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Everything posted by Vilearchangemon
Okay this is a G-Gundam Rpg.Here's the story. [I]The 14th Gundam Fight is a bout to begin. As fighter's from all over the world get ready to fight their Gundams are launched from space. Are you up to the challange?Gundam Fight Ready! GO!!!!!!!!!!! [/I] Here's what you'll need. Suit name Gundam fighter name Teammate(if you have one) Weapon's Special moves Nation Hyper mode any special systems Only the first 3 people to replie can have Hyper Mode. Also the first 4 people to repliy can be in the Shuffle Alliance. If some one doesn't then the next person that replied after $ can be in. Here's mine. MS Name:Strider Gundam MS Type: Mobile Fighter Weapons: Kantana/Beam Kantana(It starts as a none beam weapon,but Blitz can charge it with beam energy.) Master Finger(darkness,god,and shining fingers all in one.) Dragon Fangs(carried under the skirt. snap on his hands when he's using them.) 4X Head Vulcans Pilot Name:Blitz Mastudo (M) Teammate: Dove Nero (F) Nation:N/A ( he is like Domon. He is for Neo Japan but he drifts and doesn't really care who he is fighting for.) Shuffle Alliance:yes King of Hearts Hyper Mode: Yes A.M.P system(After Math Prediction)(lets Blitz see what move the enemy is going to make and the best way to counter it.)Also the Mobile Tracking system. Special moves Master Finger (His hand glows gold and he shoots a large beam) Gou Hadouken (The best way to describe it is that it looks like a comet, that's purple, sun yellow, and black.) Dragon Crush(He wrapes up the enemy with the Dragon Fangs with their Heads by the enemy's head. They then pelt it with heated plasma) Effigy( Many images of Strider Rush at the enemy to distracted him/her. The real one is gather ing energy. He then lauches all the energy and any bulit up rage in one large beam) Finisher Desc:His legs are covered in a long skirt with a yin/yang symbol on it. His upper body looks like God (Burning) Gundam.His shoulders look like Wing Zero Custom but red and blue. He can also use something like Master Gundam's Cloack/Shield and Deathsycth'S Cloack. The Hyper mode Name:Strider Gundam Hyper Mode Weapon's: same as above only stronger. Pliot:same systems. Same as above. special attacks: Genbu Shatter (Concentrates on the Genbu Turtle on his Right arm.He then smashes it in to the ground causing a wave of shattered rock to erupt on the enemy) Byokko Tiger scream (Concentrates on th Byokko tiger on his left arm. He gathers energy and lets it soar.It looks like a ball of pure green energy.) Quin Long Frost Punch (Concentrates on the Quin Long symbol on his right arm. His hand freezes over and he punches the enemy completly freezeing them solid.) Suzaku Blazing Helix (Concentrates on the Suzaku Phonix on his right arm. He then makes a burning circle with both hands. He takes his hands off and the whole circle becomes fire. He lines his hands up Back to Front and many fire comets shoot from the circle pelting the enemy) Sra Dran Goures (Strider jumps in the air and Makes a long Blue Spike of energy. He then Launches it at the enemy while shooting many Gou Hadoukens) Finisher of Hyper Mode ------------------------------------------------------------ Ultimate(can only be used on one event) Yin/Yang Tenkyoken (The yin/yang symbol behind starts to glow blue and gathers energy. After Charging a extremly large blue beam of energy is shot. This has enough power to blow up a whole planet.) Desc. Same as Strider Buts has the symbols on his arms and a Large Floating Yin/Yang symbol with angel wings on it's back.
I'm going to chage how i look after this post ------------------------------------------------------------ 3 hours late Blitz awoke to find himself surronded by the others. Dustin was just standing there and then he passed out. Blitz checked his pulse. He was still alive but just out of energy. The others were waking up so Blitz went on his way. Blitz: Thanks guy's.It's been real. See you later. He dissappered into the fog around them.
Blitz woke up only to find more fighting. He knew who three of them were but he had no idea who the others were. Blitz: Who are you four? Dustin:We're zoanthropes. Mine name is Dustin Crash: We realy don't have time for introductions. Blitz looked to see Stun,Shina,and jenny transformed. Dustin:Okay this is getting tougher. Blitz: Let's morph. With that Blitz transformed. Blitz:I'll take the insect. How bout you guys.
Okay time to start -------------------------------:) Blitz stood on the rooftop of a tall building. Looking down,watching,hoping his master Long was near a road,but as always before he was no wear in sight. Blitz:I smell a tiger Shenlong: Do I smell that bad Blitz: Who are you? Shenlong: A clone is what I am. A clone of Long,you heard of the loser. Blitz: You!! A clone of Long. Fine I'll have to kill you. Shenlong; Fine lets go Blitz rushed Shenlong with a punch.Shenlong blocked and then hit Blitz with a uppercut. Blitz than returned with a sweeping kick. Shenlong:This is so boring.Time to make it fun. His skin rippled and white fur covered his body. His fingernails grew into tiger clams.Same happened on his feet.His teeth grew in razor like fangs. He now was a tiger beast. Blitz:My turn. He burst into light.His whole body was cover in silver armor after that.His toe and finger nail grew into short blades. On each wrist a purple blade was inside a small dome on his wrist.He then grew blade like antena.Blades rushed out of his elbows.It was truly a great seen as the unborn was "Born" Soon after they morphed a large beam came from the shadows. The two demorph and were blow away.They landed right behind Dustin and the others.
It might be but that sounds like a really sweet anime. Were did you get the ideas from?
Is it to late to join. I'll go sign up if i can join.
RPG MegaMan Battle Network:Gospel's Return(Start
Vilearchangemon replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Theater
When the three finally reached the thing Protoman saw they could barley move. It was Gospel making all the viruses. "Welcome to your death" Gospel echoed Still filled with questions Protoman nodded to the others. They went on the attack. Gospel just stood there not filling anything. "Die" Gospel shouted. Everthing went white after that. When Protoman awoke he saw Dex,Gutsman,Megaman and Magnetman sitting there. "He's too strong.Were goimg to need help" Megaman told the other as they nodded there heads. -
I really like Gundam X music and the Mechs are alot cooler than the Gundam W ones
People say that it is going to be stupid becasue it is like a mix between DBZ and Gundam but that sounds cool to me.What about you guys?
Okay I hope you two are still doing this.If you are this is the first boss fight that we can't win. More on that later. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What ever you want to call it is fine with me" Blitz replied to Sirven. "Lets move on" Valen said. They moved farther for about a hour with signs of nothing. As they were about to give up they heard a loud roar. Running towards the sound the group reached the top of the temple. A large greyish blue dragon was floating there. He look like the legendery Bahumut(the one in Final Fantasy 8)only darker. Blitz saw another summon. "Valen go get that summon beforer we fight him"Blitz said. With that Valen ran toward it.
RPG MegaMan Battle Network:Gospel's Return(Start
Vilearchangemon replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Theater
Protoman looked forward in horror. There was no end to the viruses that were coming at them. He called to the others"There's way to many of them we need a plan" "Yeah like we have time to make a plan" Magnetman replied "I already got one"Protoman said "Me and Megaman will go up the center while you two keep them busy.I saw something up there and it looked like the viruses were coming out of it. "Okay let's do it"Megaman told the others With that the plan was set in to motion. -
Sign Up MegaMan Battle Network:Gospel's Return
Vilearchangemon replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Theater
Name:Chaud Navi:Protoman Weapon:Sword,Buster Chips:C cannon, N shotgun, C crossgun, C minibomb, , F trispear, , C heater, N M-Cannon, N Longsword,C Tri arrow,D Barrier License:A Group:Netbattlers This sounds really sweet how many people do we need to play.Guess i can't spell -
Name : ryo(not yhe one from the show) D-comp color: Gold with blue streaks Age :14 Gender :male Personality:very full of energy.always looks out for thr team. Appearance :Blonde hair,blue eyes,5'7,wears blue shorts,wears a dark blue shirt with "ALLSTAR" in gold on it. Digimon: Veemon zero(veemon but more buffed up and has a little armor) Attacks: strike head butt Veedramon Zero (a Veedramon but really buffed up. the one from v-tamers) Attacks: Vee arrow breath,vee nova flame Aeroveedramon zero( looks like veedramon zero but with wings ang has armor on his shoulders) attacks: Dragon Impulse, Revolver Crusher This is all i use because Veemon zero is as strong as a champion, Veedramon Zero is as strong as an Ultimate, and Areo is as strong as a mega ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some facts about Veedramon Zero Veedramon Zero (Zero for short) is the co-star of the V-Tamer Digimon manga along with Taichi. Zero may only be a Champion, but he is extremely powerful. He is able to take on and destroy Ultimate (Perfect) level Digimon. He has battled and defeated Triceramon, Marine Devimon, Myotismon, and Skull Satamon. Taichi had Zero as a V-Pet. He was not allowed to use him in tournaments though because Zero was a glitch. Lord Holy Angemon called Taichi to the Digital World to team up with Zero to battle Demon, an evil Digimon who plans on taking over both worlds! Some facts about Areoveedramon Zero AeroVeedramon Zero is the Ultimate (Perfect) form of Veedramon Zero. Like his Champion form he is extremely powerful. Zero at this level has defeated several Megas including Deathmon, VenomMyotismon, and even Omnimon! His Dragon Impulse attack caused Omnimon to dedigivolve into WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon. He is possibly the strongest Ultimate level Digimon in existence. It's either him or Arca Demon.
"I don't think that is a know summon so you can name it" Blitz told Sirven. "I'll name it after we see the attack" Sirven told the two with a grin.
Here you go and i have armor and hybrids rookie; raptormon{guilmon with flaming spikes on his back} attacks:flaming darts,flaming shot. champion;tyrantmon{large fire dragon with the legs of a bull}attacks;dragon fury,inferno gust ultimate;metamon[if you played legend of legaia that meta but if not it is a suit of samuri{?}armor with no legs.were the stomach would be is a fire ball.the head has a spike on the back,fire is spewig from his neck,and were the eyes are is a green line of armor.he also has a huge sword} attacks;ending blaze,death inferno mega:roninmon dragon mode{a large with dragon in the armor of the white ronin warrior stands on all on all 4s.has angel wngs.a large cannon on his back}attacks,nova cannon,divine strike mega;roninmon ultimate mode{the white ronin warrior but were the eyes are is a peice of white armor and the eyes are gold and glowing through.has angel wings}attacks;eding beam,sword of legend rookie; raptormon{guilmon with flaming spikes on his back} attacks:flaming darts,flaming shot. Name: Dragoonmon Attacks:Hades Blast,Slamander Crush Level:Hybrid Human of Fire Desc.:A Mix betwen a Dragon and a Human.Skin is as hard as Diamond. All red.Chest is Gold and inside of wings are black.Carries a spear and sword as hard as diamonds.has red armor like Agnimon's. name:Zelitmon attacks:Triumph Fire, Calling of Heat Level Hybrid Beast of Fire desc.: Looks a little like Greymon but has a Gold with Blue streiks Helment.Has red Angel wings.All f the body(not the head or wings)Is coverd ind a red diamond armor.At the end of each wrist is Diamond sword.Weres a gold neckless with a ruby inside armor;chronomon{a warrior in white heavenly armor with the key of time as his weapon.symbol of hope on chest }attacks,vortex of time,time of ending armor:Infernomon{ifrit from FF10 with the armor of rage covering him}attacks rolling fire,inferno blast
Anime The Real Tamers part0-par5
Vilearchangemon replied to Vilearchangemon's topic in Otaku Central
The Real Tamers part 9 ?Secrets? ?Wow that was so cool? Alison called out. ?Yeah I can?t believe how good are Digimon work together? John replied to her. ?I can?t believe how much Raptormon can eat? I cried to the two. ?Oh yeah we weren?t properly introduced? John told Alison. It was true since when we first met all we did was fight each other and then Desmon. I mean there was no time for introductions. ?Right I?m Alison Vixi? She told us. After we introduced are selves we decide to go get some Ice cream since it was really hot out. Since are Digimon were sleeping in my closet( Don?t ask me how they fit) we could go in peace. As we were going through are field shortcut( John?s idea) I noticed the gate that Desmon came out of was small but not sealed. After I mentioned it we went to check it out. ?Tamers you have finally come? A voiced boomed from in the vortex. ?Who are you? John yelled ?Someone who can answer your questions? The voice replied ?Fine then, why where we chosen? I asked. ?That I do not know but I know you are not the only ones and now I must go? The voice answered. ?What? I yelled but the portal closed. ?Not the only ones? Alison asked. With that the maps on are D-scanners went revealing the location of four Rookie levels. ?That must be them? John told us. ?Yeah let?s split up and go find them? Alison suggested. ?Ok but lets get the Digimon first? I told them. We then started are way back to my house to start are new adventure. New Digimon! Cool! Find out one of them next time on The Real Tamers part 10 ?The new Digimon part 1? thanks Shy and Renamon I would like to read about the Beast hybrid -
Anime The Real Tamers part0-par5
Vilearchangemon replied to Vilearchangemon's topic in Otaku Central
The Real Tamers part 8 ?Push him back? ?Gyromon you armor digivolve? John said in awl. ?Yeah now lets beat that guy, Alison we need your help? I shouted to both of them. ?Right? Alison called back. Her D-Scanner was glowing as Destimon Rose. Then she shouted ?Digi-Armor Energize? ?Destimon armor digivolve too?. Destimon was engulf in fire. Be hide her were fading images of Agumon, Greymon, MetalGreymon, and Wargreymon. Then Destimon (or what look like Destimon appeared. ?.BoolYuhyoomon? ----------------------------------------------- BoolYuhyoomon Attacks: Bool Soo Jung Level: Armor of Courage Desc.: It looks like a fox, and it always has blue fire surrounding it; giving it protection from ice, fire, lighting, and grass based attacks. It can stand on all fours or just it's hind legs. It has no armor; but it has two long angel wings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?Cool? Alison called to BoolYuhyoomon. ?Well I?m not going to be left out of the party. Digi-Armor Energize? Blitz called. ?Raptormon armor digivolve to?Infernomon!? ?Now to attack? All three of use yelled. BoolYuhyoomon went on the attack. ?Bool Soo Jung? A fire crystal formed in her hand. Another formed in front of Desmon. ?Wait if you two use your fire power and I tie him up we can push him back to were he came from, the gate is still open? Serinitymon called. The two fire users agreed and Serinitymon tied him up with his Restraint Rings. Fire Blasted from the Crystal and Infernomon shot fire from his mouth. Desmon began to go back but it wasn?t enough. Then are D-scanners started to glow and beams of light shot at Desmon. He flew into the portal as are Digimon dedigivolved. When Raptormon Landed he shouted ?Need food!? Did the portal close? Who send Desmon. Find out next time on the real tamers part 9 ?Secrets? Oh and one thing about the Hybrid.the Humans don't just merge.The Digimon do too.So its like Biomerge Spirit Digivolving -
Anime The Real Tamers part0-par5
Vilearchangemon replied to Vilearchangemon's topic in Otaku Central
Okay part 8 will be here Tomarrow(sorry i'm really tird) but i need one more thing from the people who psted on the "digimon Needed" thing.Hybrid spirts.her is alist of the ones you can chose. You will also have to have a beast form(same element) Fire(mine) Ice Water Wind Earth Wood Metal Here is the layout i would like (This is mine) Name: Dragoonmon Attacks:Hades Blast,Slamander Crush,Salamander Burst Level:Hybrid Human of Fire Desc.:A Mix betwen a Dragon and a Human.Skin is as hard as Diamond. All red.Chest is Gold and inside of wings are black.Has red armor covering his body(Like Agnimon).Carries a spear and sword as hard as diamonds. name:Zelitmon attacks:Triumph Fire, Calling of Heat,Fire Gate Level Hybrid Beast of Fire desc.: Looks a little like Greymon but has a Gold with Blue streiks Helment.Has red Angel wings.All f the body(not the head or wings)Is coverd ind a red diamond armor.At the end of each wrist is Diamond sword.Wears a gold neckless with a ruby inside. Thats all till tomarow -
'Yeah there realy strong but don't do well when attacking Flying monsters"Blitz replied. "We should keep moving" Valen said as they went farther into the temple.
Anime The Real Tamers part0-par5
Vilearchangemon replied to Vilearchangemon's topic in Otaku Central
Hey guys I'm back. I'll be posting later to night. Igot a scanner and I'll try to get so pictures. -
This is how i get new summons.I hope this Is okay -------------------------------------------------------- "I'll try to"Blitz replied. He Cuped his arms in triangle on his chest,and started a chant.A ball of white energy formed in his hands. When the chant ended the ball of energy shot at the creature.The creature was then suck into the ball.The shot back at Blitz as he fell in pain."Are you okay"Valen asked."Fine that just takes alot out of me"Blitz replied. "Well what is it"Sirven asked. "The Brothers"Blitz replied
I hope i do okay ----------------------------------------------------------------- Blitz walks into the temple seeing Valen and Sirven farther into the temple. "Hey you guys hold up" He shouted so he could catch.Outfitted with a Long sword,Small sheild, and a cell phone he ran up to then. "I heard your Summon Valen, I finally got one too watch this." He drew his long sword and began to make a circle aroud him.When that was finished he jamed his sword into the middle. "Warrior of Might.Warrior of Magic. Ultimate Warrior. Gilmegash come to me."A circle of energy busted up through the circle. Blitz pulled the long sword up and spirt was released.When he took form he looked like a ninja warrior, It's face and legs were covered in orange material.His body and arms were showing and they were all grey. He had four swords,A very small one,a normal size one, a big one, and a huge one. "Gilmegash return to resting" Blitz whispered. Gilmegash left with a bright flash of light."Pretty cool right"Blitz asked the two
Should this be under sign up but I'll play
Anime The Real Tamers part0-par5
Vilearchangemon replied to Vilearchangemon's topic in Otaku Central
Sorry guys. i can't be writing for about a week. i almost broke both my wrists at a festival. my right one is okay but my parents don't want me writing too much. see you in a week -
Anime The Real Tamers part0-par5
Vilearchangemon replied to Vilearchangemon's topic in Otaku Central
The Real Tamers Part7 ?Hear a lot of evil, see even more? ?What the heck is that? John cried out. I wanted to know the same thing. So did Alison. Right were the black vortex was placed black rain began to fall. I could see that some of the buildings were almost melting away. I didn?t belive my eyes. A large black figure was coming out of the vortex. Then my D-Scanner went off. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Desmon Level: Armor of Darkness Attacks:Grasp of Darkness, Bat Wing, Black Rain Desc: A human size Devimon covered with black armor. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ?Well at least we know his stats? I called. ?Blitz, use your Digi-Egg? John shouted. ?Digi- Armor Energize? I called out. Were Raptormon was Standing Infernomon was standing. ? Time to end this before it starts? Infernomon called out. ?Inferno Blast? He called out. A large ball of fire formed in his hand. He his burning hand into the ground. As I stared at him a geyser of pure fire gushed at Desmon. Desmon blocked the attack with one hand. ?Grasp of Darkness? Desmon shouted. A arm of pure evil grew from Desmon?s arm a grabed Infernomon. Infernomon lost all his power and turned back to Raptormon. ?John your D-Scanner? Alison called out. His D-Scanner was a ball of light. ?Digi-Armor Energize? He shouted. ?Gyromon Armor Digivolve to??? Gyromon was covered by light while a fading image of Wolfmon, Garumon and AncietGarurumon appeared. Serinitymon? ------------------------------------------------------- Name:Serinitymon Level: Armor of Peace Attack: Restraint Rings Desc: Looks like a small orange and white human shape robot . On the top af his head is the Peace symbol. On the ends of his hand are disk slots. ----------------------------------------------- ?Wow? John said. What will Happen next!? Find out next time on The Real Tamers part 8" Push him back"