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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. Allow me to interupt. Since Seed's release late last year, everything what you guys said was already mentioned, i.e the similarities between original Gundam and what not. You will all set it aside soon though as the series is really just that damn good. It was so successful in Japan (and fansub groups) that an OVA and even the first true sequel to a Gundam series (Gundam Seed 2) is going to be released later this year. Still though, I have high feelings CN has cut massive parts since the series is pretty bloody (I'm talking buckets of gore people) in its original form. I have yet to see the CN version but I'll see it later this week considering I remember to watch it.
  2. Favorite Gundam is hands down the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam! Dunno the name? Not surprising. Its from the latest Gundam series called Gundam Seed. Next is the ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam. Lets just say this thing ownz. And last but not least is the imfamous Wing Zero Custom. It needs no explaination. [SIZE=4]Gundam Seed[/SIZE] > [SIZE=1]All other Gundams[/SIZE] ^^
  3. Ok here's how you maintain that thing. -Never turn the system off by hitting the main switch on the back while playing a game -Make sure your disks have no dust, fingerprints and any of the sort on it. -Place the PS2 in a well ventilated area. This thing is dust magnet and dust is the leading cause of the famous "Disk read error". Use canned air and/or vaccum the vents around it to keep dust from quickly building up in your machine. (No matter how hard you try, dust will always get in it, this just keeps it from building quickly.) -Never use non-sony licensed products or mod your PS2. Sony are such nice guys that if you take care of you machine, they can repair your system for free even after the warranty is expired should anything happen to it. -Register your PS2 and network adapter with sony by using the network adapter utiltiy disk, calling sony or logging on to their website at playstation.com. You'll get cool stuff from them like newsletters, demos and the sort. -Last is basically don't do anything stupid like putting stuff on top of it, drop it, shake it, stuff like that. You basically have all you need for a PS2. Get another controller if only have 1 and get more games. You can't go wrong with the greatest hits titles. (The games with the red tags on it)
  4. I too think this is the worst. I love the Megaman X series. I love the first 4. 5 and 6 less because capcom began to get lazy and the bosses/enemies have become just plain cheap. Aside from that it's not as fluent as the first 4 as in you have to constantly have to return to a stage to get everything. I was looking forward to X7, the stuff I heard sounded good and such. Unforunately the negatives outweigh the goods. No longer its a fast paced game I loved. Dashing is equal to the speed of running in the previous X-titles. Zero's moves have been totally watered down. The controls are all screwed up too. Stage bosses all suck and are totally cheap. Introduction of a new character with *gasp* another 'i don't remember' and 'lets not tell the players' past. It just plain sucks. This is the only X game i'm gonna wait for a price drop before I get it. Only reason why I'm still getting even after saying it sucks is because I'm a fan of the series. If you asked me though, they should've done something like viewtiful joe and fill in these freaking story gaps already.
  5. Oooooo, sound interesting... Cloud not infected? Seems like the Mako he was pumped with seems to have connection to it... :P
  6. I doubt it can be Aeris. This new guy fights Cloud and to say Aeris is on that wheel chair can't mix because she would have killed this guy herself if he hurt Cloud. I still think its Sephiroth or some kind of clone of him. *sigh* I have to find means to keep my mind off this movie as I know it'll burn my brain from thinking to much... ¬_¬
  7. Ah man Ryan, I just noticed your avatar... I saw that video too. Its pure evil as it has no end!
  8. Luckly for me, my parents didn't know a thing about computers at all. They were aware of the dangers the internet has and did warn me about them. I understood where they were coming from and just told them that I didn't even bother going into chat rooms when we brought our first PC. I don't believe in being restricted from doing things. If teens can be sent to jail and such like an adult, then they shouldn't have anything kept from them (except for beer, cigs and the sort of course). I know if my parents did put such things like that on my computer then thats when I put my computer skills to use. I do know that should I ever have kids of my own, I won't install such programs on it. If I had the freedom I have now then so should everyone else. On the other hand... If I do want to do a little spy ware... thats what History and Temporary Internet Files are for ;)
  9. My Uncle has his own TV show in the Dominican Republic. I forget the name of the show but you can say its the Spanish Version of Hard Copy.
  10. -Having gone through 48+ hours striaght in High school with 3 exams and an art midterm I HAD to do using color chark and charcoal and 6, 2 1/2 foot portraits -Building and rebuilding parts of my home. -Keeping sane and achieve high levels of patience in tough situations. -saving my mom from being hurt at the cost of my left wrist. (Didn't break it, just hurt like hell for a week) -Being able to beat my little bro at fighting games. Eh thats about what I think... I let the rest be judged by others who know me...
  11. My curfew is call mom once every few hours and come back home alive. Being responsible and trustworthy when you're young gets you little rewards like this. :)
  12. Wow, this game sounds really good... I must check it out when I have the cash and time to play games other than FFXI and Socom 2. (Must...play.... more!) If it turns out good, I'll be happy to be able to add another good game to my already lacking GameCube library.
  13. File not found Sephy. :/ Anyway, as I said earlier, I too heard that it'll be an interactive DVD. My source comes from the Buzz in Sony's Gamer Advisory Panel and the stuff in there is usually pretty reliable from my experience. Nonetheless, whatever is it... I want to see this movie now.
  14. Gundam Seed is damn good to me. I have heard that people constantly say that Zeta is better but I never watched that. Seed is the best Gundam I've seen yet (and I've seen serveral long before CN aired them). The characters I have to say are very well developed early on. You know who to hate/love and the sort. The story is indeed not about the Earth and the Frederation being the 'good guys' anymore. Fighting is some of the best I've seen. Although there are stunts that have been recycled, the new ones make up for them. Art is clean and bright and the mobile suits look awesome. The series has just about ended in Japan and was a about a month ago that the series has been licensed than non other than bandai. Personally I'm not thrilled about it because the FCC and CN will stain the amazement of this series and I just can't bear watching it again in dubbed mode. Series lasts 53 episodes and and OVA seems likely (its very successful in japan). If you're gonna watch it, by all means please watch the japanese version.
  15. We will. At first we just knew we'd get the HDD, I guess the time between the start of the beta and now that they decided to give us the game too. The proof is in this email you probability gotten from the gamer advisory panel/sony. Soon as they get our beta hdd's, the sooner they send your ffxi/hdd. There WAS some rumors flying throughout Vana'diel that we has gonna get the HDD with the game preinstalled, but I knew that couldn't be done in case the data on the hdd becomes corrupted. Nice way for Sony to pay tribute to us gamers no? In the mean time dude, we should get together sometime before the beta ends this Tuesday. I'm Zeroblade 20war/11whm. I'm currently in the Bastok Markets trying to get mission 7 done. If your level is higher than mine, help me take out them Copper Quadavs :P
  16. My two cents is that Square knows this game kicked ***. (Hey just look at the sales numbers.) I doubt they will screw this up. After watching the trailer, I was even more impressed with the way it looks. As for story, here's what I think... Something must have happened to Cloud that would cause him to chase the unknown guy into the Midgar ruins. My guess is that this new guy is Septhy's son or offspring of some sort. As for connections to other characters, Aeris seems to have a direct link to this new story since you see Cloud walking through the church she used to plant flowers in. Very intriguing indeed. I want to see what happens next but god knows how long it'll take for a translation or a fansub group to release this. Lucky for me, I have my FFXI to hold me down until then. ^^
  17. I had the beta since August. Been playing non stop even since.... It is truly one addicitive game... too addictive. Aside from the media saying video games are violent.... now they can say its digitzed crack. The beta is unforunately ends on Oct 14th, so I have to return my beta Hdd sony lent me via UPS (heck they even paid for shipping for us already). It is indeed very well worth the monthly fee. ($12.95 a month plus and extra buck for any new characters). The PC version comes out Oct 28th. The PS2 version comes out in March for the Public for $100 and its bundled with the HDD. Those who beta tested the PS2 version get both for FREE around the same time of the PC launch especially those who are in the Gamer Advisory Panel (like me - might even get it BEFORE the Oct 28th release date.) I love Sony and Square-Enix ^^
  18. The last bit of info i can give is that I heard it will be an interactive DVD... til then we wait for TGS2003
  19. Whew, finally got my power back at 3 pm for me (its 6 now). Anyway, yea it wasn't such a big thing but it was HECK of a night. My radio was the only thing that keep me up to date. I was at work when power died and took me 2 hours to get back. The thought of terrorism did go through my head but I convinced myself that it isn't - in my opinion if it was they would have killed themselves and/or others to do it and there wasn't any thing like that. My other thinking that a computer attack is much too advanced for them to do. Anyway while I was heading back I brought batteries and such and within minutes I saw like 2 looting crimes in broad daylight. Moment I saw that I decided to stay up until next morning to make sure I didn't get robbed myself. I was bored out of my mind as you can imagine without any power so I took my flashlight and took a walk outside. It is one of those things you DON'T forget. Its very rare to see no lights in NYC and so many people out so late. To kill my boredom, I decided to play traffic cop and help these other people direct the traffic at this major intersection. It was really cool, I had fun and the police was ok with it giving us flares to use instead of the flash lights we had. I did that for like 4 hours until we weren't needed anymore. (I think it was 11:45p when I stopped). After that I just stayed awake for the whole night. There was no way I could sleep with the heat and the dead silence there was. (I can't sleep without a constant sound - a fan). IT WAS FREAKY. Personally blackouts isn't anything new for me (my home country had it on a daily basis) but it felt different in NY - it was just out of place. I walked around the area at like 3 or 4 am and there was no one in the streets. With the street lamps off and no cars passing by it litteraly looked like I was in an ruined city. At most I saw 4 other people awake with flashlights, and like 1 car every 10 minutes. I really wished I had a cammera... Anyway, I lasted all the way until like 8 am today before I came inside my home to take a nap or something (I was awake since 7:10a yesterday). The only thing I want to do now is find some of video of how Manhattan looked without the power. Even though I had power for a little over 3 hours now, I have yet to see any. Thats pretty much what I did that whole night - my own little adventure :P
  20. I'm disappointed. While I welcome the better looking graphics and such, I don't like the idea of going from an anime style game to a more 'life like' style. If you start the game one way, I say stay with it.
  21. Well at least the character models don't look as repulsive as they did in F-Zero X. This game is next on my hit list. Too bad its coming out in August. 2 months to go....
  22. I don't like cell phone much. Although I do appreciate their usefulness, I definitely won't buy one. I'm an operator at work and I get all kinds of people ranging from nice, those who don't speak English to those who try to give me hell. After having a headset attached to my head 7 hours a day, that?s enough phone use for me. You need to contact me, I'm either at home, work or online. Can't find me then that means I don't wanna be bothered or roaming the streets.
  23. Bah. Gundam Seed is my favorite now. I hope CN doesn't air it since I know they'll butcher it. Its just too great to be edited. Zeta Gundam I look forward to on the other hand. I hear its good too.
  24. I only got 2 models. The Gundam X Divider. I forget the grade but I think its the highest. The second is my most prized anime based item: Gundam Wing Zero Custom Perfect Grade. Its totally awesome. Took me about a week to build and cost me $150 but it was worth it. I don't got a pic but just enter the name into any internet search engine and they pretty much the same pictures everyone has. I just wish they made like a metal version of it because its so fragile. Though doing so would make this thing even more heavier :) It could have been the ultimate toy...
  25. Gundam Seed hands down. It ownz. My fav used to be Gundam Wing but this series goes beyond it. That pic RoninDragon has is the X-105 Strike Gundam with the 'EL' power pack. It can use other power packs like one called Launcher which is basically a REALLY big buster rifle with shoulder sheilds and Vulcan machine gun. The third is the Blade back which is basically a really BIG beam saber and a beam boomerang. Each pack has its own color - Red for EL, Green for Launcher and Light Blue for Blade. Aside from Strike there is like 10 other types of Gundams and all are wicked in their own way. Names of 5 of them are Aegis, Blitz, Buster, Duel, and Astray. I know the others but I ain't gonna tell ya! :P This series is really great. Watch it!
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