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Everything posted by Vilearchangemon

  1. Well....sorry guys....been gone for awhile. -------------------------------------------------------- Ed: You can stop now, Al. Put me down. Al jumped at hearing his brother's voice. Al: But you were... Ed smiles. Ed: I only ate a tiny bit of the posion, just enough to make it look real. As soon as you said you didn't trust her I realised something...no one knows who your are out here. Your name is never in the paper or anything. Al put Ed, and looked back at where they had left Jim. Al: Should we go back? Ed: We don't need to...but we are. I want to show these rebels that messing with me is a bad idea. Ed smiles evilly, and Al sighs.
  2. Ed stared out the window of his train car, yawning. He had always hated long train rides, too borring for his taste. Ed: So Al, what are we doing again? Al: Brother I told you three times already... the colonel heard a rumor about an uprising and want's us to look in to it. Ed: That's just like that smug jerk...oh I can see it now. We'll get there it it'll be all goddamn cows. We'll back and he'll play it off as a frickin' lesson. When we get back, remind me to kick his... Ed notice that the train was slowing down. Al: We must be here... Ed just sighes and slowly works his way off of the train, and looks around slowly. He deaftly noticed how small the town was, perfect for hiding. Ed: At least there aren't any cows... ------------- If I may, can I ask the point in the anime this takes place in?
  3. Name: Edward Elric Age: 15 Side: Military Division: State Alchemist Weapon: Alchemy. Ed has the unique skill in which he needs circle to preform alchemy. He just has to clap his hands and flow his alchemic energy through his arms. He is also a master of many kinds of combat, ranging from hand to hand to many weapons. Personality: Ed at times is a very irrational and single minded person. At others he does all he can and thinks things through. He is fiercely loyal to his brother Al, and anybody dear to him. If he is called short in anyway, he freaks out and goes berserk. Bio: Ed's life has always be turbulent. At a young age, his father left his mother, leaving her to raise the two boys. This began Ed and Al's intrest in alchemy. The two devoted much time to there study. Then [I]it[/I] happened. There mother was always sick and soon fell too ill to cure. She died soon after. Ed vowed to bring her back. He and his brother Al prepared to take part in a forrbidden art, [I]Human Alchemy[/I]. They prepared everything, and Ed perfected his formula. Everything was perfect, except them. They falied. If the resulting backlash, Ed last his right arm and left leg, and Al's soul was sealed in a suit of armor. No long after, Ed and Al set out to find a way to get back there bodies, leaving everything behind to look for the fabled Philosopher's Stone. In the following years, Ed became the youngest State Alchemist. He preformed many good deeds, and soon became a hero of the people. He is still looking for the fabled stone, which always seems to be just out of reach. He is determined to find, and fix his mistakes... ----------------- Hope this is okay. :animeswea
  4. Okay, finally it starts. Here's the list of the major towns. Allinuder- A large port city on the Crytinith Ocean. Very prosperous. Maunder- A mining community. Large source of metal. Main provider of gold. Kyripto- A resort town. A main source of entertainment. Moridinth- A dead town killed by the darkness. Evil spirits roam the city. Was once a beautiful place. Close to the Lands Edge. Niviniy- A town in the far North. Temperatures deep into the negatives often. Venna- A large town on the Lands Edge(the last shore before entering the territory of the Darkness). Well known for it?s great warriors. First Line of Defense against the True Darkness. Benithor- A large fortress town. A place were contact with the elements is the strongest. Agrini- A forest community. Well known for vegetation and archers. Cammodor- The center of the Earth(as it is called). The richest city in the world. Best trade. Worst living conditions for the poor, Unless Takuya gets back to me, I will play he villian. [B][SIZE=3]~Start~[/SIZE][/B] Hyuga moved slowly. He picked his feet up and got out of his bed. He had stayed in the least expensive inn in Kyripto. That wasn't saying alot though. He would have to find a job if he planned to stay here any longer. He dressed himself, and put on his belt. Along with his belt came his scimitars, one of the few things he had pride in. He strolled from the room, and made his way to the Common Room. He took a seat in the room. It was quiet, it always was quiet in the morning. He ordered a small breakfast, he was going to need every single penny he could save. he tapped his foot impatiently. He was rritated for some reason. How much had he drank...he felt his head throb. Too much. Hyuga ate quickly. He payed for his food, and stalked out of the [I]Endless Circle[/I] . The sun made his head eat like a drum, but the fresh air helped a little. He rested his hands on the hilts of his dual blades. He liked ths town, so he was [I]going[/I] to find a job.
  5. Okay, sorry about the long wait. I'll start this now. The people in are as follows Dmitri_Dragoon Lexy Retro Takuya Dragons_Bait15 DragonBlood Kikimae The sign ups are still open.
  6. Spydaweb782005 please reread my first post, and fix your sign-up. So far, so good. I may start this later today. Everyone except Spydaweb782005 is in(and you will be if you fix your sign-up). :animesigh
  7. [I][B]Back Story[/B][/I] Long ago, the lands of Earth were technologically fit. They had all they wanted, all they would need. They thought they would have every piece of land then saw to themselves. They thought they would be alone. The One Being, the god of their world, wasn?t finished creating beings o live on the world he spent so long on. He made the humans first, thinking them the pinnacle of his creative power. He then made his weapons, the ones he thought would protect the humans. Dragons. He was wrong. The One Being told the humans of the Dragons coming. He informed them of their cause. That was one of his gravest mistakes. The humans become full of fear. They began to construct weapons, to show the One Being they needed no help. But, the One Being was too occupied to notice the works of the Humans. He finished the Dragons, and set them onto his Earth. The humans began the war with the colossal beasts, in what could be looked at as an accident. Out of terror, the first city to view the Dragons in all of their splendor attacked them. They had made weapons, something the One Being had tried to make unnecessary. He wanted his humans to be peaceful. The humans made them for one reason. They made them to make themselves invincible. They did nothing to the Dragons? Angered by the attack, the dragons fought back. They swept and destroyed the entire city that was foolish enough to strike at them. The rained down fire and ice. Poison gases seeped from the jaws of others. The humans had no way to fight back, so they did all they could. They fled, into the deep caverns of the Earth. The humans prayed to the One Being, asking for help. There was no answer, for the One Being was disgusted with both of his creations. So the humans looked elsewhere for help. Worried about being out done, the One Being gave the humans a gift to match the power of the Dragons. He created a new race, and placed them under the direct service of the humans. The third race was named the Elements. Using the power of the elemental beings given to them, the humans forged weapons of great power to match the dragons. Instead of the projectile firing weapons they made before, they forged more ?primitive? weapons. Made with the power of the elements, the weapons were a milestone in the power of humans. Blades with runes of fire, spears with tips of lightening, and other magical weapons were some of the most fearsome sights ever known. They would fight back?and would win. Not much is known of the war between the humans and dragons, except for the fact that humans still exist, while dragons are no longer seen. The world never quite evolved back to the way it was. Humans began to lose the ability to control the elements, and some devoted their lives to controlling and maintaining their elemental bonds. The weapons of today are the same as those that killed the dragons, without the elemental fortifications. The humans live in cities of stone. And evil runs rampant throughout the human souls. After the war, the One Being turned his back on the humans, who he now considered vile. Hatred grew on him, and he cast it out. The hatred formed and changed in the darkness, it grew, and became the True Darkness, an evil so strong it rivaled the One Being. Soon, the humans lost their purity, Greed hate, and other evils soon took over the humans, And with ever fall of light, a great evil rises. [B][I]The Legend of the Fallen World[/I][/B] A storm will rise, and the darkness will make its move. The great defenders will fulfill their purpose, the world?s splendor will return. Or the end will come? [B][I]The Prophecy Of the Return[/I][/B] There is a legend. The One Being didn?t want to lose all of the work he put into the dragons, and despised the humans for destroying them, even if he was the one who gave them the power to. It states that he took the souls of the lost dragons, and fused it with a human soul. As generations passed, the dragon soul passed with it. It flowed through birth to a new host. Until the time of the return, it would lay dormant. [B][I]Legend of the Rebirth[/I][/B] A storm is growing in the far west, beyond the eyes of men. A great demon, an abomination made in the dark, made in the form of a man. He is massing an army of fallen beings, and is comprising an assault. His has flying ships, great hellspawn, and other unspeakable horrors. The time of the rebirth may be coming?. [I][B]The Dragonborn:[/B][/I] Those who are born with the soul of a dragon are aware of another presence inside of them. Just recently, the dragons have began to awaken. Slowly the dragon will completely fuse with the human, bestowing it's old physical form for use of the human. Only then, can they stand against the darkness... [I][B]Major Towns[/B][/I] Allinuder- A large port city on the Crytinith Ocean. Very prosperous. Maunder- A mining community. Large source of metal. Main provider of gold. Kyripto- A resort town. A main source of entertainment. Moridinth- A dead town killed by the darkness. Evil spirits roam the city. Was once a beautiful place. Close to the Lands Edge. Niviniy- A town in the far North. Temperatures deep into the negatives often. Venna- A large town on the Lands Edge(the last shore before entering the territory of the Darkness). Well known for it?s great warriors. First Line of Defense against the True Darkness. Benithor- A large fortress town. A place were contact with the elements is the strongest. Agrini- A forest community. Well known for vegetation and archers. Cammodor- The center of the Earth(as it is called). The richest city in the world. Best trade. Worst living conditions for the poor, There arew many smaller communities as well. Feel free to make one up if wanted. A long read, I know. Before I begin, a few base line rules. 1. No Goddmodding 2. No putting other people down 3. No killing other P.C(unless specified) As you can guess, this is pretty involved. I spent alot of time on this. So please, let's try and make it good. Sign Ups: [B][I][SIZE=2]Human (All)[/SIZE][/I][/B] Name: (Anything is good) Race: ( Human or Dragonborn, and only a few Dragonborn please): Class: (Just so I have a base idea of your fighting style. Only mages can call for he elemants, but are very feeble.) Age: (Don't go crazy) Description: (Pic would be nice, but if not be precise) Element(Mage Only): (Main elemental focus) Weapon of Choice: (Remember nothing modern,) Magical Speciality(Mage only): (What your best at doing.) Personality: Bio: ( At least a good paragraph.) [SIZE=2][I][B]Dragon[/B][/I][/SIZE](Dragon Born Only) Dragons Name: Description of Dragon: (Pic if possible) Dragon Type: ( The color, and therefor element, of your dragon) Dragons Emergence(Dragonborn only) : (The first thing that changes when the dragons give their power to the humans. Only changes when host calls for the dragons power. Diffrent then full transformation. Only the thing listed changes) Personality of Dragon: (What the dragon is now like.) And now for my sign-up(and an example of how they should look) [SIZE=2][I][B]Human[/B][/I][/SIZE] Name: Hyuga Mortison Race: Dragonborn Class: Swordsman(is profficent with only swords) Age: 22 Descrpition: [url]http://www.animelab.com/anime.manga/fanart/Get Backers/0/20/344/[/url] Weapon of Choice: Twin Scimitars(I think I spelled that right). Engraved on both are: [I]Those who chose to fight, will fill the sting of my bite. May the Dragons ride again.[/I] Personality: Hyuga is person who tries to do what he can. He is quick to anger, and can be hateful. He is a good friend, but trusts few people. Bio: Alone in the world, Hyuga has come to cope with being rejected. He's always know he was diffrent. He could feel the presence of the dragon since his birth. His father told him about the dragon soul, and he came to cherish it. He believed the old legends and was proud of the fact that he would be a savior. Until that very soul destroyed his life. When his dragon awoke, Hyuga experieced esctasy. He had never been so happy. He could feel the power of the beast, and could hear it's voice. But was also greatly saddend. The Darkness was coming. The people of his village began blaming Hyuga for anything that went wrong. Soon, they grew to hate him. Then, in pure hatred, they killed his mother and father, calling them demons for bringing the "Hellborn Dragon" into life. Hyuga lost control of himself, and Hellion made his move. The entire village was ripped to pieces. Hyuga now roams from place to place, looking for a point. He fears for himself everyday. He hears rumors about others like himself. He has set out to find them. He blocks out the thoughts of power, because he has seen how pain that power could bring. [SIZE=2][I][B]Dragon[/B] [/I] [/SIZE] Dragons Name: Hellion Description of Dragon: [url]http://www.backblast.com/dsl/slayers/Draconis.jpg[/url] Element/Dragon Type: Red Dragon(Fire Element) Dragon Emergence: The wings of Hellion pierce Hyuga's back when he calls to him. Personality of Dragon: A creature full of Malice, Hellion is a vengful being who will kill anything that tries to oppose him. He cares for only Hyuga, because he needs him to survive. Okay, so please sign up and we can have some fun. Also, if anyone wants to be the "Villian" PM me. I want to keep him a secret so it's a surprise. Dmitri_Dragoon, Lexy,Retro,Takuya , good job. Your in. I will start this Sunday or Monday(or at the most Tuesday) and will leave the sign-p's open. Very good quality so far people.
  8. [B]Real Name[/B]: Allan'Dan'Mitheren [B]Name they go by now[/B]: Hyuga Mortison [B]Appearance[/B]: [url]http://www.animelab.com/anime.manga/fanart/Get[/url] Backers/0/20/344/ [B]Abilities[/B] : Allan has be boun to a greater hellspawn. His investments have increased his natural senses(including speed and strength. He also has the capibility to drain the very essence from a living body, and consuming the energies of those engulfed. This ability causes Allan to experiance all of the pain the person he consumes. Hyuga knows very little of his demonic investments. He doen't understand his increased abilities, and he knows nothing o his ability to consume souls. [B]Bio[/B]: Allan is a very tortured person. At a young age he witness his mother and two sisters rape, and in a blind fury slaughtered all in the vicinity, including his mother and sisters.His father had been killed years before, leaving him with nowhere to go. This began Allan's desent into the dark. 5 years later he pledged himself to darkness. He gained new power, and soon the name Allan'Dan'Mitheren became a forsaken name whispered only in the dark. He slaughter all who crossed his path. he consumed the souls of entire villages. His mind slowly decayed away. In this time, his personality spilt. The hellspawn Allan'Dan'Mitheren slowly faded away, into who would become Hyuga Mortison. Hyuga slowly began to forgot the atrocities he commited, and socoiety began to rebuilt itself. Allan is still in Hyuga's head, and when hyuga loses himself, the madness seeps in. [B]Personality[/B]: Cold and caculating, Allan would do anything to get what he needs done. He cares not for the life of others or himself, for death to him just another torture waiting for him.Allan has lost all of his mental stability, and is very much a made man. Hyuga is a calm man who takes his time. He likes to be tactical, and is a very good swordsman. he knows of the voice in the back of his head, and it worries him to the brink of insanity. [B]Sample of Character[/B]: Hyuga's body went limp as fury boiled inside of him. He felt himself losing sight, and finally black out. "Well, the bastered wasn't as hard as I thought he was" A bulky man with a blackjack muttered. Hyuga quaked. Allan had awakened. Allan opened his eyes. A dark aura surrounded him, and he ripped the soul of his first attacker from it's body. The thoughts of rape and murder, and being molestied by a father past through Allan has the man's soul energised him. He drew the blade at his side, and went to work on the rest of the infindels surrounding him.... Hyuga awoke ours later, to the choking smell of burning wood and charred flesh. As he looked up, vomit filled him mouth.Blood stained the floor in large puddles, and bodies hung from boards broken from buildings. He let the vomit go. What had he done..... I hope his is good. I also hope it's not too dark.
  9. Name: Kortisan,Hyuga D Codename: Immortal. Rank: Attack leader(the first to run into battle) Serial Number: 5761 D/O/B: January 31, 1981 Special Skill: Hyuga cannot experiance any kind of pain. He is highly skilled in using a Kantana in his right hand and a Desert Eagle(silenced) in his left. Weapon of Choice: A Kantana and his modified Desert Eagle. Notes/Appearance: Hyuga has raven black hair and emerald eyes. He has a crimison scar on his face, and one on his chest. Notes/Personality: Hyuga is very quiet, and takes orders well. He fights like an insane person who has no care for his own personal being. Notes:/Past: At an early age, Hyuga's nerve endings were burned away. It is not know if this was accidental or purposely done. His mother died at child birth, and his father 5 years later. After this, Hyuga lived with his Aunt and Uncle. At age 18, he found his own job and began working for a Software company. 3 years after, he joined the military. After discovering his "ability", he was shipped to FOXHOUND. He has lived and trained at FOXHOUND HQ since that day.
  10. Hyuga swan through the choas, finding a human drawing a claymore, and preparing the charge the illusionist's back. Hyuga made a simple hand gesture and conjured a blade of solid ice. It us a a jagged blade, perfect for an attack. He rushed the man and sword in front of the man. The man's sord was twice the size of Hyuga's, but the man was being pushed back. Hyuga shoved the man, sending him flying back. The man spun and closed the distance between the two quicker the Hyuga could anticipate, and got a free swipe at the Kalmorian. A large gash ran up Hyuga's arm, and he leapt away from the man. A smirk appeared on the man's face. " Giving up already...I though your race was stronger then this". The man let out a laugh, sending Hyuga's temper over the deep end. "You want to see my race's power, so you shall!" Hyuga drew moisture from every possble source. His body erupted in a stream of ice. His body grew to clossual proportions. He was glad he was in a port, or else he would have never found enough moisture to make this form. He body was about twelve feet taller then the man looking up in horror at him. His face was that of a wolf frozen in ice. His massive arm's dangled down down the ground, each ending in a massive claw. His legs were equaly massive. He stomped toward the terrified man, and took one of his massive clawed fingers and drove it through the man's upper body. Blood splatter up the claw, and the man was just a mangled corspe now. Hyuga became human again. He collasped on the ground.He was an idiot, summoning the power to make himself into the beast may have made him useless against the being. He was so tired now, he should have just takin his Kalmorian form, not his own created form. He turned to look at the remaining part of the battle. ---------------------------- Ok, just so I don't seem like I'm goddmoding, that form is almost impossible to reach unless by a large body of water. Also it takes all of Hyuga's energy, rendering him helpless. He recovers quickly, but his ice abilities are icrediable hindered, and he can't take his Kalmorian for without a night of sleep.
  11. "I too am here for the being's arrival", Hygua said looking down to the ground. "Not because of any need for intelligance on my part. I could care less about how many forms it can take, or what they do. If it wants to destroy, it will have to get through me first" Hyuga finished "Us" Anzunden said looking dead at Hyuga. While, he didn't let it show, Hyuga was frightened. So close to flame, a man who with a simply flick could wound Hyuga to point of no return. He swollowed hard, for the first time in awhile. "Yes us, even if means I have to work along side you, Anzunden. I will to protect this city." Hyuga's eyes met Anzunden, and the air seemed to freeze. Hyuga and Anzunden nodded, in agreement. Hyuga had gotten past his fear or the time being, he worried no more.
  12. Hyuga marched closer to the city of Vanduo, and his pace quickened. he hated the sun....he hated heat in general. The air was unsually dry, and that annoyed Hyuga even more. As he neared the city, he felt a ping of worry. [I]Anzunden[/I] was near. He could feel it in the air. The heat around the city finally made sense. He disliked Anzunden, not because of who he was, but because he was the very essence of fire. In all truth, he was afraid of him. He keep moving though. If the rumors were true, he would need Hyuga's help. Hyuga walked through the barren town, and found no sign of his fellow Kalmorian, until he felt a wrap of heat, and looked to the center. Three humans, two Therosaons, and a Raslomaon( i believe that's right). He had found his fellow Kalmorians, he could fell it. He moved and prepared to face Anzunden, and hoped the incoming find with the Being would make him forget the heat.... ------ I hope this is okay for a first post. Tell me if you would like anything changed Takuya
  13. One of the better RPG's I've seen in awhile. Nice idea. Name: Hyuga Niratti Gender: Male Race: Kalmorian Age: 234 Alternate form: Human Element: Ice Appreance: (while human) He has light blue hair(like the color of ice.) and eyes the color of his hair. Has arcane tatoos covering his body (like the ones on the guy in this pic [url]http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/rpg/fable/screens.html?page=90[/url] ) Abilities: He can lower the tempature of any area with moisture in the air to "deep freeze" levels.(i.e lethal to anything breathing.) Has a large resitiance to water attacks but is very weak to fire attacks. Can summon any amount of ice from the smallest amount of moisture and can form them into thousands of shapes(like a sword, flowers etc.) Hope this is okay.
  14. Name: Hyuga Shizu Age: 28 Gender: Male Islanders or Chaos: Choas Dragon: Shadowbane [url]http://www.saberfire.com/dragons/archivelow/048.jpg[/url] Weapon(if you choose chaos): A giant blade that has the power to destroy with a sigle slice(if used to it's full extent which is extremly hard, pictured), has the power of telekenisis. He also has claws. Personality: He is very cold and calculating. He is loyal only to his master and will betray overs if needed to get closer to his supreme ruler. Biography: Hyuga's life began as a damned man. He was born as a demon and was in a constant power struggle with his father. His father had a mighty blade, which Hyuga couldn't defeat. One day, his father went into hiding so he could sleep. Hyuga found, took up his blade, and jammed it through his father's heart. He had one, and he was the only one still alive from his family. He set out. On his journey, he climbed a moutain to find it was a dragon's nest. He drew his father's blade and killed many dragons. Only one remained, it was a great black dragon. Instead of fighting him, the dragon spoke to Hyuga. It said to him. [I]Great demon, I am not your enemy. I can be an ally. I can give you so much if you free me.[/I] Hyuga replied with " I have no reson to trust you" [I]Now you do...[/I] Hyuga's head pounded, and felt like it was going to burst. When the pain ended he looked at the dragon with fury in his eyes. [I]I have given you the power of telekenisis. Free me and we will be unstoppable.[/I] Hyuga broke the chains that held the beast, and mounted him. They flew off, and found a man had conquered most damned, and Hyuga saw the possiblities joining with him held.Danyal saw the potenial in the man, and Hyuga has been one of his finest soliders since. Here he is [url]http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Inu%20Yasha&p=79&frpg=4&f=#pic[/url]
  15. I've decided to redo the story now that halo 2 is out. This will pick up after Halo 2. Note-For those who didn't beat the game(both the first and Halo 2), their are spoilers, and some for the books. *Massive Spoilers from all of the Halo Series* [I]Earth. The most important thing the humans have left. Had left. The remaining forces of the Brutes, Drones, Jackels, and the Prophet of Truth ransack earth. An uneasy alliance between the Elites, grunts, Hunters, and Humans has been formed. The Prophet of Truth must not find the "Ark". This "Ark" can activate the super weapons known as Halos all at once. This is a result of a failsafe protacool because of the emergancy deactivation of Delta Halo. Miranda Keys stopped this halo from being fired, and the Arbiter elimanted the Brute cheiften. The flood runs rampant, and may find a way to earth. And at the center of conflict, only two man stand to stop. One will perish, and the other doesn't know he will become a hero. Enter Master Chief. [/I] Solider: Sir, an unidentified ship just enetered our space. Lord Hood: Is it one of our's? Solider: No sir. Lord Hood: Blow it out of the sky. MC: This is Spartan 117. Lord Hood: Isolete that signal. Master Chief, you mind telling me what your doing on that ship? MC: Sir, ending this fight. Lord Hood: Well, lucky for us, you won't be alone. Those basterds at ONI have been keeping a mighy good source of help a secret from us all. Seem's your not the last Spartan left. MC: You mean, they trained Spartan's and haven't told us about it? Lord Hood: Best way to make sure the Covenent don't find em. MC: When will they reach Earth? Lord Hood; Their already here. MC: Good, we still have a chance. Lord Hood: Master Chief, where's Cortana? [I]The thought dawned on him. Cortana was still on Halo. With the beast who controls the flood. Gravemind. The flood knew were earth was. Gravity hit the ship, and Master Chief knew he was going to land soon.[/I] Mc: Sir, I'll explain later. I have to finish this war. Lord Hood: Give em hell son. The Spartan III will met with you when you land. Good lu.... [I]The signal cut out. Master Chief tried to look to the sky, but couldn't find an opening to peer out of. Spartan III's. They had one hell of a good shot at winning now.[/I] Okay there will be a number of roles you could play. I will take no more then 7 Spartans though, and any one last may make it in if they make a good character. You may also sign up as a Brute or Elite. Note that the elites have sided with the humans. The sign up is as follows: Name: Age: Race: (Human or Covenant) Class: (For Humans-Marine, or Spartan units. The Covenant- Elites, Brutes(you can play a grunt or jackel as a side character as they will more they likley die) ) Personality: Bio: Perfered Weapon: ( the weapon your best with) Specialty: (what your best at i.e a sniper or demolitions expert) I will play as Master hief and the leader of the Spartan III's Name: John "Master Chief" Age: 41 Race: Human Class: Spartan Personality: Master Chief is a man of few words. He is a master at combat and while he doesn't show it it, he worries much about his team. Bio:Conception - Age 6: He was observed, along with many others, by the military to determine whether or not he had the qualities they were looking for in the Spartan II program candidates. After it was determined that he did possess these qualities, he was kidnapped by the military at the age of 6. The military replaced him with a clone, so his parents were none the wiser. Age 6 - Age 13: After being kidnapped, the Master Chief entered a combination boot camp/boarding school, where he was trained to be a soldier and taught all about ground warfare tactics. This training was supplemented with challenging and often sadistic field exercises. Age 14: Almost immediately after entering puberty, all Spartan II candidates underwent heavy modification, including: A: Carbide ceramic bone grafting B: Muscular enhancement injections C: Increased blood flow to the eyes, enhancing vision D: Nervous system alteration to enhance reflexes and intelligence 33 Spartan II candidates lived through and adapted 12 Spartan II candidates were severely crippled by side effects 40 Spartan II candidates died in the process Eight months later the spartan candidates are considered successful, and are introduced to the Mjolnir powered armor, which originally has no shielding nor any interface for an AI. Due to it's design, it can only be safely used by enhanced humans. Age 41: The Sigma Octanus conflict occurs. The AI construct Cortana receives and secretly decodes a covenent transmission from the second battle. This transmission is translated into a set of coordinates that Cortana keeps secret. These coordinates outline the location of Halo. After the Sigma Octanus conflict, the Covenant attacks Reach, successfully destroying the Naval shipyards. During the battle of Reach, all of the spartans are sent planetside to stop the covenant except for the master chief. The Spartans are overrun, the battle is badly lost, and Captain Keyes flees to a random point in space to keep the aliens from tracking them back to earth. The shipboard AI, however, has other plans. Instead of choosing random coordinates, Cortana substitutes the coordinates captured from the second battle, and the pillar of Autumn finds Halo. A veteran Spartan, the Master Chief becomes the sole surviving original member of the first Spartan II project - Age 41. Master Chief Discover's halo, the flood, and destroyed the super weapon know as Halo. he makes his way back to Earth. He defends it from a light assult and is taken to Delta Halo. There he kills the prophet of Regret, and mets the lord of the flood. he escapes this Halo, but he leaves behind Cortana Perfered Weapon: He is good with any weapon, but prefers a battle rifle or smg. He also tends to favor shotguns Specialty: Combat Commander And now my Spartan III Name: Hyuga Mortison Age: 32 Race: Human Class: Spartan Personality: Hyuga is a warm hearted man to his squad, but is cold and unremorseful on the battlefield. Thier he feels no pity. Bio: Hyuga was a special Spartan. He didn't need to be kidnapped. He was alone in the world. His family had been on one of the first planets destroyed by the Convenet. he had been on a visit to his uncle on earth when his family was slaughtered. He started training at age 8, and finished just in time to help defend Earth. He was chosen to lead the attack of the Spartan III because of his willingness to fight and his ability to adapt to each other memebers. He was truley the only choice. Hyuga was given a special adrenial upgrade. Codenamed " Beserker", this throws Hyuga in a furry of animalistic rage. Hyuga's primal instincts are so strong during this, his brained can't manage to fire a gun. He relies on his hands and his blade to slaughter. This mode is extremely dangerous and should only be used in the most dire of situations. Perfered Weapon: Energy sword or Battle rifle. He has a replica of a energy sword built into his armor. Specialty: Battle Commander Please sign up and have fun. Their are still six Spartans left open.
  16. Name: Hyuga Shusuja Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Has very messy black hair, about medium length. Has very dark brown eyes, has a deep scare running down his face. usaullay weas black jeans with a black cloak covering the rest of his body. Glyph: Death Glyph Appearance: http://www.holisticshop.co.uk/GeneratedProducts/JEPSTP517.asp(only the symbol on the stone at the top, nothing else) Glyph Appearance Location: On his back Personality: Cold and very silent. In battle he is extremly violent and fierce. He shows no compasion, except to those who he choses to let in. Those who pis* him off are as good as dead. Bio: Hyuga's parents were killed when he as kinapped, and the bonding of his rune erased most of his memory. he has many dreams of his family and can tell his father was a master of some type of majik, and his mother was a scientist. He has no clue what happened to his brother and sister. He blames himself for the death of his parents and his ammnesia, but it seems like his memory is slowly returning. Weapon: A large sword that has many runes carved in to it. It is black as night and said to suck out the souls of it's prey. It's names is Mournblade( a cookie who knows what this is from). His cloak is also a weapon. it is basically alive. It contains the soul of a mighty demon, who Hyuga can use for his biding. Majik/Special Attack: (Majik) Feast for the Damned- Hyuga opens his cloak to revel the giant mouth of his demon. It sucks enemy's towards it and snapes them in it's giant teeth. (majik)The Essence of Death- Hyuga summons a small amount of the essence of death. He wraps it around the victem, who them has tortured screams flowing through his head, and intense agony always flowing through him. it can be lethal, and makes a good torture device. (Majik I guess) The Great Demon- Hyuga undos the runes seal his cloak, and the giant demon lord is summoned. It resembles a giant man in deep blood red armor. He has a giant scyth and blood soaked ax. It also has sharp claws. The only control Hyuga has is the fact that one word would seal him again. Hyuga rarley uses this move out of fear. (majik/Special) Damnnation- Hyuga summons a wave of the essence of death. He covers himself in this, and charges the foes. As he nears, the essence cripples the enemys, and Hyuga draws his sword.The wave consumes this, and he glides between each foe, sending them into eternal torture, never to go to heaven or hell. Hyuga rarley uses this because when he is in the blanket of death, he always hears cries of pain, torment and agony. Transformation: [url]http://www.fablefrance.com/albion_heros_ash.php[/url] (the picture is my trans) Transfromation Weapon: A giant sword with black flames covering it.(shown is pic) Nightmare Attack: Flood of the Angony Hyuga channals the very essence of death, combined with souls of the dead, into an explosion of nuclear proportions.
  17. Well, mine may be dorker than cool, but I thought it was awsome. A few nights ago me and a few buddies decided to make a game on halo with the kill limit set to the max(can't remeber what but it was alot). So we played for about 5 hours strait since most of my friends are chickens and like to snipe. We stayed pretty close, within about 3 of each other. But I fell behind and my other friends were one or two away from winning and I needed 5. So I picked up a rocket launcher and noticed my friend in a warthog about to come under me. I waited and jumped down, landing on the top of the warthog, and bashed him. He died and I saw my other friend running at me, so i took out my sniper and picked him and my other friend off. So I hop in the hog and go to get health at a base, but two of friends respawned at my base and were shooting each other. They didn't see me and I rran them down.It was so funy because my one friend needed only one to win and he had my other friend down to about one shot when I ran him over. He pissed at me for about 3 weeks. And then their was time I got a 350 combo Ninja gaiden with the Vigorian Flails.
  18. Shiro kicked another gun from a human when he heard a horrfing roar around a corner. shiro noticed both Leon and david were gone and fear for them hit him. "Jubilee come on!" He shouted as he grabbed her and Jim and ran toward the roar. He rounded the corner and stoped dead in his tracks. For the first time in a long time he was afraid. he then noticed Leon running towards them, away from the beast. Shiro stoped and quikly asked " What is that thing!" leon, scared out of his mind, let out ' I think...I think it's David" Shiro was now even more scared." Leon get Jubilee and this other guy out of here", Shiro said as he stepped forward. "What about you!?" Jubille quivered. " I'm going to fight it. NOW RUN!!!!!!!!!" Leon,Jubilee, and Jim took off in a mad dash, but heard another horrible roar on their way out. Shiro let himself go. He floated into darkness and felt his humanity die. Outside his mind his body rippled. His fingernails grew to razor like claws. His teeth also became razors. His eyes were blood red, and seemed to show no soul. His hair fell to almost the floor. he had lost this fight with his beast. The two giant beasts stared right at each other, and then Shiro's bloodlust kick in and he charged the beast........
  19. Shiro had lost David before he could speak to him. He had checked out the video game stores, but nothing new was in so he keep walking.he was getting bored and was going to find Storm, but thats when he heard gunshots.he ran as fast as he could to the point of the fire. When he got there, he noticed David and Jubilee, and a teen pined under the point of a gun. Then Shiro noticed who the people were, FOH. The muntant, as Shiro assumed, looked scared to death and the mn prepared to fire again. Shiro hurried to find anything to try and knock he gun from the man's hand. Much to his luck, they were right in front of body fitness store. he picked up a 10 pound weight and chucked it at the man. it hit square in the side of his large head. Shiro then hid himself, trying not to be found. The FOH dissappeared and so did the mutant and the crowd.
  20. Name : Shiro Uzuki Age : 35 Gender : Male Group : Segomari Ronins Rank in group : Leader Fighting style : Insei Kiba Ryu ( Meteor Fang Style) This is his own created style that is made up of mostly strong downward strikes. he has been know to cleave a body in half with one attack. Weapons : Kakka Eimin ( Burning Death or Eternal Sleep) A long kantana that has a flowing dragon carved into it. the dragon is red and is said to be colored in the blood of those slain by him. It is almost always on fire in battle( see abilities) Dokuga: Posion tipped kunais. He also has 5 knives hidden up his sleeves in case he gets disarmed. Abilities : He has a knack to create flamable substances, which he covers his sword in to increase his power. He has improve muscle mass and balance, making him stronger and and harder to knock off balance and out of his stance. His body has also found away to block most outward forces on his body, such as sickness poision and any attempts at his mind. Description : He has long black hair and deep green eyes. He has a deep red cross scare on his right cheek. His outfit is mostly a black robe and short red pants. Personality: He is cold ruthless bastard in a nut shell. he cares for no one and doesn't expect care from others. Bio : Shiro used to be one of the greatest Samarui is history. He fought bravly and proudly for his lord. His blade struck fear into all who apposed him,and he showed no mercy on the battlefield. But soon he started to hate is lord. Shiro thought he should be the master, because of his better skills. He plotted to kill the lord, but he found out somehow and placed a bounty on Shiro. Shiro fled. On Shiro's exodus, he ran into many people. First, he met a shaman who taught him how to make flaming substances to make him stronger. He then trained with a great warrior, increasing his muscle mass and balance. After the warrior died Shiro continued on his journey and found an old psychic who trained him and his body to repel outward forcess. Shiro then met other Ronin and started and legion of those who have no master. He then learned of the mighty blade Izayuai. With it he would slay his old lord.
  21. Xavier had helped Shiro control the beast, and he was beat now. he gained control and had to hurry to train with Cyclops, but almost lost control again, so xavier made him stay in his room to gain control. he needed something to take his mind off the anger. That's when Storm came into his room."How are you", she asked him. He had always like Storm. She and the other X-men were so cool, that's one reason he stayed. he wanted to be a menmber of the X-men." better, I just need to do some thing to clear my head." He looked up at her and she asked " Would you like to come with me and Jublilee to the mall" A smile lite up Shiro's face. Storm got up and headed towards the garage. Shiro hurried to get ready and ran down the hall. Rounding a corner, he saw another student heading towards the garage. Shiro tried to remember his name and themn it came to him. He was David and that was almost all Shiro knew of him. So Shiro hurried up. This might help him clear his mind.
  22. Shiro, who was in his social studies class, dozed for the seventh time. This school was starting to bore him. But he had to stay,for it might be the only way for him to learn to control himself. Still, he would have to talk to Xavier about these classes. Sometimes these people made him so angry..... He felt it for the first time in awhile. The nawwing killing sensation trying to break free. The blood lust. he shot up out of his seat and ran to the bathroom. He splash his face with cool water and tried to regain control. he had lost it. Over a folish thought he had let himself slip. He screwed himself. He ran to Xavier hopping for help. Any help to control the beast.
  23. Shiro rubbed his eyes. He forced himself to move. it was almost tme for his first class. His roomate, Bobby Drake was also just waking. As Shiro ran for the shower, Bobby froze his feet to the ground. Bobby: Mine first But,using his advanced leg muscles, broke the thin ice and ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Shiro: No!!!MINE!!!! They both laughed and Shiro took a fast shower. Boddy then occupied the shower. Shiro got dressed and then left for breakfast. His life had been good her recently. he made a lot of friends. The ranged from Bobby Drake to Kitty Pride. He was actually happy for the first time in 12 years. He was also finally thought and hope he had control. He slide down te rail of the stairs and grabbed a seat next to Kitty. Life for him was finally shaping up.
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