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Everything posted by solidsnake918

  1. can somebody tell me where i can see some more pics of dragonball the majic beans?
  2. who exalty is mr satan? i keep hearing of goku absorbing the dragonballs, what does that mean? when trunks first comes to dbz, there was something said about a future batle and he was the only survivor, what was he talking about? who did they fight?
  3. i'm pretty new to dbz, and i just wanted to know, when does gt start? is it after the buu saga? and what does gt mean? i know you all think i'm a complete moron, but i guess i have to start somewhere:)
  4. ya know, i've never played any dbz games, and i just started watching the show not to long ago, but i wouldn't mind some good 2d animation on the game, they might be able to put more stuff in the game, but i guess anything is possible with the ps2
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