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Everything posted by Vilearchangemon

  1. Name: Shiro Uzuki Age: 17 Gender: Male Elemental Key: The Earth Key Description: Shiro has medium lenght silver hair and deep blue eyes. His outfit is always changing, but he mostly wears black jeans and a blue shirt that has some sort of design on it. His favorite attire is black jean shorts that cover his knees and a blue shirt with a silver dragon cover the left shoulder. Bio: Shiro grew up with three older sisters. Since he was the youngest he mostly keep to himself. Shiro and his father were best friends. They were inseperable. Shiro was hit hard when his father was diagnosed with Hepititus C when he was 8. His father lived for 5 more years, only to die 14 days after his 46 birthday. This was perhapes Shiro's greatest challenge in life. He shielded himself and his emotions. He never let himself cry infront of anyone. At 15, Shiro hate all of his family for reasons even he doesn't know. When he found out about Antares High, he saw it as a way to get away from his family. he still hides his emotions, so he seems cold and sometimes heartless. Shiro is almost always angry at himself for, at least what he belives,failing his father. Sorry about the mix up.
  2. I hope i can edit mine alot. I thought up a better power. ;) Name: Shiro Uzuki Age: 23 Code-Name: Primal Mutation/Powers: Most humans don't even know about the animalistic side of their brain. Shiro knows of it and can always sense it.Clawing and bitting, Shiro can embrace it. It takes him over, causeing him to lose control of himself. His teeth sharpen, his eyes glow red, and his finger nails become claws. He bulks up and gains superhuman speed and jumping abilities, in exchange for his humanity. he knows only one thing. Killing his enemy. He has had to train him self extremely to hold back his power, so his normal abilities are a bit greater then a normal humans. Side: Xavier Description: Medium Silver hair and cold blue eyes. Personality: Cold and cunning while using his power, Shiro is normaly a nice guy that will help when asked of him. Nationality: Japan Bio: Shiro grew up alone. he had no friends, and his mother died at birth.His father did the best he could, some times having to resort to working for gangs for money. Shiro loved his father with all his heart. But when his father quit working for the gang called the Black Stars, they hunted him down. Shiro, only being 12, hide as his father fought for him. After his father was gunned down, Shiro lost himself. This was when he tapped his animalistic side. He ripped all the gang to shreds and splattered them all over town. When he come to, his town was in flames. He ran and hide in the mountains. Shiro was in hiding for ten years. This is when he trained himself. He took control of his emotions and worked on his physical abilities. He took up the art of the sword, to try to find something to replace the animal inside.He never could, and when he was 22 he moved to the US to seek out the help of Charles Xavier to see if he could help him contol his mind. Charles found no way, so Shiro joined the X-men so Charles could continue to study him. A year has passed since then.
  3. Name: Galdor Helyanwë (the elvish form of Shiro Uzuki) Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Elf Class: Ranger Weapons: An Eleven longbow and Twin Blades(if okay,if not then just the twin blades.) http://www.weaponmasters.com/index.html?ID=d6d6eae8f18e16d486eda4e26486061f&FDX=&FMAX=&SORT=&ITEM=WM-2177&LOCATION=PHOTOS(those are what the blades look like.) Appearence: He has long flowing greenish silver hair and deep green eyes.He wears his bow and quiver on his back.When not in battle, he wears blueish green breeches and dark green boots.He also weras a light slver shirt with designs in gold scattered across it.When going to battle, he dones light chain mail and mithril gauntlets and leggings, so his sspeed does not suffer. He also wears a light breastplate. Bio: Glador was the son of an elvish hero whose name is not spoken. His father was a great bow and swordsman. This is were Galdor got his skill from.Galdor loved his dad very much,but more so his caring mother.His father began teaching him combat at age nine. He toke up blades quickly, and bows gave him little trouble. That is when his father gave him his longbow. Galdor cherished the bow and learned to shoot up to three arrows at one time. When Galdor learned that,his fathered passed on his blades. Galdor was an enamor of his fathers blades and cherished them more than his bow. When word spread of the usealing of the Lord of Chaos, Galdors father wanted to take war to him before he could attack. The elves disowned him because of this, because they didn't like to start wars, only fight if one is brought on them. After this, Galdor set out to find his father and find a way to destroy this Lord of Choas. I hope this is okay.
  4. Shiro closed his eyes and took a deep breath.The dead were apon him.He charge forward and slamed his blade through the first and spun slicing the next. The third fell with a shattering kick.A spinning attack destroyed the next four. The bones pilled on the four. Kazuma: Now!!!!! Shiro: Basuta Giri!!!!!!!! Shiro rushed and span,slicing the skeletons to little tiny bits.Shiro slashed at the ground as the blade and Kazuma seperated.Shiro sat back,tired.That was the twentith batch of undead. Tira,his wife(unwillingly saddly), was a Doa-shi,or a corpse dancer that could summon legions of undead.The perfect training method. She worked him into the ground. And he could sense her summoning more. Shiro: Kazuma let's Integrate and use the Kaze no Yaiba. Kazuma nodded again. He smiled. Now Shiro was thinking of intelligent strategies. The ability to use wind and Kazuma hoped the lifeless bones as weapons. Yes, that will be wise. Shiro: Now!!!!!Integration!!!!! Kazuma turned into a spirit flame and fused himself with Shiro.The two were one and the same.Shiro began using hand symbols, and Kazuma finished them. Two minds in one body. Shiro: Kaze no Yaiba!!!! The wind picked up and Shiro and Kuzuma help their poses.The bones floated into the air and began spinning at extreme speeds. Twenty undead marched this time. The last wave, Shiro knew.The wind howled and the sky was filled with more bones. Shiro had beaten Tira's training.
  5. Okay, finally we start. [I]Things come and go,and some things stay.One can't be certain on what the new day holds.Their aren't many things you can control,if their are any.Those that you can you must take advantage of.If you don't, you have failed.[/I] Those words echoed through Shiro's head again. His brothers finally words before he became ill. Shiro hated it. the pressure always got to him and he knew it would now.Their was no hiding his worry. The most important event of his life,only a few short months away.His head ached from all the thoughts going through his head now. He hated that too.Finally he took a deep breath and stood,looking at Kazuma. Shiro: Ready?! Kazuma nodded in silent approval.He was worried too. Was he too rusty to serve his master. He hoped not.He couldn't take it if he wasn't.That fear clawed at him. The fear of failing. Shiro: Into the Wakasashi!!!! Shiro leaped,as did Kazuma,and they collided.When the two appeared again,the long glowing blade appeared. The face of kazuma appeared on the blade.It was amazing. But it wasn't just for show. A rubbling sounded the dance of the dead behind him. Shiro: Tira made about ten this time.twice as many as before! He had no time to panick though. Skeletons charged at him,and Shiro took the stace know to all as the "Exucutioners Dance", Kazuma's famous stance.Shiro's blade extened outward,balanced by his left arm.He awaited for the dead. ----------------------------------------------------------- Just to clear a few things up. Tira is Shiro's wife and this is a few months before the start of the tournement. Have fun!!!!
  6. Sorry for not posting in awhile. I've had a very rough past month, but I'm going to start this now. By the way,G/S/B Master over soul is when a Shaman fuses his or her gosht with a symbol of the ghost,like a sword of tiger claw.This grants the Shaman greater abilitays and more specilized fighting.
  7. Okay,I'll try a new rpg.This Shaman King is set 500 years after Yoh's (also if I make a mistake please be kind,I know very little of the late part of Shaman King.) [SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy]Story[/SIZE][/COLOR] 499 years after Yoh Asuakura won the Shaman King Tournement, diaster struck the earth.Yoh was unable to save the earth from crisis.The people's of the earth fell into a deep state of fear.Since then Yoh or Anna have never been seen. The economic state of the nations fell dramatically.Wars torn the world.Soon,the world fell in darkness.Unable to pull itself the world gave in.technology moved backwards and it seen the world would die.But now that a new tournement will begin soon,There may be hope left for humans............ [SIZE=3][COLOR=SeaGreen]Rules[/SIZE=][/COLOR] 1.No God modding please 2.No QUITTING 3.Must be having fun ;) [SIZE=3][COLOR=Lime]Sign-Ups[/SIZE][/COLOR] Shaman Name: Be creative. Age : Must be older than 14 Description: Once again be creative. Personallity: Bio; Not to many sob stories okay thank you. Fighting style; Like Over Soul or Intergration Ghost Name: Bio: Personallity: Both; Main Weapons: Side Weapons: Techniques: List a few(3) basic one and you can make up more later(like a real shaman) Here's mine: Name: Shiro Uzuki Age : 18 Description: Spike silver hair with emerald eyes.He wears black jeans with a blue loose shirt with dragon designs on it.The designs are gold and silver. Personallity: Very bright and cool with friends but when it comes to battles he is cold and relentless,showing no mercy or kindness no matter what. Bio; Shiro was not origanlly going to fight but his brother Tornoth.But a year before now,Tornonoth fell grvely ill, Meaning Shiro had to take his place.Shiro had no ghost but soon found one in a ninja burial site.He has been worked off his lazy butt and was assingned to marriage to a very strict Wife.Ouch.... Fighting style; Mostly Over Soul, but some Intergration Ghost Name: Kuzuma "The Exacutioner" Cylona Bio: A very ruthless killer who claimed his nickname by never letting any one who seen or were involved in his assainations lived.One the police hunted him down and in a group attack killed him.His legacy lived for ever and even after a few thousand years he is still feared.He has had time to think about his life and may have changed. Personallity: When it comes to battles he is cold and relentless,showing no mercy or kindness no matter what,fitting shiro like a glove. Outside of battle now he is kind and a little friendly to some people close to Shiro, and very friendlly to Shiro for helping him. Both Main Weapons: There main wepons are a long wakasashi with a golden dragon carved on it and a giant throwing star, Side Weapons: Throwing Stars, Kunai and a small dagger. Techniques: Basuta Giri(Buster Slash) A simple dashing slash with the Wakisashi. Kaze no Yaiba(Wind Blade) A Jutsu which allows them to freely control super sonic sound waves and air pressure. Soufuushasen no Tachi(Widmill Triple Blades) A skill which anables Shiro and Kuzuma to spinn their giant throwing star so fast it makes it look like three when thrown,to confuse the enemy. Have fun.
  8. Shiro flew threw space, towards ASR.He had just been called for help,mostly because of the warship that had been reported to penetrate the false sky, and a renagede JECHTcom seen in the area.As he reached the ASR, a flash of horror flowed over him.The warship had already reach the coloney,and had peirced it's sky. Now anger flowed threw him. Shiro: Wing,deploy my blade. A picture showed on the screen, a diagram of the sword deploying.The sword flew from the wings of Onimorph.It was a majestic silver blade with runic carvings on the blade. As soon as the JECHTcom grasp the blade, a blueish-green flame flew around it.He flew over the warship,lowering his sword to leave a deep gash along the ship.Shiro herad a siren rang out, and seven mechs flew from the docks. Four came for him,and the others flew to the coloney.The JECHTcoms opened fire on him,but he dodged them all. Shiro: Wing, Spray Cannons Wing: Yes sir. Shiro rabidly shot blasts into the crowd of JECHTcoms,ripping them shreds. That's when Shiro noticed the rouge JECHTcom ripping threw his enemies...............
  9. I hope this is okay ---------------------- Name: Shiro Uzuki Age: 21 Description: Shiro has deep blue hair that is spiked. he has emerald eyes. He has a scare running down his left arm. He has a medium build.he wears a black shirt that has NO MERCY written acroos it in silver. He also wears blue jeans with a silver dragon running down the right leg. Personality: He is very cold, and never sure of himself. When he's around people he speaks very little and when he's alone he questions himself. Bio : Shiro grew up a peaceful life on earth. His father was scientist,one working on the JECTHcom project.He still got to see his dad alot.Fast forward a few years and you reach the last week. A warrent was put out for the capture of Yamiko Uzuki(the dad). Before he was capture, Yamiko told Shiro the location of one of the strogest weapons, Onimorph. As he was caught he shouted there words to his son "[B]Kill theses ungratful earth forces!!!!!!!!!!![/B]". Shiro found the weapon and vowed to destroy all the earth forces himself,but then the revalotion started. He joined it,and prayed for his dad's safety. Side: AS-Revolution Location: ASR JECHTcom Model Number: XZERO-908767 Nickname: Onimorph Apperence [url]http://guardian.leamonde.net/chars/opiomorph.shtml[/url] Bio: Onimorph was an strike unit with a super weapon called the Wave Devestator,which cause multiple "quake" of pure energy to ripple from the unit,causeing a time-space disortion cabaple of ripping those caught in it to shreds.For this,it was codemmened to never be used.Only the men whos built it new where it was.When Shiro's father learned there was a warrent out for his capture by the earth, he told his son to find it and use it to rip the ungrateful earth forces to shreds. He also told it was built to be the strogest weapon,but there was one major flaw that he could not warn him about. The Wave Devestator would also take a major toll on the piolit,shredding away his or her very life every time the Wave Devestator was used. Weaponary: Twin beam spray guns on the two arms. A high power laser on the tail. AERODS, small crystals that have built in low powered lasers. A sword which is hidden under the wings.And the Wave Devestator. AI name: Wing Hope this is better and okay
  10. Name: Shiro Uzuki Age: appears about 18,really over 130 years old Description: Thick silver hair,cut short and spiked.He wears a normal black shirt with a silver necklace when not in battle.in battle he wears Silver armor with black in it. He wears black pants and boots. Bio: Shiro grew up as the son of the leader of the winglies.Always dreaming of being a warrior hero,he traned till the brink of his death.He trained on and learned how to summon and control the power of Virages.He now stands on the front lines of The Dragon Campaign,leading an army of winglies. Element: Dark/lightning(if okay,if not just dark) Side: Wingly
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Shiro finished his comersation with his"Friends".He told them he was not finished yet.He conttinued on.Shiro skimmed along the water,closer to Atlantis.In Fact he was almost right on top of it.Suddenly he stopped,as if in pain.He clenched his head and sudenly laughed D.Shiro: Foolish boy! Thinking I would be tired after this long.I was weaving a spell! Now this body is mine forever!! D.Shiro laughed as he felt Einlizer at his side.He grasp and let out a sick distorted laugh out as he dashed into he depths of Atlantis. *Somewhere deep in a mind* Shiro woke and sat up.He looked around himself,finding himself in a dim,stone wall area.He trembled and punched a wall. Shiro: Damn!! He stood up and walked down a passage way,and began to run.He fully sprinted around corner and corner.He stopped and a tear slowly trickled down his face. Shiro: No....let me out.....LET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Back in The real World* D.Shiro had reached the entrance to Atlantis,but soon realized that the ones he was looking for were gone already.he smiled.They were leaving themselves open........he flew towards them,and when them were in sight,he drew both Einlizers and prepared for a deadly blow *Back in the mind* Shiro sensed the drawing the Einlizers and sensed the sphere holders.He then tensed and let out a roar. Shiro: I'LL GET OUT AND KILL YOU WITH MY OWN HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MEDDIGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Shiro picked himself up and dusted himself off,the others staring at him,or just in his direction.A lot had happened. He checked his side and then overheard this talk of "Stones" and then made his iterjection. Shiro: I know nothing of these stones,nor do I feel that they are important right now. There are other things we must get.The forgotan crystals.They are of priority now. Athen: Who are you to say!? Shiro: If I must prove myself to be right,I will do so with Einlizer Shiro studied the others.After his last comment,no one seemed to test his judgement. SHiro: Good,now listen close,I'm only saying this once. The locations of the crystals and their powers are as follows: Water Crystal-Water attacks are more powerful-Atlantis=The Lost City Forest Crystal-Nature attacks are more powerful-Forest of Silence Flame Crystal-Fire attacks are more powerful-Hot Top Volcano Wind Crystal-Wind attacks are more powerful-Windy Plains Storm Crystal-Storm techiniques are more powerful-Storm Central Dirt Crystal-Earth attacks are more powerful-Dirt Tunnel Healing Crystal-Healing assists are more potent-Angel's Pond Shadow Crystal-Darkness techniques are better-Ruins of Dark City Copy Crystal-Copying abilities are better and stronger-Mirror City Shiro: How you go about getting them is up to you,you can go in groups,go alone or anything,just get them.I'm going to Atlantis so I have it covered.From here on out do as you please to get the crystals. With that Shiro left in a blurr to leave the group to decide. Shiro reached the ocean and gazed out at it's beauty Shiro; it's goin be a tough road to Atlantis,so I my as well go now! With that,Shiro began to dash and skim over the water,towards Atlantis.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]As shiro turned to look,the beast awoke and stroked it's mighty tail at Shiro, knocking him away. Blood dripped down threw his teeth. he seemed to smile as he turned,a new firce power flowing threw him. Shiro; No more games.......I'll going to strike and finish this dragon!!!!!!This race will be exterminate by me!!!!!!!!!!!!Die....Zealit,last of your kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shiro swung his mighty blade down,it pierced the mighty neck of the savage beast.Green blood threw it self down the beasts neck. The beast let out a finally roar of pain. Shiro drew his blade back,and backed away.Slowy,he fell and closed his eyes.He sleep,for once a peaceful sleep.He dreamed a dream of the old days.....a terrifyng dream of his supposed last breath. *Dream* Shiro: Is she okay? David: Yeah,just tired. Shiro: Okay then,get her out of here! Shiro tured,and drew his sword.The blade glimmered,and he planted his feet.He threw David the Static Sphere.David stared,confused. Shiro; Go,I'm not coming out alive.When Amber wakes up.....tell her I'm sorry! With that Shiro charged at Meddigo. David went to stop him,but got hit with a blast from Meddigo.He rolled down the cliffs,Amber in his hands.Shiro looked down. Shiro: Good Luck,and Goodbye. Shiro turned back to meddigo,and threw all his energy into his weapon.He pounced Meddigo. Meddigo: You fool,we'll both die! Shiro: Then,we'll go to hell together! A flash of an extremly large explosion rocked the cliff,and David starred on. David: You....you...fool! Shiro float from the explosion,and meddigo fell dead. Flashback Shiro: He can die if we both die from the same exact blow at the same exact time! Present Shiro smiled as the old Einlizers flew to him. Shiro: Hello again old friends. Shiro collide with the ground,and he went silent.His eyes plit shut,never to open again....... *dream* Shiro awoke to his mind. Shiro: I understand now.D.Shiro fused himself with me again to support my body.He was never really dead........Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!! Shiro awoke fully........he was by a camp fire.It appeared to be hours later. Shiro: Ah..........not to self.Self control is a major issue....take classes.And when your at it.....go to a pyschatris.First talking to a evil spirit in your head....and now talking to yourself....what a messed up ;ife I have........there I go again........ That's when he heard voices moving his way.........he check his side.....the Einlizers were still there. They would never leave their masters side again.....[/color] ------------------------------------ In case any one cares..........the reson Shiro has control over his body is because D.Shiro is in hibernation from the battle with Mika.
  14. OOC: I think there's some diasease passed on with the Static Sphere........who ever hold is cold and has promblems with someone the group......weird eh? ---------------------------------------------------- [color=darkblue]Shiro was again in the shadows......thinking(the following scean plays out in Shiro's mind) D.Shiro: What's all this talk about leader.......no one leads me!! Shiro: A leader of the group.....doofus....we're not really a part of the group.......well your not. D.Shiro: But you are so I am too.I should be leader.....the Leader should be the strongest....and that's easiely me!!!!I could annilate them all with the Einlizers!!!! Shiro: It's a shame I wont let you summon them.Besides.... I still don't think you could win with out a body.I just wouldn't fight. D.Shiro: I'd just take control of your body fool. But don't worry......who would want to lead a band of rats like this. Shiro: You chosse to join them.......does that make you a rat.Ohhh...wait you've beed a rat since the beginning. D.Shiro: You didn't put up much of a fight....why was that? Shiro: Promise to a friend. D.Shiro: Wait....then I should know who...... Shiro: You were too busy trying to kill them......I mean her........I made the promise mostly to myself. D.Shiro; Aren't you specal......ahh it's time.Zealit is here....this mountain is goin down!!!!! Shiro's eyes shot open Shiro: Zealit the Red Dragon! D.Shiro: Of course........I don't know any other Zealit......do you. Shiro: No......I have to stop it!!!!Zealit cannot destroy this mountain!!!!!!!! (back to the real world) Shiro jumped up and took off.The other corrupted sphere holders look at him,and then heard a roar.......Zealit was flying over the mountain.......... Shiro was moving like a blurr Shiro: [I]I only hsve a few minuets to get to his landing point........[/I] As Shiro moved out into the field were the red dragon was going to land,he heard a rukus.The dragon had captured the attention of both sphere groups. Shiro: Damn it........I hoped to fight this one alone......good thing D.Shiro is tired........ Well here goes!!!!I summon Einlizers!!!!!!!!!! With that the legandary blade erupted from the ground surrounded in light....as the dragon landed. Shiro: now.....to get back in the groove......[/COLOR]
  15. OOC:Welll time to post...... --------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]As the other corrupt sphere holders began t search for a place to talk, the tundra holder had slip away. He hid in the darkness and seemed to struggle with something. Shiro: Get out....now! D.Shiro: This is my body now......so you get out. Shiro growed and summoned all his energy.He briefly regained control over his body. Shiro; That girl......their eyes look so alike when there angry........I'll never forget that look......ugh! D.Shiro once again took over Shiro's mind. D.Shiro: Never do that again.....boy!The two are alike....so maybekilling her will be like killing te other,,,,yes...... Shiro growled from within. Shiro: Not yet,you bastard.I wont allow you to........I still have power over the Einlizers and you don't.....so ugh!!!! D.Shiro sent a shock of pain threw Shiro mind, D.Shiro: Fool I control you so I control Einlizer......all the better! Finally my plans for Ragnork are finally coming together.All I need are the sphere's!!!!!! Shiro growled again,as D.Shiro picked himself up and walked away. D.Shiro: But first......I destroy this mountain with Einlizer!!!!!!!!!!!! Shiro growled again but D.Shiro didn't hear him.He was busy planning.[/COLOR] ----------------------------------------- Amber....you should know what look I'm talking about.
  16. I send you a post from the first one if needed Ohkami Sorry bout this mix up......I'll go with the corrupted Tundra okay? Name: (Dark) Shiro Uzuki Age: Appears 18 (been alive for over 70 years) Sphere: Corrupted Tundra Powers: (Dark Shiro Abilites)Able to create illusions of pain and death.Makes his targets wish they were dead and then kills them. (Corupted Tundra) Able to control water in any form. Can cause diasters that involve water of some form. Weapon: A dark black sword made of dry ice that doesn't melt unless under extreeme heat,Also still has some power over the legandary Einlizers. Description: Deep blue hair and light green eyes.Wears a deep black shirt and torn blue jeans.His face is pale and always lookes as if it in pain.Although you can't see it,Shiro's hands are extremly blood stanied. Bio: Shiro's life has been a painful one.First,at a young age he killed his parents and destroyed his village.Then years later he inherited the Static Sphere.Not long after he and his other self,Dark Shiro,seperated.And then,Shiro "destroyed" Dark Shiro.Yeah,right. Only months after the light sphere was found and the group wnt their serperate ways,D.S infected Shiro again.Turns out he can only be destroyed by the death of both.The try to prevent D.S from killing,he got rid of his static sphere and the Einlizers,and cursed them so he could not use them.D.S soon broke the curse but found a new power.The Corrupted Tundra Sphere.Shio is waiting forthe right time to destroy himself and D.S,but first he has to say goodbye to someone very important to him.............
  17. [COLOR=royalblue]In the deepest reachest of the seas,a lone serpent of wonderous colors flew under the sea.It was Elric the Sea Serpent,the guardian of the seas in SouSei.He glided through his seas towards an under water temple.The temple,his temple,was lined with beatiful diamonds of the deepest blue color.It was awe inducing.He enter through the bottom and swan untill he reach the air pocket within his temple.That was why his temple was invincable.The only way in was through the sea,which if he chose,no one could pass through.When he reached the air,he changed.In a magical flash of light he was so called "human"again,with his deep blue angel wings cascading from his back.He glided through his temple,droping his wepons on their respective racks and finally took aa seat on his throne.He picked up a glass which was filled with a golden wine.As he sipped,his loyal transcrpter appeared.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Hello master.How was your journey" he asked pulling out a small book filled with pecies of blank paper."Well,the Serpent clan of the sea of the east agreed to my peace treaty anf was willing to co-exist with the Thry-Quills of the deep reaches.But the Thry-Quills won't agree and even atempted at the death the Serpent clan leader.So,I ended up fighting after all.After some,well,force reconsilation they found my treaty alot better then my wraith." Elric finished with a smirk."How was your day,Thel." Elric questioned his transcripter."The same as normal.I clean around the battle area.New fiends are ready for their death by your hand.I also restock the pantry." Thel replied cherfully.Elric sighed deeply."If you are willing to cook us a meal,I would like to practice a little." Thel bowed and wondered off to the kitchen.Elric finished his wine and called his weapons to him.Thn he floated toward his practicle arena.[/COLOR]
  18. Race: Guardian Type: Sea Serpent Name: Elric of the Southern Seas Age: 1600 Gender: Male Description: Beast Form- A flowing sea blue serpent.It has a diamond embedded on it's forhead and it's spine is lined with diamonds. Human/Angel Form- Has two large dragon wings. He has a toga-type robe that has strange writing on the linings. The colors of the robe are ocean blue, silver, and black. His hair is silvery blue. He also carries around a large trident in his right hand and a whip in the other. His eyes are the colors of the deepest oceans. Location: The Temple of Water Weapon(s): A sea blue trident with a golden serpent wraping around it.Also a crystal blue whip that flows like water. Magic/Skills/Spells: He has the ability to control the waters. He also has the role of making the day turn to night. Also, he can create droughts, rainfalls, monsoons, etc. Anything that has to do with Water. He is the Fall. Personality: Very smart.he is very cunning and can devise a plan to get out of any sitituation.he intellagence proccedeeds him,as sometimes he will get cocky.he enjoys a good fight,and may sometimes cause one. Bio: Elric was a very fine normal boy.He grew near the sea and always loved to behold it's beatuy.He read books and other things of it to understand it better.He loved to swim and fish,but never harmed it.One day,some people were killing and poisioning the sea.Elric tried to stop them,but failed and was put to drowned in the very sea he loved.He thought he was dead and excepted death and passed out. A few hours later he awoke in a mysterious temple that was a deep sea blue colored stone.A mysterious voice called to him and toled him he would control the seas and waters of SouSei.He was infused with this power.After some pondering,Elric knew he could now seek revenge on his almost murders.Drawing them deep in the sea,he tried to drown them.Then,it dawned on him what he was doing.He returned them to the surface and then vowed to never use his status and power to his own selfish needs.he has begome a great ruler of the seas because of his vast knowledge.
  19. I will fill the role of Yugi if okay Name; Yugi Moutou Age; 14 Sex; Male Apperance: [url]http://store4.yimg.com/I/dragonballzcentral_1763_174650331[/url] Bio; A young boy in junior high who is easly picked on and sort of a pushover,that is until the spirit of His Millennium Puzzel takes over.He is a dueling sensation around the world,and can win in almost any situation.He has saved his freiends and the world on multiply occasions. Deck ; His deck is very random.It revolves around the Dark Magican as well as Slifer the Sky Dragon,as well as many others.
  20. Well, Zoids Battle Legends for Gamecube is coming out I think on November 15
  21. Hope I'm not to late..... Name: Shiro Uzuki Nickname: The Magnum Age: 17 Alter Name: Nightmare/Vengence Alter Description- They are two large magnums. Nightmare is black and Vengance is gray.The bullets of the guns each hold souls that haven't fufilled there role on the planet.Until then,they keep possesing Shiro's bullets. Home: Lost Grounds Personality: He is very cold and emotionless.he won't stop until he frees all the souls of his guns. Bio: When Shiro turned ten,he began his training as a marksman.little did he know that when he touched his first magnums that he would enprison souls.he keep traing until his 17th birthday,and he then set out to release his souls.he become 'The Magnum" in four weeks,becuse he rarely misses.He has had many encounters with HOLY,and has yet to lose to them. Appearance: He has spiked silver hair and blue eyes.He wears black jeans that has the right knee down torn off.he wears a silver shirt and has a blue huddy with the front torn off on.
  22. Name: Shoryin Aizian Age: 18 Eye Color; Cold Blue Eyes Hair Color: Green Sex: Male Weapon: Nunchaku,Kunai Fighting Style: Shissen Karihadi Brief History: At a young age,Shoryin's family was killed by bandits.For years he trained in the Shissen Karihadi style.has he devoloped himself further,he finally hunted the bandits.After killing them,he was hired because of his skill.It turns out the bandits were infamous.He is to,at any cost,to kill the leaders of the Meiji Goverment
  23. hello!This is my attempt at a naruto fan-fic.This takes place 10 yeares after the end of "Naruto". Naruto and Sakura and Naruto are married,and Naruto has become an instrutor,like Kakashi.The new main charcters name is Shiro,and he poses an unique spirit,but I'll explain that in the fic.I hope you guys enjoy this. Naruto; The Zen Zen 1: Chakra Empowred! Another fist flew forward,connecting with an elbow,pushing the blocker back a few yards.The attacker landed from midair,and bowed."How was that Master Naruto?" The boy asked." Good Shiro.....very good!That all for today." Naruto smiled again,as he turned back for Konohagakure Village. Shiro stayed,and practiced.As soon a Naruto dissappeared,Shiro summoned up all his Chakra.The wind around him picked up.His silver hair swayed and his blue eyes glistened.A silver flame shot over his arms,and balled up at his fists.Pain shot threw him as the flames dissappeared."Why can't I summon the Kyubiki's true power yet!?WHY!!!!!" Naruto wandered through the village,and made his way into a small hut."Sasuke!Sakura!Where are you guys!" Naruto shouted,as he wander further throught the hut.he found Sakura asleep on their couch.he walk over to her,and planted a kiss on her forhead.He then walked into the back and found Sasuke.he snuck up on him,and surpiresed him.Sasuke jumped,and turned with a kunai in his hand.He saw Naruto,and sighed."If you value your head,never do that again!" Shiro once again summoned all his Chakra.The silver flame balled in his hand,and struggled throught the pain."I call you out Kyubiki!I summon your power now!"Shiro stood back and raised his hand high over his head,and planted his feet.'White Flame Cannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!"A pure white line of flames shot from Shiro's hand.His hand scorched,and began to swell."This is Kyubiki's true power then......"he then passed out from the intense pain.The flames died. Naruto and Sasuke watched in horror as the flames died.They even woke up Sakura.The whole village watched in horror.Naruto was the first to speak."That was the power of a Kyubiki,and it came from where Shiro was!" Naruto looked at sasuke,and then the two dashed off to were the flames came from. Well,what do you think.
  24. I hope I'm not to late. Shaman Name: Shiro Uzuki Age: 18 Height/Weight: 5"6' 185lbs Description: Light green hair,with blue eyes.Wears a black tank top,and a pair of torn black jeans. Side: Netrul Bio: He gew up alone,with no one to care for or love him.His parents had died before he was more then 1 year old.he lived on the street from when he was 11.When he was about to be killed,Shiro found a kwang dao(the spear Ren uses),and intergatred with his ghost for the first time,and beat the punks.He and his ghost had been friends every since. Ghost Name: Siris Ku Ghost Appearence: A tall warrior with red hair and black eyes.he wears black and silver armor. SPecial Abilities: Enhanced speed,stretght and senses.The ability the use the Kwang Doa. Ghost Special Attack: Torment of the Souls: Hundreds of souls are abosorbed into the Kwang Doa.I is surounded by a black arua,and he dash forward.AS he slashes his enemy,the souls erupt form the blade and cause A blast of black to surround the foe.
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