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About Ryoko

  • Birthday 01/09/1983

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    - none of your buisness-
  • Occupation
    Uhh....... Unemployed

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  1. if mayuka has blue hair, and she's tenchi's daughter.... hmm..... i wonder?
  2. it seems to me that she probably is, since they do look nearly exactly the same
  3. okay, i think i know why sakuya *barfs* shouldn't mention that name, but anyways on that one tenchi movie isn't she the daughter of darkness or somthing to that extent? if you know please tell me 'cuz i 've never seen that movie but ive seen preview and the girl looks EXACTLY like Sakuya *Barfs*
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jaclyn [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Sakuya is a loser, I hate her. It was rater funny when Ayaka and Ryoko were jealous of her. And my poor Ryo-Ohki was used as a prop! WAHHHH![/SIZE] :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, i hate Sakuya too, man she is almost as bad as Ayeka -_-; maybe even worse * but then again that REALLY says something*
  5. Ryoko

    Tidus and Yuna

    okay i don't know Who said it but someone said somthing like a true fan can like any couple they want or something stupid like that i don't think tifa was saying that people COULDN'T i think she was trying to say that if you really appriciate the hard work they put in for character developement/relationships you wouldn't have to complain or say that yuna is fat or something really un-true like that open your eyes! have you ever even looked at yuna? calling her fat must mean that all of the other girls on the game are MORBIDLY OBESE! and that is just not true.....
  6. you don't really need a lot of holy war's for ultamicia, she has 4 forms(except thats only if ya count Griever) anywayz you need like maybe 10 or 11 at the max *only if you have really strong characters, and to get lots of aura's get like 20 furry fragments and have the items to spells ability and refine them i think one turns into 5 auras or is it 5 refines to 1 hmmm...
  7. Ryoko

    FFIX and DBZ

    well, when garnet goes into trance during battle her hair turns blonde kinda like super saiyins (sp?)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Merchant [/i] [B] Ill drink to that one, she is very spoilled and anoying. But take her out of the series and it become less funny so she has to be beared with sadly. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, makes sense, though i think if she was removed from the show Ryoko would be a much more.... Pleasant person, and mihoshi is pretty much a ditz, so she's funny and all, but i don't think she could be all of the 'funny stuff' on the show(s)
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