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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. I've heard a Megaman game in in the works. God I hope they don't kill this series.... It deserves to be a great movie. Unforunately, there hasn't been any game movieS that did well. I think Resident Evil was the only one the did well and that was in the works for YEARS.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] I think it's more on what you know than what you have.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Ah yes the golden rule of Otakus.:smirk: Especially in multiple series. Now, that someone finally mentioned it here (I thought Hunter was gonna pick it up...oh well) I wonder if everyone now is rethinking their 'otakuness'.:) Lucky for me, I'm very confidant in my knowledge in non-mainstream anime. (Tekkaman Blade is my speciality;) ) I'm just kicking myself right now for not mentioning people's knowledge in animes earlier. Thanks for bringing it up Asuka!
  3. What annoys me the most about the web is popup windows. I HATE that! Now I'm not plagued with popups anymore thanks to this program I've found on the web. It was free too, and doesn't ask for signing up or anything. I never had a problem uninstalling programs (I'm a computer geek like Hunter:p ). Self uninstalls programs never work anyway compared to the Add/Remove Folder. ANYWAY, what else I hate about the web? Spam, and broken links.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Wait a minute... I was sure there was a fee to play PSO v2... I remember reading somewhere that people were mad, because they hadn't had to pay a fee for v1, but then they did for v2.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Last time I checked it did. You need a credit card to sign up and all. Its just for playing the game and isn't some ISP. This reason alone keeps me from getting this game. (Or maybe cuz I don't wanna use my 56K :rolleyes: )
  5. The worst ending I've seen for Pilot Candidate... Yeah I know the series sucked anyway but, anime is anime and I watch that I've never seen.:) Anyway, this show is really crappy. At first I thought Zero (not me the other guy) was going to be a pilot. *Spoiler* Turns out he was still in training and it was just meaningless. I expected he was gonna get killed since his mech was sabotaged, and it would've been one heck of a twist if he did.... *End Spoiler* I don't know what to think about the ending of evangelion.... It was too complex for me and he seems like a good ending but it gave me a headache for the past 2 days now cuz I'm still thinking about it. All I can tell is that Shinji finally took care of his problems but the girls didn't.... Where's my Asuka?!? (not you Queen ;) ) I have to watch this again......
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Nope. That's not how it works. It really depends on how the different companies approach the provision of online services for games. If you wanted to play PSO, for example, you would probably need to have a SegaNet account. However, it also depends on whether or not you are using cable or dial up. If you're using dial up, it's likely that you'd need to be a part of SegaNet or a game specific server. But if you are using cable, it becomes unnecessary...and you simply log in to SEGA's services from an in-game environment.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I have Verizon DSL. I think I still have a SegaNet account but on their free membership part instead of their ISP. Dial up wise, as far as I know you need to have some kind of ISP that doen't run on a program like AOL. This is true because I was able to use my old ISP account on my Dreamcast back when I was using my 56k. (My last ISP was a free internet service). I was wondering if you can just enter your screen name, password and etc. info on the GCN it'll let you do the same....
  7. *Finally sees the last 3 shows of the series and reads Anna's post* Wow, Anna. I'm impressed. Thats exactly Asuka's personality. Now that I know her past, I really feel bad for her and what caused her to become a nervous wreck. It shocked the hell! out of me when she saw her parents fate when she was still little. Its also interesting how some of the things she said in earlier shows are connected to her past such as her calling Rei a 'doll'. Damnit, Shinji sure is a blockhead not helping these girls out. If he wanted to be noticed by everyone then he could at least be more caring to them! I must see the movies now and watch the shows again to fully understand this show. Its a short series but man, does it cover so many topics! Thanks for the educational tip Sephiroth
  8. I don't think this man was being biased at all. Perhaps crazy white boy is right and that he was looking for 'new' games. However his judging on the game just by looking at it is wrong. True Mario does look childish but that never reflects how a game really is. Its funny how that people who judge games by looks, act the same way as people who label anime as cartoons. Personally, I am one of those long time gamers looking for new types of games to play. I played all those 'kiddie' games since we can't judge a games by its looks. There are great games out there, but I easily get turned off by them if I played a similar game before or once I beat it. Also like I said in my previous post, I wonder if the era of online gaming (console wise) would mark the end of 'true' games being made. As for the 'baised man' co-reviewer. Its possible this hardcore game is new to video games and is therefore easliy excited with any game. But if neither man is what we are assuming and thats what they truly feel about games then I would have to respect that.
  9. What I do at night......lots of stuff sometimes, but I'm usually online rolling around the net to sites I've never been to and some I have. I'm mostly at one of three message boards that I know posting or just checking the replies. If I'm not online then I'm doing some maintenance on my PC. If I'm not on my PC at all, then I'm play games. Ace Combat 4 always gets me drowsy. When I finally hit the sack, its either 2 or 4 am. I usually wake up at 11am on a weekday and 1pm on weekends no matter what time I go to bed. (I don't know how it happens, somehow my body just knows what day it is....) I guess I'm also a little like Anna and Elite when waking up but only if I'm late for something like school or work. I can be dead asleep and if it feels like I've been sleeping longer than usual.....bam! I'm wide awake in a split second and be out the door in a minute.
  10. I have another question to add to Kizu's question: -Can you use exsisting ISP accounts we use on our PC's (or Mac's)to go online as well? I really hope this monthly fee isn't really some kind of ISP for the game.
  11. *gets headache* Man, you guys know way more stuff than I can begin to understand... Anyway, I agree with Septhy and Anna. Shinji is straight. The evidence is when he kissed Asuka and had feelings for Rei. I didn't see who this Kawouru yet, and I can't see him loving a guy. I liked every character in the show and I think they're all pretty much the same since everybody had some kind of a mean past. My favorite character would be Asuka. I didn't like her 'superiority complex' she had at all. Eventually, I started liking her as the series kept going and I think her best moment was when she was speaking to Shinji without that attitude for the first time after getting a phone call from her parents.....(i think). I worried about Rei, since she was always so quiet and staring out the window in school thinking so much. It blew me away that just about everytime Rei showed up, it was really 'another' Rei. [B] I can't believe her name means Zero too! [/B] As for Misato...I don't think she was a dim-wit. I think anyone who is a captain in some military isn't one and I just brushed her off as the main adult heroine. Man, I have to get the finalie of this show......I'm only missing 3 tapes or so and I'm missing alot!
  12. Whoa, pretty heated debate here since I was gone for a while :) Ok, I'll have to agree with James and such about even the 'Kiddie' games tend to much better than some or the adult games out there. I did remember reading somewhere though at the time the N64 was out, they were a little more focused to make games for the younger gamers and they did well, and sometimes better than some of the best looking games at the time. Now after I read wrist cutter's post, I noticed that all of the video game companies where merely making games look better just to advertise their consoles. There have been many games realeased with like the 'greatest gfx' at the time and turns out to be just another game thats either bad, for like 'fans only' or so-so games. Hearing about companies finally going back to their roots sure is great news. Especially when they said they're gonna be making 'new' games and seeing games like Devil May Cry being in a class all its own, then I look forward to the future. But I'm also a little worried about the future of games as well with them going online now. I'm worried that now in order to enjoy a game you have to go online just to have fun which is kinda sad to me since it might result in very few games being fun in single player mode and thats what made games so great in the beginning. What do you guys think?
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]When somebody slams on their brakes suddenly in front of me then turns left or right without even signaling. [/B][/QUOTE] LOL, you sound like my sister Vegeta. Now what annoys me: -Stupid people -ppl who don't respect others -when no one listens to anything -being bored -having to repeat myself to the same person -when someone uses/takes my stuff without asking (espically my lil bro:mad: ) -my computer -having no money -being IMed by people I don't like Thats about it. Just as long I don't come across these, I'm a pretty carefree, paitent and nice guy.:toothy:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]As a long time game player, this attitude really pisses me off. Nintendo finally taking their time to make great games again? Are you kidding? The Nintendo 64 was home to many highly innovative and groundbreaking games. If you deliberately didn't buy N64 just because a [i]few[/i] of its games contained animals, then you shouldn't be playing games at all. You clearly don't know a great deal about games (or the history of games). If you had actually spent some time with some of N64's greatest titles (there are too many to list...Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Pilotwings 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, Super Smash Bros...there are [i]heaps[/i] of them) then you'd realize that you were seriously missing a major part of gaming history. I recommend that you put your silly, childish bias aside and go out and buy an N64 (they are cheap as hell now anyway) and sit down for a few hours with some of its classics. If you don't come back here with a different view, then you don't deserve to play games at all.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ah but I do have an N64 my friend. I was one of those who went and got one on the day it was released back in '96. I own/played the games you mentioned and they are great. However, I was expecting more and the games they did make with great effort was more aimed for a younger auidence like Banjo Kazooie. It was my assumption that if the SNES did great then so will the N64 that led me to buy the N64 in the first place. Which was in a few ways but now I find myself spending more time playing games on my SNES than my N64. Now because of this 'let down', new systems have to prove their worth to me. I'm not gonna go out and buy a brand spanking new system just because a famous video game developer made it nor how powerful it is. And the the wait was worth it too now that the system only costs $150 and the GCN is showing more titles that I'm looking forward to. In the end, the N64 was great, but I think it could've been better.
  15. Hmm....Nintendo finally taking their time again to make great games. Nintendo has finally grabbed my interest. I haven't bought a GCN yet because I don't want another "N64" lying around my house. Seeing how they made numberous children's games for the N64 (man, you can lose count on how many games have an animal as the main character), I have lost faith in them. If they proved the GCN is worth buying, then they have regained my trust. It would be great if this does turn out to be as great as the SNES and besides, I wonder what kind of 'new' games they spoke of.
  16. :mad: No man will dare try and take away our games! If this man is what you say.......:smirk: Then I won't vote for him:devil:
  17. CN did cut some parts from the show but nothing I think that too important. I'm not sure I haven't seen the Japanese for more than a year now. A friend let me borrow his tapes... But they did cut parts. But interesting though that despite the show being popular at these boards.....its considered the least favorite among those who saw the other gundam series that weren't aired.
  18. No, I saw that Show Amphion (Japanses verison though) I know what you mean. I think that nuke is overkill.... Heck even Unit 02 took some damage. Even though you can only use it once, its way too powerful. But like I said, perfect when things aren't going your way :)
  19. I only had one accident that gave me a pretty bad injury: This accident happen on my way home from school. I take the train and one day I wanted to get home quick. The train I used to take was pulling into the station and to avoid the huge crowd packed into the back of the train, I ran on the platfrom towards the middle. I looked at the train on my right as I ran now I know it sounds stupid but I saw no one in my way and there's usually nothing on the platform either (i.e. garbage bins) When I look back ahead of me, I got hit with something on my head and I knocked me down. I was still conscience, quickly got up and felt the place where I was hit. I looked at my hand and it was completely covered in blood. After that, a good friend of mine helped me get back to school and I was hospitlized for the first time. I got like 15 stitches and when it wasn't until I saw myself in a mirror how bad it was. I hate to be graphic but there was a hole so deep you can see my skull. Today I have a scar on/over my left eye brow. Makes me look cool.... lol As for what hit me, it was a new bulletin board to hold train maps. I didn't see cuz, it was extremely flat, it was silver and there was a white wall behind it so its practicly invisible from a distance.
  20. I wondering how the controls and gameplay will be like. It would be great if its fast paced game and be able to do just about any move a MS can do. I hate using slow machines and I want to play as WING ZERO! I'll have the speed and the firepower! (well, I'll use the sword more than the gun.........I like close rang combat) Man, Amphion....the NUKE!? Well, I guess its useful when things aren't going your way......just blow everybody up.
  21. *finally catches glimpes of show* AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! MY EYES! MY BEAUTIFUL EYES! Ok......two things I say about this show: its cute (I'm ok with that......somewhat), story sucks.....or rather there is no story. I guess this show was aired so CN can attract a younger auidence so I just brush this show off as the anime verison of Blue's Clues and such.
  22. Did some window shopping today in Chinatown and came across something incredible..... :eek: Bandi has released a Prefect Grade Dendrobium Gundam (a.k.a. Unit 03 from Gundam Stardust Memory.) Now, its not just the gundam they made, it comes with that HUGE moble armor it rides it! I saw the box and pics of the model and it puts my Wing Zero Custom (Perfect Grade) to shame!:bawl: The size of this thing is really intimidating and it screams "For die hard fans only!" written all over it! I don't have pics of it but I'm sure someone has put pics of this thing on the internet so just search for this thing on yahoo or sumthing. I assure you, this thing will blow you away.....
  23. Wow, 30 MS...... I hope Wing Zero Custom is in it! :P Game look alright, but I'll be a little cautious since teh previous games weren't all that great. They actuallly made a GW game but in the form of a fighting game for the SNES. Unforunately, that game was only realeased in Japan, but an RPG Gundam game sounds fun though.....
  24. Thats the name of the song? Rain? Time to go MP3 hunting! Been trying to find this for the longest. I just LOVE the electric guitar solo. I'm gonna edit that part a bit so my computer can start up with that part. Thanks guys, now to search for all the other songs mentioned here....*takes gun and goes hunting*
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]Some of the "coolest" people I know are into anime! [/B][/QUOTE] Does that include me?:p :D But seriously don't pay attention to those people who say anime is freakish cartoons. They obviously never saw real anime and just brush it off as a cartoon. A club is a great idea to get more anime fans come out of hiding and others to get addicted.:babble: Its certianly worked on Hunter and my High School. Besides, anime is FAR better than any movie or TV show that I've seen so let them talk, they're just missing out on some great stuff.:smirk: And Hunter were there really some teachers who didn't like anime? I never noticed. (Guess was too busy watching the great anime we had and taking part of the video game tournaments!) Ah those were the days....:rolleyes:
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