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Everything posted by Ugamon

  1. [I]That night had passed without another incident like the one that had transpired between Nepenthes and the thugs. Still after such a close call with the shell city police he was starting to think that maybe a night to cool down and relax maybe actually do something normal.. a faint chuckle to himself would slip out into the air as he closed his locker door at the pizzeria and went up front to clock in at one of the Registers. Stifling a yawn as he walked out from the back and walked around the dividing wall.[/i] [i]What he saw there made him pause a moment and he swore his heart stalled making his blood run cold and gave a involuntary shiver at the sight of the police officer. He was being ridiculous.. He knew that.. they couldn't track him down here could they? It wasn't until he got closer and tapped on the touch screen display next to hers did the officer seemed to notice him and he just gave a smile and was ignored a slight shrug as he punched his number in and hit a button before he saw the little clock in sign pop up. smiling faintly as he ended hearing the vaguest sounding description he had ever had the pleasure of hearing. Here he was worried about them catching him and the Shell city police were asking about women with suitcases. When the officer turned to him to ask if he had seen anything he shook his head and said.[/I][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Green"][B]" I had off yesterday and was at home for most of it."[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [I] The truth.. he had been home most of yesterday... except for school and about a half hour before midnight. Which sighing heavily the police officer walked out and he turned to Zoe jerking his thumb at the door and gave her a What the fuck kinda look before she giggled and responded with[/I].[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][FONT="Courier New"]" Been a lot of weird things going on around town.. with those Vigilantes still at large i think the cops are up to their ears with all sorts of things."[/FONT][/B][/COLOR] [I] He nodded softly to what she said as he turned and tapped on the touchscreen debating on what orders he'd be delivering to as he said."[/I][B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Green"] Yeah well...[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [I]He'd hear her snort which she'd know almost always made him chuckle softly as she asked him." [/I][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Don't tell me your supporting them now too? Don't get me wrong what the police did about your sister's case was horrible but Nate these people are breaking the law."[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][I] Sighing he turned around and looked at her and let a moment pass before he said." [/I][COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]" It's not like that Zoe... It's just. Well Your right they are criminals but then again they are criminals hunting criminals and killing them most of the time.. It's just kinda.. you know crazy if you think about it." [/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [I]She paused and looked at him funny before she grinned and said.[/I][B][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="DarkRed"]" So let me get this straight. Your saying Let Caesar have what's Caesar's and let God sort them all out when they're dead and gone that's a little fucked up Nate."[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [I]He turned away and shrugged chuckling as he tapped through those screens on the monitor finally settling[/I] [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Green"]." Seems to be how this city is anyhow.. There will always be people who think they are revolutionists and people who hate them for thinking they are that.. It's just how it works i guess.. But If the police can't do it.. Let someone who can... Eventually though.. They'll fuck up.. it's just a waiting game and when it happens.. The law will be there.. until then let's just be happy criminals are disappearing off our streets. Anyhow.. I'm taking the order for Baker's Street out if Joe asks were i am." [/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [I]He turned around and looked at her studying him for a moment before she said." [/I][COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Courier New"][B] You got a point Nate.. It's just.. one of these days.. that fuck up might just cost someone innocent their life.. we have law for a reason..[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [I]He sighed as he walked away from the counter and her to deliver that order.[/I][B][COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]" I know Zoe.. i know But didn't some wise person say... The needs of the many.. outweigh the needs of the few?"[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][I] He'd hear her sigh as he walked away muttering as the front door rang letting them know a customer was upfront. Ain't life a bitch he wondered. When the chips fall who your left with is who your left with for better or worse till death do you part. [/I]
  2. [B][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]"Your not Dad Nathan i don't have to listen to you. Your not him and he's never coming back"[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][I] he sighed heavily at his brothers words and that almost whiny voice of his mixed with indignant anger and shook his head softly as he rebuked his brother's attitude.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]" Tobi.. i just don't want to see you get mixed up with the wrong crowd it's..."[/FONT][/COLOR][/B] [I]He stopped speaking when he noticed he was getting that infamous i don't care look from his brother. A look he'd been getting a lot of lately and Nate sighed and sat down folding his hands staring at them for a moment before turning his eyes up towards his brother and said in a hushed tone[/I]. [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Green"]" Fine go.. but Promise me you'll keep out of trouble at least.. You and mom are all i have left of this family.. i don't think i could handle loosing one of you two like..."[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [I]He wring his hands silently as he looked down and he heard his brother mutter[/I].[B][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]" your being overprotective Nate... i can handle myself."[/FONT][/COLOR][/B] [I]He looked up at his brother and seemed to be about ready to say something when the door opened and both their heads looked at the door as their mother walked in carrying a Brown paper bag wrapped in a plastic bag in her arm. She was smiling softly to herself until she saw them standing there like that and said.[/I][B][COLOR="Gray"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]" what's going on boys?"[/FONT][/COLOR][/B] [I]Tobi looked at Nate as if asking him not to worry her and he groaned softly looking at his younger brother and shook his head dismissing what he was going to say from his mind.[/I][B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Green"]" Nothing big Ma.. Just arguing over stupid shit.. is that Chinese i smell?"[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [I]She nodded slowly looking at them both for a long moment before she walked over to the couch and sat down depositing the food onto the coffee table and said.[/I][B][COLOR="Gray"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]" I didn't feel like cooking tonight.. It's been a long day and Nate?"[/FONT][/COLOR][/B] [I]She looked over at him and sent him a I don't want to hear you use that kind of language in my house look and he softly groaned and muttered.[/I]" [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Green"][B]Sorry ma[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]."[I] She gave a soft smile and nodded as if that settled the manner for now before she pulled out the containers of food and handed them to her sons and selected a white container of Noodles for herself leaning back with the plastic fork in hand and beginning to eat as Nate and Tobi looked at each other and shrugged at each other before digging in.. Letting his mind drift off onto other things he found out last night and planned to use later.. to do what the police apparently couldn't.. [/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sirens of police cars echoed off in the distance as the night began to set in.. Glancing at his watch he pulled the old faded backpack off his back as reaching in and pulling out a small glass vial full of clear liquid.. and floating in it were two black domed discs ... It was almost time. Unscrewing the cap he tipped the vial slight to the side as his finger slipped the Black contact onto his finger. Sighing as he leaned his head back and used his pinkie and thumb to hold his eye open while he seated the contact on his eye properly before repeating the same process with his other eye and slipping the Vial back into a safe spot in his bag and then with slightly trembling hands he tossed the backpack off the fire escape. Jumping the distance from the fire escape ladder to a garbage dumpster lid and then jumping off lid to the ground the with a soft plop.. landing on bent knees next to his backpack on the Cold Concrete ground. Reaching in while still crouched down he slipped the hammer in his Belt loop and slipped seven nails into holes he had cut into the back of this belt. Letting out a soft sigh as pulled out black cloth and unwrapped the what was inside it. When Nepenthes mirror like face came into view a soft exhale came from him as he laid the mask on his knee as he threw the cloak over his shoulders.. fastening the loose plain silver brooch to hold the cloak in place and picked up the mask with tender care looking it over for a moment before he flipped it over... and brought it up to his face sliding his hands back over the strap clipping the three into place before he reached back and pulled the hood up. Kicking the backpack behind some cardboard and covered the cardboard with trash before standing up and slinking off deeper into the alley the cloak billowing out a bit as he walked softly over the pavement Moving through those dark pathways with a strange sense of purpose. As he heard sirens growing closer he pushed against the wall and let the shadow of the night cloak him as the flashing light flew by. For the projects.. the Police force were pretty scattered and the night was with them as they continued on their way. a soft snort fell in the air as he heard hollering begin some couple were fighting again and dogs barked futilely at the commotion.. Shaking his cloaked head softly he continued on his journey.. and then.. A scream split the air ahead of him at the far end of the alley... A young female with dark hair.. it was hard to tell in this weak light was clinging onto the arm of a lanky dirty blond male.. who were pushed into the brick wall of the left side of the alley. The female started to cry in fear as two Hooded characters harassed her supposed boyfriend.. The clink of chains that glimmered softly in the street light as he moved silently closer... Looking around silently for something.. and he spied a metal pole on the ground.. It was Silver and black.. how ironic he mused as he picked it up making a sort of scrapping noise with it as he grinned behind the mask of Nepenthes... Perfect.. The thugs looked down the alley... clearly not seeing anything down that alley.. almost as if he was invisible to their eyes as he stepped closer.. making a faint thud noise like a old man with a cane would.. which made them look at each other and distracted them while the guy dragged his chick away running and then Nepenthes would step into the light enough so a glint of that strange facade would strike their eyes." What the hell.." he heard the Thug with the chain mutter and using that as his cue. He lunged forward.. taking that sweet moment as he ran forward to slip to the side as the chain flailed in the air where he had just been.. the Butt end of the make shift pole stave coming up into the others chin sharply with a soft thwack.. The other Thug backed up seeing his buddy stumble back momentarily dazed the strange shock in his eyes Pushed Nepenthes forward letting his left hand slid to the top half of the stave as he spun bringing hit down on the side of the others head as the Chain dude started to recover his right hand already pulling the hammer out and lashing out in a wide arc with side of hammer into the thug's chest cavity .. Rewarded by the sound of cracking bone as he let the staff go and fell into that spin. The cloak Swirling around like a Wild shadow as his left hand reached back pulling a nail free and his hammer fell heavy down on the hand that the other thug had thrown up to protect himself as his other hand frantically attempted to reach for a knife.. The sick sound of the bones in that man's hand being shifted out of alignment as he slipped that nail in between his middle and index fingers making it look like a long narrow spike sticking out between his fingers as he pressed himself and the other guy effectively pinning him against the wall as the thug cried out in pain.. Thrusting his fist into that broken hand piercing the skin with the nail and moving his hand to grasp the thug's arm in a iron hard grip against the bricks as he brought his hammer down on the nail thrusting it into the wall as he brought his knee up into the man's crotch and let his wrist go as his empty hand grabbed the knife in the man's waistband And turned to find the other thug on the ground clutching his chest.. it was only then did it strike him they both were crying out in pain.. cussing and swearing threatening to kill him... The first noise he would make was nothing more then a soft tsking sound as he kicked the thug whom he'd hit in the chest once savagely and muttered in a almost disappointed tone." [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]Pathetic.[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] Disgusted he turned away slipping the knife into a hidden cloak pocket and walked away leaning down to pick up that makeshift weapon from earlier.. He looked at it for a moment before he heard more sirens approaching. A soft sigh as he looked around and noticed a circle on the ground.. it took his brain a moment to register what it was as the sirens got closer.. But the moment those police lights hit the Alley the manhole cover slid back into place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~(( And thus it begins.. If any questions or comments please Pm me.. In the spirit of Returning to the Otakuboards... I think i can safely say.. Ugamon has returned.))~
  3. [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Green"][I] For storyline use only.. 1. Hannah Kerrigan - Nate and Tobias's mother age 42 a widow as well after their father Daniel Kerrigan died. She works two full time jobs and a part time job to keep a roof over their heads, food in their bellies and clothing on their back... definitely not a supporter of the vigilantes but she's not to happy with the Police force as of recently. She stands at a short 5'3" with curly reddish brown hair and dark brown eyes. 2. Tobias Kerrigan - Nate's Younger brother age fifteen 5'10" same hair and eyes of his brother but a more slender build and though Nate doesn't know it yet Tobias has been hanging out with some local gang members lately and they've been trying to recruit him.. heh 3. Zoe Miller - Nate's only real friend left after all that's happened over the years.. She works heavily with the community outreach centers when she ain't working at the pizzeria with Nate. How she feels about the Vigilantes is unknown but one thing is .. she seems to have her own secrets... She stands about 5'6" With her mother's long dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. She is currently nineteen years old. 4. Robert Miller - Zoe's father.. He's worked for the City's Water and Sewer Department for years and has raised Zoe by himself since her mother died of cancer right after moving to Shell city. He and Hannah have been close friends since before Daniel's death. He's about 6'2 with short cropped Brown hair with streaks of gray coming in.. He has nearly the same Hazel eyes as Zoe. He's in his mid forties with a sort of chunkier build. 5. Joey Stetanko Jr - He's Nate's Boss and is a robust middle aged man in his thirties.. despite his thinning hair and hot temper he treats his employee's well and is well liked for a boss. He stands at about 6'0 with dark brown eyes. He owns Little Joe's Pizzeria and has run it for the last ten years since his father Joey Stetanko Sr died of a heart attack. If anyone has any suggestions or Question feel free to PM and i will get back to you at the next chance i get. [/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Green"]Name: Nathanial (Nate or Nathan) Kerrigan (Nathanial as a name means God has given and Kerrigan Means Dusk) Vigilante Name: Nepenthes (Pronounced Ne Pen These and means Not grief or sorrow) Age: 17 Gender: Male Costume Appearance: Comprising of a Hooded black cloak, originally a short sleeved black shirt which he now uses a long sleeved variation, Black jeans, Old thick soled construction boots and a Reflective metal seemly silver like mask kept in place with leather straps forever formed in neither a smile nor a frown but the way the eyes are formed.. it almost seems to mock you. Often times he keeps a plastic bag in which he can ditch the Cape, hammer and mask in if need be and pass as a goth punk Appearance: Brown hair three shades lighter then Black over eyes the color of brandy standing at five foot eleven inch with a slender athletic build he has a strange tattoo on his left wrist which is the only distinctive marking really about him aside from a scar on his left shoulder were a bullet skimed his skin. Weapon: Hammer and Nails.. though he has gotten inventive in the past using such tools as a can of hair spray and a lighter for a mini torch or even going so far as to use Cutlery(Kitchen knives and forks) Day Job: Pizza maker or delivery driver for Little Joe's Pizzeria depends on what his boss needs that night Personality: Nate has never been good at expressing his emotions or explaining himself and often keeps his mind busy with a number of seemly meaningless tasks perhaps his biggest flaw considering his other side. He's a big joker that sometimes takes his jokes a little too far but many would find him sort of lacking a strange sort of confidence which makes him seem borderline emotional in someways.He loves to talk about strange and sometimes random things and seems to not have a care though it's all really a facade when it comes down to it. He's a realist by nature.. and once sobered and away from the fun his personally can sometimes seem a tad bit disturbing. However Nepenthes on the other hand is a strangely silent type.. who uses vague gestures to talk.. or when he does it's always very soft. Vindictive and hard to read with that mask of his one can often guess the crime of his victims by the way they are disposed of for example.. Drug dealers often are left to die of overdoses while a rapist might lose his genitalia. however it does seem the lesser the crime.. like thieving or unarmed burglary for example he might only break their hands and leave them for the police to find naked and tied to a post exposing their shame... their is always a method to his madness.. despite how it can sometimes seem. Bio: Life in shell city is a harsh and sometimes unpleasant experience and no one would know that better then those who've seen one of the Slum Lords handiwork first hand. Living in the poorer sections throughout his childhood and into his late teen years he'd always seen the horrors and disgusting crimes much more acutely then many others. In high school his friends fell into gangs.. and their parents into drugs and other crimes beyond mention.. murder was common as was rape and burglary. But the breaking point came when his older sister was found raped and hung from a fire escape stripped of her clothing and her dignity after the police conducted their "investigation" and the days of waiting.. filled grief turned into anger at the man who did this.. and his anger became rage towards the incompetence of police force.. sitting in the corner of his room obsessing over every detail.. every bit of evidence they had pointed out.. nothing solid leading them to a killer.. it was that night his mother broke the news to them they had closed the case unsolved.. and on that night after she had fallen to bed.. his mind was made certain. If the police would do nothing... Then the scum would did this.. and those like them would pay in pain and blood. the supplies he needed we're easily found.. A black cloak left over from a Halloween costume, a small hammer and some old rusty nails, a Black t-shirt a pair of old black jeans with a thick leather belt for holding the gear and work boots for when he did construction and the final piece.. a shiny mirror like mask finished the disguise. climbing out the second story window onto the fire escape led for a easy access in and out of his parents apartment after they had fallen asleep.. using the shadows of the alley as his ally he found the petty criminals in this forsaken part of town easy pickings.. his methods were considered dubiously cruel but effective and over the last few months has made a small name that is whispered by cons and innocents alike. Nepenthes was born.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. Ugamon


    [FONT="Garamond"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Apparently he wasn't that Keen of a observer because the Voice that belonged to the one named Lupin had caught him off guard and once his full attention had been pulled from looking around a bit further he began to releize that several voices had been echoing behind a decent sized outcropping of rocks. Turning his attention and eyes towards the source of th voice and debating on answering for a moment as he looked at the Older man who vaguely appeared to be older then any of the other's here. When he did answer his voice was soft and would carry but in a way that was hard to hear beyond a few feet. [b]Yeah i guess that would be a wise assumption Considering the scenery.[/B] Hefting the book for a moment he tilted his weight to the side so he was leaning and saw that behind the other was the same group of people from the ritual eariler minus one of the females and plus this male before him. Strangely there was something that urked him with a vague sense of familarity but his concious mind couldn't put a proverbal thumb on it. His Dark eyes seemed to reflect the eyes in a almost purplish manner as he scoped over the other as he attempted to figure out what seemed familar about the other when his eyes fell onto the ring and the strange lavender and dark blue tendrils that seemed to project off the little piece of jewelry. He let it slide for the moment but reserved the thought for a later date to ask to examine it closer as he went to answer the second question posed by the other. This response was even softer then before with a hint of the kid knowing what he was talking about and yet totally unsure. [B] I think it's a coded Book of shadows considering how it's laid out and writen in a rune alphabet.[/B] He was quiet for a few more minutes as he looked at the other for a moment before proceeding passed him to the rest of the group content to merely listen in for the moment The twins sort of knew him from school and the fact he had given them some other information that he had on hand a few times. The others he recognized as just people he sort of knew but really hadn't spoken to before. Looking at each of them a almost strange sense of relief fell over him and yet at the same time jealousy over the fact he wasn't here alone. Did they all really expect as much trouble as he did or perhaps they just thought themselves tough or perhaps simple minded. The jury was still out on that as he stood off a foot or two behind Ally and just listened.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. Ugamon


    [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Garamond"]The smoke from the incense filled the room giving it a heavy heady odor of sandelwood, Sage and a number of other herbs as the monotone voices from the two leading the ritual gave up into the threads of magick that in his mind's eye swirled in dark hues around the room. Each person there was giving off a different "aura" that blended into the ceremony and seemed to mix and blend into the background lending a strange quality to all of this. As the Ritual came to a close the one known as Samuel Cromwell slowly opened his eyes Dispelling the light show in his mind as he looked through the slight haze at the smoke billowing off the small Alter in the center with a number of half burned and wet wax spilled over the cloth. The Circle of Salt around them was Swept away by one of those who had led the Spell to completation. A air of Disappointment could be felt as the young man looked around confused slightly. He had felt the undercurrents. It should have worked and there was no flash and/or bang that brought them to another plane of existence or portal to another dimension shimmering before them. Just a empty room with nothing but smoke and tools of the craft to be seen. A heavy sigh as he moved away from the one time circle and gathered his bag of Homework and headed out silently and unnoticed as was custom to his presence as of well forever it seemed. Ducking out into the cooler late afternoon air he began the short walk back to his Grandmothers small house set back on a old lot in town behind a rather unruly bush and he would let his mind fall to other matters as he moved with a quiet pace down the sidewalk and then up the path to the place he currently called home. Again as was normal his Grandmother was sleeping in her rocker and the teenager just threw together some food before heading up the stairs and into his room. His room was a collection of New age groups, Ritual ideas, A small Alter on his dresser held all his old candles and tools for his private practice next to Dresser was a Faint sky blue sheeted twin bed. Off white Curtains covered the only window in the room and in one corner sat a small table with a laptop case on top and a old wood chair next to it that served as his homework desk most of the time. The floor was hardwood but covered by a skimpy rug and as much room as possible was cleared away to give him room for a circle and such. Tossing his Bookbag on the table he sighed and taking the last bite of his sandwich he flopped back on the bed and sighed as he let his eyes drift shut for what he thought would only be a moment. Only when he opened his eyes again instead of a White ceiling he was Greeted by Dark purpish/blue clouds and the faint glow of moonlight. Startled he pushed himself to his feet and paused upon hearing a thud and a clink of metal on the hard rocky surface of a small Bluff he had been laying on. Looking for the source of the sound he found A Small dagger about two-thirds the size of his Forearm which after a bit of examining the runes and symbols set into the metal he concluded was much like the athame he used at home. Next to it half open was a book that was about four inches thick and about the size of a normal phonebook but set in a strangely Black dull Scaley skin hardcover form. Slipping the Ritual dagger into the leather wrist band under his Leather jacket he ran his fingers over the book's extrior for a moment before he picked it up and flipped to the page it was sort of open to and frowned in confusion at the strange gylph like writing. Flipping more towards the front of the book he managed to find a page that he could read.[/FONT] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]" For whomever shalt finds this source of my knowledge I offer them but one hope. For in this land there is a terrible menace greater then any oridinary trouble that might befall you And your only hope is to find the way back to your own world before you too suffer my fate. Your in their world now.. Your in Nightmare.[/FONT] [FONT="Garamond"]It was signed at the bottom in a flowing script in the name of Argeneau Veacelian and the script went from tidy to hardly readable as if it had been scribbled in at a moment of urgentecy or in a terriblemanner to frighten off those who found the book. As the Teen closed the book and tucked it under a arm he spoted a small leather bag not far off moved to retreive it and slipped the book inside. For now he would just call it the book until he could figure out what it was. Looking around he hadn't seen anyone thusfar but who knows when that might change he figured as he set himself off to look around. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  7. Ugamon


    [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkRed"][I]If Human- Name: Samuel Cromwell Age: 15 Gender: Male Occupation: Occult Shop Assistent Personality: Overconfident and Arrogant in his ways but also quiet at the same time Brooding and reserved enough not to let it show like some Emo's. Angry most of the time and Afraid of really only one thing. He might not be as strong mortally as he hoped he was and that other's might see it making him paranoid. Appearance: See attachment Weapons: A Athame (Ritual Dagger) and a Book of Shadows ( Used as a reference guide) Bio: Samuel has always Had a Interest in Death and things that go bump in the night. Perhaps this has to do with his Parental figures untimely death or maybe his aging and Withering Grandmothers influenenal hand. Samuel is by all definations a male witch and an oddity all his own. The first male witch in a line of all females as far back as the thirteenth century. It came to no surprise of anyone that the young man would spawn interest in a place of nightmares and havok as the ultimate way to test himself and his so called magic. The Spell and Ritual completed and as he fell into a deep slumber and the hell that awaited the young witch found out to his horror that the ways of magic did not work the same in Nightmare as they did in the mortal realm. Leaving him in a State of utter horror and reliezation that most teenagers don't relieze till much later. You can die here and there isn't any grand force who will save your behind. Now it's a race against everything to Find the way back and If there is one. One can be sure he will never be the same again.[/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [COLOR="Green"][B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Name:[/FONT][/B] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Creedence "Creed" Silberson[/FONT] [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Age:[/FONT][/B][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]30 (Appearence of a Fifteen year old)[/FONT] [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Race(Dwarf, Elf, Human, ect.):[/FONT][/B][FONT="Palatino Linotype"] Lupine Shapeshifter (Therathrope) *Aka* Lycanthrope[/FONT] [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Side(Empire/Rebel):[/FONT][/B] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Rebel[/FONT] [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Specification(Rider, Necromancer, Tamer):[/FONT][/B][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Scout[/FONT] [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Bio:[/FONT][/B] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Born Deep in the Woodlands and pass the Old and Crumbling Gates of the long forgotten City of Mystreas The Silberson Pack dwelled and Ran free. That was until the Empire came Weilding Man's Fire and Man's Pain torching their Forest home down to cinders. As the Flame Monsters Hunted and killed his pack one by one. The mere Pup at the time Creedence was one of three lucky or in some opinions unlucky ones that survived. Raised to speak only to the tounge of the Old men and Elves or that of the Wolven peoples forced the young orphans to stray away from their planed destinations and into Slavery for a time by the Empire. Enslaved and used as mere beasts of burden the Three Packmates spend many long and grueling years under the Cruel Taskmasters before the Rebel's minor strike led Him and his two breathern to freedom along with a small host of Humans, Elves and Dwarves and several other peoples. They pledged a Blood oath in the Elder language and gave their Lives to their saviors to do as they wished. Ever since that day the three have served the Rebellion with open hearts.[/FONT] [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Appearance:[/FONT][/B] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"] See Below[/FONT] [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Weapons:[/FONT][/B] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"] Fang and Claw[/FONT] [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Personality:[/FONT][/B][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Creedence is both a Soft and kind Hearted person as well as a fiercely Loyal and Reliable Member of any group. He can be suspictious and at times sort of Thick headed and Dumb about some things. His Greatest Weakness is his relience for defense and attack in his Lupine or Garou( Wolven) Form and his truthfulness even if at times it's only half the truth.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. * borrows The former Digimon Queen Ginny's Mod rod and Rips a hole in the fabric of time and space. After pulling something completel out of the rip and then sealing it back up he returns the Mod Rod* Ok.. whatever.. Hell Determination has always been a trait i have seen from Kredion so whatever works for you people. I am not completely unreasonable. Now let me see.. Who can i have for a Digimon.. *evil grin* Oh this could be fun.
  10. He looked stunned as the little Blue monster leaped into Battle. His spirit in this was admirable. But suidical against a opponent many times his size and weight. This was a one sided battle and it didn't favor the little man. As the Blue monster yelled for him to find the others. He Froze for only a second or two before dashing off towards and into the forest the way he had come As Branches and thorns Tore at his Clothing he bitterly cursed himself out for wandering off in this strange land. He had just basically asked for this to happen. He stumbled into the clearing and slipped falling over onto a knee. Skinning it in the process which made his hiss a bit as he pushed himself back to his feet and said in a tumble of quick spoken words that would likely have to be repeated." I went of f to think and then these three weird little Blue purple Tadpoles started talking to me and said something about this guardain and then they got swept away by this wave and this Big Serpent like thing popped out and then Veemon attacked him and i think he's in deep trouble." He took a inhale air trying to catch his breath.
  11. I Know that and it was a point i was sort of counting on.. Many people jokely call it the Empathic Tether which kind of makes sense. Kredion has alot to learn.. and he could from others.. but i think the others might just end up learning a thing or two from him. Caution and overthinking being his normal nature he isn't against physical violence. But refrains from it unless a situation requires it.. or he's just annoyed. Seriously though.. who here would find it funny as heck if he comes running back with a Seadramon on his tail.. heh Maybe it's just my ironic sense of humor. Oh and the way i had seen it was Kredion Looked at Veemon not as in making Eyecontact but just to look at the oddity as it was.. and that sort of sparked his mind into thinking mode. ~Ugamon~
  12. [QUOTE=PyrusDragon;810048 Should my next post have Veemon ready to attack Seadramon or maybe looking for Kredion. Either way is fine, I'm just a bit confused.[/QUOTE] Doing Both would be most beleiveable.. Considering it like a twenty to thirty foot serpent it wouldn't be undisputible to see it through the treetops. However A strategic Hit and Run might not be a bad idea.. hehe Considering this is a Rookie Vs a Champion. Not to mention this Seadramon is really only upset that someone is tresspassing on what he sees as his domain.
  13. [url]http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Digimon_Wiki[/url] Here is a place to look up a few Ideas for Digimon. As for Personalities.. Kredions for example.. He might seem like he is acting tough because of the simple fact being he is a paraniod schizophrenic Thus he can't trust himself much less others. As we go on we will learn more about how this happened and eventually how he fixes it.. Gotta love the digital world Where the shaping of reality is only as frim as our grasp of it and your belief of it. Often he gets annoyed and well scared and manifests it as hate on him and others. He does bottle up emotions and refuses to let himself seem weak because in a way the people outside he feels would pounce on that and use it to in a sense destory him.. Any questions?
  14. OOC; First off Kredion doesn't do worry.. Since i was busy and unable to post however.. I will over look this misguided attempt at his personality.. Oh and second.. Controling another's Character like that is considered a form of God Mod just so ya know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kredion Clenched the odd little device in his hand. His Strange light brown eyes that almost appeared to be a dark yellow Gazed at the fallen Champion level on the ground as if daring the Creature to move. He then flicked his glance over to Veemon and then back to the creature on the ground and gave a grunt as he turned and walked through the foilage behind him. Obviously not caring what the outcome of this was. As he walked away he looked at the device in his hand. Leaves and Branches brushed against his Shoulders and arms as he walked. One even smacked him lightly in the head. Still he walked forward until he came to a small Stream With a large tree of some sorts sitting by the Bank of the stream. He walked over to the tree and Leaned against it's trunk and Slid down until his bum hit the ground and Placed his Elbows on the top of his knees while he held the Digivice in his cupped hand. He looked the device over.. The odd symbols that ran in a weird circle around the Screen. The color, Strange heaviness forsuch a small Object. He even looked at the buttons as he tried to figure them out. A Sudden Splash caught his attention and he saw the ripples in the water Before a stream of water shot out and smacked him in the face. Wiping the water from his face with the back of his hand He growled in annoyence as he pushed himself up using the tree trunk behind him and Shouted. " Who did that!". A trio of Small Bluish- Purple Tadpole like things popped up out of the water and seemed to giggle in a musical voice. The first said." Does it matter?" The second." I think not." The last one. " He should be quiet or he might wake The Lake guardain.." The Second one." Oh yeah you don't want to wake the Lake guardain." The third." No no no.. That is not a good idea." He Looked at them and said." what are you three babbling about And better yet who are you?" The Three digimon looked at each other and seemed to whisper before turning their attention back onto him and said." Otamamon is the name." The voice said in Union.. and Perhaps a wee bit to high.. As a rumbling from upstream was heard. They all looked that way as a Large wave roared down the Stream and the Otamamon gave crys of Surprise as they were Swept away in the current. He backed up as the water splashed on the bank. and the glint of something shiney was seen upstream. As it grew closer a Head of what seemed to be a giant Sea serpent with a large Yellow head and a sharply Contrasted Blue Body and what appeared to be a red Tail. As it thrusted it's head out of the water and pulled itself up to it's full height. Kredion's Digivice gave a Soft glow and a screen Appeared with the following information. Seadramon Champion Level [url]http://images.wikia.com/digimon/images/4/49/Seadramon.jpg[/url] Attacks including Ice Blast, Ice Arrow, Water Breath and Tail Swifter. Seadramon are highly protective of their domains and are rumored to eat anything that falls in the water. They generally Live in lakes, small Seas, Large streams or the Oceans of the Digital world And their hunger for food is only Surpassed by their Agressive nature. That made Kredion Light brown eyed Gaze to shift up and mutter at the Giant sea serpent like digimon." Great.. Just f%^ing Great."
  15. DigiDestined Sign-Up Sheet [B][Name][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Kredion Akima[/COLOR] [B][Age][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]13[/COLOR] [B][Gender][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Male[/COLOR] [B][Appearance][/B] [url]http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi39.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fe200%2Fwallpaperboi%2FMale%2Fskateboarder.jpg&searchTerm=anime%20male&pageOffset=7[/url] [B][Crest] [/B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Memory[/COLOR] [B][Background][/B] [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]Kredion was born into a family of Semi rich parents and a younger brother named Kabu. He Believes that people were always against him after his Family couldn't give a care what happened to him. So he started hanging out with several street gangs that eventually would lead to jacking Cars and motercycles. Unfortunally for him. He and several others got caught. After a few nights in jail his parents finally bailed him out and sent on a two week trip to a boot camp to straighten him out. He recently got back and is now getting back to his life as a normal young teen. [/COLOR][/I]
  16. [COLOR="DarkRed"][I]The winds of time never cease, The angels glory lost and desist, Demon's roaming freely now, Humans crying of mercy aloud, Thus their crys shall be met, By the heart of death.[/I][/COLOR] [I]Paragraph eight of the prophecy of the Prophet Diometras the Demented[/I] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]*Friday Afternoon Afterschool* *Creedence Akimi, Back of Bus 104*[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR="Green"][I][B]The Bus rumbled away from the school nearly on time as always.[/B] Sitting there in the back was Creedence Head leaning back with his eyes closed deep in personal thought. The humm that vibrated through the metal of the bus Vibrated though Creed's Seat but in his own personal view it was kinda relaxing it helped him think.. to retain what he felt was his slipping sanity on days. As the vibratation from the road vibrated the back seat. Kredion felt the mental picture in his head forming.. The one he wanted to Draw.. a Grand grey Spire of Black Glass and thick Purple vines that made the spire look almost like it had viens. Three wispy shapes seemed to be flew around in his head.. and at the Summit of the spire stood a figure it must to have been about three times the size of a man.. a roar of flames and whip lashed out into the air as if gathering attention. The figure extended what seemed to bones from it's back. As they extended the figure leaped off the Spire and as it Fell through the air Fire leaped from the bones and they flapped and instead of contuineing to fall the Figure flew off the three wispy figures just behind it. The Bus hit a pothole and Kredion's Head bashed against the back metal walling of the Bus Breaking his mental imaging. His hand slipped back instictively as his vision swam for a moment. He pulled his hand back as he felt some warm and wet and looked at fingers as they came back into his vision.. He looked at them dumbly for a moment as he mentaly tried to proess his own injury. It seemed unreal to him for a moment and he Felt the bus come to it's first stop. Not expecting it he felt his head yank forward because the dumb drivers way of almost missing the stop. His hand shot forward a Mere second before his head hit the seat and for the breifest moment he swore he saw something other then his hand where it had before it proved to be just something in his head. As he pulled himself back he shook his head. Mentally blaming his "hallucination" on the bashing on his noggin. He was better prepared for the next couple stops. As his head starting to Pound and his head head start to spin. At which he closed his eyes and tried to block it out which only made him vaguely sick to his stomache. When he looked out the window he sort of distantly relieze His stop was next. He numbly grabbed his bag and hoisted it over his shoulder with a grunt. It weighted more then it should. As the Bus came to the next stop he hoisted himself to his feet and started down the asle as his head's pounding grew stronger making him wince.. which in turn Made him properly seeing where he was going quite impossible.. his foot caught on one of the metal Bar's that held the bus seats up. As he triped His body angled slightly and his head came down on the metal bar inside of a bus seat with sicking thud.. He laid their dazed as his forehead a tickle of blood went down his face bleeding from where he had hit his head on the metal bar in the bus seat. His vision narrowed and went black. The last thought before his mind went into the darkness of unconiousness was... [/I][B]Why me?[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"](( As you can see Creed seems to have a greater chance of getting into slight improbable situations..))[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="DarkRed"][I] Whispers from a darker place Hidden stories Throughly based Creatures looking to the sky Where hopes last glimmer will arrive.[/I][/COLOR] [I]Paragraph twelve of the prophecy of the Prophet Diometras the Demented[/I] [FONT="Arial Black"][B][COLOR="Green"]*Friday Afternoon Afterschool* *Creedence Akimi, Back of Bus 104* [/COLOR][/B][/FONT] [COLOR="SeaGreen"] [B]"Why did i ever come to this Godforsaken Island". [/B][I]He thought to himself as he sat in the back of the bus his Bag next to him the on old wornout Materal of the bus seat. His Partial Image staring out back at him as he looked out at the world outside the Bus.[/I] [I]He stared out the window until other kids climbed on the bus.. None of them coming near him.. They seemed to already know better. He was a bit of a troublemaker but mostly he would just ignore them. Some would label him as shy while others who had heard a few outragous rumors that weren't true spread there filthly little lies. His Brown eyed gaze swept over the kids coming on. A few of them would caught his attention but the rest. Were just more high school students he didn't ever plan on speaking to in his life. One of them was in the same Class as him. Yggdrasil was his name he thought.. His eyes lingered on the other Boy for a moment before they shifted back to the window. gazing out at the school before the bus would start to move. He had done most of the extra work during Free period. Not like it was hard or anything just.. Well not worth his time. After a few moments he looked away from the window and leaned back closing his eyes as he pictured in his mind what the next Drawing he would make would look like. Maybe something different this time. He would have to remember to Hide it this time.. after all Old Pastor Thomas didn't like the pictures and on one occasion.. Had found some. He had burned them saying the boy still had a demon in him and the two had spent the next few weeks in serious "prayer" with God.. More like the old man was praying While Creedence took a well hidden snooze. [/I][/COLOR]
  18. It would also help if you didn't call people posting Inferior just because it's less then your own. Such things kinda tend to tick people off.
  19. [B]Name:[/B]Creedence "Kredion" Akimi(Real world) Quietus(Inner Universe) [B]Gender: [/B]Male [B]Age:[/B]15 [B]Real World Appearance: [/B][url] http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi39.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fe200%2Fwallpaperboi%2FMale%2Fskateboarder.jpg&searchTerm=anime%20male&pageOffset=7[/url] As one can see he has a slim build, Spikey brown hair and Eyes and is about 5'6" he weights about 155 pounds. He generally sticks to Black, dark blues or greens for his wardrobe. [B]Year and Class:[/B] Year 10 class 2 [B]Personality:[/B] Kredion is a quiet and Brooding person. His personality varies from time to time and rapidly changes when this happens. Generally Calm and Soften spoken he hides a temper that flares up and Appears to wish everyone to die.. His reasoning is mostly due to his betrayl by everyone in his life at one point so he aviods people in order to keep from repeating it happening again. [B]GPA:[/B] 3.22 thus far making him a solid B's student. Mostly because he doesn't bother with schoolwork unless he has to which means he could do much better then he shows. [B]Character History:[/B] Creedence Aka Kredion was Born in L.A. He spent a few years with both his Mother and Father before His father Cheated on his mother and Ran off with the women he cheated with. His mother in her grief commited Suicide Leaving his Brother and him to Live with his grandmother. However even this did not last very long as his Grandmother died of a heartattack a mere year later. With no other living family he was Forced through Childservices. They tossed him from Foster home to foster home for a number of years before he ran off to St. Angelica.. Only to be caught in the act of Pickpocketing a patron at a local church. The pastor of the chruch not having any family of his own took the young man in and raised him as his own dispite Kredion's past. Whether it was his faith or some belief in mercy it wasn't known but to this day he still lives with the old man. [B]Significant Item:[/B] A nearly Transparent Moss Quartz Crystal.. The "metal" looking fragments in the crystal appear as a Slivery Green and is kept on a Black rawhide string. It was the only thing he has left of his mother. [B]Inner Universe:[/B] Twiliania A universe where Humans are slaves and Spirits manifest freely in the worlds. The Undead, Demons and Monsterous Creatures walk freely among the ruins of a once thriving human paradise. That was before the Great betrayal. Once all life lived Harmonously together.. now it is a kill or be killed world and with no trust to be found. Greater Demons Control the Spirital enieties that in turn control the cities which the slave race humans live in. A few Humans still exist fighting alone with the rogue Mutations that either fight together or Bow before the power of the Demon lords. Fiends and Wraiths flock in the skys and over the surfaces and the once Majestic Advanced techonological Civilization now is used to feed the demon Lords with energy born of Sacrifies to themselves. Humans are a breeding Crop for this purpose and fighting between Lords is not unknown of.. for the Harvest of the Human crop. Aliens have a hand in this as the demons trade them Metals and Jewels for More Humaniod Crops for thier Soul harvesting Machinces. Genetic Maniplation, gladatoral arenas,Deception. Breeding Progarms, Incest,Drug, Rape by Man, Beast and by Greater beings is not unheard of. All of these things make up the universe in which Twiliania is now known for. Still A small hope is given from a Prophets words spoken before the Great betrayal and it is outlawed to even say it under penalty of death. The greatest detail is that the they will come through what is known as the Gate of Destiny.. A Artifact of great power and unknown location. [B]Inner Universe Appearance : [/B][url]http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi203.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faa169%2Fcyberneticlabmouse%2FMale%2FShadowWarriorcopy.jpg&searchTerm=anime%20male&pageOffset=16[/url] Sometimes he will appear in a raggedly clothed form with Glowing Yellow eyes and Tribal marks over his body His left arm hosting a Sliver Metal braclet with a large green Stone set into it. [B]Inner Universe Races : [/B]Humans, Mutations, Genetic Experiments, Shapeshifters, Wraiths, Demons,Zombies, Skeletons, Darker Gods and Goddesses,Immortals, Spirits, Aliens and Many many more. [B]Inner Universe Age:[/B] Since time in his universe passes faster. the ratio being roughly one Real World day for every six of theirs..Kredion/Quietus is ninety years of age.. and yet appears as if thirty
  20. [B]Name:[/B] [COLOR="blue"][I]Kredion Mirriormask[/I][/COLOR] [B]Age:[/B][COLOR="Blue"][I]15[/I][/COLOR] [B]Gender:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][I]Male[/I][/COLOR] [B]Personality:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][i]Kredion's personality changes to mirrior that of whoever he is around at the moment. It's only around a group of people that he might slip up and show his real personality because of the simple fact that mirrioring multiple people tends to be difficult. But say he is around a quiet brooding person he will be cheerful, bubblely and talkitive as he needs to be to fill in the silence. But should he be around a loud or arrogant person he will be quiet and submissive. Controling him is based on how you manage your own personality.[/i][/COLOR] [B]Phase:[/B] [COLOR="blue"][i]Innis Mirage of Deceit[/i] [url]http://www.answers.com/topic/phase-2-jpg-1[/url][/color] [B]Appearence:[/b][I][COLOR="Blue"]Kredion[/I] [url]http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi203.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faa169%2Fcyberneticlabmouse%2FMale%2Fvlcsnap-3433.png&searchTerm=anime%20male&pageOffset=17[/url][/color] [b]Weapons:[/b] [COLOR="Blue"][I]Kredion uses a Bladed staff it's about a five foot pole of a Cherry red liqueor color and a foot and a half long Blade on the end. Kredion calls it Taiomiko. [/I][/COLOR] [b]Biography:[/b] [I][COLOR="blue"] Kredion was thirteen when his father died. The impact of it on his Family led him to try and escape into anything that found his interest. It wasn't long after his father's death when he started playing the World that his older brother left for college and his Mother fell deeper into her work. The three rarely if Ever speak dispite all living in the same house. So Kredion's Obessive behavior about the World goes unchecked. It often appears as if he is on constantly because of the fact his schooling is done at home.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="Teal"][i]I hope this works for you if you need more info let me know.[/i][/COLOR]
  21. [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Gizmo Had followed the rest of the group in watching them Drifting to the mechs that called to them. He wander around for a bit looking at Cain and the Black Panther and mildly hearing what Vulsar said as he looked at the Meerkat. He Kept walking around as he saw Ty and The griffion and then Alta with the Dragon Mech. Turning around he saw Bobby and the White Tiger. He sighed as he Watched them all Seemly drawn to one or another of the mechs. He back up a few steps before he let his shoulder's drop and turned around only to find a Amber colored eye looking at him. He blinked and Looked at the Owner of the eye and gave a low whistle at the Sleek form of the Realistic Falcon Before him. He held a shaky hand out palm first to see if the Mech would let him touch it when the birds head thrusted forward and flipped him up. As he landed on it's Head with a Grunt and a weezing of Air being knocked out of him he Got this Weird feeling it was laughing at him and then something spoke in the back of his head Causing him to feel a sharp pain in his head and he Clutched it for a moment as the words formed in his head. [I][B] So.. What is your name Meatbag?[/B][/I][/COLOR][/FONT] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Navy"]Gar was one of those people who Severely pissed him of so when he spoke Jared just gave him a look and a under the breath comment about Gar's Anceastor's and incest. He looked Back to the Red Tailed hawk that was Scaled up to Larger then possiblely Able proportions. He Walked around the mech Just out of it's Range to attack him and said Snidely. [B]Your mine. Deal with the Fact now and it will be less painful for you later. [/B] He had a cold Cruel look in his eye now and he walked around the bird Confidently as if know that if it came to breaking it's spirit.. He would do whatever it took. He Glanced at the entrance of the Hanger as he took another long Drag off his Saint filled Cigerette and upon seeing Gar again he gave him the finger just to piss the bastard off. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Gizmo shook hishead and said. [B]Walker would need some sort of Stimulient to keep up with Jones[/B]. Grinning he at Bobbies question he said. [B]Aww poor Bobby got left out of the loop?[/B] He shook his head and said. [B]Not a clue.. Just messing with ya man. They called me down here with the rest of ya all for some kinda test. [/B] He leaned in and said.[B] Really though.. I did hear something big went down they are keeping it all hushed due to embrassment that one of the guards slipped up. But haven't heard anything past that. [/B]He sighed and shurged as he said. [B]What It has to do with us i have no Idea.[/B] He grew sly for a second and said.[B]I did hear the other classes didn't make the cut for this however so we better do our best eh? [/B] He glanced over at Ty and Cain who seemed to be talking well rephrase that Ty was talking and Cain was being the silent wall he was. It annoyed Kred to no end and he didn't speak to the man due to feeling it was a useless attempt. He shifted his Gaze to Alta who was butting into Ty's one way conversation with Cain and he sighed as he looked back to Bobby and said.[B] I think personally.. We have about as much chance as anyone else. We only got one thing going for us. How long we have worked together and how we resolve our own internal issues.[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]A thin wisp of smoke hovered over Jared's Head as he exhaled a blessed breath of cigerette smoke. His eye's glanced over the little table in his room and back down to the old fashioned book on he had been writing in for years. He grabbed the whiskey sour next to the open Book as he heard a knock on the door and snarled in annoyence. What the hell do you want? A voice was heard on the other side of the door and it said something about him being Ordered down to the hanger. Giving a groan as he pushed back the chair and flipped the book closed as he placed the cigerette between his teeth and put the whiskey down as he dismissed with a wave of his hand and stood up brushing off any ash residue on his black leather pants. A chain Slapped against his right thigh as he moved to Pull on the standard issue Combat boots and a slight clink from his Light sliver chainlinked shirt was heard as he finished tieing his boots and moved out the door. Moving down the Corrador with a cocky Gant to him. The clink of metal followed him as he walked his Messy Black hair only serving to annoy him more at the moment. turning and walked down the final corrador of the Echo Bases many hallways to the Hanger he pulled out a shiny metal cigerette case and Flicked off his Old one as he pulled out a Saint joint and Slipped it between his pink lips and while he put the cigerette case back he pulled out a book of Matches and struck one Holding it up to the end of the joint Lighting it up. A small feeling of the high slipped into his body and he gave a arrogant smirk as he walked into the hanger. He didn't look up right away as he just strolled in. that was until a he heard a noise that was coming at him and throwing himself back he reliezed something had tried to bite him in two. Doing a tight flip in Mid-air he came down on his feet sliding back a little bit and looked up the Joint still hanging in his mouth. A Beautiful hawk many many times the size of anyone of it's species Was Before him. That sharp eye looking down at him and he smirked as he looked at it. So this is what they called him here for. To choose a mech. He took a quick glanced around and Noticed Ivy By a Feral acting Hyena that Kept snapping at anything that got to close and then Noteing Timothy he rolled his eyes at the kid's Choice. Sure Little Timmy boy would pick the damn Cobra and it looked as if the Gar had found some Eagle like Behemoth. He looked at the hawk and just grinned.. Oh yeah.. He could now understand why he was here. To show these bunch of Moranic Losers how things were done. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. hmm the Very Place that gave him his life again..turns on him.. Oh... This will be ugly for them.. Brimstone anyone? So i got a basic idea of how to apply him.. We shall see if it is the proper way or not..
  24. [COLOR="Blue"]Name: Jared Conners (Aka Jay or Belios) Age:22 Personality: Jared is a Quiet, Observing and will at times be blunt and Cruel to the point it Seems As if he is out to get you personally, He tends to rush into fights leaving him Vulerable to attacks. But generally gets himself out of trouble. He is highly Agressive and has been know to Beat down a Comrade who Cross him or says the wrong thing. Apperance(image if you can please):See below Good/Bad: Bad Mech:Hawk Other(anything else you would like to add about your character): Jared has a Knack for Observing peoples Weaknesses and Playing on them. He also is a heavy Smoker, Alcoholic Whiskey being his Drink of choice and a avid Druggie for some thing called Saint he Claims awakens some deeper level of him and removes inhibatations. He also seems to have some strange connection With Kredion But as to what.. Neither will admit..[/COLOR]
  25. Ugamon

    The Holy Ocean

    [COLOR="SeaGreen"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]When the water Bubble fell from around him Kerrian Coughed and Sputtered out of water from his mouth. His hand went to his head as he took some deep breathes and muttered about being caught off guard.. and not having proper time for a water breathing spell. Drudging out of the pool he felt the water spilling off of him.. and felt compelled to galance into the pool again.. On the bottom of it he noticed a shimmer of light and frowned.. Turning his back to the party he hesitated before he dived back into the pool and After opening his eyes under water he Saw that the Glimmer of light was a small amulet and the chain was wrapped around a Lever.. Swimming up to the amulet he knew he only had another minute of air before he ran out and reached out grabbing the amulet. Pocketing the Amulet he brought his scrawny arms out and grabbed the lever and pulled hard on it. He surfaced and Heard a loud Click and a Grinding of stone on stone as he swam back to the shore.. and Watched the others with Looks of amazement on their face he grabbed his cloak and muttered as he rung it out and then let it go to swing still wet behind him. Placing a hand on Virgil and walked past the group to the Tunnel and spoke a quiet spell as wisps of light gathered around his hand and brighten and unlike last time the light brighten and took a greenish hue before it shone like a one inch sun in the palm of his hand.. Frowning he held it out.. his frown unseen by the others as he quickly replaced it with disgruntled look and said. [B]You Coming or should i proceed alone?[/B] He didn't wait for a response to see what they did. Walking down the Tunnel as he walked the tunnel's walls seemed to light as he passed. glancing at the walls he saw a old script on them and up towards the ceiling there was a indention where the fire was glowing and illumating as he passed.. Clenching his hand on the Ball of Light magick he flung it down the Tunnel letting it's magickal presence illumate the path and as it got out of range it would disperse.. He contuined down the path until he walked into a Room.. A very big room. -e-[/FONT][/COLOR]
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