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Anime When do Brolli. Coola etc appear, (DBZ?)
MaggotDude replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Otaku Central
What?The Garlic Jr. Saga was supposed to happen!In DBZ movie 1 (Dead Zone), they defeated Garlic Jr. and sent him to his own "hell" (which would be Dead Zone). Once in Dead Zone, you are supposed to be locked there forver, alone, unable to return to Earth or any other planet/galaxy.But after they defeated Frieza at the end of the Frieza saga, Garlic Jr. somehow came back and opened up the Dead Zone once more.But Gohan saved everyone and sent Garlic Jr. back into the Dead Zone for good. Hemmorhoid-You can see Coola (aka Cooler in the U.S.) in Cooler's Revenge (movie 5), which was just released.I'd recommend buying it on DVD (if you have a DVD player, that is).It includes the English Dolby Digital 5.1 version, the English Uncut version, the Spanish version, and the Japanese version (the Spanish and Japanese versions have subtitles, of course).It's really awesome. Yes, Coola is strong, and he has 4 forms as opposed to Frieza's 3.It takes place right after the Frieza saga, I estimate between the Frieza and Garlic Jr. sagas. As for Brolli, I am not sure which movie(s) he is in.They/it have/has not been released. -
It really does suck that they split everything.No more 3-Ds, the Rock, Hogan and Kane won't be able to beat up on the nWo...:( But at least the Hardy Boyz aren't split up!Did u see their tag team match last night?I forgot who they were fighting :(, but it was cool cuz the Hardy Boyz won! :) And I'm glad that Stone Cold signed with Flair, I hate McMahon!
Don't worry, it's coming out n the U.S.
yeah, i wanna see it.it looks cool.although looking at the rock half naked for two hours isnt appealing.
Of course I"m a WWF fan!All my life, I've been a fan of the WWF! I stopped watching it for a couple of months, but i started again back in December.I really do miss the good old days tho.But now it's getting good again.The return of the nWo pissed me off,then I was happy when Hogan and the Rock teamed up.But now its making me so mad, splitting up the Dudley Boyz.And I think that Kane totally made a fool of himself the other night when he said "What are you gonna do, Hall, Nash, X-Pac, what are you gonna do when Hogan, Rock and Kane go wild on you?!" and imitated Hogan.That was stupid.
Don't worry, I don't think the Godzilla game will be aything like Rampage.While you can destroy the city, te game IS called Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee.So it's more of a monster fighting game.If it were anything like Rampage, I'd puke.I really am sick of the "eat people, destroy buildings, kick cars, eat people" crap.It really gets boring like a quarter of the way through (and what was even worse, you had to beat it three times>.
Yeah, me too!I was originally gonna get one, but I switched to the Xbox, and now they're announcing all these awesome GameCube games! :( I totally need a GameCube
no, i dont, unfortunately, but i bet gamespot.com would have a big article on it
Gaming does anyone know when DBZ is coming out for PS2
MaggotDude replied to tronic's topic in Noosphere
well, if u get the magazine there, u can back-order it.all u gotta do is order the old issue.cant u do that there? -
Gaming does anyone know when DBZ is coming out for PS2
MaggotDude replied to tronic's topic in Noosphere
Well, then u gotta see it. -
Gaming does anyone know when DBZ is coming out for PS2
MaggotDude replied to tronic's topic in Noosphere
It's real!Take my word for it!Back-order the March issue or something!It's REAL!!!The only difference is that they put the name of their site at the top!GamePro did a 4-or-6 page article on it! -
Gaming does anyone know when DBZ is coming out for PS2
MaggotDude replied to tronic's topic in Noosphere
oh, its real alright.thats a picture right out of a page of GamePro's march issue!noye the same exact background and picture from te top of page 48 of March 2002, GamePro, as well as the unreadable caption below.It looks EXACTLY like the top of page 48!the caption reads, "according to Rinde, making the characters look as sharp and the animation move as smoothly as in the TV show will be Infogrames' biggest challenge with the next-generation DBZ games-whether for the GameCube, PS2, Xbox, or PC." I AM HOLDING THE PROOF RIGHT HERE IN MY HANDS! -
I don't think you'll be disappointed.The game looks really great.They didn't use the new Godzilla (the one from that movie where it's rampaging through NYC, and they go into the subway system and torch the eggs), but you can choose to play as '90 Godzilla, the Godzilla from the new Godzilla 2000 movie (where the G-man fights off an alien), and hopefully '54 Godzilla.The graphics are awesome, they have e very interested, cause they took me right back to the old movies.
I just saw a two-page preview of Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee in Electronic Gaming Monthly, and I gotta say that it doesn't look like I thought it would!I wasn't really expecting much when I heard of it at the PDHQ, but it looks sweeeeeeeeeeeet!!!! According to EGM, you can control a few different monsters in many different cities and locations (even Monster Isle or whatever it's called!).The army even gets involved, blasting missiles at whichever monster causes the most damage to the surrounding city, and to get them to shoot at your opponent, you are able to pick up the opposing monster and throw it into a building to make it look like it was the monster's fault!!It sounds so cool!Now, all I gotta do is get a GameCube so I can play it along with Mario Sunshine, Metroid Prime (which I heard is looking pretty awesome), and Resident Evil O_o
Today i was at the mall, and in GameStop, I saw TLoZ:The Adventure of Link gold cartridge (or was that the only color cart?) for 15 bucks!I don't have my cord to plug my NES into my VCR (It's behind my parents' TV), and I don't have an RF Adapter.So I woulda bought it if my NES was working.Man, that was,like, a huge piece of Zelda history, and I missed the chance!:(