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Everything posted by Vilearchangemon

  1. As Yusuke and the group where standing talking about this pressence.They heard footsteps and grew worried.As the steps reach the door they froze.Shiro walk towards the door. Shiro: You were right Hiei.This isn't normal.She was attacked by a demon. The group gasped. Shiro: Not just any demon,a powerful one.
  2. Xion and Wolf walk out f the building to find many members of Team Rocket. Xion:You ready for this!! Wolf:You know it! With that there pokeballs flew
  3. [I]So he is leaving it al in our hands.[/I] Xion thought as they were leaving the office. Xion:So when were out there,doesn't that mean I'll get a chance to get Bahamut. John: Yeah Xion: Sweet!! John:We have to what here for the others Xion:O.K.
  4. I've been looking for a YYH rpg...I'll be using my own character Name: Shiro Kurma Age: 21 Race: Human.He is a decendent of the ancient Blade Buster warrior Side: Good Bio: Left alone at a young age,Shiro has grown cold.He doesn't like nice people.On his 21st birthday he fell dead.He was reborn with extraordinary powers.After being recruted by Boton to rescue a girl Keiko,Shiro's power began to grow.In legend,with every victory he grows stronger.He wants to know why he was chosen(he does not know he is a decendent of the Blade Buster). Description/Picture: (Human)Has green eyes,blue hair.He wears a blue and orange sai(the outfit Vegito wears). (Blade Buster) Grows angelic wings.Blue armor covers his body(an armor like that of the Buster Blader Yu-Gi-Oh monster).A face mask with a dragon design on it covers his head.His sword's true form is revealed.A jaged blue blade made of pure diamond with a gold handle. Weapon/s: Buster Blade: In his Human form,it looks like a normal katana.It chages when he becomes the Blade Buster(see describtion). Special Powers: The ability the change into the Blade Buster.He can also fire strong burst of Spirit energy(Like Yusuke). Hope this is okay
  5. Count me in.... 11 Buster Blader Yami Malik and Yami Yugi Buster Blader/Dark Magican/Dark Sage/Mgican of black Chaos/Dark Magican girl/Black luster soilder/all the god cards Buster Blader I like the episodes were the God cards first appear
  6. Sounds cool name: Xion Kasshu Age: 15 Pokemon: Houndoom/Crunch/Flamethrower/Bite/Faint Attack Gyardos/Hyper Beam/Hydro Pump/Dragon Rage/Rain Dance Scyther/Slash/Wing Attack/Swords Dance/Quick Attack Tyranitar/Hyper Beam/Earthquake/Crunch/Bite Gengar/Night Shade/Hypnosis/Dream Eather/Destiany Bond Arcanine/Flame Wheel/Extreme Speed/Dragon Breath/Fire Blast Legendary pokemon:Ho-Ho Specalty:Trainer Hope this is okay
  7. HyperShadow were did you get thos pics from.Please tell!!!They are awsome!!!!!
  8. Sorry I've been gone. Stupid Chimera -------------------------------------- As they walk around the corner,they saw a large fire demon. "Say,I can handle this" Blitz told the others "Gilmagash has a high blizzard spell." Blitz summoned Gilmegash.[I]A new summon[/I]Blitz thought to himself.Gilmegash walk up to the beast.It turned and revealed it's ture face. "A...A....A.." Valen started. "Chimera" Blitz finished. "But,it's not suposed to be awake yet" Valen contiued. "Glimegash,return" Blitz ordered "Now,we fight!!!" Blitz stood ready,sword in hand.
  9. I guess that leaves me with no GF Name: Xion GF: I guess I'll get Bahamut when we start playing. Age: 19 Bio: Born in Balamb.Has always looked up to Squall.Is a friend of John's.He also trained in the art of the Gunblade.His is a diffrent modle then the original.His mother and father were killed when he was ten.They were killed by a rouge beast(Griver if I can use him,or Diablos).He has always been looking for a way to get revenge.He has always been skilled with a Gunblade.He reached level 15 when he was 16. After three years he has made it to level 20. SeeD Level :20 Weapon: Gunblade Limit break: Sprial Blade (throws is blade like a spining boomerage.It slices the oppenet's chest and hovers over their shoulder.Xion leaps up,grabs the blade,and brings it down hard. Garden: Balamb
  10. Fine,since it is true --------------------------- As the overdrives were realesed in one giant blast,the bttle was thought to be won.What a mistake that was.As that was left was a charged Yevon and undented Sin. "Damn..." Griver trailed off as he thought of something.Tidus and Auron were in the farplane.Griver sent a mind message to the two forgoten warriors.Griver charged to the hill were he met them. "Help us and you will be brought back" Griver said,seeing the two other figures in the distance. "Does that include us" Jecht began. "Our friends the summoners and final Aeons as well" Auron stated. "Yes,of course" Griver stated as Tidus',Auron's,and Braska's final weapons appeared.The Final Aeons took form. "Here I come Yuna" Tidus began happily.Griver just smile at him as they and the other Aeon forces charged Sin for a final strike.
  11. "Bahamut, stay back" Griver told his freind,bearly standing up. "But,your just as hurt" Baha shouted,tring to convinced his freind to stay back. "Just listen,when the other Aeons get here,go for Sin" griver told Bahamut "I'll yake care of Seymour, even if it costs my life!" He charged Seymour,sword in hand.Seymour drew his staff.They met in a sickening thud.Griver went for a low slash,but Seymour kicked him in the face.Griver jumped back up and brought his sword down hard on Seymours chest. "You stupid beast" Seymour started " you can't begin to understand my power." He shot a vicious spell at Griver,who mearly put up his sword. "You complain about being underestimated,yet you underestimate me" Griver started in a dark tone "what a fool you are." Griver cut the spell with his sword and charged Seymour. "Spiral Blade" Griver shouted,charging his overdrive. He threw his blade as it span side to side.It sliced Seymours chest and flew to the air above his shoulder.Griver jumped up,grabed the blade,and brought it down hard on Seymours right shoulder.Blood oozed from these fresh wounds. "For that you die!" Seymour shouted,changing into his Flux form. Griver jumped back and casted a Curaga on Bahamut.He then seen all the Aeon arriving from the forest. "Good work" Griver comented to Zell,Tiamat Zero,Bahamut,and Terrato "Now Aeons hear me,to aeon form and on to Sin!" After changing,they flew n to Sin for what would be a long bttle that would change nothing.
  12. "Okay now to make easier to fing the Aeons"Griver said He then sent out a call to all Aeons,Shiva,Anima,and the Magnus Sisters to name a few.[I]Listen to me.Find Bahamut and the others.They will explain why when you met them.[/I] He then looked on to what could have been his biggest mistake ever.Staying to fight. [I]Me and my ego.[/I]After drawling his blade,he charged Sin.He leap up to were Yu-Yevon and Seymour were pearched.He brought the blade down hard on Sin's Scales.It didn't even Scratch Sin's scales. "Wow,I'm so scared" Seymour laughed,engulfing Griver in anger. Griver began to change.A dark orange like colored fur burst from his skin.His toe and finger nails were now razor claws.His teeth were like knives.A white mane burst from his back.Finally,two raven black feathered wings flew from his back. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Griver shouted in a Beserk Fury.(not the zoid)He flew at Seymour,not noticing Yevon raising his.After a quike chant,Yevon knocked Griver back.Griver was then reversed to a human form."Damn you...." Griver trailed "Please hurry,Aeons." Griver began to fell as if he would black out.
  13. Griver looked on in a scared face.The Sin Spawn was dead,but there was a reson that it attacked and why it had just shown up. "Run...." Griver began "Seymour,Yevon and Sin!!!!!!!!" The group looked up stunned.There they were,there greatest enimies.As Bahamut and Tiamat Zero changed back into humans,they took off.Griver stood there,and finally walked towards Sin. "Leave here now!!!!!!"He demanded "No,you" Seymour had said mockengly. Sin reared back and shot a blast.Griver bearly avoided it.The Aeons tured back,ready to charge. "No,go.I need you to get all of the Aeon forces here.I can hold him off till then.Now go!!!!!"He demanded of the Aeons. They charged back towards the fort. "You'll die by those words"Yevon said in a dark tone. [I]I hope he's wrong[/I] Griver thought.
  14. "Terrato don't waste your overdrive.We merly need to hold this off intill the other's arive.You will need your overdrive soon,I have a bad feeling." Griver told his friend. With that,Terrato powered down.
  15. "Were are you Zell" Griver asked,searching for the last Aeon. About midway into the forest,Griver heard a rumble.As he turned,a extremly large fiend burst up from the ground.It look like a green Serpent with spikes lining it's back.Green acid driped from it's mouth. "Sin Spawn" Griver said to himself. He then shot a Firaga spell into the air.He knew he would need help with this battle.He drew his sword and went into battle position.
  16. Griver got sight of both of the two Aeons racing torwards the fort. "Good now that those two are back,I only need to get two more back and I can start training again with worrying about them inturuting me." He dashed off yet again,deeper into the forest.
  17. Here we go!!! [I]How this all started is a mystery to us.After being sent to the farplane by Summoner Yuna,we thought we could live in peace for once.We were sadly mistaken.The one they call Yu-Yevon was also sent.So was Maester Seymour.They challeged us,the Aeons.What we didn't know was that Sin had also been sent.As we marched forward for battle,Sin reared it's ugly head.Caught off guard,our troops bearly manaed to escape with their lives.The farplane was cut off from the Humans.Many were dying and becoming feinds.We now fight to destroy Yu-Yevon and his followers.With help from all aeons,final and normal,I,the one called Griver,will fight on with my troops to destroy Yu-Yevon once and for all.[/I] I stood on top of my favorite hill watching over are fort.I new something bad was going to happen.By the way,my name is Griver.I guess you could call me the leader of the Aeons,if you wanted to. We had failed many times in are attemp to destroy Sin.But one of these days I knew we could win.This is when I dashed back to the forest.
  18. You can use Xion's father as a gym leader.I could be both. Name:Serus Kasshu Age: 41 Height:6"5 Weight: 260 lbs Description/Personality: Has brown eyes black and gray hair.Always has on red jeans and a red shirt that says BLAZE on it.He looks down on other that are weaker.He s very hard on his son,but cares deeply for him. Bio: After being saved by his first pokemon,a Growlith,Serus new what he wanted to do.30 years later and he's gym leader.He has a wife and son,Xion.He was always hard on him,so he would become strong.Deep down he wants his son to defeat him. First Pokemon:Growlith witch is now an Arcanine. Also a Magmar,Flareon,Typlosion,Charizard,and a Tauros. Gymleader His gym is a moutain range like area.
  19. Sparda watched Serra wishper something into the ears of these brats.They chaged into demons. "I'm a demon,at least I fight my own battles" Sparda shouted,pulling the arrows out. "So" Serra said evily. A seal then flashed over.The seal of Mirage. "He set me up.Carmen that seal.It's Mirages.He set us up!!!!!"Sparda shouted to Carmen. "What..." Carmen said shocked. "Attack and destroy it,it will free Serra."Sparda said dashing to save his wife.
  20. After runing through many doors they found the ones they were chasing.They also found Sparda's wife.The chosen ones ran through the final door behind Serra. "Go after them,I'll handle her." Sparda barked. Carmen looked at him,then dashed with her troops through the door. "So you seek death." Serra said coldly. "What changed you.You used to be so brigt and warm.Now your dim and cold."Sparda told the one who was his wife. "You let them kill me.They killed me because of you.You did nothing to stop them"She replied,with almost a tear. "I could not no matter how much I struggled.Belive me,even though if I tried to save you I would have died,it ment more to me then anything."He replied "Sure,demon" she said coldly. "It's not supposed to be like this!"Sparda shouted. "Well it is" Serra said coldly and let an arrow fly. Carmen then broke into thr room.Having lost the ones she was after,she decided to try to help Sparda.The arrow hit Sparda's chest and she thought it was too late.
  21. Hope I'm not to late!!!!!!!!!!! Name: Xion Kasshu Age: 13 Height: 5"5 Weight: 180 lb Description/Personality: has blue hair,green eyes.Has a slender body.Mostly wears a red jacket(one that goes down to about the wast and is open in the center)one top of a blue shirt.Very happy go lucky.Never gives up,never! Bio: After moving from Kanto to Johto,Xion made up his mind.He was going on a journey to be a master trainer.He hates his father because he,Serus,always put him down.Serus does deeply care about Xion.Xion wants his fathers badge(since he is Gym leader)to show him whos better. First Pokemon:Houndour Trainer
  22. Okay two more and we can play.Also you can check out my story,The Aeon War,in the fanfic section.(Sorry for this cheap pop)
  23. Here's my FFX story with a twist.Enjoy The Aeon War Episode One: Seymour's Battle [I]How this all started is a mystery to us.After being sent to the farplane by Summoner Yuna,we thought we could live in peace for once.We were sadly mistaken.The one they call Yu-Yevon was also sent.So was Maester Seymour.They challeged us,the Aeons.What we didn't know was that Sin had also been sent.As we marched forward for battle,Sin reared it's ugly head.Caught off guard,our troops bearly manaed to escape with their lives.The farplane was cut off from the Humans.Many were dying and becoming feinds.We now fight to destroy Yu-Yevon and his followers.With help from all aeons,final and normal,I,the one called Griver,will fight on with my troops to destroy Yu-Yevon once and for all.[/I] "What do you mean my plan won't work!" Ifrit screamed towards me. "We have tried frontly assults many times,and all have failed. We need a diffrent way to fight Sin." I replied in a calm collective voice. "You are right Griver. I am sorry." Ifrit replied to my words. 'Not a thing to be sorry for." I told him "You were merly tring to find a way to destroy Sin.There is nothing wrong with that."I told him to calm him. "Right I'll get to work on another plan." he told me.He was in his human form.Most of use are when we are not in battle.It is a lot easier to talk and move.He had long completly red hair. His eyes burned with dark red flames. He had on a bright red chestplate.He also wore his red longpants.He use burning red claws as his human weapon.I was wearing my normal silver shirt,pants and armor.My hair was a bright silver color. My eyes were an icy blue. I had a silver long sword as my weapon. I moved from the camp in witch Ifrit was. As my General,he came up with most of are battle plans.I moved towards the forest. When I reached the forst gate I looked back.I had to make sure everything was okay . I guess you could call me the leader.I always lead the forces to battle.I finaly moved into the forest after looking over our fort about four times. Feind after feind died at the edge of my blade. My overdrive class was Warrior,so my overdrive filled quickly.After upgrading myself on the Sphere Grid,I started towards the fort.I heard a sizzling sound behind behind me.I turned to see a line of fire behind me.I backflip over it and looked forward. A familar figure walked from the shadows. "Seymour."I muddered to my self. "Hello there Griver.Nice day were having" he said to me ingnoratly. "All except your fire and your face." I told him. He looked hurt. "I try to be nice and I get insulted. How rude." "What do you want."I asked him. "Me,nothing,Yevon,your dead body." He shot a Firaga spell at me.I dodged to the left,and charged him.His staff and my sword met at a stagering halt."You can't beat me without your Aeon powers." He told me as if he wanted me to change.I thought about this and saw his plan. "No.If I do change you'll kill me with your Banish move." I told him. "Damn you!!"he cursed. I thought of thing I could do.Then I remembered my overdrive." Ready for this.Sprial Blade!!"I shouted. I threw my blade like a spining boomerage.It sliced Seymour acrossed the chest.I jumped and caught the blade in mid air.I brought it down hard on Seymours right sholder. Blood oozed from the two new wounds."How does that feel Seymour."I teased."Not good,but you pushed me into my overdrive!"Seymour shouted.I was surrounded by a dark blck-purple light.I felt forces beating one me from all sides.I was them shot out in the ground near Seymour."How did that feel." he mocked me.I just stared on at him.[I]What is he planing[/I].Thats all that went through my head during our battle."Well,I'm done playing with you"he said "rise Sin!"Sin's ugly head shot up.I dashed torwards the fort,only hoping I could get there in time. "Sssssssssssssiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnn" I heard.I realized that the fort's Aeons knew already."Where's Griver!"I heard Shiva shout."In the forest"Bismark comented."No.." I heard Valefor,my second in comand,trail off. "He's smart" Bahamut started 'he already knows Sin is there." I knew they were safe now.I turned and began to change form.I grew orange fur and sharp claws on my arms and feet.A white mane puffed from my back.My teeth were now razor sharp.Finally,two dark feathered wings shot from my back.I took flight,too an eager opponet.I saw Seymour had changed form also.Into Seymour Flux."The lone spirit'he called me.I said nothing and flew at him.We meet with a sickening thud.I clawed at him as he defended.He threw his Spear at me and I blocked.I threw all I had at him,and he did the same.He landed on Sin."I grow bored.Sin end this with your Giga-Gravitron." he said in a stern voice."Stop Sin!"I heard the Aeons shout."No,stay back!"I told them.They all looked at me,confused.I landed and prepare my overdrive,Giga-Gravitron.As both mine and Sin's moves where done charging,we launched them.They met and in an eruption of pure energy,destryed almost all of the forest.As I was about to finish my move,Sin opened his mouth,cutting off our moves.Then we were both lifted away from the fort.I had no Idea where I was going.All i knew was that I was in trouble.......... Next Episode :I'm lost in the most dangeres place in the farplane,the Nexus.And While I'm tring to find my way back to the fort,Yu-Yevon attacks my troops.Now I must save boh me and them.Great....Next time: Griver Help!!!!
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