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Everything posted by The_letter_L
Archer kept his eyes on the small group. They scattered like a flock of birds, all except the one in the center. She stood frozen looking at the sky, at least she looked frozen. She moved with a liquid grace as she threw a pokeball out, a Geodude flew out and moved into postion to intercept Raps. Archer smiled, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. A large pack of Houndoom's almost twenty strong howled as one as they charged the small group. Archer smiled wide as he met eyes with Chazz. He threw his last remaining ball out, he laughed slightly. "Time for the big guns. Go Gyarados!" Archer kept his eyes on the approaching pokemon, who started to slow as they caught sight of the giagantic Gyarados. He roared stopping them in their tracks. "Git rid of them!" Gyarados spewed flames from his mouth as Max moved faster than eyes could follow. Chazz stepped in front of Archer and held up its spoon grasping fists. A barrier formed in front of them as Max took cover waiting for the flames to still. The pack of Houndoom's shook off the flames and charged. [i]They do not seem to seek a plan Master. How strange.[/i] Archer frowned, but he kept his mind on the task. "Max! Take the rear." Max moved, slashing two at once off the backside of the pack, three turned to him, but were tore nearly in two by Raps as she drilled straight through them. The leader of the pack turned its head to look at what remained of his pack, it was his last mistake. "Gyarados, cut a swath!" Gyarados roared again, this time its body cackled. Its eyes shined as a large beam flew from its body, disintigrating the leader, as well as half his pack in the blink of an eye. It also carved a trench through the street. The Houndoom's that were left stood stock still as they processed the death of that many of their comrade's. They split, half ran away, and half charged. "Raps, Max, nothin' leaves. Gyarados. See what you can do." The Houndoom's tried to continue on as a cohesive unit, but panic was starting to take its toll. Gyarados whipped his tail, throwing one into a building, it tore another's head off as it tried to pass. Flames shot from one mouth, running straight into Chazz's barrier. It didnt last long. It was flattened into the ground by Gyarados' large tail. Only two stood, defieant in their anger. "Kieko go!" The female trainer threw out another of her pokemon, this time a Marill. It spun in a circle as it pulled filthy water out of a nearby fountain. The force of the water slammed one of the last Houndoom's through the wall of a nearby building. Archer smiled, [i]deadly force?[/i] [i]Master, its...[/i] "I know Chazz. Gyarados finish him." Gyarados took what remained of the water and used it as a blade to cut the remaining Houndoom in half. Archer smiled as he met the amber eyes of the female trainer. She didn't smile back, her form was ragged, but she still had her dancers form. Though she had dyed her blond hair black and she was covered in dust and other things, he could still tell his old partner. "Been a long time, Anna."
Name: Archer Age: 22 Gender: male current location/situation: Goldenrod City [i]S**t![/i] The explosion ripped a hole in the side of the building a meter wide. The debris nearly did Archer in, but he managed to only get hit in the arms as he covered his face. He dove behind a pile of rubble and looked for Ray. The Raichu fell over dead as a door knob, a hole to match the one in the wall through its belly. He was now down to just four of his original six. Archer cried out as he simultaneously tossed a pokeball into the air and jumped out of the way of another fireball. An Alakazam flew out and met eyes with the Rapidash. "Pysbeam!" Before Chazz could do anything the Rapidash was moving in Archer's direction, zigzagging in an attempt to dodge the attack. "Aw hell." Archer threw himself through an already broken window as a large stream of fire flew. The Pysbeam hit the Rapidash square knocking it to the ground. Chazz's feet hit the ground and he closed his eyes. A soft melody filled the air as he invoked his hypnosis power. The Rapidash slowly fell asleep. Archer threw out another of his pokemon, a Zangoose with a nasty scar across his chest. "Max, kill 'im" The Zangoose started to tear into the Rapidash until Archer finally called it to stop. He returned Max back to the pokeball as he looked at what was left of the Rapidash. He smiled. [i]You ain't the only ones that can be brutal[/i]. Chazz looked at him with sadness in his eyes. [i]We have lost both Babs and Ray, Master[/i]. Archer nodded, he didn't say anything else, but Chazz was a mind reader, so he figured all the extra stuff got across. Chazz's telepathy had been weird at first. It was just a tad bizarre to hear voices in your head. He was used to it by now. Archer tapped his temple. "Keep your mind open my friend." [i]Yes Master[/i]. The walk about through the city was hairy. Bodies lay everywhere, both of pokemon and of people, its amazing how fast you get used to seeing death when its on such a grand scale. When the attacks had first started Archer had been one of the few with any response time whatsoever, everyone else had been too stunned to do much else. [i]Master, humans approach. Nine of them[/i]. Archer hid behind a stand of what used to be hot dogs, the smell still lingered, but Archer kept his eyes on the entryway to a clothing store. Chazz stood against a concrete barrier with his back to the approaching humans, his eyes were closed as he concentrated. The group of humans looked ragged, wore thin and several of them were injured, amazing the lack of pity that a single person can have, even for survivors of the same attack. When things get tough, the tough get brutal. [i]Master, they're supplies are limited. However, several of them are trainers, one of which may be of use to us[/i]. Archer smiled, he careful pulled out his pokeball and tossed it on the ground, Raps hopped towards him and looked up at him. "See if you can get us a good view Raps." I threw out its large wings and flew into the air, not without attacting some unwanted attention on the other hand. [i] Master, they heard that. They only think it is the attackers[/i]. "Good, keep em thinkin'" pokemon team: Alakazam: Chazz Raichu: Ray (deceased) Gyarados Zangoose: Max Fearow: Raps Blaziken: Babs (deceased) personality: Archer's a survivor, he looks after himself and his team first and above all else, but he's not above working with others if it suits his purposes. He deals with every situation as if it were a battle, winners and losers, he'll do anything that he needs to to win. This makes it sometimes hard for other people to relate to him Pack: food and water, flashlight, pocket knife, small gas powered cook stove, eating and cooking utensils, machete and a single potion
It looks darn awesome, i'm a huge fan of action flicks with over the top stuff like that anyways, John Woo is one of my favorite directors...
Fruits Basket, definte fav. But my all time fav would either have ta be Trigun er Full Metal Alchemist
Anime What are You Watching/Reading Now?
The_letter_L replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Otaku Central
Reading? Claymore, Genshiken, Fruits Basket and Watching? Darker Than Black, Area 88 and Initial D -
Name: Jack Archer age: 43 Police officer Been working nearly the same beat for twenty years, he's seen a lot. He's an old school cop with old school standards, he carries a Glock 21 (.45 caliber, 13 round clip, standard issue) Zombie ready...
Rough and Ready by Trace Atkins... I'm a hick that likes anime, sue me
Anime If you were stranded on a deserted island....
The_letter_L replied to a topic in Otaku Central
I think I'd prolly have to say..... Tifa Lockeheart, she was technically in an anime, and she's like one of my favorite characters ever.... Plus she is fiiiiiiin And we gotta have somethin ta do on those long borin nights... -
The first volume was pretty darn good, especially if you like action. It had other good points about it but the action was top-notch. Also, for a very anti-gun society like japan, they did a fantastic job on the guns and the gun info. They even sound right. The second volume was good as well, but focused more on the emotional attachments the 'dolls' had to their handlers and to the world, it wasn't my thing, but that didn't make it bad... My favortie character has to be Triela, she has a cool design with the three-piece suit and all that
Hello.... You know what, screw you little helpful computer thing, i don't let machines tell me what to do!
I'm a huge fan of the Beat Crusaders, they rock.... I also kinda have a thing for Aya Hirano, The Seatbelts and Yoko Kanna, course they're all from anime sountracks, but who can fault a guy?