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Everything posted by Vilearchangemon

  1. This is kinda an FFX rpg with a twist.We are the Aeons.Heres the story. [I]How this all started is a mystery to us.After being sent to the farplane by Summoner Yuna,we thought we could live in peace for once.We were sadly mistaken.The one they call Yu-Yevon was also sent.So was Maester Seymour.They challeged us,the Aeons.What we didn't know was that Sin had also been sent.As we marched forward for battle,Sin reared it's ugly head.Caught off guard,our troops bearly manaed to escape with their lives.The farplane was cut off from the Humans.Many were dying and becoming feinds.We now fight to destroy Yu-Yevon and his followers.With help from all aeons,final and normal,I,the one called Griver,will fight on with my troops to destroy Yu-Yevon once and for all.[/I] I'll need: Name: Element: Aeon Looks: Human looks: Weapon: Human overdrive: (6 at most) Aeon Overdrive: (2 at most) Here's mine: Name: Griver Element: Gravity Aeon Looks: Orange red fur. sharp claws on hands and feet.razor sharp fangs.two raven black feathered wings. dark silver eyes. Human Looks: Pants,armor,shirt under armor, and hair are silver.His eyes are and icy blue. Weapon: Long Sword. H Overdrives: 1.Sprial Slash 2.Rising Sun 3.Energy Flux 4.Moonlight Strike 5.Chrono Mistake A Overdrive: 1.Giga-Gravitron 2.End of Time I only want a few members so sigh up fast.You can use your own Aeon design or one from any FF game(Summons,GFs.The whole group.)
  2. Sparda stood up.His heart was empty.Nothing left for him to live for.He had been shot throught the heart twice. "I'll end this now" Sparda shouted. Carmen heard this,beingonly a few meters away.Sparda then shot to her position. "Old friend,good to see you" He told her "I have some news.We are up againsted a Preisteset.An incredibly strong one.My wife....."he trailed off.
  3. 'I thought he said I would have hel.." Sparda was shot down by a magic arrow. He looked up and nearly died.The person he was facing was the one he had lost.Lost forever.His wife... "Serra..." Sparda trailed off She just stared coldly at him and armed another arrow.Sparda fled and hide deep in some woods.He then fell back cring.His love was gone.The cold stare haunted him.He felt so empty. "Everything I lived for" he began,"all gone.All in one stare.No need to be human any more.I am no longer human.Full demon.Now all I do is wait for my old friends." He went back to the stare. "It's over" he muddered
  4. "Good Enening Sparda" Mirage(God of Darkness) called to Sparda. "What Ever" Sparda Mubbled to himself. "I have a new mission for you"Mirage contiued "I want to to go met the other servents of the dark gods and go to the village of Kara,the other gods requesyed this of there servents also" he finished. Sparda just turned and walked alway. "Finally,old friend" he told himself
  5. I don't know if we back guys follow that,but if we do i'll repost. ------------------------------------------------------------------ [I]Slice,Slash,Slash. Death in all directions.All caused by one "man".No one thing.Sparda[/I] "He's coming!!"One solider shouted. It was tolate. A Sickle peirced his neck.Soliders began to charge the one they called Sparda.They all fell.One by one. Intill only one was left.He was coped down the center. "All of them dead"Sparda muttered to himself. He didn't notice the suppord army behind him.As they charged him,he raised his hand to the height of his face. "Too easy" he muddered.Black energy formed in his hand. "Nightmare!!" he shouted at the top of his lunges.The army stoped.the bodies blew to nothing more then dust.It was over. "So much evil in there hearts,my nightmare never had that much streght,Oh well. Time to move on" With that he began his journey to find more humans to kill.
  6. I'll sigh up as a bad guy:devil: :devil: hahahahahhaha Name:Sparda Weapons:Twin Sickels and a large cyrstal sword. Magic:As power over darkness and light.I mostly do magic with my sword,but some with my sickels. History:He has always hated goog. After he had taken a human form and a wife the "good" people found him out and killed his wife.He now fights for the dark gods so he can have his revenge on the "good" people. Gender:Male
  7. After collecting all the necsasary items forntheir trip,Xion reported back. Xion:All done. Trinity:Good you better go find Zato. Xion:Right Zato was doing his daily traning on small Island near Stardust.His Silver colored hair flaied in the wind.He swung the blade he and Xion made with all his might.Xion jumped to his island Xion:Come on Zato. Zato:Wait,you still have to fight me remember. Xion:But Trinity is waiting. Zato:Wimping Out.... Xion:Nooo!!! With that Xion pulled out his dagger and charged Zato.They met each others blows easily.That is intill Zato landed a blow square on Xion's Chest.All durind this battle,Xion was having a vision of him and Zato fighting.This time Xion had a weird blade that had a gun-like handle.And Zato was differnt...... Zato:Okay,now lets go. Xion:Right Xion felt the pain of defeat again,but the vision worried him more.As they reached Trinity,a Malestorm Formed on the shored and sucked up Trinity. Zato:NOOO!!!!Trinity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many shadows took form.Zato and Xion tried to slash them but it cam to no avail.The malestorm then sucked them up......
  8. Xion awoke to Trinity's face.He also noticed Zato in the room. Zato:Trying to wimp out,are you? Xion remembered he had to go find some food for when the three went boating. Xion:Sorry. Trinity:Remember we need... Xion: nine mushrooms,ten fish,alot of water,cocanuts,berries and some beef.I know already. With that he set out.
  9. Lets start!!! ---------------------- "Wake up!"A voice called but he was in to deep of a sleep.The boy named Xion. "Where am I!"The boy demanded to know. "In the abyss of darkness,just like me"another vocie called. In a quick and silent movment,the boy moved right in front of Xion.The boy was none other than Sora. "Help me....."The boy called being sucked back into the darkness. With that Xion awoke.
  10. Yeah,I guess you guys are right.I forgot to count.Okay Im starting it.
  11. Okay your from Spider Man's World(I don't have a better name,because I don't what to call it New York
  12. Blitz:Okay cat, Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blitz Morphed and started to charge his final move. Shina:What is going on!!!!!!!!!!!! Blitz: ZERO DIVIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With a flash of light,many blades of pure energy flew from Blitz right into the chest area of Shina.She was then was cover in light.As the blades flew away Shina fell to the ground,A bloody bruised wreack. Blitz:Wow.... Blitz then fell to the ground,but was cauht by Dustin before he hit the ground.
  13. I was aredy signed up and playing,just changing some stuff. name:Blitz Mastudo age:21 size:5'7 what looks like:Has blue spiky hair and green eyes.Quiet and calm.Sometimes Cruel to people. bio:When Xion started to abuse his power,the wind of fate turned agaist him.He was striped of his powers.The Tabula of a Thousand beasts and his unborn abilitys were given to this unsepecting boy.Blitz.Soon his true power will be awoken,at least that is what the mysteris voice in his head is telling him.Now Blitz fights to protect his great power and to find his Master Long,who mysteriesly disapeared 3 years ago.He also quest to find why he was chosen. animal:Unborn(like last time) element power.Unkown Power(had this last time too) My beast looks exacly the same as Xion's.
  14. As Blitz and Dustin ran into the Darkness,not haveing any idea what they would find.They ran into a Leapord.The one know as Shina. Shina:Hi,boys. Dustin:What do you want? Shina:Oh,not much.Just your death! Blitz:Get out of here,Dustin.I owe you.Besides,I can handle this cat on my own. With that he dashed at Shina. Blitz in his thoughts:Time to show Dustin my true power.
  15. Blitz woke up to a stunning sun set. Then right behind him he saw his savoir,Dustin. Blitz: Hey,what every you did back there was amazing,you saved my hide Twice. Dustin:I couldn't just let you die. Blitz:I can never thank you enough.So,can I travel with you,since now my master is dead?
  16. Okay cool,a few more sign ups and we can start.G/S/B Master these skills are too powerful to start out with,just start out with some weak ones and then you can get those strong ones.
  17. Okay this is not going to be a normal Kingdom hearts rpg. Instead of just disney,it's going to be: squaresoft,disney,capcom,marvel. Okay here's the story: [I]Have you ever wondered whats out there. Beyond your ocean.Trust your soul and you will find out.Go and find............[/I] [I]The one who holds the key has been lost the the abyss of darkness.Terror sweping over everything is all that is know.All but one Isle. Stardust Island. Stand Up and save all that there is.Your time to find out what is beyond your ocean![/I] What you'll need is Name: Age: (13-16 please) Where your from: (you can be from any Of the above seris characters worlds or on stardust Island.) Desc: What side your on: (good or bad) Weapon: (NOOOOOOOO KEYBLADE) Who you team up with: What your first three abilites are: (you get more as you move on) Reson to journey: ------------------------------ Okay here's mine: Name:Xion Virgo Age:15 From:Stardust Island Desc:Has blue spiky hair,green Eyes,weres blue jeans with below the right knee torn off,wears a white shirt under a blue jacket(like sora only blue) Weapon:GunBlade(wears a necklace with a gold key on it on his neck witch he uses to seal the keyholes) Side:Good teams with: Ryu,Cloud Abilites: Xion-Backflip(does a back flip to avoid an attack) Combo Plus(add one hit to ground comboes.) Trigger Attack(Pulls the trigger one Gunblade causing his next attack to be stronger) Ryu-Roll(Rolls to avoide attack) Dragon Punch(Tries to hit enemy with a powerful punch) Hadoken(Shoots a fire ball at an enemy) Cloud-Charge attack(Runs at an enemy,sword pushed out) Back Roll(rolls backwards to avoid eemy attack) Braver(jumps into the sky and lands sword first) Reson:to find his freinds Trinity and Zato(someone can be Zato he is like Riku).Also to find th Keyblade Master.
  18. Dragon Gundam is from G-Gndam. If you go to the play part I have all the stats for him. Also that means you are that part of the Shuffle Alliance. This gives enached power,speed,aim, and just aboyt everything else.
  19. okay since no one is choseing i'm going to assign the Shuffle Alliance randomly from any one that replied. Okay... Blitz Mastudo is King of Hearts Flash Tesla is Black Joker Duo Coalchain is Jack in Diamond Hiroyuki Mishima is Club Ace God Gundam mkII is Queen the Spade
  20. Okay time to start. Read the rulesn and your set.The first two matches are. Cossack Gundam v.s Gundam Heavyarms Heavyarms states(weapons,special moves) Weapons 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x machinecannon, fire-linked, mounted in torso; 4 x Gatling gun, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 4 x 9-tube homing missile launcher, mounted on legs; 2 x 22-tube micromissile launcher system, mounted in shoulder armor; 2 x 4-tube micromissile launcher, mounted on hip armor 2 x double Gatling gun, can be stored on backpack storage racks Specials Assult(fires all weapons at once) Buster Gatling(Charges all his energy into the Gatling Gun And fires off multiply busts of energy. ) And..... Shadow Gundam v.s Dragon Gundam Dragon Gundams stats Weapons 12 x feilong flag, 2 x dragon claw, 1 x benpatto(the tail on his head) Specials Dragon Fire(His Dragon heads spew out a ray of over heated plasma), Houka Kyouten Juuzetsujin(He spreads out all his flags witch clock him. He then makes his way undetected to slice the enemy's head off with the benpatto. Shin Ryuusei Kochouken(This ultimate Shaolin attack created a pair of butterfly wings and makes the Gundam much more powerful,but it might over heat the gundam making it freeze.)not:it is soposed to kill him but I chaged that so he can bearoud longer. Gundam Fight Ready Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I'll do it. I was just wanting to see if anyone else was going to sign up. Well I'm going to make it now. Ohh.if you were wonder(this is stupid)you don't have to do all off your fight in one post. and only two fights can be going on at a time. Okay Gundam Fight ready Go!!
  22. Okay here are the new Battles. Shadow Gundam v.s Dragon Gundam God Gundam mkII v.s Gundam Leopard Rouge v.s Gundam Maxter here is one more thing about fights.You don't just post the fight. You post the events that lead up to the fight,like it was a episode.Okay cool Gundams.
  23. Ok those are cool Gundams.One note.We'll be fighting Gundams from any seris.Here are the fights i made so far. Strider Gundam v.s Gundam X Hiroshima Gundam v.s Gundam Heavyarms Cossack Gundam v.s Rose Gundam I'll add more as i get more people
  24. Blitz was about a mile away now. He couldn't belive his eye's. His master Long was walking down an empty street. Just as he start to run towards him a devastating beam hit Long. By the time Blitz got to him he had died. Blitz:AHHHH!! With that Blitz ran into the alley in witch the beam had come from. The one who shot the beam was none other then Uranus. Blitz: Why would you kill him??!! Uranus: Because I can. With that she Uppercuted him to the top of a tall building.She floated up and Grabed him. She then drained all his beast energy,and stuck him off the build ready to drop him to his death. Uranus: Here now you can be with your master.
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