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Everything posted by Otakuness:)

  1. Sounds fun, how many times have you cosplayed? (sorry, I don't know a lot about Bleach, I'd help if i could ) In 2 years, my friends and I are either going as a Death Note group (Misa) or Haruhi Suzumiya (Yuki)...
  2. Thanks for the comment! :D

    And don't worry, I won't ;)

  3. My new manga just arrived in the mail! YES!

  4. Lucky Star: Konata Izumi likes chocolate cornets Haruhi Suzumiya: Girl looking for magical people Please save my Earth: Weird moon scientists invading earth Vocaloid:...uh...(not an anime yet) Death Note: Potato chip eating is epic. Kage Kara Mamoru: Ninjas protecting a strange girl Ranma 1/2: Guy gets turned into girl Ponyo: Fish turns into a human Kiki's Delivery Service: A training witch delivering things I know that wasn't in alphabetic order... too tired to think right now. Those are about a third of the animes I've watched...some I haven't finished, and some I just can't remember right now...- yawns -
  5. Amazing idea! I didn't make one (yet! )but I did find this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FShotq4rYcg how, um, interesting! It combines two very different animes, and I love both. Wow...O.O The Escaflowne/Haruhi Suzumiya one fits so well. In the very first scene with the girl staring up into the stars, (which is very familiar to the Haruhi Suzumiya op) I thought it was just the Haruhi Suzumiya opening. Good job! :D
  6. No. A lot of people were trying to convince me not to watch Death Note, (because they were Code Geass fans) but I ended up watching it. Then after that I watched some of it, but yes, they do have similar topics. I'm tired of the whole "Code Geass vs Death Note" thing...I like both animes, and that's the way it'll stay.
  7. Thank you so much, you're so nice! :D I like the way Mogi puts the strawberry in his pocket!
  8. [quote name='CaNz' date='21 June 2010 - 02:31 PM' timestamp='1277130698' post='695739'] [media][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaoy1QKxGQs&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.c...feature=related[/url][/media] i still cant stop laughing... [/quote] Oh yay, another Death Note fan! :D Yes, the epic potato chip scene. I showed it to my freinds, but none of them understand anime... I was going to attach the "I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret" scene, but I'm not sure how...I'm very new. (even though I'm an Otaku, I've always failed at computer stuff...even something as simple as that)
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