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Everything posted by coolmon

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ugamon [/i] [B]hey no fair no mega right off the bat! if you did that i will get to warp digivolve! [/B][/QUOTE] Hey,uh..who are you talking about??? No one has a mega, aside from the one in their digivolutions.
  2. Hmm......uh......... Cyndaquil-Heat Totodile-Chowp(I meant Chomp, but spelled it wrong and I liked it) Teddiursa-Honey Phanpy/Donphan-Rox
  3. Tioxi,Beedrill are weak to flying types,so that can't honestly help that much Now everybody, you guys aren't helping when you throw these kind of ideas at her(or him, think its her) Now these are probably the only pokemon that is in her reach RATATTA PIDGEY GEODUDE PHANPY(Crystal) WEEDLE CATERPIE SENTRET BELLSPROUT TEDDIURSA(Crysral, again) ZUBAT ONIX GROWLITHE GASTLY UNOWN
  4. If we're alowed to use made-up... Bunneimon Slamming Hop, Rabbit's Foot Andiramon,SyAndiramon,JingleAndiramon If not, Candlemon Flame Bomber, Melted Wax Wizardmon, Phantomon, Piedmon
  5. Everyone else was worried. Koji had volunteered to go in first, but it had been at least 15 minutes, without any contact at all. Lei: Guys, I'm going in,Okay? Lei snuck in, but then leaped behind a crate before a man could see her. She crawled behind the box of crates, and peaked at a door, and talking in the next room. Lei(into PET): Guys I'm inside, and I think I know where he is. You guys decide what you want to do, and beep me back.
  6. Squashed Snail, My friend caught it, and with use of a GameShark. And another way is to trade it from an older game to G/S/C. You might be lucky.
  7. My character Name: Emily Age: 7(is that too young?) Description: sweet, innocent, cute, everything you'd expect from some kid this young. Only, she gets mad for the worst reasons.;) Medabot Name: Angel Type: Flight Weapons: Has very sharp wings, can throw halo at will(it is attached with a stick) and a feathered dart shooter. Medal: Angel medal:angel: Description: Looks like...an angel. She's built sorta like NeutraNurse. Just with wings and a halo, woth a smily face. She seems innocent until the battle starts, then...WATCH OUT!
  8. My friend has a gameshark, so virtually [B]all[/B] of his pokemon are shiny, but I've never found any. Let's see...... Green Chansey Pinkish Moltres Dang! Can't remember anymore....
  9. just go to the lost woods turn left and hand it to the "freak".
  10. Name: Karen Age: 17 Deck-type: Warrior, Beast-Warrior, and Fairy(the fairy cards are pretty weak) Appearance: Long Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Blue Skirt, and white shirt. Bio: Her engaged was kidnapped. She grew up a sheltered life, and doesn't give up easily. No matter how bad a situation, she won't give up. Favorite Card: Gyakutenno Megami
  11. All digimon have some instinct to fight, but why this? A new force of evil is making digimon enter a tournament with human partners that are just sucked out of the real world. Some humans don't even deserve a digimon. Who will triumph? So, just fill out this form to play. Name D-comp color(very small laptop computer) Age Gender Personality Appearance Digimon(Fic or real(rookie)) ____________ Name: Cindy D-comp color: Blue Age: 13 Gender: Female Personality: Shy and mellow, though a true friend and gets angry easily. Appearance: Long brown hair, blue eyes, short blue jeans, and small white shirt revealing belly button. Digimon: Bunneimon,(small brown rabbit with extreamely large ears and small legs and arms, though large feet.Wears a red cape.)
  12. MarineAngemon drew hiself up to his full height(which, if it hadn't been for his ability to fly, would be way tiny) and barked,"Where?" The Infermon smiled. So, this in-training," "Mega,"MarineAngemon barked correctively. "MEGA?!?Look, I don't want to play games with you, so," "Look, stop playing with 'em!,"A similar voice screamed out from behind a nearby bush. "Shh! I almost got 'em!" whispered the Infermon in sight. Ai got teary-ed,"What do you mean,'got us'?" "uhh....." The Infermon was pulling up a total blank,".......CABLE CRUSHER!" Ai screamed, MarineAngemon swooped, Infermon smiled.
  13. However, the digivice wasn't quite working properly. "Su........zie.........wh....t's th.......e ma....tter?"Lopmon was fading, then reappearing, but wouldn't just stay solid. " Wopmon! What's the mattew?" Suzie was crying that her friend was starting to disappear. Mihiramon let out a small smile,"Better throw in the towel.:naughty: " Lopmon was wildly flailing, hoping she could somehow save herself," What do I do? What do I do?" The old Wizardmon looked very concerned," What shouuld I do?" He whispered under his breath," She's a deva, I can't let her get hurt..." _______________ Meanwhile, the Infermon pummeled poor Yaamon as Mako watched. " Look, you need to get Ai, Mako! She needs to help you!"Yaamon yelled in between attacks. Mako practically yelled the next words,"NO! I'M NOT SHARING WITH THAT FATHEAD!" Ai heard the words,"Who's he yelling out?" MarineAngemon was worried."There" MarinAngemon hopped off Ai and flew in a direction in which Ai thought was exactly the opposite of where the yelling was, so, naturally, she followed him.
  14. "Oh!" Mihiramon laughed,"We've done our studies on great warriors, haven't we, young one?" Cocomon, quite annoyed by being called small, tiny, petite, weak, and young, snapped back, "I"M ONE OF THE DEVAS!" Mihiramon stared at the small creature as she continued yelling at him. Mihiramon finally said," How could [I]you[/I] be a deva? They are the most prized warriors of the sovereigns! And you're In-training" "I am [I]an[/I] in-training [I]form[/I], not in-training. I know plenty of great fighting techniques."Cocomon snapped once again. Mihiramon, just about fed up with the bite-size digimon, decided he'd end this. "Look, if you're so powerful, than why not blast me to smithereens? Oh, wait a minute, I know why! YOU're A WEAKLING! Now I must be on my wa......." " BUBBLE BLOW!" A barrage of pink bubbles popped on Mihiramon's side as he started to turn. Everyone, even Suzi, stared at the great tiger digimon's stomache. It was dripping in a small amount of pink liquid. "So," Mihiramon began," You do want to fight." Mihiramon stepped forward. Cocomon tried to step forward, but remembered she had no legs. She looked down, and then, quite annoyed, bounced forward, indicating she would partake in the battle. "Well," the old Wizardmon(YAY!)started," I suppose I'll be the judge. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I respect your wish of a contest of strenth and skill. The old Wizardmon magically created a circle in the dirt. " First digimon knocked out of the circle loses."
  15. Tori still struggles inside her mind, remembering everything she thought was her fault.... ???: Tori, nothing's your fault! All that just happened! Tori: No:bawl: Patamon, it's all my fault! Patamon: Why would it be your fault? Tori: Well.......I,I...........I MISS GOMAMON!:bawl: Patamon: Look, you can see him again, just.......BOOM BUBBLE! Tori is knocked onto her back... Tori: Why'd you do that? Patamon: TO STAMP YOU OUT OF IT! Tori: Oh......Orichimon, you'll get it! Orichimon: What? No one has ever gotten out of their trance! Tori: Well, looks like I have.
  16. Tori: No....No...... Instead of the dark walls....Tori sees something else.... Tori's mom: Look, Jack,we can't keep going on like this! Jack(Tori's dad): Elaine, you can't! I won't let you! Elaine: I will get a divorce! Younger Tori:(Peering out of her room at this sight)(quietly:( :bawl:it's all my fault....
  17. "Whe.....Where am i?"Calumon seemed awfully confused.... Calumon turned around and saw a portal that was decreasing slowly. "What's happening? Why is that there?" Suddenly, Calumon heard Azulongmon's voice in his head. "Calumon, we , the sovereigns, have once again chosen you to do an important mission. Please find the Tamers and bring them back here before our powers diminish. Please succeed! We couldn't find the others..." "Well.......O.K."
  18. umm.......They don't have their digimon, right?Their just bragging? And HyperShadow...problems! If you read the story, they plan to go through Guilmon's hole, and its afterschool! ________________________ Meanwhile, Ai and Mako are lying on the floor of their house,obviously bored. "Wanna do anything?"Asked Mako "No,"replied Ai,"Everything just seems bored now that Impmon's gone." __________________ Jeri, also meanwhile, is sitting down, doing boring homework,being bored... "72 divided by 19.....*sigh*.....", she droned on, with sighs here and there. She pulled her D-power out of her backpack. "*sigh*.....I finally make good friends with Calumon, and he has to leave.....I wish I could go back..." She goes back into thought about all that happened... She thinks about how she's seen Takato wander by Guilmon's old hang-out. 'Maybe headibg down there would cheer me up!'She tought. Jeri got up and said,"Dad! I'm going out for a while!" "O.K.Be back!"He answered. "Bye,daddy!" Jeri said as ran out the door,D-power in hand.
  19. The game has kinda nothing to do with it, but it really depends on what everyone else does...
  20. One year, in Mineral Town,we find some disturbing news. One of the oldest citizens have died. [I]Everyone[/I] is a suspect!Master Theively gave everyone a reason to hate him. Now, the citizens must fight to prove who's innocent. And prove who's guilty... Please try to be one of the characters from the game, O.K.?:wave: Name Gender Age Where they work Reason for murder Mine.... :::::::::::::::::: Name: Matthew Werlit Age: 21 Gender: Male Where they work: Chicken Farm(he sells chickens and chicken feed to people) Reason for Murder: Master Theively had let his hounds eat Matthew's chickens, and would never pay for damage. HOPE YA' JOIN!
  21. The world, only........drawn. A handful of kids have the power to draw things in mid-air. But with a twist. These things are [B]real[/B] . Now, with this great power, the kids have a great responsibility. Drawings all over the world are coming to life. Of paper, chalkboards, and even off computer screens! The only problem...... Are these drawings good?......or evil.......................... ___________________ Sign-up Sheet Name Gender Age Appearance Background Personality NORMAL PEOPLE, O.K.? No magic people, or aliens, or people who are really drawings, NORMAL PEOPLE!
  22. Angewomon: HEAVEN'S CHARM! Mummymon: (Don't know the name, but he's shooting with his gun....) WarMonzemon: ORGH! STOP IT! MagnaAngemon: GATE OF...........DESTINY! WaruMonzeMon: OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH[SIZE=1]-nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo[/SIZE] ! (All digimon de-digivolve) Tori: Well, that's b................ Desiree: Wh-Why is the gr-ground sh-sh-shaking? Lauren: Uh-uh-oh! What's Ha-Ha-Happening now?
  23. WaruMonzeMon: BEA....(all digimon evade...but)BEAR CLAW!!! Tori: oh no! He tricked them! All digimon de-digivolve. Patamon: Nurgh...... Gatomon: Nyagh...... Ogremon: Jurffle...... Warumonzemon::devil: Tori: NOOO! Patamon: WHOAH!Patamon digivolves to....... Angemon: Angemon digivolves to........ MagnaAngemon: MAGNAANGEMON!!! WaruMonzeMon: uuuuuuh.....(snaps out of the awe) YOU DON"T SCARE ME!
  24. Peach woke up in a strange place. It was all dark, and it was a big platform floatinmg in the air. [COLOR=deeppink]"Where........where am I?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]"MWAHAHAHAMWAHA!"[/COLOR]
  25. Peach: (Wind whipping at her hair) MARIO!LUIGI!WHERE ARE YOU? Two toads run into the room. Toad 1: Peach, are you O.K.? Toad 2: We heard you screaming! Peach: Mario and Luig............ Peach is suddenly sucked violently across the room and into the portal... Peach: AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! MARIO........WHERE ARE YOU?[SIZE=4]YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SAVE ME![/SIZE]
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