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Ninja Spoon

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Everything posted by Ninja Spoon

  1. [quote name='Shinmaru' timestamp='1299864481' post='705609'] [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/11/how-to-help-japan-earthquake-relief_n_834484.html"]Huffington Post has a list of relief options up right now. [/url] [/quote] Thanks!
  2. Im bugging axel. this time i wont spill beer on her couch. PROMISE

  3. Im bugging axel. this time i wont spill beer on her cough. PROMISE

  4. [quote name='Starscream' timestamp='1299853390' post='705601'] Back in Japan 3000 people have been evacuated near that nuclear powerplant. Ugh. Madness. [/quote] [quote name='Allamorph' timestamp='1299858966' post='705605'] [font="Calibri"][url="http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20110311p2g00m0dm095000c.html"]Update[/url] on that power plant in trouble. Plant is in Fukushima, and residents within a 3 km (a little less than two mile) radius of the plant were asked to evacuate (about 3000 people).[/font][/quote] DERP Yeah anyway. Besides redcross and global giving do you know of any other charities that are doing aid work and all that shiz? I want to put in coinage. OH nukeplant. Nuclear physicist Dr Walt Patterson told the BBC it sounds like there is a serious problem at the plant. [quote]"It's the sort of thing that nuclear engineers have nightmares about," he says. "If it is not resolved in the next few hours it will get serious. If the core is uncovered, then those rods at the top may get hot enough to melt themselves."[/quote] duck and cover.
  5. Watching? Nothing tbh. Reading? Axels got me started on Lupin III books and Astro Boy. Lupin III is a classic and Im enjoying every minute of it.
  6. Playstation Playstation 2 Playstation 3 DS Lite I dont have enough time in the day to play much though.
  7. Heyyyyy been a while!

  8. Pop here. Also known as gas juice. And coke means any vegetable extract soft drink of brownish red colouration.
  9. [b]What year was your favorite birthday?[/b] All of my 80's birthdays. I used to get a new He-man figure each birthday. [b] What year was your worst birthday?[/b] My 18th. I broke my ankle, it rained and I had the flu. [b]What is the best gift you have ever received?[/b] Pink bunny slippers. [b]When is your birthday, anyway?[/b] September 16, 1979
  10. OK, thats some crazy stuff. wait [color="#ff00ff"]NATIONAL PINK DAY![/color]
  11. @DeathKnight - Christ man thats rough. I had to help my friend Amys parents salvage their posessions a few years back because of a house fire. Its not a nice thing to go though. Glad things got a bit better though. As for me, well it was at the start of the year i think. i got kicked out of my flat because i accidentally spilled some beer and it leaked through the floor boards. My landlord lived in the flat below and he was one of those smug egocentric artist types who think they are good at art and have high standards, but are just as common as the rest of us. Anyway the beer dripped on his newest painting and wrecked it a bit so he flies into a rage and kicks me out. (This is the kind of person he is, he used to complain about noise levels and leave notices on my door WHEN I WAS ON HOLIDAY!) I stayed with axel for a bit then with my friend guy, then adam until I managed to get myself a new flat which was (Youll love this) owned by my previous landlords son!
  12. [quote name='Axel Alloy' date='05 June 2010 - 01:46 PM' timestamp='1275745563' post='694657'] So, I've got Nick over for the weekend. Who wants to pity me first? ¬¬ [/quote] You miss are a buttface.
  13. So yeah im visiting Axel Alloy for the weekend and she wont shut up about the new look OB so i figured Id join up. Had a few issues with account activation, but Im here anyway. Hai n stuff
  14. Hi froople chops! <3

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