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Everything posted by coolmon
Need any help with Chao raising? Just ask me. i pracically [B]live[/B] inside that cute, cuddly place. By the way, can the person who knows what happens after you get 180 emblems PM me and tell me? I really wnat to know!(i work hareder for something when I really want it...)
Pokemon isn't making the Nintendo cutsie-utsie. It has alot of strategy. nintendo just doesn't want to make a game were the only thing you di is shoot a bunch of people. they want to make games where you have to solve some puzzles to earn that part ;):laugh:
(Amy's Theme song playing in background) Amy: So, Tails, exactly where is everyone? Tails: I'm trying to figure that out. the walkie talkie is all fuzzy... amy: Then, what'll we do? Tails: umm...... ???: HALT! LAND YOUR CRAFT! Tails: What? Amy: It's one of Eggman's robots! EggBot: Halt! Or subject Tails-Amy will be destroyed! Amy: I'm outta here! Tails, i'll distract him, and hopefully find the others. You come up with some brilliant plan like you always do,o.k.? Amy backflips out of the low-flying plane and runs the opposite way. the EggBot starts to chase her with small hover jets. He shots several shots at her, but she somesaults past many of them, and even reflects them with her massive hammer. He chases her throughout the city for nearly 15 minutes...
OOC: I will asume the roles of Amy and eggman unless someone wants to play as them in addition to their own character. But if someone signs up to be one of them, please give that character up. IC: ???: Hey! Tails down here! Tails: Who is that? ???: Never fear...Amy Rose is here! Tails lowered the Tornado so he could let her in. Tails: I'm looking for Sonic and Shadow. We were all ambushed by a silver hedgehog named Nitro. and I thought I saw a robot hedgehog there, too. Amy: Well we better get there! Tails: though we'd probably need some help... Amy: Wait a minute! What about your chao? Tails: Huh? Oh! the ChaoWalker was specially designed for chao! I'll go get one to pilot it. Amy: Don't worry, Sonic! You friends are on the way!!!
Tails blinked. "What happened? Sonic?Shadow? Nitro?" Tails started his tornado transformation into a plane so he could escape the ruins of the forest, so he started to head back to the city, hoping to find some answers.
O.K, everyone's O.K., so you can all play. sorry I was so late......
[i]Tails decided the pyramid was boring, and he turned to a wall. He simply blasted it open and headed through the wall.[/i] "I am sooooo bored!"[i]Tails cried as he walked through the massive gap.[/i]
You mean you wanna be the minor characters who will only make 2, 3 appaearances tops? Well, maybe. Let's just wait until a few more people join and I'll answer that.
[i]Tails was flying Tornado over the desert. He was bored. and I mean bored! He had nothing to do since Shadow and Sonic destroyed BioLizard. He landed and pressed a few buttons and let Tornado change to its walker form. He started to explore some pyramids in the area.[/i]
O.K., I suppose I have enough players... Just, We'll need a Dr. Robotnik pretty soon... Oh well...Just come on.. Oh!, and if the opening story didn't say enough, we''ll need Robotnik to be evil(and we'll need more evil people)
O.K., this RPG has [SIZE=4]SPOILERS![/SIZE] from the ending of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, so beware! [i] Dr. Eggman looked, perplexedley at the old works of his father. He still couldn't figure out how to create the ultimate life form. He would, of course, be using his findings in the name of evil. He suddenly got an idea. He got a walker robot ready and started jetting out at top speeds into the endless stretch of desert surrounding his secret laboratory.[/i] O.K., to join, pick an old character, or make up a new one. For new one... Name Good or Evil Animal(or human) Appearance Personality Bio Abilities Or, if you're an old one, just name em' I'll be Tails. So come on and join!
Name: Mike Dulansky Age: 19 Height: 5'3" Description: Is quite small, though has hidden power. Brown eyes,brown hair, and always wears mostly blue. Bio: His parents divorced, then both died only months later. Mike had no living relatives, so he became an orphan. the place that created the old fighter(forgot the name) adopted him and Mike thus, became the first of the new fighters.(He has been an animal/human mix for 4 months) Animal: Cheetah Element: Wind
Boy,I didn't want this to turn into an argument! Well, thanks everyone, I'll keep this in mind.........
Bunneimon: Guys? Guys? Where are you?:bawl: I........want......OUT! NOOOOOOOOW! ???:hmhmhm..........So you're a little lost rabbit. Bunneimon: uh........mmmm.............:help:
[i]So, foolish mortals. You wish to play this little RPG? Sure, you think it's just on your computer. Heh....heh.....heh. Oh alright, here's your stupid storyline. "Servant? SERVANT! Come on! Show me the humans you paired up!!!". Hmm......yes. Let's set surveilance on........this one."[/i] OOC: O.K., let's go!
Candlemon: Mike...Mike......WAKE UP!!! Mike: Wah? Candlemon: There is an evil digimon in your room. Mike: WHAT!?
I don't mean to cut in and stop the story, but where is Bunneimon?
For your information, the show may stink, but the games have excellent strategy and stuff like that. I'm tired of pokemon bashers.
This is actually ideas for future pokemon, but I'm planning to do this anyway. [b]Ursaring[/b] Rest Sleep Talk Thrash Crunch Bitter Berry/Mint Berry [b]Dragonite[/b] Hyper Beam Outrage Extreme Speed(I'm using crystal, so it's possible) Fire Blast uhh........ [b]Bellossom[/b] Morning Sun Sunny Day Solar Beam Poision Powder Miracle Seed [b]Espeon[/b] Psychic Bite ??? ??? Dark Glasses [b]Gengar[/b] Perish Song Mean Look Shadow Ball Psychic ??? And can anyone help me with a good one here?
Well, just try all the possibilities, which shiuld be..... 1 2 3 12 13 21 23 31 32 123 132 213 231 312 321 I thonk that's all the possible combos...
Mike: ZZZZZZZZZ Candlemon: uhhhhh....... Mike: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Candlemon: Mike, wake up....... Mike: uh? Candlemon: You're....beds on fire. Mike: ach! Candlemon! That's the 4th time this week! Candlemon: But I...... Mike ignored Candlemon as he beat the flames out.
Name: Mike Age: 13 Height: 5 ft. 2 in. D-Transmitter: Blue!!! Digimon partner: Candlemon Description: Shrt blonde hair, brown eyes, hair is always a mess, wears tan shorts and bright blue t-shirt, with a blue shirt that you button all the way down over that(except he never buttons it up). Very skinny. Bio: Mike's dad never pays attention to him, and his mom was dead his whole life. His dad is like one of those business-type dads with so much meetings and stuff that they have no time for their own children, so Mike always did everything himsrlf. Breakfast, school, everything. Then he got Candlemon's egg off his old computer, and he had a new friend that could stay with him all the time!
Bunneimon: Everyone, watch out! BUNNY HOP! Terriermon: TERRIER TORNADO! The two bunny digimon bounced out of the way of the charging Lynxmon as everyone one else ran off to the side. Well, everyone except Renamon. Terriermon: Renamon, what are you doing? Renamon: I can take 'em..
And besides, the "field power bonuses" are only in the Yu-Gi-Oh show. The card game doesn't have it, so.... Anyway, here's an idea I have. All the characters have different attributes-speed,money, stuff like that.