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Senor Ding Dong

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Everything posted by Senor Ding Dong

  1. It would consist of Metroid, Metroid 2:Return of Samus, and SUper Metroid, all for the GBA. I think it would be a good idea, seeing as how the GBA is powerful enough (SM:16 bits,M:8 bits,M2:8 bits, GBA, 32 bits), and all of the metroid games are good. I would like this game to hit the GBA. It wouldn't really cost that much to make(ports are easier than new games), and i've never had the opportunity to play any metroid game except Fusion(Have Prime, never really got into it). So, what do you think. 3 good games for one good,low, price-what could be better, especially because of the fact that all 3 are extremely rare nowadays. I would like to see this. How about you?
  2. Who thinks that this movie has what it takes to be hilarious? I do, seeing as how the same guy who directed "Liar Liar" is directing this. I'm sure the walking on water scene wil;l piss some republicans off, for sure. So, who is seeing Jim Carrey's Latest comedy?
  3. [url]http://www.nintendo.com/games/gamepage/gamepage_main.jsp?gameId=796[/url] Please, kill me now. What was Shigeru thinking, this instead of SMB3? Oh.......it's games like this that make up Nintendo's kiddy strerotype.
  4. Oh my god! THey egged kenny! YOu ********!
  5. It is actually him. And no, it won't have any multiplayer. At least, i don't think.
  6. In GAmepro, PAge 80, june issue, it has some info on this game. "In a far off star system, on an unstable planet known as Quarus IX, a new Space Pirate branch is quickly forming. Using the natural elements below the planet's surface, they have already began on a massive energy cannon capable of rendering an entire planet helpless. Now Samus Aran and Commander Adam Malkovich must thwart the Pirate plans in a span of time that may quickly close: Zero Mission. - Largest 2D Metroid ever! Over 12 hours of gameplay! - Vivid terrain ranging from an intergalactic vessel to a luscious forest. - Puzzles that will boggle the mind and colossal bosses. - Partner System allows for optional help and enemy identification." Sounds Semi-cool.
  7. Then why not put this in the RPG/Adventure forum? After all, it's for all kinds of groups, INCLUDING digimon.
  8. This is what the africans thought when tey saw gerber appear on store shelves. (Aftricans are used to having pictures on what they were eating on the jar instead of words)
  9. Much like Final Fantasy went sci-fi, I can't help but wonder what Zelda would be like if it took that turn. I imagine that Ganon would probably be the head of some massive corporation(I'd be surprised if he wasn't). Link would probably get around in a Gas Guzzling SUV called an "Epona" with license plates that say "RED LION". Zelda would be street trash or some environmentalist or something that's out to try and stop Ganon's corporation. Could be interesting if Nintendo did that.
  10. Hopefully, i can see it today. X-men was good, and every single review i've heard, said it "topped X-men". X2 looks even better, and MAtrix Reloaded will 0wn me.
  11. BIIIIIG spoiler for Ep.3 [spoiler]IT begins with Palpatine sending some sexy female darth to Anakin, who seduces him. Palpatine sends the video to OBi, who shows it to a pregnant Padme. THe 2 are forbidden to see each other. Obi & Ani get into the famous duel on the volcano planet, and Ani falls into the pit of lava. Barely alive, Palpatine finds him. He takes him under his wind, and he grows to hate the Jedi. He eventually becomes Darth Vader. Something happens, and Palpatine & Vader get into a giant fight with all the Darts, including the seducer, Count doo-doo, and A CLONED DARTH MAUL. Vader's team wins. It includes the Millennium Falcon somewhere (it saves PAdme), and Jango Fett kills Mace Windu. THe movie should be called "RIse of the Empire", or "Fall of the Jedi".[/spoiler]
  12. It's not the best anime on the face of the planet, but it has a good plot & will watch it if nothing else is on, or i'm waiting for a show, and it's right before it.
  13. THw result of brain-damage after being beaned on the head with a giant volleyball, nd trying to whack it.
  14. Actually, i know what happens. Chewbacca WILL be in it, alonmg with Han Solo.
  15. Yeah, once, i was trying to open my locker in school-only to find out that that wasn't my locker.
  16. "Hello, and welcome to last week!"' "Me-" *cat lands on back*"-ow". "And he goes left, he goes right, he goes "Is this soccer or football?"
  17. [img]http://www.pitchingwoo.net/mostlyrandom/eCards/odds/cat_loaf.jpg[/img] *Homer Simpson's thoughs of the cat* "Hey, look, maw, have you seen Subway's new mascot?" "Now see, class, this is what happens when you do something wrong, Neville."-Harry Potter's divination class. "Now, this, THIS IS THE EVOLUTION OF HOT DOGS!!!!!!!"
  18. "WHat the?!?!?! Kagome and Shippo are?!?!?! THat's a crime against nature!" "Kagome and Kikyo? GOin'at it? YOu go, girls! *snaps fingers twice*
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]I live in Maryland and we had a pretty bad blizzard down here which cancled atleast 2 weeks of school. So they are adding on an extra week of school which really sucks! We get out June 20th, what a bummer. Oh well........ [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah. It was one week, and school over here ends on the 14'th. Or was it the 16'th?
  20. BLeh. I'm lazy.my plans consist of completing Golden Sun and the Lost Age, in one biiiiig file.
  21. I don't know, i guess my talents involve creativity, and my imagination, with it being 3x the size of russia. After all, wouldn't you call writing a 50-page story in the 6th grade creative ? I sure would. Oh, and i draw a lot of crap-tacular scetches. They take about 2 minutes, though.
  22. Dog:Why do these dogs think i'm a girl? CAn't they see my gonads? Oh wait.....
  23. Usually,people call me nice(.....),but yet, even though i (may be)nice,The Jocks/Popular kids can't go without a girlfreind.. ANd, even some of the people in the middle have girls. Oh well, i'll just take my useles time. :P
  24. I'll take a guess for the stove thing, and say that you were cooking something, and then *whoosh!* Kitchen=gone, You=Owe lots of $$, right?
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