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Everything posted by DrixDZanth

  1. Great memories from OB. I always love sating the nostalgia by visiting  Joined pretty far back. Posted a lot of RPGs. Had a brief stint as a moderator for the lounge.  Mused about becoming a doctor and I'm about a year away from getting my M.D- so there's that.   So I guess I've grown with all of you guys too. I wonder if anyone remembers me.  Anyway, hello again.
  2. [quote name='Magus' date='11 June 2010 - 09:02 PM' timestamp='1276308166' post='695109'] Soccer.... Eww... [/quote] Wrong. Should be [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkIGO2UA-u8"]GOOOOO[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63XeH5q8aKM&feature=related"]OOOOO[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzihn2msbKg&feature=related"]OOOAAALLLLLLLL[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nRLUQWzfyI"]!!!!!!![/url]
  3. Wow! There is an assload of talent on OB. I had no idea. Some great artwork, a kickass band, pokemon playing, even fansubbing. Very cool. Thanks for sharing them for us to see! Here's something that I recorded for my sister who's abroad right now. Just got around to uploading it to youtube and the freakin' audio doesn't match with video. Oh well, it's all still there, I think. If you want to hear me singing and playing the piano (chords only, haha) click this link: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EGyBSapvxM"]Enjoy[/url] hope you like it.
  4. I'm a medical student, so many of my curve balls involve the lives of others. A few notable kicks in the gut: -I wasn't able to tie off an artery that was bleeding in a woman who needed an emergency c-section. Normally the resident or physician would do it, but her abruption was traumatic, so they were trying to control different bleeding. I think they (and I) underestimated how shredded the artery was. Her baby survived the procedure, but he and his two older sisters will now have to grow up without a mom. I can't help but feel that if I was just a little bit better i could have saved that woman. -I had to tell a lady who had two successful bouts of chemotherapy/radiation and a perfect tumor-removal that the cancer has metastasized. What was supposed to be a well checkup turned into delivering the news that she had months left. -Yesterday I was in on an operation of a thirteen year old girl in a boating accident. She and her sister were on jet skis when they collided with a speedboat piloted by their friends (all under the age of 16). The speedboat's propeller chopped her up so badly that we couldn't spare either of her legs. What's worse is that when she wakes up, she'll have to learn that her younger sister died in the accident. Days like this make me appreciate every damn second I have.
  5. Interesting. I decide to take a look at Otakuboards after talking about it with a friend the other day and there's a thread for old members. I couldn't remember my old sign in password so I made a new account. I was (and remain, I suppose) Drix DZanth. I think I joined OB around 2000-2001 ish. I remember many of you guys. Well... eh.... hello Good too see so many of the older members are still on.
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