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Everything posted by Vilearchangemon

  1. If it's okay,I'm going to use silver when Shiro is thinking. -------------------- There was a large gap between the group and Shiro.[COLOR=darkblue]"It's so much more quite when,...wait!"[/COLOR] By the time Shiro turnd,a small demon had hit him with a small dart.[COLOR=darkblue]"Stupid..."[/COLOR],he mumbled has he slashed and killed the peskey cave vermin.[COLOR=silver]"I don't fell right....What's happening.....It's...going...dark..."[/COLOR] Shiro thought as he fall to the ground,face first.He was out cold.
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]"That was boring.I could have done that alone"[/COLOR] Shiro mumbled to himself. [COLOR=teal]"What's that!"[/COLOR] He heard Amber scream back.Shiro didn't pay attention and just keep walking.[COLOR=red]"What's his deal"[/COLOR] Chaos questioned.Amber just shrugged.By now,Shiro was back with the others.[COLOR=darkblue]"I'm moving on,stay here if you wish"[/COLOR] Shiro said,once again moving a small bit down the mountain.
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]"I can't take it any more!"[/COLOR] Shiro grew even more impatient.He then felt the wind pick up,ever so slightly.[COLOR=darkblue]"We are not alone."[/COLOR] Shiro told the other teens."[COLOR=teal]What do you mean"[/COLOR] Amber questioned.[COLOR=darkblue]"I mean you better all get your magic and weapons ready,or should I just fight alone"[/COLOR] Shiro stated,cold as every.In that very instant,A serpintine enemy attacked. [COLOR=darkblue]"This is new,the Legendary Sprus,the ice serpent demon.How fun..."[/COLOR] Shiro remarked as he drew power from his sphere and turned his blades into a swirling storm.He took one bound,ready for a intense battle.
  4. Shiro still stood,looking out.[COLOR=darkblue]"Well,this is as pointless as every.Are we going to stay here and quawk at each other all day or are we going to try to find why were all here."[/COLOR] Every looked at him and then looked away.[COLOR=darkblue]"Whatever."[/COLOR] HJe walked forward and down the only trail to there point of the mountain.
  5. A young man stood up and walk a few feet away."[COLOR=darkblue]Where are we?"[/COLOR] He paused,and not getting an answer,he turned and said [COLOR=darkblue]"I hate people.."[/COLOR]
  6. I hope this is okay..... Name: Shiro Uzuki Age: 18 Sphere: Static Sphere Weapon: Storm Highriser x2(They are blades that hook on his elbows.When needed,lthey can become blades of pure Electricity and Wind or a storm for short) Gender: Male Bio: Shiro always excluded himself from groups.His parents had died when he was still young,and he refused to live to live with foster parents.He only went to towns for food.He lived deep in a snow covered mountain.He trained day in and day out.That was the only meaning his life had.He is very cold and to the point,and doesn't get along with others.He recived his calling in a letter,signed by his father,leading him to the Static Sphere and his two Storm Highrisers ,giving his life new meaning Description: Has spike blue hair with deep emerald eyes.He wears a torn up silver and black shirt.He also wears torn blue jeans.His two Storm Highrisers are hooked on his elbows and extend up his arm,past his shoulders.
  7. Name: Naraku Anime: Inuyasha Info: [spoiler]This guy is the start of all the conflicts in Inuyasha.He made Inuyasha and Keiko think they betrayed each other,because he was jeuleous of Inuyasha.He was originaly a man named Onigumo.In and Incident,Onigumo was completly shattered.He had to be praticly mummifed.That's when he met Keiko,who was taking care of him.After awhile,Onigumo had many demons feed on his flesh,thus Naraku was born.[/spoiler] Reson: This guy sends chills down your spine.The way he was formed,the scarer on his back...all of it!He's also extremly powerful and brutal. [color=teal]Spoiler tags added. -Syk3[/color] Sorry about that.
  8. My thoughts also.I f we don't get any more in a day or so....I'll just start it with us three.
  9. Name: Izuki Oldrey Family: Oldrey Weapon: Twin Magnum Pistols,Mastered Blade,Black crystal armor. Skills: Dash,Guard,Climb Bio: Growing up in Northeast Asia,Izuki was trained in a Gunship career from earley age.Dracula rose and took over his country while Izuki was too young to defend his country.He felt deep sorrow at age 21.His familey was desimated.In a blind rage,Izuki charge Dracula.In a breif moment,Izuki was almost dead.All he recalls is a bright flash and complete darkness.He awoke,now deep in Ameican territory.This is were Izuki's story begins..................... I hope this is okay.
  10. Okay,both of you are in.I'll only be taking a few more sign ups.
  11. Okay,this will sound strange.I know all of have seen Power Rangers.This is reletivly a Power Ranger rpg,with one exception.Instead of using the geekey spandex,will be Mech pilots for the Zords(the giant robots they uses).i'll explain the story. [I]A vast battle has taken place.The Battle for Fame.Many warriors have entered with the Giant Robots,called Zords.The warriors battle for fame and money,but there seems to be something strange in this battle...[/I] Okay,this isn't your normal rpg.Instead of Role-Playing,we will play match after match.We will use story to beginn the battle,then fight.Each match will be for a set amount of money,that you can use for upgrades.I will post upgrades after each fight.Ever five wins for the first 15 fights,you will get a special attack.After 20 wins,you can enter the finally fight and you get your ultimate attack. Okay now to explain some things for the sign up.If you pick a normal Zord(any that combined for multiply zords) you need to post all the zords and there weapons,and what specail moves you will get for ever five wins.You may only have one of this.For one form megazords(Tigerzord,Dragonzord)You may have two,but must post the same as the normal zords.For zords that can Transform(Dragonzord) or those that have special weapons(Shogun Zord+Falcon zord) you must purchase the new form or weapon.The things I will call Battle Ops.They are special battle suits that we enter when we fight.They carry the communicaters we use to control the Zords. Okay to sign up you need: Name: Age: (no younger then 18) Desc: Bio: Zords: Zords stats: Battle Ops desc: Here's mine. Name: Shiro Uzuki Age: 21 Desc: Has blue hair,green eyes.Wears a blue shirt with a silver stripe down the middle.Wears deep black pants. Bio: Shiro was born and raised on a colony,and always dreamed of going to earth.When he turned 18,he began to train for the Battle for Fame.When he enter when he was 21,he was oppointed the piolt for the ultimate team,the Tigerzord and Dragonzord.He fell to earth,ready for battle. Zords: Tigerzord & Dragonzord Zords stats: Tigerzord: Weapon: Tiger Sword Lv1: Fireball blast Lv2: Flying Slash Lv3: Provinice Ultimate: 20-barrel Fireball Change mode to: Thunder Tigerzord Weapon: Phonix zord,Master Tiger Sword Lv1: Full Beam Lv2: Full Moon Fireball lv3: Raining Sword Ultimate: Pheonix Crash Dragonzord: Weapon: Drill tail,and missles in fingers Lv1: Flip Drill lv2: 20 missle assult. Lv3: 1000-missle assult Ultimate: Roar of Hell Change modes to: Dragon Megazord Weapon: Drill staff Lv1: Multi-Strike Lv2: Full Moon Lv3: Charged Slash Ultimate: Drill of Heaven Battle Ops desc: Has wings,and has a blue and silver face cover.The wings and rest of the suit are black. This sounds complcated,but it will be fun.
  12. Name: Justice Yurizuki Orbital Frames name: Testamnt(the one from Fist of Mars) Special weapon: SoulShooter,Legendary Lance Alliance: Good Age: 21 Appearence: Slim,relentivly large in the muscle area.Blue hair,green eyes.His pilot suit is blue and gold. Gender: Male Bio: Forever training,Justice is a top pilot.His battle moves are prasied by the students of the orbital Frame training academy.He doesn't really like the fame,but enjoys always fightning.He and Testamnt are extremly dangerous team when pshyched up.
  13. Shiro: Ahhhh....she finalley woke up.I can go now. Shiro leap farher away. Shiro: [I]Don't go and get yourself killed now,girl.[/I] He was finaaly out of sight.
  14. Shiro: Wow it's all over for me.I guess I'm growing soft.I can't belive i going to die like this. Shiro's thoughts were in a blur.Serene held him tight. Serene: How.....why are you so stupid! Shiro: I.....can.....sleep.....now......take.....care ......of......Raiden....my.....job....is...finally.....done.... Shiro fell silent. Serene: Shiro!! ------------------------------------ OOC: No,Shiro isn't dead,just to let you know.By the way,I'm in school.
  15. Shiro wipped the blood from around his mouth.Then,a sickend smell hit his nose."Demon Blood." he mummered.He leap,bouncing through trees.It was dark now,so he blended well.He reach and opening,and noticed a female Hanyou,wounded.Shiro searched through his pack.Finding the right herb,he was prepared to help.Another presence hit him.He looked up,to the rest of the trees.More demons.They all dove at the female."Vultures!" Shiro shouted,jumping.He fended off the demons,and drew back."What's your name",Shiro asked."Li",she replied.Shiro handed Li the herb."Use this,I'll handle them",Shiro noted,drawing his steel.
  16. "Go away you damn wolves!" Shiro shouted.A pack of wolf demons had surounded him.Shiro reached for his metal as the the wolves charges.In one swift motion,he annilated all the wolves.Sheathing his sword,and walked towards the woods.He felt a slight pain in his stomache."It's been so long long,I need food",he complied.He reach a clearing and noticed some deer."Perfect" he grinned.
  17. Shiro: Go kid!Your our only hope. Shiro was kneeling to the ground.Holding Serene. Nemisis: Like a kid can win.Agggh! Raiden proceeded to kick the crap out of Nemisis. Shiro: I guess I can rest now..... Shiro then fell,flat on the ground.
  18. Good idea Name: Shiro Race: Hanyo Age: Appears to be 21 Weapon: A long sword that glows black. Skill: Can turn into shadows,thus hiding him self. Bio: Orphaned at a young age,Shiro knows nothing about his parents or any of his family.He has heard stories of Inu-Yasha,who is told to be his Father.Shiro sets out to learn the truth.Along the way,he is treated like a freak.He fights only when needed. Discription: Has blue hair,green eyes.Has long ears like Inu-Yasha.He were the same outfit as Inu-Yasha,only his is black and silver. Side: good Demon Form: Has yet to be revealed.
  19. After explaining the current sitiation,the group split upShiro was alone with his thoughts. [I]I remember,the day mom and dad left,dad infected me with something.Since them,I've been twice as strong as any one I know.What was it.Then again,this all comes back to Unbrella.All my pain and misery.All to Unbrella..........[/I] Ryan: What're you thinling about? Shiro was startled from his thoughts. Shiro: My parents. Shiro looked gloom. Ryan: You never told me what happened to them. Shiro: Well.....I really have no idea.I just know Unbrella was involved. Shiro leaned back,as did Ryan. Shiro: If only....if only Unbrella was stopped in the begaining. Ryan nodded.They looked at each other in silence.That silence was destroyed by a shreik.
  20. Shiro stod,sword in hand. Nemisis: Who are you... Shiro didn't talk,he went for the kill.Nemisis blocked,going for a neck snap. Shiro; That's your last mistake... Shiro caught Nemisis's blow and drew his hand guns.Firing a rapid burst of shots,he knocked out his foe cold.He ran to Serene and checked her pulse. Shiro: Good,still alive. He checked Raiden.Raiden's eyes flickered. Shiro: Hey kid... Raiden: Wha...What? Shiro hit Raiden with a swift puch,then threw him over his shoulder. Serene stood up, groggy. Serene: What happened. Shiro: I'll explain later.We have to get back to Dante. The two nodded,as the leapted.
  21. The battle was going poorly.Dante and Shiro had been worn out from there encounter with Dues,They managed to take out one,but they were losing now. Shiro: Dante,listen.Go.I can't let you die this time,not now.I can win this alone. Dante: You nuts,you'll die.... Shiro: What makes you think that's not what I want. Thw two jumped to avoided a blow,but Shiro was caught off guard,and pushed to the edge of the building.Dante dove and grabbed his hand. Dante: Hold on!! Shiro: No,Dante let go.Use my energy to finish what we started. A swirl of black flew up Shiro's arm,transfering to Dante. Dante: What,you'll die. Shiro: I never said I was going to die.Raiden and Serene are in troble.i won't need my demon power to finish the scum holding them up. The two nodded at each other,and Dante let go.Shiro fell,and kicked jumped off the building,soaring to where Raiden and Serene were.
  22. Journey of the Sun Part 2: Fight for Freedom!Blazing Fists! "What's going on!",Doro called in awe."I don't know,move!",Justice shouted,dodgeing bullets."This village is of no use,destroy it.Then go for the sword." One of the pilots called to the others.Justice and Doro decided in their minds that it would best for them to speak.They took off for the Shrine of the Forgotten Soul...... "Justice,go for the sword.I'll stay here." ,Doro called.Justice nodded.He ran throught the shrine,reaching the center in barely any time.He them found what he was looking for.Lodged in a crystal was the legandary sword,Crisara.He reach for it,ready to pull.To his surprise,it came out rather easiley.He admired it for a moment,them grab it's crystal sheath,and ran for the exit.He was struck by horror at the exit.The village was set ablaze,and troops were at the gate,fighting Doro.One pulled a gun."Doro!",Justice shouted,a moment too late.Doro laid in a pool of his own blood.Justice fell to the ground sobbing."You.....You....I'll kill you!"Justice shouted charging for the group of soilders.He met the first three with a quick sweep,followed by rapid punches.They fell to the ground,out cold.The rest grabed for there guns,but were horified to find they had been cut in two.Justice stood ,sword in hand."He has the sword,call for re....".The solider sprawed out on the ground,dead.The remaining six reached for their swords.Justice put away his sword and charge energy in his right palm.He rapidly fire twelve shots,killing the remaining six.The gears had retreated,probly to refuel.Justice didn't care about that.He starred his dead friend.He walked over to him,and picked him up."This is my fault.If I would have come out faster.....Damn it!!!!"Justice walked to his village.No one lived.Justice placed Doro on the bench where the boys had played as kids.He began to sobb.He finally arose,going to salvage supplies.He found little but what he needed.He knew what he needed to do.He would hunt down the leader of the ones who did this.Hell,the whole army.He would get his revenge.He wound protect this sword.That was his mission.Leaving,he looked back one more time,he saw his dead friend.[I]Good bye my old friend.Godspeed.[/I] Poor Justice. Thank you Ifra for your reveiw.I hope i get more off this chapter.
  23. Hey,it's my second fic!I hope you'll enjoy this! Journey of the Sun Part 1: The Warrior of One Million Years " What's going on!" Alone,a warrior stood before 5 opposing mechanical beasts.Crying in pain,the warrior glew a saddened blue color."Be catuious men,we don't know what he'll do",one the beast's pilot called to another.How did I get here!Is all that traveled through through the lone warrior's mind.What did I do to recive this pain!The warrior's mind faded to white......... "Hey,Justice,you going to sleep forever!",a voice called to his groggy headed friend.Justice lifted his head."Go away,Doro.maybe I will." "Come on!!Did you forget!"Doro shouted. "What!" Justice shot back."Mast is leaving today on his journey to join the Impalica Army" Doro told his forgetful friend."Oh,crap,that's right!I'll be out in two seconds!" Justice shouted,jumping from bed."That's more like it" Doro smirked,leaving.In a new record,Justice was out in two seconds.Mast was still gathering supplies by the time the two 16 year olds got to him."Why,there you two are!"Mast exclaimed,glad to get to see his two best pupils before he left."Yeah,stupid over there forgot you were leaving today."Doro said,pointing to Justice." Shut up!"Justice shot,knuckleing the back of Doro's head."Well,the important thing is you met me here before I left." Mast put forth,being a peace maker.Ther three men smiled at each other."What shall we do on are last hour together" Mast questioned,breaking the silence. Punch,kick,elbow block.The only way the three could express their sarrow for parting was a fight.The yung men did well against there master.They had to double team him,but numbers have power.Mast pulled back,storing energy in his fist." Go,Flash Fist!" Mast charges forth.Hitting and knocking Doro out.Justice starred in awe as Mast stored more energy and charge." you won't get me!Guided Shot",Justice shouted,charging energy in his right palm.He let loose a small ball of whit light.It hit mast head on,breaking his defense.Justice took advantage of this by jumping in and delivering a double kick while still in the air.Mast fell to the groung,defeted.So did Justice."Where did you learn to do that,Justice!I didn't see that coming." Mast commented."I'm......don't........remember...........too.........tired!" Justiced replied with a yawn. "Well,good bye Lora! i will miss all your people." Mast called back,about 50 meters away from the town.Soon he was gone from sight,for the last time." Well,Justice,lets go get some food." Doro called to his friend." Right....what the he..." Justice was cut short by 8 flying Mechanical Beasts."Ohhh my God,Gears!" "I think we better hold out on the food"Justice called his friend as they starred to the deadly sky. HAHAHAHAHH!Cliff hanger!if you haven't ralized,Justice is the main Charcter.I hope to have the next chapter tomarrow.Please reveiw!
  24. Charcter Nmae: Strider Yuzuki [IMG]http://www.bloody-roar.com/chara/chara_ex/scr/images/scr_baku01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.bloody-roar.com/chara/chara_ex/scr/images/scr_cron204.jpg[/IMG] Anime Stereotype: Zanthropth(from Bloody Roar games.) Bio: Said to be born on Mount olympus,the legadary Pheonix Orion was given to a god.Well,the gods missed,and Strider enherited the spirit.Why him,you ask.He doesen't know,but doesen't care!He is now one of the most powerful beings on the planet!In his sleep his told not to reavel his secret.Now his duty is to help protect Tokyo High School! Powers: Can change into a Pheonix. While chaged,can fly and control wind and fire. Sworn Enemy: The unborn kight,Durran.
  25. Sorry,Domon.I'll pay more attention next time. Shiro: Ryan,I'm going for a walk. Ryan: Why would you do that.You can't go go at there on your own! Shiro: i ment in the barricade. Ryan: Ohh,okay see you later. Shiro paced back and back.Think of the last time he saw his mom and dad. 16 years ago. Young Shiro: Mommy,were are you and Daddy going. Mother: We got new jobs far away. Y Shiro: Why far away. Mother: I don't know,but we'll be back in a few weeks.maybe we'll go to a amuesment park. Y Shiro: Okay! Mother: be good for your Aunt. Y Shiro: OOOOOOOOkay! That "weeks" turned into "months" and those "months" turned into "years" Shiro's 19 birthday. Shiro: I got a letter,maybe it's from mom and dad! Shiro read the letter and began to feel tears stream down his face. Aunt: What's wrong? Shiro: mom and Dad....there dead.... His aunt come closer,read the beginning of the letter,and then hugged Shiro.The letter had on marking. Unbrella End Ryan: Earth to Shiro. Shiro: Yeah... Ryan: Go get some sleep,you look like you need it. Shiro: okay...
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