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Senor Ding Dong

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Everything posted by Senor Ding Dong

  1. Like Kayla, i had a hamster whose cause of death was unknown. It took me the weekend, but i got over it. But then again, she was closer to TJ than i was to AMphy. I hope he's up in Ham-Ham heaven, squeaking and pigging out on all the sunflower seeds he wandts.....*sniffles*
  2. It's kind of [i]really[/i] hard to describe for a feeling. It's easy to get into, but hard to get out of. I believe that there is more than one person for people. I mean, if your lover dies at 27, and he was the "one", are you going to be lonely until the end of your life? I should hope not.
  3. "Okay kids, this is what you [i]don't[/i] want to do with your javelin." "Boy, that submarine sandwich sure is coming out the wrong end....or is that the hot dog i ate last thursday?"
  4. Baby 1: Bud- BAby 2-Weis- Baby 3-er Baby 1-What's this stupid crap? Baby 2- Apparently, it's Hein Baby 3-Eh- Baby 1:-ken? Oh well? *drinks it* Baby 2:*drinks his* Baby 3:*attemps to drink his, but doesn't because it's empty*WAAAAA! Yeah, i know, it sucks.
  5. I somehow found it by doing my usual digimon-looking thing when i was obsessed w/it a year ago......From the Otaku Digi-Section, of course. So, with that, how did you find OB?
  6. I remember posting something like this a couple months ago....but, yeah, i can't wait for this game. *imagines battling online and cackles insanely*
  7. It sucks. Saddam may have lied, but at least now he's disarming. It's better than nothing. But, sincehe lied, innocent people will die. THat seems fair[sarcasm]! The only war i want is Advance Wars, in my GBA!
  8. 1) What do you collect? 2) How much of the item(s) do you have? 3) What is your favorite out of all the items? 4) How long have you been collecting it/them? 1: I collect GBA games. 2: 22, so far. 3:I don't have a favorite, but i'll just say either Metroid Fusion, or Advance Wars. 4:Since June 11/13, 2001. The GBA's launch date.
  9. Uhm.....this one happened when i was 8. See, i was in a daycare (more lika a freind of my mother's house care or whatever), and i had a crush on one of the cousins of the mother's daughters. Yeah. Anyway, we went into the pool, and then.....:faint: My bathing suit fell down right in front of her.....Luckily, it was my rear, and not the front.
  10. Uhm....I'd say Sango from Inuyasha. I'm a quiet & shy person who doesn't talk that much, and i'm pretty much a loner. The front of my hair is supposed to look like that, and not like it does...in my pic. But,no, unless i was a Transvestite. o.O
  11. Freedom fries/toast? That is hilarious. It's just a freakin' name. If we got into a war with mexico, you think they'd rename taco's or burrito's into something like "Freedom Wraps?" Ugh.
  12. *In case you don't know, a Trillion is $1,000,000,000,000. Or, if you don't use that kind of currency, just use the same equivalent. If it were me, i'd merge with Microsoft, and try to make a .Hack//SIGN type of internet RPG. If it's succesful, i'd give a free one to all my freinds and OB members(the ones that actually post). So, if you somehow got that kind of moolah, what would you do with it?
  13. GO to the school. It'll get you somewhere in life, whereas freind will not.
  14. Dangit, i just can't seem to get myself up at 1:00 to watch Inu. I want to, i even set my alarm clock to 1, but i don't wake up!Must...wake....up.....Why'd thy have to make Inu so late?
  15. I have lots of Miroku avatars, sans everyone else. I starteed with the episode....uhm....*thinks*I remember seeing th episode with the possessed mask......yeah. Anyone know what the Toukijin (sessho's other sword) does, if anything? Oh, and Miroku, you don't exactly have to post a picture every thime you post, FYI. *prays for Inuyasha:The trap of Naraku, an invitation to the Forest of no Return to hit US shores*
  16. There are 3 guys in a plane. The indian guy goes "My life sucks!"so he shoots a Arrow out the window. The black guy goes "My life sucks!"so he shoots a bullet out the window. The white guy goes "My life sucks!"so he throws a Nuke out the window. THe indian guy goes home, and his kid is crying. "Why are you crying?"The kid answers, "an arrow shot mommy thru the head!" THe Blakc guy goes home, and his kid is crying. "Why are you crying?"The kid answers, "an bullet shot mommy thru the head!" The white guy goes home, and a kid is laughting his butt off. "Why are you laughing?" asked the kid. The kid replies"I told my brother to pull my finger, and the house blew up!" ....stupid joke. I know.
  17. I'm a human. I eat, sleep and breathe like a human, and unlike th rest of you jungle-livers, i live an a little hut called a house.......Now, give the laptop back to the man you are eating.
  18. If you haven't heard of this game, now you have. It's a GBA game with supposedly over 200+ "Microgames". YOu play parts of certain nintendo games, trying to complete a task. [spoiler]You have to beat Mother Brain in the Metroid game, dodge a car in F-Zero, dodge flies in Mario Paint, and other things.[/spoiler]But, in these tasks, there is a bomb in the corner. YOu must complete these tasks before it explodes. The story is [spoiler]Wario gets a wave of greed, so he & his freinds borrow some nintendo games & make a profit off them. or something like that.[/spoiler] So, what is your opinion of this game?
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by blackgatomon [/i] [B]Everyone knows about YGO: Dungeon Dice Monsters (GBA) and Duelist of the Roses (PS2) that are coming out on Feb 18, but did you know another one is coming out on March 18? It's called YGO: Stairway to the Destined (GBA). Does anyone have any info on this game? I'm very curious. [/B][/QUOTE] According to GAmestop, this game comes out on 5/13/03.
  20. You have 2 hams? Mmmm,hams........ ..........*EAts the hams* I'll bet your dog has lots of fun. >:)
  21. True, worst console goes to this thing. It'll probably be like the Xbox in japan-no wait, this thing'll be worse. (Xbox isn't doing well in japan because it's made by americans, and they like their japanese consoles, that and a lot of FPS. japan don't like shooters.)
  22. I know....It's black, and a box....like the Ps2/Xbox. What's so revolutionary about that? It seems like it's trying to say it's the first ever online console! OMG, its so true! [end sarcasm]
  23. Meet the ultra-lame.......PHANTOM!!! [url]http://www.infiniumlabs.com/[/url]
  24. Didn't hear ya say that. I'm used to going last anyway. :P
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