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About Zero-X

  • Birthday 10/07/1987

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    i like anime dbz zoids sephiroth (or final fantasy for that matter)
  • Occupation
    dont need one im zero

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  1. same as in 8 im missing some cards in 9 the card game really gets on my nerves i mean i like it an all but all diffrent cards there r just too many of them!!!!:demon:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]The only FF game where I have a perfect file is FFVII. But I only did that once...and I haven't played the game since. If you get all of the various Materia (I think there is one which doubles each attack or something, I forget)...it's [i]so[/i] easy to beat the last boss. It literally takes a couple of minutes (especially if you have the best sword in the game).[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] it is WAY WAY WAY too easy to beat the game with all the materia. all u really need is either kotr or omnislash and u can kill him in one hit aint that a trip!!!!!
  3. i think alomost everyone has a perfect file on ff7 that game is a little too easy!! i almost have one on ff8 but im missing 2 cards but it shouldnt take too long to find them. i have one on ff mystical quest (thats a very old game)
  4. well for one thing u could if u were using the underwater materia but if u were NOT using the materia bahamut zero with quadra magic would take too long to use and waste too much time. and if ur not using bahamut zero (in case u missed it )then use kotr seven times and emeralds dead. :all:
  5. ok u ppl here is the easiest way to beat emerald 1-have kotr 2-have everybody with wizard bracelet 3-have everybody with either 4x cut(mastered for all 4) or slash all (not mastered) but preferably 4xcut 4-have all lv 4 limits 5-equip kotr (with an mp turbo) on whoever has the most mp and highest magic (but it dont really matter) 6-its easy if ur limit is already filled before battle (just in case) 7-also have bahamut zero with quadra magic attached equip it on someone other than who has kotr 8-oh and make sure everybody has mime or at least 2 9-when the battle starts use kotr then switch to the third character (the one without bahamut or kotr) and use mime to use kotr another time for another big damage of up to 160,000 damage) then use bahamut zero (4 times with quadra magic) for a total of up to 360,000 damage 10- repeat this about 3 times and he's dead u should be able to kill him with this technique before he uses air tame strike and remember its always good to have a few megalixer's plus if all else fails use a game shark (but thats cheating)
  6. at the end of tenchi universe tenchi gets ryoko and they dont show u if he gets lucky!! :D
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