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Everything posted by Vilearchangemon

  1. Shiro ran up Deus' outstrected arm,delivering a kick to his face.Deus stud unfazed. Shiro leaped back.It had gone like this the whole fight.Nothing hurt Deus.Not even a normal Devil Form.But the warriors had one plan... Shiro: He's stronger now. I don't think we can win.. Dante: You forgot are trump card.....Rai- Serene; He's not coming! The wolven stood in the door way.Starring on. Shiro: Damn kid! He slamed his newly awakened sword Massacre in the groung.The sword stood as tall as him.Dante held the Sparda in his hand. Dante: Wait!Shiro,our true forms! Shiro smirked.He wiped the Massacre from the groung and drew on it's power. He erupted with dark energy.A warrior clad in great a sttod,with two black angel wings.Dante did the same,bring forn a completly black waeeior with six wings. Shiro: Serene,leave this to us.Go,get Raiden.Bring him here.Even if you have to knock him out. We'll need him,and you if we are to win this fight! Serene ran off,leaping from the building.The two devils look at each other,and then flew forth.
  2. Sorry:) ----------- Shiro was pooped,but had no idea way.He remained outside,while Ryan had went to bed.He was in deep thought.About his father.he was arupted from his thought by loud screem. Shiro: What the,a human?! A female body crawed along the ground,bloody.As quike as it appeared,it was swallowed by an erie looking beast.The beast disappeared back to the dark path from witch it came. Shiro: Damn,you go wake up Ryan!Tell him to go down that path.I going now. The soilder nodded and went for Ryan.Shiro hoped out as fast as he could,grabbing a double barreled shotgun,just in cause.
  3. Shiro: Damn it!We're outside and there in there,dealing with Deus! Trish: Go,I can handle it out here! Shiro nodded and charged into the building. Outside building Shiro stoped in front of the building,facing a dark gate to hell. Shiro: Dues ripped a hole to hell...That means...! Before Shiro could finish his sentance,a silver haired figure steped from the gate.Dante. Shiro: It's you!Finally,after all this time!!! Dante: Yeah.You did well old friend.For my son.But now it's my job to save him...I'm his dad. Shiro: i'm going too.Not just because I'm Raiden's guardian,but because a good friend of mines in there.... Dante: Let's go. The now reunited friends dashed through the building.
  4. Shiro had stayed behind while Ryan delivered the puppy. Shiro: Man,I glad to be with the living but,this is boring! He twired his gun,dropping it. Shiro: Stupid gun...what's this? Shiro picked up a crumpled note.It look like it had bite marks on it. Shiro That dog must have had this.Let me read it.. [I]Please help.I do not know if we have much time.We are stuck deep in the city,in the top story of the libray.please come.[/I] That was all Shiro could make out.It was enough thought.He pulled out his cell phone and dialed. Shiro: Ryan,get back here.I know were surivors are...
  5. Shiro: Yuske!You're going to let them boss you around! Shiro walk from the shadows.Before anyone noticed anything,Shiro was right in Yuske's face. Yuske; Get out of my face! Yuske shoved Shiro,pushing him to the right.Shiro smirked.A swift puch was felt by Yuske in the gut.He bukled over in pain. Shiro: Try and think for yourself! Shiro started towards the buring hospital. Kuwabara: And you're going were,you... Shiro: To do what Yuske couldn't. Site of burning Hospital Shiro: Nothing... Shiro felt a swift pinch and then a punch.he look to see a shadowy figure. Shiro: HAHAHA! Shiro drew his sword and attemped to transform.He failed and decided he wouldn't need it.He slash,only to get pumeled to the ground. Shiro: What the... ?????: Since you will die,I'll explain.That dart is sapping your energy to me. Shiro look down on his arm.Sure enough,there was a dart.He tried to pull his out,but as a yanked, his body exploded with spirted energy,damaging him greatly. ?????: Try again,kill yourself.Or call you're frie... Shiro: Don't worry,they willn't come.I don't need there help. Shiro stood up,in pain. [I]I'm going to die here and now.I guess i'm the weakling not Yuske....I'll make my last stand!!!!!![/I] Shiro charged,ready for death.
  6. Name: Shiro Cursot Age: 21 Weapon: 9mm.Pistol,Dagger Affiliation: S.T.A.R.S. member. Description: Blue hair,green eyes. Wears a black shirt under a silver jacket.Wears normal blue jeans Bios: Not much is know about Shiro.Even he doesn't now about himself.All he knows is his parents were killed by Umberella.He joined S.T.A.R.S to avenge his mother and father.After the new attacks,he insited he was to go.He was given one partner.Ryan Valdor I hope this is okay.
  7. Hope I'm not too late. Name: Max Ingreid Alias: Braver Age: 21 Nationality: Ameican Weapons/Powers: Max has the ability to charge any thing he touches. The charged item can then be wiped at an object,causing it to deliver a destrutive charge(aka explosion).He can also charge the item and use to heal.If a person is charged,they are knocked out cold. He carries aroung a pack of cards to use as explosives. He also has a short dagger,witch he charges,to make a long energy sword. Weakness: Max has only normal stregth,unless he charges his body. If he charges to many things or something too large,he faintes or suffers major injury.he also has a very fragile mind( since all his early life he had to live in fear).If a dark memory is brought up,Max loses control. Personality: Cool calm and collective. He never takes any thing seriously. Bio: At a long age,Max relised his awsome power.After using his power's to save a man that would have been killed,Max was stricked an outcasted. he decided it would be best for his family if he left them.One dark night,he ran away,never to return. he them learned of a scholl for people like him. He trained a t Xaiver's school for mutants for 11 years. In those years he met Gambit,and they became quick friends. Max is always up to any challange.
  8. Serene charged as Shiro stood up. Shiro: Fell this!!!! Devil Trigger!!!! Now!! Bolvelk was destracted for that moment,and in a split second was out cold. Shiro powered down. Shiro: Let's go. Serene: Right... The two warriors charged threw the city,passing many bodies. Serene: Where are we going....! Shiro: To where this all started,to Arius! Shiro stopped. Shiro: Serene,go.Raiden is on the top floor of the building ahead of us. Serene: What are you going to do? Shiro: The dark god will be here soon. I'll be ready. Serene: What! Shiro: Just go,we'll need Raiden's help.Tell him I'm sorry for not being there for his father. I might not be here when you get back... Serene nodded and took off towards the building.Shiro sniff the air. Shiro: Trish.. Trish: Right. You ruined everything! Shiro: Whatever...We'll find another way to get back Dante.Get ready,Deus is coming. Trish: I am ready... The two drew threw weapons,ready.
  9. Shiro: God,just like his father.... Shiro was leaning on a tree. Shiro: I don't care what he says! I promised Dante! I have to look after,he might not know it....What the.... Before Shiro could finish his sentance a strong punch knocked the windout of him. The shadowy figure and two white wolves. Shiro: Bolvelk! Shiro wiped out his sword.Blade on blade. Steel on steel.The two mighty warrior's fight caused much attention to be focused on the two.Before long,a news crew was on the site off this battle. Shiro: Damn! I can't let Raiden see this.He might get destracted from his main goal. Shiro broke from Bolvelk's assult and drew on pistol.He shot,destrying the camera.He redrew his sword. Shiro: Now,where where we!!!
  10. Shiro stared on Shiro: Finally,he tapped into his demon power. He then heard,through his advaced hearing,Raiden ask what he just did.Just then he noticed two new people.Shiro leap from his hiding spot. Shiro: Devil Trigger!!!!!!!! Shiro changes again.He gather dark energy in his hand.Leting it go,he blasts away the one in the daylight and in shadows.He then chaged back. Raiden: You,you were there the whole time!That's why I got those strange feelings! Shiro: Calm down.You asked what you did,right? Raiden: Yeah.... Shiro: Just like your dad. Clueless.You just tapped into your demon power.Like I did at at the Goverment office. ((Flashback)) Devil Trigger!!! Shiro's body rippled with dark energy.He chaged into the dark beast,Rebellion. Rebellion/Shiro: To hell with you,Demon!! A dark needle shot from his hand.It struck Nefasturris,turning him into dissappearing dark light.Shiro chaged back. ((end)) Raiden: Yeah I remember,but I didn't change. Shiro: I said tapped,not unleashed. Train hard and you'll be as strong as your dad..... Shiro began to walk away. Raiden: Where is he. Shiro: Your father.. Raiden: Yes,what happened! Shiro: You really want to know? Raiden: Just tell me!!!!! Shiro: Fine.......
  11. Shiro,undtected,had followed Raiden all the way to school.When he entered the building,Shiro rested. Shiro: Poor kid,never met his father,Damnit!I should have been there! (( Flashback)) Dante,getting closer to the dark portal before him,stoped. Dante: Shiro,I know your here. Listen I'm going. Dante planted the Rebellion and Vandette into the ground. Dante: Take my swords.Watch my son for me,please. Before Shiro could say anything,Dante was gone.Shiro pulled the swords from the barren ground as tears formed,rolling down his check. ((End Flashback)) Shiro: I will old friend.And when the time comes,he and I will come to hell to help you......
  12. Shiro: OOOHHHH!!! Your not getting this one!!! Devil Trigger!!! Shiro's body rippled with dark energy.He chaged into the dark beast,Rebellion. Rebellion/Shiro: To hell with you,Demon!! A dark needle shot from his hand.It struck Nefasturris,turning him into dissappearing dark light.Shiro chaged back. Shiro: be careful,he's not dead yet....Wait!! Your the son of Dante! Raiden: Yeah,so. Shiro: I knew your father well......
  13. Shiro sat up,looking towards the moon. Shiro: Were to go,were to go.What should I do.Some kid taking out all the demons before I can.I bet he's a rich snob,and he uses robots to fight(laughs)I thnk I better hurry and find a job. Just then a scream is heared. Shiro: Is that money I hear!! :smirk: Yeah,it is. He charges towards the scream,hard to find is a large city like this. he finally finds te screamer,a women and a baby.There was a group of police,too.Oh,and a 10 foot demon.Shiro knew what to do. Shiro: Hey coppers,is that demon worth pay. They all shake their heads yes. Shiro: How much?:smirk: Cop#1: 950$ at most! Shiro: I can deal with that.:smirk: Time for work. Before anyone notices anything,Shiro had pulled out the Rebellion and sliced the demon in half. Shiro: Money please. The cops star in aw as they Shiro his money.Then,he cathes a glipse of the t.v Reporter: I'm here live,at the Goverment office.A large demoninic upper body as appeared high on this building(shows picture of demon*).The people have fled in horror.If anyone can stop this monster,their is a 10,000$ reward.... Shiro kicked in the t.v,and took off toward the Goverment building. *This is like in the Devil may Cry 2 game.if you seen the ad on t.v,you might have some idea of what I mean.
  14. Shiro,hiden by shadows,watch the group stand in a circle watching demon. Shiro: Do they want to die?I guess I finally get my shot.Time to change. A sudeden burst of energy deleted the shadows.Were Shiro once was,a new warrior took form.The Blade Buster. Shiro: Coro!Time to die! Shiro took one mighty leap and sprung at Coro.The demon tried to react but it was too late.His head was gone.Coro fell over and dissapeared into Shiro's sword. Without given the others time to react,Shiro spoke. Shiro: Your demon is coming.Be ready.I'll be watching you. He vanished to were he came.The shawdows.
  15. Name: Shiro Yuzuki Age: 21 Race: Omni (half human/half demon) Bio: An Omni.The Death of all people.That's what Shiro had learned all his life.He has always know of his powers,as he was trained by his father.His father was also an Omni.As his father had no more to teach Shiro,he decided to leave on a journey.A Journey around the world.he them learned of the rebirth of the demon King.Being an Omni,he felt he was capable of stoping this death from being reborn. Occupation: Devil Hunter Appearance: Human: White hair,red eyes. Wears a black shirt with black baggys.Wears a Silver coat over his shirt.He wears a deep silver gauntlet on his right hand. Rebellion Devil: Has large black wings.Has giant claws on his hands and feet.His body is blackish-red.His head looks Like Sparda. Vendetta Devil: Has deep blue wings that can be extended when needed.He wears a deep blue armor in this form.Has long blades on his arms that can be exted.The blades glow blue.His head looks Like Nelo Angelo's.(masked) Volieta Devil: His whole body turns deep white.He forms cyrstalized armor for his chest.Shoulder pads of cyrtals shoot from his shoulders.Cyrstal boots and gloves form.His face has a cyrstalized helmet on it. True Form(Massacre Devil): Looks Like Sparda With black angel wings. Alliance: Good Weapons: Rebellion*(sword),Massacre*(sword),Vendetta(sword)Volieta{Finds later in the game}(spear).(swords of darkness,lightning.spear of ice)Dual pistols and a shotgun.(guns) Powers: Devil Trigger.Has amplified vision,hearing,stregth,speed,touch,and smell. Special moves: Charge Slash: Dashes forward,atempting to slash the enemy. Kick09: Shiro's Kick13.He charges his foot with dark energy and does a gliding kick to an enemy.The element can change,it depends on his weapon. Grand Charge: Shiro dashes forward and does a low uppercut(one that would hit the stomache).If it connects,he goes into a furry of sword or spear slashes. Crisis Gauntlet: Four or more gylphs center on Shiro's gauntlet.It glows deep black.He can now fire off blast of dark energy for a short time.The element can change,it depends on his weapon. *Rebellion turns into the Massacre later in the game.*
  16. Shiro: Come,my troops.Charge on. A group of warriors armed with swords was fighting a losing battle.They were falling like flys. Warrior #6: Sir,should we fight on. Shiro: No,draw back our men. We can't handle them. Shiro began to retreat when he heard a hoarse. Shiro: Xra....Nice for you show up. Xra: Hahaha. Pull back your wounded.Kusana is bring new forces. Shiro: O.K. Men,back.
  17. Okay before you even consider signing up.If you quit,I'll never except you in another of my rpgs again.Also,this game will be differnt then the other rpgs on these boards.O>K,time for the story. [I]In a time of crisis,where will you be.Crying under a safe haeven.Hiding.Hiding.Scared.Afraid.What if you couldn't hide.What if it was impossiable.Then what would you do?[/I] [I]The planet is dying.An unkown force is feeding upon the planet's very life.Soon it will die,and so will all it's people.These beings shake the planet as they land,on there astroids.People are afraid.Theives on on rampages.It is time we end this.Put an end to the suffering.Are you ready?It won't be easy.Are you Ready?.[/I] Leveling Okay now for the leveling system.I'll give an example. Level 1 exp: 0 needed exp: 100 A battle bug is worth 20 exp. You fight 5 and level up. Now exp: 100 needed: 160 You fight 8 and level up.You add another 60 exp.Ok.Not that hard. At each level up,you can raise your atk,def,spd,and evd.(Attack,Defense,Speed,Evasion)by 4,H.P by 200,or Sp(Spirit points)by 20.O.K. At the start of each new town(or a new place)I'll post the enemies,there hp,and how much zen(money)and exp you get for killing it.Also,what items can be found in that area. Battle During battle you can.... Attack Defend use an item use a spirit ability use a skill. At the end f your post,you post how much damage you inflicted(be resonable.If you have four atk,you can't do 99999999999999999999999999 damage.)and how much you lost from enemy attacks(again be resonable.).If you don't replie in 24 hours,I'll do an action for you. Spirit abilities These are our magic.Our spirits are so powerful,they can produce mass energy(ike the energy attacks in DBZ). Skills These are special moves.Like most special attacks,these abilites amplify the damage to a mass amount. They can also have special propertys(like poision or such.) Sign Up I'll need: Name: Age: Desc: Bio: Level: (No thing over 5) Spirit Powers: You get your first at level 6,when my character teaches yours.What level you get other at(only one per ten levels i.e only one during levels 30 to 40),and the sp need to use them Skills: You can start with one.Post your others and what level you get them at. Weapon: Stats: (starting stats are 5 and 300 h.p and 10 s.p. That means that if your level 5,you can upgrade 5 things) Here's mine. Name: Shiro Yuzuki Age: 21 Desc: [url]http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/ky.html[/url](don't pay attention to any writing.I know this is Ky from Gulity Gear.) Bio: At a young age,Shiro showed excelent skill at swords-men ship.He trained and masteres the thunder poke. He is a cast away.He was orphaned at a very young age.He is not afraid to stand up and fight.He will not give up the earth. Level: 6 Spirit 1-10 : Kryo Blast 8 10-20 : Rising flame 12 20-30: Shot Sphere 16 30-40: Blast Shell 20 40-50: Storm Wave 24 50-60: Earth Rage 28 60-70: Massacere 32 70-80: Kryo Destrution 36 80-90: Angel Fist 40 90-100: Light and Dark 60 Skills: 1-10: Thunder poke,Flip Kick 10-20: Swift stomp,Tate 20-30: Outburst,Roaring wave 30-40: Overrage: Thuder Slash 40-50: Flip Combo: Triplex Slash 50-60: Undenable, Dragon Combo 60-70: Lightning Sabre, Cresent Blade 70-80: Final rage,Demon Tate 80-90: Lightning Death, Ultimate Combo 90-100: Final Strike Weapon: Pulse Blade Stats: h.p: 500 s.p: 30 atk: 9 def: 9 spd: 9 evd: 9 I know this is alot,but please join.It will be incredable fun.Plus,you get to try my leveling system!!!!
  18. Name: Shiro Yuzuki Age: 19 Weapon of Choice: Long sword Physical Description: Blue hair,green eyes.Has on light armor.the armor is blue.his sword is holsted on his right hip. Profile: At age ten,his father taught him many things.Always belive.Never give up.And always fight for the people.He also pasted on his amazing long sword skills 9 years later....... Shiro and his father have a deep hatred for the Army of Orion.When Shiro learned of the rebel group planing aganist the army,he said his goodbyes and when't to met up with this group. Type of magic used: Lightning By the way.I don't know much about Sukioden.
  19. HHmmmmm......Ronin Warriors.Cool! Name: Shiro Yuske Age: 17 Gender: Male Description: Has green eyes and blue hair.Mostly wears a pair of blue jeans with the left leg torn off and a silver shirt. Bio: He has know of his power for a great time now.On a normal sunny day,his angry was pushed to the edge.His mother and father had been dead for a time and he was always being jacked with by the Goverment.One house to other.He snap and his armor was freed.He killed many and finaly realized what had happened.He thinks of his armor as a curse.White as death.The inferno armor had only caused him pain.When he heard the legend of the old Ronin Warriors he set out to find others like himself. Personality: Calm and collective.He keeps in his emotions.Not a person you want to get made. Armor: Inferno Armor Element: Fire/Inferno Weapons: Human: A normal Katana. Armor: A blue jaged crystal blade. Yes
  20. Xion: I'm ready! Go Houndoom!! The black pokemon emerges and Xion climbs on. Xion: If you guys want,I'll lead the charge.All up to you David.
  21. The demon,by the way,is my own creation.It was never in the normal show. Copyrighted 2003 :) :) --------------------- Shiro: If your coming,meet me there! He took off,out the window,at amazing speed. Shiro: Come out,Coro.
  22. Sparda: Mirage!! Mirage: Yes Sparda: How could you?How could you!!!!!!!! Mirage: What Sparda: Don't..play..dumb..with me. You tried to get me to kill my own wife. You monster. Mirage: So :devil: :devil: Sparda: :flaming: :flaming: How dare you.You will die by my blade. with that a furies Sparda,blade in hand,charged forth.
  23. Xion: Try to scare me! Ha! You'll pay!Go Tyranitar! The large bulky pokemon appeared in a flash. Tyranitar: Ty-ran! Xion: Now,Hyper Beam! Rockets: (all in area) :nervous: :nervous: A faint white glow grew into a bright one in Tyranitar's mouth.As h roared,the beam was shot.a massive eruption of pure energy destroyed most of the surounding area and flung the Rockets into the water. Xion: (Holding up his thumb like he was aming) Tyran,your aim was off by four centimeters,you o.k. Tyran nodded. Xion: Okay. Nice shot.I see you can hold more energy.Let's train for necluer force next. xion smiled to Tyran as he nodded. Butch: Sir,we have a problem. These trainer's seem to have increbable connections with their pokemon. Giovanni: So,deal with it.You have some of my strogest pokemon. Use them! Butch: Right sir! Butch: You,kid. I challage you to a battle. Xion: Huh? O.K. Your pokemons funeral.Go Tyran!! Butch: Go pokeball!! A armored,horned, standing rhino let out a roar. Butch: Meet, Giovanni's Rydon!
  24. Shiro: A demon is close. Not the one were looking for but a strong one none the less. He began to walk away when Yusuke stoped him. Yusuke: Where do you think your going.You have a lot of explaining to do. Shiro: later,when the demon is dead. You can stay or can,your choice.
  25. "They seem to be getting mor aggresive" Xion said to him self watching his Houndoom fight off the Rockets. Flames shot everywhere.Houndoom was wining,and if he was beaten he has his Arcanine. Cassidy:We can't hold out for much longer. Grunds:Plan B ma'am Cassidy: Yes :devil: :devil: Xion looked at in the distance and saw fighter planes. Xion: There tring to kill us with bombs..... Startled he yelled back to warn the others.
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