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Everything posted by coolmon
Socks: Don't do that! Harper: That was quite a surprise. Amy: Who are you? ____________________________________________________ OOC: Carren Heart,where are you? am I gonna have to drag you on with me?
Tori: I TOTALLY agree. Let's go! Etamon: Ninety-nine bottles of digi-beer on the wall...... Desiree(slaps her hand on his mouth): Don't do that. Etamon: Mrmm hmm jmmp Elecmon: Let's g.... ???: Hi I'm Patamon! ???: and I'm Demidevimon! Patamon: We wanna be your friends! Demidevimon: We know you're digi-callers! Patamon: We wanna help! Demidevimon: So both of you pick one of us! (I'll let you choose which one you want, dukeoftheshowdon)
DemiFeatherMon: :flaming: Don't hurt jenna! DemiFeatherMon digivolves to... FeatherMon: FeatherMon! Tickle Blast! (FeatherMon takes a deep breath, and blows out feathers.) Tsolanmon: Gah! It tickles!
Harper: How will you know who these people are? Amy:...Let me demonstrate. Pulls out green stick and holds it strangely.. Amy: Lee.....Chou.......Simoro,reprah,oromis.....CHI! suddenly a big wind raises and surrounds Harper, then stops. Amy: If you were one of the chosen ones, a ma.... Harper: What? Amy: YOU HAVE A MAGIC MARK ON YOUR FOREHEAD! Harper:...Huh? Amy:OH MY GOSH! That mark..don't worry it will disappear in a while, but IT MEANS YOU MUST HELP ME FIND THE OTHERS! IT'S THE ONLY WAY THE DARK LORDS WILL BE DEFEATED!YAY! Socks: Not so loud! What if a spy was here? ???: There was! Socks: An Imp! Imp: Right!!! Socks: Harper,can you help us? I know this imp. He's stronger than he looks!
GrapLeoMon: Do not hurt this child! GranKuwagaMon: Huh? Tori presses a button... Tori: ETAMON! Etamon: Hello, Hello! Tori: Help us!!! Etamon: HIM?... Tori: GrapLeoMon will help you! Etamon:....o.k. (I'm not sure if this is Etamon's attack) Etamon: Monkey Paw! Etamon runs at GranKuwagaMon and slaps him. GranKuwagaMon: You think that hurt???
Lei: Perfect!I knew I qould need this!:D Lauren: Need what? Lei: Well, my dad's a computer whiz, so he made this!(pulls out weird looking chip) Lan: What is it? Lei: It's a tracking device! Let's put it in Roll's PET and.... Roll: WOW! I know where everyone in the whole town is! Lei: Really? Can you find Suzuki? Roll: Hmm.....That way!(points) Lei: Let's go!
Tori: (once again waking up in a new place) Hello? Tori rolls over and gets up. She is in a pyramid and Gomamon is lying next to her. ???: Looks like i've fouuuund youu!!(It was the sing-song voice before) Gomamon: Oh No! that's Etamon!!! Etamon: That's right!!! Tori: Well, what are you doing here? Etamon: finding you. you see...one of your friends have the digi-egg of friendship, so that means they will use their willpower, because your their friend... Gomamon: SHE has the digi-egg of friendship. Etamon: :eek: Darn... Gomamon: Yah well... ???: You shouldn't hurt little kids!!! Etamon: Not you!!! GranKuwagaMon:I told you to get ALL of the kids! EtaMon: But... I GranKuwagamon: Dimension Scissors! Etamon: NOOOOOOOO! Take MY [SIZE=1]data ................................ quick![/SIZE] (Tori can now summon a Etamon) GrandKuwagaMon: NOW YOU!!! Gomamon: I won't let you hurt Tori!!! Gomamon jumps in the way... Gomamon digivolves to.... Tortomon! GrandKuwagamon: Dimension Scissors(He needs a new attack or something...)! Tori: NOOOOOOOOO! I won't let you! The attack hits Tortomon head-on. Tortomon datalizes:bawl: Tori: TORTOMON!!! GranKuwagaMon smiles(or can he?)
Jenna: Stop DRAGGIN...(sees Tsolanmon)......AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Tsolanmon: Hush! DemiFeatherMon: Uh...Are you friend,foe,something in between, or do you really know what you're doing here?
Jenna: Oh, come on Holamon. Slow down. HolaMon: Geez, jenna. I don't even have legs! Jenna: Haven't you ever heard of "fashionably late?" HolaMon: But we are already five minutes away to begin with, and it's taken YOU ten minutes! Jenna: Urgh, just slow down! HolaMon: RRRR. HolaMon digivolves to.... DemiFeatherMon: DemifeatherMon! Jenna: What are you doing? DemiFeathermon: Making you fashionably on time!:) DemiFeathermon starts dragging jenna down the street. Jenna: URGH!
Amy: It is said that if the chosen ones gather at the same time in the grass patch near the center of the dark land(the area above the big thatch of dirt roads) they will then have the power to defeat the Dark Lords. I plan to find them. Socks: Sheesh, talk about melodramatic. Harper: Huh...
Tori: Wait.. I think I recognize her... Dracania: Of course! Do all of you have...D-callers? Desiree: Yah! Dracania: oh! well... suddenly, a sing-song voice blast through the cave... ???: (singish) Whaaaaaaat are you dooooing [SIZE=3]HHHHHHHEEEEEEEERRRRRRREEEEE[/SIZE] ?
Mrs. Killa: :devil: Are you sure you can defeat me? I've been Netbattling since PETs were created!!! I'm the 3rd in comma....oops! Forget I said anything! Lei: NO! You said something. What was it? Mrs. Killa: I SAID NOTHING! Lan: :rolleyes: Yah.. sure. Mrs. Killa: WANNA NETBATTLE ME TOO? Lan: If Death is still in one peice afterwards. Mrs. Killa: DO... you really think your frien can beat me? The two navis appear in.... Suzuki: WAIT! That's not a normal battlefield!!! Lauren, be careful! Lauren: What could.... Lauren suddenly froze as she saw Death enter the battlefield...
Name: Jenna Nick: None Age: 12 Personality: An intelligent,sorta shy girl who is always..meh, about things. Physical descriptions: 5'1" weighs 'bout 128 lbs. wears blue pants with white shirt. black hair. Quite beautiful. Family background: Her mom married, had one child, then divorced and had her. never married her dad. hates older sister. Crest: Beauty, Purple Digi: Fresh: LoMon/Bubble blow. a small, white puff with an attached halo. In-training: HolaMon/bubble blow. bigger than Lomon with small wings. Rookie: DemiFeathermon/halo Slash. Halo is now curled and has 4 longer wings. Champ: FeatherMon/Razor wings, Tickle Blast. A bigger puff, wings coming out of all areas of her body and a perfect halo above her head. Ultimate: VenaMon/Utter Beauty,Love's Pain. A woman with a white robe, luxurious blonde hair and a gold swirly thingy around her right arm. Mega: HeraMon/Wrath of the Gods, Heaven's Punishment. Longer Hair, luxurious wings, and fancy gold swirly things on both her arms. Romance: As I said before, she's ..meh. "Oh I'm your girlfriend?fine.I'm not?Okay!"
Amy: I just left my house.... Harper: Why? Amy: I plan *sniffle* to venture out and destroy the dark lords... Socks: (Approaching)Is that you Amy? Are you okay? Amy: yeah... Harper: A talking cat? Amy:....It's a long story. Socks: Well, Amy, aren't we leaving town? Amy: I guess...
Tori: :flaming: :flaming: [SIZE=4]GRANKUWAGAMON!!![/SIZE] Grankuwagamon turns at the sound of her immensely loud screaming. Tori: (walking up th him) You can blow me up, seach my corpse for loose change, and then send me into another dimension. But you will NOT hurt.........my............... [SIZE=4]FRIENDS![/SIZE] Suddenly, a spiky digiegg appears. Gomamon: Say Digi Armour Energize!!! Tori: Digi Armor Energize! (I'm making this one up sorry!:)) ***Gomamon digivolves to.....Spinoctomon!*** Tori: WOW! Spinoctomon: Gunk Blast! A collection of simply repulsive junk comes up Spinoctomon's throat and is fired at Grankuwagumon... Grankuwagumon: My EYES! Tori: Quick! Jump on Spinocto and escape down this river! Everyone jumps on his back, and(to his extreme discomfort) swims at top speed down the river. Desiree: Quick! Before he sees us!!! Spinoctomon: You all aren't exactly super models, y' know...
OOC: sorry Lauren, was reading in a hurry. Suddenly, all the missing Navis appear and start finishing off the NP 5000 Lei: NOOOOOOOOOO! Don't do it Roll! Lan: NO! Megaman would never do that! Tenco: Iceman! No! Don't do it! The other kids watching cry out in the same manner. Lei: I've got an idea! Lei types a message, and sends it to Roll. no one else knew what it said, but they saw the effect. Roll: NO! RIN is not mind controlling me! I'm just.....blowing of steam? Another message is sent by Lei... Roll: GRRRR...... I'll show you! Would someone mind-controlled by RIN attack RIN? Roll pulls out a rocket( from a chip she must have had) and fires it at the RIN program. Lei: guys! Type a message to your navi, taunting them about being controlled! Roll continues attacking RIN with her default attack... Roll: :devil: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Tori: WAIT! Guys, press the buttons to summon MegaDraMon!! Desiree: Are you sure? Lauren: Why not? Flamedramon needs all the help he can get! They all press the 1/3rd of the button and suddenly, in a giant firework explosion appears MegaDraMon MegaDraMon: So, you guys need help? I can only be here 2 minutes! All: WHAAAAAAT!!! MegaDraMon: Oh, looks like I didn't tell you, huh? Tori: you think?
OOC: (Where is this thread about netbattling? Though i'm missing Roll, if and when I get her back I'll need to know!) Lei: What is that??? There are a HUGE number of Navis attacking the RINs! Just as she said, alot of Navis were attackin RIN and some were in a big danger of being deleted. Lan: OH NO! How will we warn all those navis that RIN will destroy them??? Suzuki: And their power is to strong! No Navi Protector ever built will work anymore!!
Lei: Mom! I feel much better today! I'm going to school! Lei got ready and picked up her PET and ran to school. She found 4 boys talking. Lei: What's the matter? Lan: All of our PETs are gone! What about yours? Lei: Well mine is...(looks at PET) WHERE IS SHE!?! Lei presses several buttons but to no avail, as Roll is nowhere to be seen. Lei::bawl: :bawl: :bawl: I WANT ROOOOOLL!:bawl:
AeroVeedraMon dropped his friends off, but flew away before they could say or do anything. AeroVeedraMon: (In a hurry) O.K., gotta run bye!!! Tori: what was that about??? Desiree: I don't know Lauren: He seemed pretty anxious to leave... Tori: (Panic) ACK! WHAT"S THAT BEHIND YOU!!!!!! Desiree: What? Lauren: Why are you so loud? Tori: TURN AROUND, AND THEN RUUN! The other girls turn around, and then see a vast army of Numemon. Lauren and Desiree turn to each other, then run.
Name: Caitlin Age: 13 Main Pokemon: Dragonite Other pokemon: Arcanine, Politoed, Gengar, Ursaring, Donphan Appearance: Died blue hair with two pigtails(NO I am not copying the female from crystal)Green eyes, blue skirt and blue shirt. Bio: Real flirty. She immediately falls in love with any "hunky" guy she sees. She is otherwise friendly( in a friend way) PKMN level: 90
Lei looks up after she..er..tosses her cookies. Lei: Urgh.. I can't beleive I've been sick for a week! I need ACTION! She picks up her PET and transmits Roll. Lei: You wanna go battle more viruses? Roll: Do you actually KNOW how many I've battle? I'm so BORED of viruses!!! Lei: I hope I can go to school tomorow...
Tori:(looking at her digi-caller as all the digimon in the area disappear)Well... so we are sharing him.... we CANNOT get separated, O.K. guys? If we do, all we'll have are the... roookies and champs, i think... Suddenly the ground began to shake... Tori: Wh-What is th-that? Suddenly something begins to emerge from the ground...
Is it to late to join??? Name: Lei Description: Very friendly, though has a TOTALLY different adittude in battle. Bio: lives with parents... Blue eyes, blonde hair with a ponytail NAVI: Roll PLEASE LET ME JOIN!:bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
TORTOMON! Tori: Whaaat? Tortomon: You can't do that to those kids! STRONG CAPARACE! Tortomon flips the backside of his body in the air and shoots his yellow spikes from his body. Megadramon: I bet even [I]three[/I] champions can't defeat [I]ME[/I]!!! The spikes hit his ugly body and he is thrown back several feet...