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Senor Ding Dong

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Everything posted by Senor Ding Dong

  1. Can ya make me my clowmet bros. cards ? just use my avatar for clowmet, the red/brown one for K. clowmet, and the attachment for blader clowmet
  2. *Someone summons james* Ah crap.....he's an admin......you win...... Name Clowmet element-Thunder Warrior Points to evatar Ryoku blitz-A quick super-powered punch that sends opponents frying! Anomalous Cataclysm-*Special Effect* Flip a coin 9 times. Add 100 att. pts. for every heads you get. Stop when you get 1 taile. If you get 9 heads, flip the coin once more. If it gets heads, add 1000 att.pts. Name-Kendo Clowmet Thunder Warrior same Kendo Melee- Add 1000 pts for every clowmet card on the field Kendo Defense-Flip a coin. If heads, the monster who sent the last attack is destroyed. Blader Clowmet Thunder Warrior same Titan's Journey-If your opponent attacks first, this Otaku get 1000 more atk. Blader, clowmet style-get 1000 more atk. pts. For everk Kendo clowmet & clowmet you have on the field.
  3. I'm naming mine..... Girl:Sakura, or Kimi. Boy, Yamato or Koji.
  4. I'm getting it. I have Eternal Duelist Soul, and am looking forward to this quality title too.
  5. I have EDS, and It's Pretty Good. It's just that Yami Bakara (bakura) Is to hard! :cursing:
  6. It WASon xmas, but they chaged the days off to Jan. 2 & 3. There is no more school on christmas.
  7. The guy got lots of hate mail, and he fixed the problem. I just hope he don't make anymore mistakes. Besides, since of some High School exams, the whole county misses Spring Break. At least i can see why.
  8. Well, The newspaper said this morning that it's taking off JAn. 2&3, now. The baka has come to his very little sense.
  9. So are you, worshipping a piece of paper like that. And if I ever see him on the street, He'll meet my 'little Shtinky freind' (IE:my flamethrower) Moo-Haw-Haw!
  10. They said if we don't, They give us apprximately 20 horses of homework to do :(
  11. I tried to start a petition, but the vice principal said he would suspend everybody who signs it.
  12. *Summons every summon in every RPG known to man to destroy every shchool in the world* My teacher said today, "Yay, school!" I told her to lay off the marijuana & drugs. So............. Hell no. School= Realm of all evil Parks & Rec= WORSE THAN SCHOOL, BY FAR!!!!!
  13. I have to... my parents basically think grades are the best thing to hit the planet since Video Games (Yay!) But, don't worry Cl, i'll take out all my rage out on you....and i got a lot of it!
  14. The head of our county's schools is OFFICIALLY the biggest moron in the country. Since we had 2 snow days and a day off yesterday, we have to go to school on Dec. 23,24 & 25. Yeah, on CHRISTMAS. He says that, "Kids have no need to be getting small, insignificant presents, when all they really want is the greatest gift of them all- education." or something like that.
  15. Who they are. But what do I care? Friends blow anyway.
  16. Yu Yu Hakusho's theme song. It's just so...unhearable, but hten it somehow gets stuck in your head....ouch.
  17. I'll just stay at home, aiting for my bro to get to my house...
  18. Uhm....HS, they look exactly the same to me...... and the supposed release date for the game is LATE january....
  19. If I didn't have otakuboard's, i'd have nothing to do whenever the heck i'm board.
  20. The only thing i want is to see her again...the nly one that i have ever loved, just once more........
  21. i have a question: is this game worth getting a ps2 for?
  22. huh. well, that explains a lot. spoilers, i guess...... EGM said that, for a joke, cloud & sora fought over a harstyling argument.
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