Seto: There is another way. The Ancient Prophacy. Zee: huh? What's that? Seto: A myth actually. It states that a great Evil Pokemon shal arise and create Chaotic carnage and destruction. But Many shall stand and unite as one. Then and only then will every legendary one come forth and destroy the Evil one. I'm not sure about some fo it. That's the most I can remember and It's never come close until now. Unless, ... That's it. I'll meet up with you people later at the pokemon center. Tani: Where are you going? Seto: Buisness. Seto runs off to the library.
  15. Exodia


    Name: Seto Age: 15 Hometown: Goldenrod City Element: Psychic Pokémon that travels with you: Mew Bio: He was on his way to Cinnabar when he heard the news. He rushed home to see that it was destro yed. he got all his things and went to leave but stopped when he heard something. He looked and met Mew. they became best friends and both hate Mewtwo. Appearance: Looks like Gohan from the Cell Saga without the cape and he is taller. He has some Denim Cargo Pants, and his backpack with his Pokegear and everything.
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