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Everything posted by SarahPatricia

  1. I think cursive IS dying. I believe in my class at school there are only like less than 5 people who write in cursive. And I'm included. Cursive seems easier for me since everything is connected and I don't have to lift the pen all the time xD
  2. Lol, I think outer-space fits more. Well the text also worked in filling out spaces XP
  3. Hmm, for your last sig, the text seems to be a little too big. Maybe you could try to make it smaller. The focus on this one seems good. But the render looks a little low quality. I like the "under-water" feel of it. Or wait, is that supposed to be outer-space? ?_?Â
  4. [center]Here's a little signature I made. This is actually from a[url="http://www.theotaku.com/wallpapers/view/210056/%255B_%257E_s_m_i_l_e_%257E_%255D"] wallpaper[/url] I made. I cropped it, then moved the text a little closer to her face. And I changed the opacity of the girl there to blend it a little more. Because in the wallpaper, it didn't really blend. [img]http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/9063/smilejz.jpg[/img] So what do you think? ^_^[/center][center]Comments and Criticism please. [/center]
  5. :O! The text looks a lot better! But needs just a little more blending. but that's optional now. And her hair, yep, less jaggy lines. But the black outlines are still visible. Making it hard to blend. If I look at it, It looks like it has "floating head syndrome" Hmm, I dunno though. The only thing that didn't blend is the color and her hair.Â
  6. hmm, well you don't need to be a pro to remove them really. Well you can try just erasing them. Or maybe use the lasso tool. And yes, it does look jaggy. Blur it a little, but not too much.Â
  7. Well, it would indeed be horrible if people can't write in their own.... letters. I write, e-mail, text, and chat all the time. Even all at once. One time I wanted to buy a calligraphy pen for my MAPEH class (Music, Arts, PE, and health) and a saleswoman told me that they don't sell those anymore. For the reason that no one uses it anymore. But even though more and more people would find e-mailing a lot more convenient, there would still be those people who would find writing by hand more convenient. It's like a flow. So old writings won't die completely. Chances are, people might quit e-mailing and sorts in the future because of "Health risks"
  8. Your trademark looks good. I wish I had one xD I like the text on the 1st, 3rd, Â and 4th. Then 2nd one didn't really fit. Try changing the color or the blending mode or maybe the opacity a bit ^_^ Is the 4th one a new sig? It looks kinda..... well the render didn't fit. Maybe because there are still black lines from the rendering. Or did you do that on purpose? And again, the focal point. The white thing looks a little too bright. And the colors don't compliment each other. I do love the text in it :3
  9. Â Well there is actually a possibility that people might lose their ability to write using their hands. But it's only a possibility though. But I think this is only possible for people who never actually used a pen to write. And isn't messaging and emailing a kind of communication? So I think they/we are still socializing in some way. Though not communicating and socializing the direct way.Â
  10. James: Soz. XDDD Well we do have different tastes xD
  11. [quote]I would put all the stuff in and never use em.[/quote] :O! I AM like this XD lol. But I use them ONLY when I don't have internet. Hey what about making animations in Photoshop? Something like a stick man moving just to eat up your time and keep you from getting bored? :D I like, did this a little while ago when we went to our farm and there was no internet. [[url="http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/8978/stickdude.gif"]linky linky[/url]] And I think it looked weirrrd XD
  12. The text looks good. Try to brighten up the focal a little though. And just a suggestion, why not try to sharpen the whole thing a little? Just a little bit ^_^ And I'm not feeling the empty space there. And I dunno, the border looks a little too thin IMO.Â
  13. My favorite bands are Simple Plan, Paramore, Cold Play, Boys like girls, Fall out boy, All-American Rejects, My Chemical Romance... And some local bands (Siakol, Kamikazee, Parokya ni Edgar, Eraserheads)Â
  14. Hmm, Gurren lagann. I didn't like the first few episodes so I discontinued watching. Then one time, I was watching animax. I wasn't really sure what was airing so I kept watching. Then I was surprised that it was Gurren Lagann. So then, when it aired again, I watched from beginning to end and it once became one of the top animes in MY list. [size="1"]And it still is.[/size] It was epic.Â
  15. I'm not really sure what my first manga was. Maybe it was Naruto. .... [size="1"]or maybe not  [/size]
  16. ^ Well you can make a resources folder in your hard drive and download images and everything that you MIGHT want to use some other time. (If you get your laptop back)Â Something like this [url="http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/8274/resourcesu.png"][image link][/url] So that if you don't have the internet, you can still do something fun in Photoshop ^_^
  17. [quote]Also, some kind of text would be schweet. Quotes and names mostly work well enough for forum banners. [/quote] This.&Text don't need to be really fancy. And also, when adding text, you might want to use Sans Serif. They fit on almost anything [quote]Try to toy around with layer overlay effects to see if that makes it look any less goofy.[/quote] and this ^_^ [quote]If I look at this stuff, I wish I had started out with youtube tuts and stuff. :( It's really cool material for first times.[/quote] Me too XD I never followed anything for my first tags/sigs.
  18. the only thing I asked my parents was for them to buy me a puppy. I used to have a black puppy but then it died because of some reasons. Anything before that, I did not ask for anything. Then until now, no puppy. So I stopped asking and get contented with what I have and what they give me.Â
  19. Sleep early when you have tests the next day. If you fail to do this, you might fall asleep during the test and eventually fail.Â
  20. I open photoshop when there's no internet.... Or sometimes, if I don't feel like opening photoshop, I'll go read a nice book.Â
  21. I'm not a pro and all but can I comment on your work? I believe that the focal is the face, right? The little pink thing seems a little too bright. It would lead the eyes towards it instead of the focal. Maybe you could add some lighting in the face to just make that equally bright. Or maybe you could lessen the brightness of the pink thing. The flow is a little off. But it looks really good for a first try.
  22. looking for photoshop tutorials.

  23. I like wet paint better. Basic is too harsh [quote name='Shy' date='02 June 2010 - 03:33 AM' timestamp='1275449605' post='694210'] [size="1"]I'm using Wet Paint, but both of the skins have too much white space for me. I'm sure as time goes on the new skins will make better use of this space, though. -Shy[/size] [/quote] agreed. Something darker would be good.
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