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Everything posted by Vilearchangemon
If it is not to late,I would like to sign up. ------------------- Name: Mirako Age: 18 Race: Hanyou(See bio) Appearance: Has spiked black hair.Has blue eyes.His claws are extremly sharp,as are his fangs.He wears a black shirt,with a dark-blue jacket over it,and torn black jeans(he got his outfit in Kagome's time). Impressions: Bull headed.Doesn't listen to anyone.He acts like Inu-Yasha(that sums it up in a nutshell) Bio: He is the son of Miroku,and doesn't know who his mother is.After birth,he was attacked and posioned by a dragon demon.The only way he would survive the posion was to become a dragon hanyou.He grew up in a normal life,and even went to Kagome's time to seek training.He got Inu-Yasha to be his teacher.He then learned something exciting.Totosai had made a magical blade weapon,like Inu-Yasha's.Mirako proved his worth and recived the weapon,the Rekka-Ken.It was an old rusted weapon,and then when Mirako touched it,it transformed into a large red sword.At the end of the hilt was a demon skull.The tip was a bright silver.Mirako trained with it aganist Inu-Yasha,and won a few time.He knew he had to power to defeat any foe. Weapon: Rekka-Ken Attacks: Dragon Claw: Does a doward spinning claw slash. Dragon Dash: Dashes forward with incediable speed,anything in the path is damaged. Dragon Dive: He leapts into the air,and brings down a spinning fire kick. Oni Gouka: Raises the Rekka-Ken above his head,and brings it down.When it hits the ground,an eruption of hellfire consumes the ground. -----------------------Youki Form------------------- Enters this form when he is in incredable danger when he is not holding the Rekka-Ken.it can also happen when his is icredible sad or angry. Desc: His hair and eyes turn red.He grows red and black Dragon wings.His fangs and claws grow,and become as tough as diamonds. Attacks: Jigoku no Tenma Gouka : His only special attack in his Youki form.He summons all his energy,and dives into the ground.Larges cracks appear on the ground,and then an oni symbol.A blast of fire energy induces a nuclear like strike.When the fire dies,Mirako is back in his Hanyou form.
OOC: OOPS! ------- Shiro stood up again.[COLOR=darkblue]"I owe you my life six times over,but listen.Leave now![/COLOR] Shiro shouted,regaining balance.[B]"Are you that stupid.You'll die!You need our help!"[/B] David called back.[COLOR=darkblue]"How do you know that's not what I want!I hate people like you!Always think you know best!Just shut up and go![/COLOR] Shiro shouted,and a very long and cold star inshewed.david broke the silence.[B]"I'm not leaving."[/B] ,David plant on the field.Shiro frowned.[COLOR=silver]"Now,children,don't forget me!"[/COLOR] DS shouted as he slammed his blade into David.David's mouth bleed freely.Shiro ran to him,and Ds backed off.Shiro looked down at David,who was cursing himself for leting his guard down.[COLOR=darkblue]"You okay?"[/COLOR] [B]"Never better"[/B] David replied standing up.Shiro's eyes blazed.He laid down David,and charged forward.The rest was a blur.When it ended,DS was laying,wounded,on the ground.He sttod up,and healed himself.[COLOR=silver]"Now Shiro.Let the real Einlizer's be reborn![/COLOR] Ds shouted.His blade erupted in dark enrgy.A large scythe appeared in his hand,and Shiro's erupted in a brighted light.A large hammer was in his hand now.[COLOR=darkblue]"The Einlizer's....were just vessels."[/COLOR] Shiro shouted,finally figuring out the true meaning of the battle.[COLOR=silver]"Yes,Shiro these are the ALPHA and OMEGA weapon!The weapons of the Judgement!One dark one light!It will end!Now and forever!"[/COLOR] DS shouted as he levaitated into the air.[COLOR=darkblue]"We all must run!Now!"[/COLOR] Shiro shouted as he grabbed David.The group took off,and the sky turned red.[COLOR=silver]"Now,I will become whole again!I will become Meddigo again!"[/COLOR] DS shouted as his flesh erupted in energy.He was entering his true demon form again.The dark beast,Meddigo. -------------------------------- OOC: if any one is confused,Pm me.
I have a question.Does Krogye still have control over Yokana?
Ds dashed back,and Shiro ran forward.Shiro shoved his blade forward,and missed.[COLOR=silver]'This is growing boring.Shiro,I know you are holding back."[/COLOR] Ds said.Shiro smirked and nodded.[COLOR=teal]"Shiro,catch!"[/COLOR] Amber shouted,throwing the light sphere to Shiro,what happened next surprised them all.As Shiro caught the sphere,he let out a shriek of pain. [B]"W--What!it should have joined the two![/B] David shouted in horror.[COLOR=silver]"Fool!You can't comprehend that me and Shiro are diffrent beings now.Though the impresion you got was that I was a part of Shiro,I'm not.I was a demon warlord,a dieing one.I sealed my self away in a cave in the Shizaku Mountain.Shiro stumbled on my seal,and I leapt into his mind,so I could recoporate.I then broke free!Fools,that sphere will kill Shiro!" [/COLOR] DS laughed out.Amber's eyes perked open.[COLOR=teal]"That's not true,the light sphere... [/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]"Purifies the person.I know that.But Shiro has too many demons in his past.he will die!"[/COLOR] DS interrupted with a laugh.Shiro screamed again.The light sphere flashed black,and Shiro was incircled by a small forcefield.The Einlizer lay outside the force field,Ds jumped for it,but was cut off by the group.[COLOR=silver]"Fools!I'm imortal.The only one that kill me is Shiro.But,he's going to die![/COLOR] "Ds laughed as he lunged forward. 'In Shiro's mind.' Shiro woke up,and was surronded by shadowy beasts.He stood up,and the shadows attacked.They dashed by and by Shiro,slashing him. [COLOR=darkblue]"I guess I do need there help.Amber please help me!"[/COLOR] Shiro thought to himself. 'Real World' Shiro called out what he had thought in his mind.Tears rolled down Ambers cheek.[COLOR=teal]"I'm sorry...I can't"[/COLOR] He cried out as DS charged again.
OOC:Sorry bout that guys.I guess we left off with us squareing off with DS.
OOC: I can be brought back.Shiro just has to do some mind searching. Shiro fell through a vast darkness.[COLOR=darkblue]"I knew my mind was empty,but this is extreme!"[/COLOR] He shouted,and heard an echo.He was alone.He began to cry.[COLOR=darkblue]"I truly am a fool!WH-what's going on!"[/COLOR] Shiro cried.A bright flash appeared and he was in the past. 9 years ago. In a small village,Shiro and his family grew up.His father was a master forge men.So good.... [COLOR=darkblue]"Daddy,what are those"[/COLOR] "These my son are the sacred weapons." [COLOR=darkblue]"The what?"[/COLOR] "Weapons of emense power.(He hands over the Einlizer)One day,this could be yours." Shiro smiled. 2 years later Shiro's village was glowing in a bright orange flame.At the center,Shiro stood with the sacred weapons.His father was before him,dying. "These weapons are too powerful.I must destroy them.(The weapons scatter,but Shiro keeps the Einlizer)Wh-what!" [COLOR=darkblue]"Die old man!"[/COLOR] In a breif moment,Shiro's father lie dead.The Einlizer's scattered,and Shiro regained control. [COLOR=darkblue]"What did I do!!!"[/COLOR] In another flash,shiro began to ragain his life.[COLOR=silver]"I can't die just yet."[/COLOR] Shiro thought to himself as his eyes cracked open.
[COLOR=darkblue]"Why do I keep coming back"[/COLOR] Shiro questioned himself.[COLOR=silver]"No use asking.Only actions will justify the effect"[/COLOR] DS called.A silent tear ran down Shiro's face.[COLOR=darkblue]"It's...it's because I'm a weak scared child still!"[/COLOR] Shiro shouted.Amber,who had only been pretending to sleep overheard the conversation.[COLOR=silver]"Yes you are,and if you use the crystals,we can be one again."[/COLOR] DS smirked.Shiro looked up,and noticed the sun raise.[COLOR=silver]"Now that the sun is coming,they will awake to death!"[/COLOR] DS shouted as a black whirlwind surrounded him.Soon,the vines and the wolfs were scrap.Ds charged at Amber,and her eyes shot open.There was a spilt second left,and Amber had no defense.As the Einlizer aimed at her heart,three crystals flew into her hands,but she shut her eyes tight.All she heard was a sherik of pain.When she opened her eyes,Shiro's right shoulder had been peirced by DS blade.[COLOR=silver]"Fool,we were perfect.Now,only one Shiro will live![/COLOR] Ds shouted as he pulled out the blade.In an instant,a wave of dark chaos hit Shiro.It crushed him into a mountain.Blood ran freely from almost every part of his body.With one last glance at Amber,his eyes shut.
I'll be Yokano Gin for you.I don't think it is needed to post the stats again.
[COLOR=darkblue]"You still haven't learned have you.These weapons are usless on there own!Only if your heart s pure does it recive it's full potntial!"[/COLOR] Shiro shouted as a white wirlwind appeared around him.[B]"But..,but you have a dark heart!"[/B] David shouted,now worried.[COLOR=darkblue]"Actully,since you took the crytsals,I was rid of my darkself.Thanks!"[/COLOR] Shiro shout,unleashing the true power of Einlizer.The area surounding the trio had been entirly destroyed.The three true crystals glimmered in front of Shiro.He snatched them,and then Reamembered Dark S.[COLOR=darkblue]"I have to hurry if i'm going to be there to save them."[/COLOR] Shiro pushed out as he teleported to Amber's location. Forest of Nature Dark S. watched over the group.[COLOR=silver]"Fools,they still hate shiro.It's a shame I made him betray them"[/COLOR] Dark S. laughed as he jumped at the Group of Amber.
Shiro shouted,spiting blood,[COLOR=darkblue]"Bastard,that *** David took the true crystals"[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]"I notice that too.He probly did in case your true intentions,to return to your original friends when I lost control of your soul.With the lack of crystals,the Einlizer's lost control and we split.[/COLOR] Dark S. shouted.[COLOR=darkblue]'you made me betray my friends in the begining.I hope they'll understand.Untill then,I have to get back there crystal's that that *** stole,and the ones you made me steal."[/COLOR] Shiro started,[COLOR=darkblue]"david made deplicates of the crystals ahh,it's a shame even without the crystal,I can still wipe the floor with him and his Arigia's."[/COLOR] Shiro tooked off,envoloped in a white flame.[COLOR=silver]"Fool,he's left his friends wide open for the kill."[/COLOR] Dark S. smirked,dissappearing into a deep black flame.
[COLOR=darkblue]"If you must know.The reson I couldn't kill them is because,well,how should I say this.There are two people in my head.On good,and one bad.I was drawn to Einlizer.....AHHHHHHHHHH!"[/COLOR] A sudden vortex swallowed Shiro.Dark energy shot from his mouth and eyes.[COLOR=darkblue]"Go.......Getttt....the others......you'll need...their help."[/COLOR] Shiro struggled out.[COLOR=crimson]"what makes you think they will help,or trust,us."[/COLOR] Halo answered,covering David.[COLOR=darkblue]"They will,they must."[/COLOR] Shiro struggled out again.Halo nodded and the two were gone.After moments,Shiro split into two people.One had black hair and black eyes.The other looked like normal Shiro.[COLOR=silver]"Finaly out from that hellhole you call a mind.Ahhh,the Einlizer split us.That mean that the spawns of Einlizer have surfaced."[/COLOR] Dark Shiro stated.[COLOR=darkblue]"Well then,one Einlizer for me and one for you.I'm going to have to kill you."[/COLOR] Shiro stated,grabbing an Einlizer.The other flew to Dark Shiro.[COLOR=silver]"There can be only one Shiro.Prepare for Death"[/COLOR] Dark S. stated as the two charged at each other.
David and Halo appeared,with a new weapon and crystal in hand.Shiro looked and smirked.The Einlizer drew in the power of the crystal,and he turned back to Amber.[COLOR=darkblue]"30% and a special attack!"[/COLOR] Shiro shouted jumping in the air.He formed a crossbow like motion.[COLOR=darkblue]"Arrow of Blue Lightnining"[/COLOR] The Einlizers began bolt of lightning.As he shot them and they hit the ground,pure destruction ensued.What nobody noticed was that Shiro had been protecting the group.[COLOR=darkblue]"Amber,listen.It will all make sense in the end,just don't hate me." [/COLOR] Shiro whispered as the choas died.he appeared by David and Halo.Shiro nodded and they left,heading for a new crystal.[COLOR=silver]"Trust me Amber.As hard as it may be...'[/COLOR] Shiro sent to Amber,secretly.
[COLOR=silver]"So,the clones of Einlizer finallly decide to show themselves"[/COLOR] Shiro thought with a smirk.He was briefly shocked.[COLOR=darkblue]"The kids are here"[/COLOR] Shiro stumbled out.[COLOR=crimson]"Who?"[/COLOR] Halo asked.Shiro pointed towards Amber.[B]"I don't see a thing"[/B] David commented.[COLOR=darkblue]"That's right.The Einlizer allows me to see hidden things."[/COLOR] Shiro touched both Halo and David with his Left Sword,[COLOR=darkblue]"You now know where the crystal is.Bring it back to me and grabb the weapon.And don't try to absorb it's energy.Only i can do that.I will handle the children"[/COLOR] Shiro shot out.Shiro used the Einlizer to teleport David and halo to the crystal.[COLOR=darkblue]"Now,with 20% of the Einlizer power,I'm invicable!"[/COLOR] Shiro jumped,preparing his mighty blades.
[COLOR=darkblue]"I will stay with you,we should go.The next crystal is Amber's.Now that I have powered up the Einlizers,I can preform a new technique."[/COLOR] Shiro stated,admiring his blades.[B]"Hhmm,a new move,eh?What?"[/B] David qusetioned.[COLOR=crimson]"Yes,I would also like to know."[/COLOR] Halo spoke up.[COLOR=darkblue]"All in good time.I will tell you that the wave you saw,was only 5% of the Einlizer's true power"[/COLOR] David and Halo chuckeled at this remark.[COLOR=silver]"Yes,enough to destroy my brother once and for all" [/COLOR] Shiro thought as they moved on.
After Halo had flown the trio high above Angel Pond,Shiro told David and her to wait outside.Inside,a large crystal jagged from the wall with two mid size swords stuck in it.[COLOR=darkblue]"I guess I got lucky and both swords are here"[/COLOR] .Shiro stuck his hand on one of the swords and a serge of pure white energey shot through him.Both swords were in his hands.They were truly magistic.Red runes ran down the blades.Shiro walk from the cave. [COLOR=darkblue]"Wait at the exit of Angel Pond,i will be back with the power of the crystals"[/COLOR] He lept off the cliff.david shrugged,and Halo flew them to the exit.Shiro stood on a cliff above the group.[COLOR=darkblue]"Hello kids!"[/COLOR] Shiro shouted,jumping above the group.He landed in front of Amber and cracked his hand,unsheathing the Einlizers.[COLOR=teal]"You.....I'm going to catch you and kill you"[/COLOR] Amber shouted as vines flew at Shiro.[COLOR=darkblue]"Fool,you have no idea of my new powers!"[/COLOR] Shiro shouted as he swung his blades.A wave of pure white destruction ripped the vines of Amber to shreds.It also propeled the entire group into the mountains along Angel Pond.The two crystals,the Dirt Crystal&Angelic Crystal.Flew to Shiro.He let out a laugh as he pulled the two swords above the crystals.Energy flew from the crystals and light up two of the runes on the Einlizers.The crystals grew a dim white,they nothing remained but a small peice of the crystals and dust.[COLOR=darkblue]"The true power of Einlizer,if those parts that remain from the crystals are destroyed,the spheres will die.Till next time,kids!"[/COLOR] Shiro shouted and smirked as a white flame covered him.He teleported to Halo and David.
[COLOR=darkblue]"I'll go make sure they don't breakout by any chance"[/COLOR] Shiro mumbled,with other thoughts on his mind.As he reached David,he whispered [COLOR=darkblue]"Is your offer stil on the table."[/COLOR] [B]"What"[/B] David asked back.[COLOR=darkblue]"For me to join you,dimwit"[/COLOR] He smugged out.[B]"Why should it be"[/B] David replied coldly.[COLOR=darkblue]"Because i can get you the crystals and free you,on one condition"[/COLOR] Shiro smirked.[B]"What"[/B] David asked again,interested.[COLOR=darkblue]"You get me to the sacred sword,Enlizer.It isn't far from here.Deal?" [/COLOR] [B]"Deal"[/B] In a bright flash,David and Halo were freed.Has Amber shot more vines to insnare them,she was flattened by a bolt of lightnining.She stared in hororr as she looked on at Shiro."[COLOR=teal]Why....you rotten person!"[/COLOR] She shouted,using her powers once again.Shiro sliced them to ribbons and then joined Halo and David.[COLOR=darkblue]"First the crystral,then the sword"[/COLOR] Shiro reminded David,who inturn nodded.Halo once again used her powers to hide the three as they vanished,with a smirking Shiro. ---------------------------------- OOC: Dun Dun Dun DUN!A big plot twist!
Shiro ran to another cliff.Looking over and seeing nothing,he motioned for Sebastian to move on.[COLOR=darkblue]"We won't be able to find them like this.The one has the power of illuisions"[/COLOR] Shiro called back.The group looked sader if that could even happen.[COLOR=darkblue]"Sebastian,let me borrow some of your sphere's power"[/COLOR] Shiro called up.[COLOR=royalblue]"Sure thing,boss!"[/COLOR] He called back with a hint of sarcasem.As both focused on their hiiden powers,a monsoon sweep across the pond area.As the wind hit objects,an outline of the object appeared.[COLOR=darkblue]"Look for a human outline"[/COLOR] Shiro called,still focused on the mighty Static Sphere.
A bright flash hit Shiro's mind.[COLOR=silver]"That cheater"[/COLOR].Shiro lept into the sky and shouted [COLOR=darkblue]"David,I thought you would fight fair.Cheater.Using your sphere.You may have tricked me in the beginning,but now I know.[/COLOR] He brought his blade down hard,and stunned David.He looked back and shouted[COLOR=darkblue]"Go for the sphere now!"[/COLOR] He posed,ready for David and Halo.
Once again I'm shooting for a G-Gundam RPG.Well I'll tell you my new story. [I]A dark storm has once again hit the Gundam Fight.Well devolping new weapons,the colony of Neo Japan made a grave mistake.By fusing Dg cells with a new subtance,the Dark Gundam's original role would be completed.Things went horrifingly wrong.Be cause they were dormant for so long,the DG cells grew vilont and uncontrolable.When fused,the two form a radical new death force,know as the Ragnork Gundam.From this new horror,a moblie armor formed.Called Sinister,this along with the Ragnork Gundam,have but one plan.The death of any thing opposed to the Dark Gundam's original wishes.Now,Domon Kasshu's only son must stop this threat from ever completeing this oblective. [/I] Okay,the first five,not counting me,can be part of the Shuffle Alliance.These members can also have a Golden Hyper mode(in which you master later) and a Special attack allowed because of their crest.You are aloud up to Four moves for your Gundam.And please,no"I will tap you and you will die.HAHAHA" Gundams.Thank you. To sign up you need NameName of Fighter: Height: Weight Age: Pilot Suit Desc: Gundam: Shuffle Symbol: (I will accept a new one,the Wild Card) Special Attacks: Super or Hyper modes(And golden for those special few): Desc(of fighter and Gundams) : Bio: Okay got that,good.I hope you enjoy this and it's not a flop. And my sign-up. Name of Fighter: Kyoji Kasshu Height: 6"5' Weight: 252lbs Age: 16 Gundam: Shining Gundam MkII.Then Seiryu Gundam Pilot Suit Desc: Shining: Same as Domon's. Seiryu: Blue instead of black with the normal Red dot in the middle. Shuffle Symbol: King of Hearts Special Moves: Shining: Shining Finger Ulitimate Shining figer Shining Finger Sword Golden Shining Finger Sword. Seiryu: Dragon Breath Finger. (Hyper mode moves follow) Dragon Breath Sword Frozen Dragon Blast King of the Frozen Dragons Tenkyoken Shining: Golden Seiryu: Hyper and Golden Desc: Kyoji: Has blue eyes and black spiked hair.His normal clothes are a pair of black jeans with a rip over the left knee.He wears a blue shirt with a neon green jacket over it. Shining Gundam MkII: The Shining Gundam in super mode.the only way it can power up is by going golden.[url]http://www.gundamw.net/g_suits/gf13-017nj-super.jpg[/url] Seiryu Gundam: Has Silver and Blue Legs.It kinda looks like a blue and silver Burning Gundam exept at the wrist of each had is a small blue dragon head.Has a pair of Dragon wings on his back. Hyper Mode: the End of the arms and legs become frozen. The face also freezes,but makes it look like the Shining Gundam's face in Super mode.The dragon wings become four wings with a frozen ring(like Burning's in it's Hyper)In the middle of them. Bio: Son of both Rain and Domon,Kyoji is named after Domon's deceased brother.Trained day in and day out by Domon,Kyoji finally recived the Crest of the King of Hearts.When training for the next Gundam fight,Kyoji learned of the new threat.He knew he was the only one who could stop it.Domon was against it,but knew it was the truth.Kyoji helped his mother customize the Fallen Shining Gundam.Kyoji fell to earth and was told an assistant would be sent.He had but one mission,erase the Ragnork Gundam and Sinister. I hope you have fun with this and sign up,thank and Now to go sleep.
Shiro trailed behind the group,thinking.[COLOR=silver]"I could have killed them....no i seen too much bloodshed three years ago..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]"Hey,Shiro" Amber called,"Why didn't you try to kill our captive"[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]"Wow,isn't a kick in the pants."Shiro mubled,"I saw too much blood shed three years ago....."[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]"Three years,wasn't that the time in which the Trial by Blood took place"[/COLOR] Amber shuttered at this thought.Shiro nodded.Yes,his Trial by blood.[COLOR=red]"What was the Trial by Blood"[/COLOR] Chaos asked.[COLOR=darkblue]"it was a dark time,in which many towns and people were completely slaughtered.They say thatcthe earth grew red.It was called the Ragnork also"[/COLOR] Shiro looked sad as he mad those comments.Everyone looked away,and shivered at the thought,except Shiro.
[COLOR=darkblue]"What's up,was the food that bad"[/COLOR] Shiro questioned.[COLOR=teal]"Maybe.Why'd you cook that stuff for us.You said you were sorry"[/COLOR] She tried to pick up his spirit.[COLOR=darkblue]"Let me tell you something.I'll never be able,owwwww"[/COLOR] He howled as he reach for his leg.[COLOR=teal]"How'd you do that"[/COLOR] She asked.[COLOR=darkblue]"Does beserk vine queen ring a bell"[/COLOR] He smirk.[COLOR=teal]"What about block head"[/COLOR] She said,and laughed.Shiro laughed in the process.Shiro turned and looked off the Mountain.[COLOR=darkblue]"Watch this!"[/COLOR] Shiro shouted as he leaped off the cliff.[COLOR=teal]"Shiro!"[/COLOR] She shouted as he floated up the cliff.Shiro laughed at Amber's face,as Amber proceded to wack Shiro back on the cliff.She sat down,near him.Shiro looked up at the sky.[COLOR=silver]"The open blue sky.The cause of most despire in this world.Yet now I control that power.This is so cool"[/COLOR] ooc: Okay
By the time the sun rose from the mountains,Shiro had been up and training.Focusing all his energy on his Static Sphere,he caused the wind around him to pick up and allow him to leavitate.When he was done,he looked back,at his small fire and the food he was cooking.[COLOR=silver]"I hope their hungry"[/COLOR] He thought to himself.Looking at the small cakes and meats he had manage to make sizzles was amazing to him.[COLOR=silver]"It's been too long since I've been around people...."[/COLOR] Shiro thought to himself.He noticed the group stir,and he plated the food.Laying a plate infront of everyone,he took his retreated to the side of the mountain while yelling back.[COLOR=darkblue]"I thought you guys would be hungry,so eat up."[/COLOR]
These guys are more or less using there spheres to talk to each other,like telepathicly. ------------ Shiro and David were still in the cave,night had fallen.[B]"Is she always like that"[/B] David asked.[COLOR=darkblue]"I wouldn't know,I really was never with the group."[/COLOR] Shiro replied.[B]"Is what she said about you true?"[/B] He asked again.[COLOR=darkblue]"More then true.I guess...."[/COLOR] Shiro trailed off.[B]"If you help us,you'll never have to deal with her again."[/B] [COLOR=darkblue]"Maybe....nah.I owe them my life,like for six times.I couldn't"[/COLOR] [B]"You could and should...."[/B] David gasped again.Shiro stared at the ground.Maybe he should,it would probley help Amber and the others to get the crystals.That's when Shiro notice the dark figure floating outside there prison.With one slice,the monster entered there cave and released David and Shiro.Shiro moved to the mouth of the cave,and turned.[B]What are you doing?"[/B] David asked.[COLOR=darkblue]"I won't let you go that easiley"[/COLOR] Shiro smirked.In a bright flash of light,David and the other was gone.Shiro slamed his fist aganist the ground.Looking over to the others,he noticed an emptey spot.[COLOR=silver]"Well,I'll have to get used to them anyways.i don't want to invoke the wrath of the vine queen again"[/COLOR] Shiro smiled.He occupied the empty spot and drifted to sleep.
As time went on,Shiro could feel himself healing.After a few hours or so,he opened his eyes swiftly.Looking around,he saw night had fallen and the group had camped outside the cave.Shiro stood,still exhausted,stood.[COLOR=silver]"I see there all alright.If it wasn't for me,they would all be fine...."[/COLOR] Shiro thought again,in the deep pain of his mind.[COLOR=silver]"I don't...deserve them."[/COLOR] Shiro began his leave,when Amber threw open her eyes.
[COLOR=silver]"How weak are you,you idiot"[/COLOR] Shiro screamed at himself.He was weak,caught off guard by a imp.[COLOR=silver]"This is what i get for being a hard head"[/COLOR] He told himself.[COLOR=silver]"Wait.....what's that!"[/COLOR] Thought he was out,Shiro strangly could sense what was going on around him.[COLOR=silver]"I guess I can use my last breath to save them...."[/COLOR] Shiro used all his power,and jump back into life.His eyes shot open,as he shoved Leigh out of the way.A large club blasted him in the side.Blood spewed from his mouth.A large hulking figure rose from the cave.[COLOR=darkblue]"Run....I..can't....[/COLOR] Shiro blacked out again,as the large figure moved in for the kill.