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Selene Shri

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Everything posted by Selene Shri

  1. [font="Century Gothic"]I love Fridays. Plus the new D&D campaign starts tomorrow. Wheeeeee~[/font]
  2. [font="Century Gothic"]I get the delay for a post to go up and I'm using firefox. It doesn't always do it though. [/font]
  3. [font="Century Gothic"]That girl sounds really creepy to me CaNz. I'd stay away from someone like that. [/font]
  4. Happy Birthday Des!

  5. ☼_☼ HAI THAR GOME!

  6. [font="Century Gothic"]I have a lot of things I do if I can't be online. Reading, playing games, watching shows... oO [/font]
  7. [font="Century Gothic"]I'm back in school. oO Feels weird after being off for over a week.[/font]
  8. [font="Century Gothic"]I've never been into end of the world theories. ^^ Probably cause it's really easy to find out how many so called predictions have failed. [url="http://www.religioustolerance.org/end_wrl2.htm"]Failed Predictions[/url][/font]
  9. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1293591736' post='703436'] I remember bedtimes! had one until freshman year of highschool... I was really glad when we got rid of that, cause I would just lay in my bead for hours before falling asleep. but thinking about that reminds me of how I used to fall asleep when I was really young. I used to try and remember an episode of pokemon scene for scene. I used the squirtle introduction one because I remembered it the best, and I would imagine it playing in my head until I passed out. [/quote] [font="Century Gothic"]I tend to fall asleep instead of laying awake for hours. It's probably why I don't mind the curfew. I'm usually pretty tired by then anyway.[/font]
  10. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1293542514' post='703391'] being up late is my thing. I don't know how I could get through the day without the nice quite times when everyone else is asleep. [/quote] [font="Century Gothic"]I'm used to being asleep no later than 11pm. So being up past midnight feels odd. I'm only allowed to do it during break though. Once school starts again my parents will expect me to be in bed by 11pm again. oO[/font]
  11. [font="Century Gothic"]It's weird being up this late since usually I'm asleep. oO[/font]
  12. [quote name='James' timestamp='1293519332' post='703382'] [font="palatino linotype"]Gee, buzzkill! No need to be so serious, people. It's all in good fun. :) In any case, the less fangirls for Shin, the better I'd say...after all, I'm pretty sure Des can't even leave home without the dark glasses and the hoodie. You just never know where a fangirl will jump out from![/font] [/quote] [font="Century Gothic"]It was until Korey decided to edit my original post and put it all in bold with huge letters and underline what I said. =_= I know he only meant to be funny but I don't like those kind of jokes at my expense. I still think Shinmaru has a very nice voice though. It went really well with Lyndy's higher voice and Gome's alto. [/font]
  13. [font="Century Gothic"]I'm so glad I have no school till next year. Having an entire week off is so nice. =3[/font]
  14. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1293248909' post='703254'] Hey! There is no such rule! Besides, I agree and will gladly join Shri in the [b]Shinmaru's Voice Fanclub[/b] meeting! [/quote] [font="Century Gothic"]Uh, she's my older sister so I'm gonna go with what she says. Also... I did [b]NOT[/b] say I wanted to form some silly club. B( [/font][quote name='AvalonAngel' timestamp='1293270981' post='703267'] [font="Tahoma"]Oh Indi, let the girls fantasize. Shin loves the attention.[/font] [/quote] [font="Century Gothic"]Why would I want to do that? If I'm gonna 'fantasize' about someone (and I don't plan on it) he'll be closer to my [i]own[/i] age. [/font]
  15. oO I thought I already had you added as a friend. Oo Well it's fixed now! :D

  16. [font="Century Gothic"]I've been playing [b]Dragon Quest VIII[/b]. It's lots of fun. I really love all the characters and the battle system along with the music is just lots of fun. It has a really nifty story too. ^^ I'm using Indi's copy but I like it so much that I want to get my own.[/font]
  17. [font="Century Gothic"]My teachers gave us a lot of work and tests this week too, chibi. The only good thing is none of them gave his stuff to do over the holidays. Since they did for Thanksgiving I was expecting it for Christmas too. I'm not going to complain though. I'm glad they didn't. ^^[/font]
  18. [font="Century Gothic"]I like using e-mail and texting since it's really easy to do. But I do like using real cards and letters for holidays, birthdays and special events. ^^ I do know that a lot of my friends don't really do much beyond texting so saying stuff is dying is probably true.[/font]
  19. [quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1293150575' post='703211'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]And that's all I needed to hear. Look forward to the above.[/font] [/quote] [font="Century Gothic"]Your voice surprised me. oO Though I don't know why since I had no idea what I thought you should sound like. XD Oh and speaking of voices...Shin's is rather sexy sounding.o_o [/font]
  20. [font="Century Gothic"]That was fun! XD I loved the song at the end. I couldn't stop giggling at it. Oh and my mom says great job on using Mannheim Steamroller music for some of the background. x3 She really likes that group. [/font]
  21. [quote name='Noel' date='07 December 2010 - 10:34 AM' timestamp='1291743257' post='702478'] [color="#9932cc"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Debating on a name change. *rubs chin*[/font][/color] [/quote] [font="Century Gothic"]I see you decided on one. XD[/font]
  22. [font="Century Gothic"]I could see my mom wanting to eat out instead of cooking. She only cooks for us every single day of the year. She probably gets tired of it so I bet having someone else cook for a change would be a nice break for her. XD We do have a Thanksgiving Dinner that is made at home. I know since I usually end up being required to help. ^^[/font]
  23. [quote name='chibi-master' date='20 November 2010 - 03:39 PM' timestamp='1290292761' post='701999'] If a bank owner watches surveillance videos of a bank robbery, does that mean that he caught the criminals red-handed? It does not. With that perspective, it can be agreed that you have never actually caught me in the act of spying. [/quote] [font="Century Gothic"]He caught you in the act of [i]spying[/i], not in the act of robbing his profile somehow. And since he can take a screenshot showing that you actually [i]were [/i]doing it... you are so caught! XD[/font]
  24. [quote name='Vicky' date='14 November 2010 - 03:57 AM' timestamp='1289732226' post='701831'] All our little family enjoy a Chinese treat now and again. The dogs in particular have a taste for ankles - that's why they call them 'ankle biters'. [/quote] [font="Century Gothic"]One of my cats must be a cannibal then since he likes to wrap himself around your ankle and chew on it if you let him. XD[/font]
  25. I forgot to add you as a friend over here too! *fixes*

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