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Everything posted by coolmon

  1. Tori: Why is it so hot??? She looks in a distance and sees cyclonemon standing in front of a hole. Desiree: You big idiot. Tori: That's a human!!! Tori presses the grey button on her D-caller and saod"Gomamon!!!" into it. Gomamon: (appearing in a flash of purpel light) I was taking my bath! Tori: Quick attack Cyclonemon! Gomamon: Is there any water nearby? Tori: uhh.... there's a puddle that's evaporating... Gomamon: Launching Fishes! A few fish jump out of the puddle, but only enought to annoy Cyclonemon. Cyclonemon: GRR. WHO DID THAT!!! Gomamon: Quick, hit the digivolve button! Tori: which one was that again??? Gomamon: The red one! Tori points it at Gomamon and presses... Gomamon digivolves to..... (Just thought I'd build some suspense:))
  2. O.K., If you haven't joined yet do so NOW. ___________________________________________ Amy wakes up and finds her green stick on the ground and wakes up Socks(her cat). Socks follows her out of her room and watches as she eats, keeping her eyes away from her father's. Her mother is crying. She gets up and says, quietly." Bye mom, bye dad." She runs out of the house and to the other side of Kendale, where she leans against a wall of a magic shop, crying, leaving Socks to find her himself.
  3. Tori wakes up and finds herself at the beach. Tori: Heloooo!anybody here??? ???: Well, I am here! Tori looks at a creature who looks like a small, white walrus with purple markings.. and no teeth. ???: Well, I am Gomamon. Who are [I]you[/I]? Tori: I'm... Tori.(Pulls out D-Caller) Gomamon: WHOA! I know about those things!!! Tori: What? What is it?!? Tell me! Gomamon: It is a D- caller. Wann know how you use it? (After an "short" explanation from Gomamon...) Gomamon:...And that's how you use it. WHAT?!? You weren't listening to it all! Tori: well, I know how to use it(cause I stayed awake as long as I can...) Like this! Tori points the D-caller at Gomamon and presses a button. Tori: Now I have your data!:) Gomamon: So, I suppose your leaving? Tori: Yah, I guess. You wanna come? Gomamon: no, you can call me when you need me. BYE! Tori: Bye! Both Tori and her new Gomamon friend walk off, in different directions.
  4. Stormwing, just make sure you note where you are when we begin, O.K;) Umm.... Oh Yeah! Here is the map of Morld __________________________________________ Lords Tower__Field______Dense Forest__Lord's Tower Field_____Field_____Dense Forest______Flame Forest >>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Lake______Deep Lake>>>__________________ Lord's Tower_____________________Volcano_Lord's Tower >>>>>>>>> >>>>> Dirt Roads_________________________________Dirt Rooads __________________________________________________ Kendale_____________________Meirrdale_____________ ____________Zirach____________________Turfenlavele _________Rendeir_________________Erkolf___________ ___________________Swertandog_____________________ There! Oh, and please resterain from making more villages yet. That was hard! Oh! < and > means whatever the first < or > was by, that thing is there too, ok? and _ means nothing, just like, an area with no special landmarks. O.K., were starting!!!!!! Come to the main RPG forum!!!
  5. Tori 13 4'9" 110 LBS. Description: dyed blue hair,short. Dark green eyes. Short red skirt and purple shirt with moons on it. Friendly, though doesn't show it sometimes..( :blush: ) Always tries to make friends D-caller color: Purple
  6. The world is covered in darkness in these times. The 4 kings of darkness are controlling the whole world of Morld. However, a few valiant souls want to resist their terrible forces. They plan to venture out of the safety of their villages(only protected because their lords can come up with the monthly pay) to destroy the evil. These people,some wise, some inexperienced. Some, strong, some weak. But they beleive that they can.... Oh, and this is in the Medeival times. To join, give me your character's.. NAME AGE GENDER JOB DESCRIPTION APPEARANCE VILLAGE(You can live in the same villages) POSSESSIONS CLOSE "PET"(This is like a non-human, yet small, thing) My prof Amy Trendins 11 Female None She had learned magic fom her father's friend as a young child. She is now quite strong in magic ability, and beleives her magic of great good can stop the lords. Blue eyes, red hair with 2 pigtails coming out from under her green cap. wears a green shirt with a green skirty-thingy. The village of Kendale She owns a small, green stick, said to own great magic power. She received it from her father's friend, who beleives she can stop the lords. She owns a small amount of money(25 pence(pence is the ONLY kind of money, to make it easier)) Her pet is a small talking kitten. White with small brown spots. always nervous, but sneaky,too. O.K. then hope you all join!!!!
  7. This takes place in the kind-of distant future. robots are now created, but take on many aspects of humans(feeling,looks,personality,all human-like) Space ships are excellently like home, and can even regulate gravity. However, many advanced scientists in robotics and their finest works are being kidnapped from aliens from a far away planet. To play, choose whether your kidnapped or if you part of a search party. Also say if you are a human or a robot. Gems are form of money. -Name -Human/Robot(If robot, which kind?) -Age(If available) -Kidnapped/Search Party -Bio -Personality -Planet you are currently on -Items on you ---------------------------------------------------- Name-Justin Zarupa Robot(Electro Deep-Space Cyborg D) Age-none -Kidnapped bio-searching for his creator, known simply as Prof. Mike.He crash landed on the planet, and when he woke up, he saw strange looking life forms carrying Mike away on a giant robot. Personality-Has Brown hair and Brown eyes. Gets very angry and upset easily. usually nice. Planet-Draizeel Items-50 Gems, Small "Walker-Bot" in pellet form(Made by Mike) Please Join!!!
  8. O.K., just something you might find interesting. Link To The Past is the last one, I believe. Why? Heres why. [B]The kokiri became extinct as the lost woods grew[/B] Link, in one of the other games(only played a few) must have moved the Master Sword in to the Lost Woods, which is where you find it!....:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  9. so, we going to start now? I really hope we start soon. Will we? Don't say no!:twitch::twitch:
  10. Well,Hello! This RPG is about a not-so-well known game, called Mieschief Makers! The game is about a Ultra Inter-galactic Cybot G, Marina Lightyears! Her maker is Prof. Theo,a genius in robotics. He is quite strong and healthy for his age. Teran, also known as blockman, is a clancer hired to be a body gaurd for the retired King Aster, and his daughter, Queen Ondine. Along the way, Marina meets the BEASTECTOR! The fighting force consisting of Lunar, Taurus, and Merco. At the end, Prof. Theo's evil brother, Leo, is defeated and The BEASTECTOR and Marina become humans. This RPG is based on the future. Marina and Theo come back to planet Clancer. You may be a character from the video game, just make them a bit older. To join you just need to have the following information. NAME AGE GROUP GENDER RACE(Human,clancer,robot,animal/human mix...) FIGHTING STYLE(Weapons, grabbing and throwing, puching and kicking...) DESCRIPTION Me.. Marina Lightyears upper 20s Female Human Grabbing and Throwing Green hair with a few hairs sticking up in the center of her head. Blue eyes. Wears a red dress. Quite skinny.
  11. Name: Kazen Race: Kokiri Age: 13 Lives in a small cabin, where the "freak" used to sit. Description: Standard Kokiri Tunic,boots. Wears a necklace that looks like a tear(Not broken).Short, red hair. Pale blue eyes.Hates fighting Inventory Bunny Hood Skull Mask Keaton Mask Deku Nuts Bottle-Pink Faerie Bottle-Red Potion Necklace of Sorrow Pegasus Boots Skull Flute Weapon: doesn't use one.(She believes fighting is wrong) Spells Deku Sprout's Youth(In memory of the child years of the great new deku tree,Heals user by half their maximum health) Kokiri's Traps(Set's a magic trap in a certain area) Deku tree's wisdom(Gives the user a spark of inspiration.An idea) Fairy Naomi
  12. :( [COLOR=indigo]"Well,o.k."[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]"Vilemon, are you o.k.?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]"It's DemiDevimon again."[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=indigo]"You'll have nightmares for the rest of your life!" "Nightmare Shocker![/COLOR] The attack knocks :devil:Terriermon back seveal feet. Then,for an odd reason, he starts squirming. [COLOR=skyblue]"What's happening?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"He's having a nightmare!"[/COLOR] :laugh:
  14. Quatre slashed a card through the D-power and :devil: Gargomon was standing before them once again. [COLOR=skyblue]"No!STOOOOOOP!"[/COLOR] :devil: [COLOR=red]"Bunny Pellet!"[/COLOR] (Is that right?) Caitlin jumps in the way,just before the pellets hit... [COLOR=purple]"DemiDeviMon digivolves to......."[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"VileMon!"[/COLOR] Quatre[COLOR=red]"What is that ugly thing!?"[/COLOR] :laugh:
  15. [COLOR=skyblue]"Wow......I'm glad we were'nt that Gargomon."[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]"Hmm....Jokermon..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]"What's the matter?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]"I've never seen the digiegg of humor before.."[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]"Hmm....."[/COLOR]
  16. "Dark Gargo Pellets!" [COLOR=skyblue]"What was that?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]"I think that's a digimon!"[/COLOR] _________________ DIGIMON ANALYZER _________________ That's Gargomon,but it looks....evil. And that's terriermon!That's Gargomon's rookie form! [COLOR=skyblue]"Should we stop them?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]".......I don't know. Let's watch.[/COLOR]
  17. "Stupid computer! Why won't you work???" Caitlin yells at the computer, but the black out screen stays black. "Stupid blackou....huh??!" The screen turns Purple, and suddenly a winged purple ball bounces out the screen. [COLOR=skyblue]"YOW!What is this???"[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]"Geez...For my partner you sure are jumpy."[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]"......partner?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]"Yes.Here is your digivice"[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]"Really?....[/COLOR] *Fade Out*
  18. I caught the loach! It's to big to keep in the record tank though(And i heard it's an endangered species,though i don't know where) :p :p :p :p i suck, you rule.....
  19. Name: Caitlin Crest: Humility Crest and digivice Color: [COLOR=skyblue]Bright Blue[/COLOR] Age: 12 Type: Like willis(I don't know what it's called) Partner: Demidevimon Bio: Likes video games and computers.She is always overshadowed by her 4 older siblings,and has 2 younger ones. She was going through a humiliating year until the Dpower and egg appeared and started her new life as a tamer. Appearance: Blond hair with pigtails and blue cap turned backwards and blue t-shirt and dark blue short-shorts. Oh boy!:D:D:D:D:D
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