Senor Ding Dong
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Everything posted by Senor Ding Dong
well, still mnemolth, i need to CONVINCE him, not help him around the house.
an e cake is a thing that you can view the internet on. come, and eat a slice.....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkmoon [/i] [B]Well, I don't have ps2 either. I'm getting it in a little while though (little while meaning a hundered years in my mom's language:rolleyes: ) and have decided to make this game one of the first I'm getting. [/B][/QUOTE] yea, so am i. i plan on getting it for christmas, if i can convince my dad to get it for me........ oh, and there are plans for kingdom hearts 2. some evidence: 1: an egm interview with kingdom's creator EGM: we hear that haley's voice was cahnging during voice recording. would you keep his voice for the SEQUEL????? TN: if there is a sequel...... [B][size=4]Spoilers Below[/b][/size] 2: if you beat the game 100%..... you get a clip of a group of heartless surrounding riku, and you see him calling for sora, hint hint...... [color=blue][size=1]Be sure to clearly warn others of spoilers when you post them. Indicated spoilers in bold and provide generous spacing between the tag and actual spoilers.-Crazy White Boy[/color][/size]
oh..... the one bad thing this year was..... -my math teacher (she gives out hard tests at the beginning of the year! most teachers REVIEW stuff and then dish out new stuff.) -my social studies teacher (the biggest, fattest b!tch on the planet, to say it in the nicest possible way. she gave my 2 best freinds detention "because she said so", and on a homework, i used a homeworkpass, and she didin't accept it! i'd LOVE to get her fired.)
i know this is not math, but i need help with something non related. see, for christmas, i plan on getting a ps2. but my dad, the guy with the money, says he won't spend money on something that in a few years will be replaced. i have an outdated ps1, and i REALLY, REALLY want to own kingdom hearts.so how can i convince him?
one of the sides of the triangles are given, i believe....but the teacher givesus rulers for the other sides.
ok, i just need to know ...how you findout how many small triangles can fit inside the bigger triangle? btw...skill factor and might be key words there...i dunno....
i need help.....sorta...... in my seventh grade math class, we took a test yesterday, and not everyone finished (me being one). see, on the first problem, we have a huge triangle, and a little triangle. we have to find the # of little triagles that can fit inside the bigger triangle, and then fit them inside there. please help me, and be a good samaritan........
loook at the topic.
how do you throw away a trash can?
eh, i've seen way WORSE shows before. it was okay. i think the new kirby game, called Kirby:Right back at you! Nightmare in Dream Land, has to do with the anime, sincethey have characters from the anime on it. it's king dededededede, i think.:wigout:
yeah, SMB3 is l33t. i'm getting it when it comes out next year for gBA!
there is one combination these days for dubbed movies that cannot be beat. disney, and hayao. if you have heard of princess mononoke, kiki's delivery service, and castle in the sky, these are his movies. if you are a fan of his, then you will be pleased to be find out about his new dubbed movie, spirited away. it comes out sept. 20. are yOU gonna see it?
it seems like a renter to me. it seems funny, but not my ten dolls worth.
I remember that day. I was in tech class, about......9:00, eastern time, i think? well, my freind jon erik told me that 2 planes crasheed into the twin towers. i was like "wha.....?" only to find out next period, the tv was on, and he was right. 2 smoking twin towers collapsed. jon was crying, afraid that terrorist were going to hit us. he cried his heart out. something like that. oh, and on 9/11/02, i wore a bigdog shirt saying "hasta la vista bin laden". it had a giant dog about to eat bin laden, who was in a hot dog bun, with an american flag on it.
EGM gave it straight 9.5, only to be beaten by castlevania harmony of dissonnance by 2 9.5, and one ten.
on the bottom of the topics list, click on the bar that says 30 days, and click on the beginning. then, al the threads in the forum will come up!
What would you do if you had 17 years to live?
Senor Ding Dong replied to Sandy's topic in General Discussion
i would...... -fart. -eat beans. -purple. -
What does your sig/avator/user name mean?
Senor Ding Dong replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in General Discussion
my name: i like to draw. i drew meteoraiter, and bozo. bozo is a clown monster. meteoraiter is a comet monster. clowmet is the fusion between those two. clowmet=clown+comet. my sig: i like digimon, and video games. everybody seemed to have a banner, and a quiz link, so i just made a sig like that. my avatar: a wave. pretty simple. blue. like me. -
no, i meant the series, not when it airs.
they had 2 other endings: in the scene with *spoilers* jack chasing nina, teri was in the car with her. one she survived,the other she died. oh, FYI the next season will be sometime in th future.
yes, f*cker is OBVIOUSLI the cuss. it is the only cuss that fits. Spongebob: lovely f*cking day we're having, right patrick?
*sigh* yes the friggin' ep. with both teams appears next week,.
he is nightmaremon, mega level. he is hungry, and he feeds on data. he wants to destroy your digimon, so he can be the strongest. he can also posess digimon. the pegasmon might be possesed. __________________
matt and his best freind brad got an invitation to the digital world at the very last seond. these two were a duo. jesse & chester, kazu & kenta. goten &trunks, the list goes on. they entered the d-world and got their partners, lucemon and raptormon. they both appeared ready to fight somebody....