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So I've been searching high and low for a decent picture to base my character off of and I have yet to find anything that I like. These characters I both use in roleplays that I'm part of as well as in my own story that I'm currently working on. If anyone could help me by drawing them I'd very much appreciate it. I will try and do whatever to compensate for them if needed, wither it be pay a couple dollars or by writing something for you (since that's my artistic talent). Anyway I will list below some things about them and then if you are interested just let me know. Character Name: Nikolai Mason Age: 20 Physical appearance: Nikolai has shaggy dark brown hair where his bangs tend to fall in his eyes quite often and that falls just above his chin. He tends to keep it in a style that almost looks like a more organized version of bed head. His eyes are an icy shade of blue that are an open door, for those actually looking, to how he is actually feeling. He is tall standing at 6'1" and is fit but not overly so, just enough to tell that he stays active. He is rarely seen without a form fitting hoodie on. The only times he doesn't wear one is if he's going swimming or it's extremely hot out, and in that case he usually still carries it with him. He also has a habit of having headphones in his ears when he is thinking so it is easier to block out things around him so he usually has it with him. Personality: Nikolai is very outgoing and loves to meet new people. Sometimes he comes off as a goofball and he honestly doesn't mind that. He enjoys seeing others smile and does what he can to make others happy. He puts other's happiness above his own no matter what the case. He has a habit of not wanting to upset others so he tends to do whatever it is that will make them happy, even if it makes him unhappy in the end. Due to this he has been called a push over many times throughout his life and he has yet to deny it. His biggest worry and fear is that he is just one big disappointment to others. It is one of the reasons he does so much for others and puts their feelings above his own. He has always been incredibly self-conscious, even if it might not seem like it. He always had been looking for the approval of others in nearly every single way. He has a habit of hiding how he feels from others, mostly when he is upset about something. He acts like everything is fine and goes on with his life. If someone was actually looking they could tell exactly how he was feeling if they looked into his eyes. He knows this and is why has a habit of avoiding someone's gaze when he knows they are looking for it, wither it be by not looking at them or hiding behind his bangs or hood of his sweatshirt. Other: He loves to draw and is seen doing it quite often. He is also quite the good marksmen, mostly with a bow, but doesn't like to hunt or use weapons to inflict harm on others. His hobbies include: drawing, listening to music, and playing soccer.
[quote name='otakuuu' timestamp='1314294000' post='709102'] Kayla! (: [/quote] Once again I like it ^_^
looking forward to the others =)
[quote name='otakuuu' timestamp='1314077773' post='709036'] here's Melani! (: I only flat colored the image so you could see more of the line work. (: and I wasn't sure about what the symbol she had on her necklace..so I made up a random one..>.> [/quote] I like it ^_^
alright from the looks of that I'm quite interested in how these will turn out ^_^
[quote name='otakuuu' timestamp='1313977407' post='709018'] great! :D so for Melani Fair, what would her general age be? What would all of their age ranges be? ^^;; around 15-18 like Sora, Kairi and Riku? (: [/quote] Melani is around 17-18, Kcaxz is how old zack is (am unsure about that, though may look younger), Kayla/Xalkya is around 16 ^_^
That would be awesome ^_^
I've looked almost everywhere to request a picture and most places I've visited you have to be a "premium member" so I thought this would be the best place to put in my request. I'm currently writing a Kingdom Hearts story that has a few of my own original characters in it and I would like to have a drawing of my main character, maybe even the others later on. If someone on here could do this for me I'd owe you big time. I don't have much to give but I would be willing to write something for you or take suggestions from you also. Below will be the information on the character(s) so it can you give you a better idea of what they look like and their personality. You don't have to draw the weapon and the nobody is an optional with the character, or if you'd like to draw them instead I'm fine with that since I'd like to have a visual of them all at some point. [b]Name:[/b] Melani Fair (Naixelm = nobody name) [b]Eye Color:[/b] left purple, right deep red (switch for nobody) [b]Hair:[/b] black, slightly wavy, little more than shoulder length (white, straight for nobody) [b]Style:[/b] Punk/Scene [b]Other:[/b] She is about 5'8", with a slender build although she has muscle [think of Tifa but not as chesty], and has a pale complexion. She also wears a necklace with a silver chain of some cool looking symbol that Aerith gave to her when she was younger. There's also a small heart design tattoo on her right shoulder blade. [b]Weapon: [/b]Duel Daggers, look like Rikku's (final fantasy X) somewhat, in each hand [b]Personality:[/b] She's the type that speaks her mind, though at times can be blunt about it. She's usually rather kind and sweet to others, but can be a royal b**** at other times, aka when you piss her off. She always tries to help others even if her life is on the line. One of her flaws is that she is quite stubborn at times. She also has a confidence about her that she inherited from her brother [Zack Fair]. Sometimes this leads her to feel like she's invincible even in the worst of circumstances. [b]Name:[/b] Kcaxz (Zack's nobody) [b]Eye Color:[/b] purple [b]Hair:[/b] white and slightly less hair defying [b]Style:[/b] same [b]Personality:[/b] same [b]Name:[/b] Kayla (Xalkya = nobody name) [b]Eye Color:[/b] dark green [b]Hair:[/b] green chin length or slightly longer (lighter for nobody) [b]Style:[/b] mix between prep and nerd (would be one of the smart but popular girls) [b]Other:[/b] She is about 5'6", with a moderate build and light complexion. She has ears pierced along with her belly button. There is also a small tattoo on her lower back of paw print. [b]Weapon: [/b] Bamboo Staff with an engraving of a wolf on the side [b]Personality:[/b] She's the happy go lucky girl, who loves meeting new people. She would've been called the "nice girl" in school, but don't let her fool you. Once in a battle she's a force to be reckoned with. As long as you're her friend or stay on her good side you won't have to sleep with one eye open. She's got a dark side that would even put Ansem to shame. If you'd like to help me out then you contact me by replying to this, pm or by e-mailing me at finalfantasyfreak33@yahoo.com