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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. YES! Another Tekkaman Blade Fan! (Teknoman). I didn't get that theme song you got but I do remember it. I agree with you that this show should've been finished when it was aired a few years back. The series was completed in English but, the remaining shows were never aired in the states. Its probably because the show didn't have as many fans and decided to cancel it. That was a real dumb move, considering it was aired Sunday mornings! The majority of people are either at church or sleeping! I think this show should be aired on Toonami for all of those people who never saw this awesome series. Its also one of those rare animes that even the dubbed verison is great! But I think due to its extreme violence and VERY powerful story and characters prevents it from being aired. Its either that or Toonami doesn't have the licenses to air it. :) If you have the chance go out and get the Japanese version, particually on DVD (like me!). I've waited years to see what happens next and it was worth it!
  2. I don't express my feelings at all.-_- This is probably the first time I even told others what I even do with them. I keep all of my feelings to myself, and just think, and think and think. I have been through so many situations in life and I kept my all my feelings that bothered me the most to myself. Some people say this isn't 'healthy' and usually leads to nervous break downs....which I unforunately had.... Why I kept it to myself? I guess because I wanted to use it to make me a better person. It certainly helped me remember alot of things in my past....But I think thats just about it. I think its giving me a hard time with people too, espically women. I try to talk to the people I know in college and such but it usually small talk and it bothers me that I see the same people having huge conversations with others.... Its funny too that I'm like a magent to people who ask me to help them about something (espcially on AIM) and I sometimes can't help myself. Often, I tell them what I think they should do and ofthen they liked my answer so much that I literally could've charged them for my advice everytime they asked something else! It started to annoy me and its becuase of this I had to change my AIM settings so only those I know are fun to talk with can IM me. (If you wanna chat with me, you have to give me your Screen name first) .............enough of this....time to go back to work.
  3. What would make people even become couples here anyway? In this day and age people tend to go after looks over character many times. So now that we can post pictures of yourself here, would you go for looks and just tell the person 'Hey lets be couples!" or would people take the time to actually get the know someone by reading their post and/or chat on AIM or sumthing? Me, I'll rather take my time. I've seen some of the pics of the members here and I have to say there are some pretty girls here but, I rather chat with them. I only know one guy very well here(Rick Hunter) and I want to get to know others. (I'm straight, so calm down.)
  4. Man, you guys/gals know so much about this show! I'm totally in a lesser ballpark. I have the majority of the series but unforunately I never saw the ending nor I saw the movies. I do remember how complex this series is. Its a really depressing show if you ask me. Touji getting hurt in his Eva, and Rei is so sad. It affected me a way that she has like no emotions and when I found out she is a clone of some sort it just blew me away. Seeing how that if one Rei dies, Commander Ikari just makes another one. That kinda goes against of what people say that he cares for Rei as if she was his wife but I find that hard to believe that since he just keeps making other Rei's whenever one dies. If he did care he wouldn't let her die....Man, I just read what I just said and I don't know WHAT I said...... Guys help me out.......... I gotta finish and watch this show again.....I haven't touched it months
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]That sounds really great, but I'm the kind of person who likes to see it rather than hear about it. Could you post a link? Hopefully this will be like Final Fantasy 7 of megaman, revelutinary and even has the same number. I think the cartoony/anime look was what capcom was always after, cause whenever you see art he looks like an anime robat more than some hightech realistic bot, and hopefully the cell shading will improve this image. I just hope by transitioning it to 3D it won't affect the gameplay, which megaman has always been about. BTW isn't megaman zero supoused to be a couple hundred years into the future after the X series? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, you're right about Zero being a hundred years into the future based on the Megaman Zero game. Its possible, that it takes place after Megaman Zero or its between X6 and Zero. Capcom didn't say WHEN Zero put himself in a capsule and was in stasis for 100 years. Its looks as though the game is a remake of Megaman X for the snes though since the landscape and the enemies are all from the first game. As for the gameplay, again I'm not to sure if the game is like Legends and I certainly hope not like Crazy White Boy said, but like I said before I saw like a target scope on an enemy when X was running around. Not sure if it applies to Zero either since in the Video I saw he just jumped. I have to do some more reconnaissance to get more details on this game.... As for the link, unforunately, I don't know how to post a link right....everytime I do it doesn't work. But just go to IGN.com and go into the PS2 section. Thats one of their headlines and they only have the video and no info other than what I just told you....
  6. Last Online minister I came across was in Quake 3 arena when I got fragged by this guy name Father J.... After he killed me he said "God bless you my son....." What the......?!?! Man those ministers are crazy people..... Anyway, so you and Asuka are just online 'married' couples. :) I thought it was real and I was like "wow these are some happy people!"
  7. I know of another couple at these boards but they shall remain unamed....... I think they guy I'm talking about would've killed me if I did.....:rolleyes: Anyway, can there actually be couples here? I mean REAL couples. I hear about Piro and Asuka, but I don't know if they are just "board" couples or real ones. :love: Personally, I think its good to have someone either on the boards or real life. I almost envy you guys.....:blush: *cough* Thats sad to hear about your situation Lady Katana, hope the guy comes back. (By the way I love cats too,;) I have two, that I can't live without!:p As for you Shyguy: Seek help man.....lol;)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]*Falls over* These ob anime fans are going to be the death of me I swear! -__- [/B][/QUOTE] And to top it off, you're most likely gonna die faster thanks to AE Boards.:p Now back to the topic... The music in Cowboy Bebop really did help set the mood very well. I just loved the song they played when Spike was going to the ruined church in Ballard of Fallen Angels. It was just so.....perfect! Same thing goes for all the other songs they play. Its just too bad I find out more about this series now than when I was in High school - a good friend of mine would've let me borrow his Japanese verison.:( Oh well, I had my chance.....:bawl:
  9. Yes, from what it looks like, it will have somthing simalar to megaman legends since I saw like a lock on signal on one of the enemies but X was moving around the screen pretty fast and even did some wall jumps while being locked on. I guess that means its a much better control system than what they had in Legends.
  10. Yeah, it did suck when Sci fi stopped running anime.:( I remember they showed it in the mornings and late night Saturdays. I haven't seen any shows since, and the last show I saw was Fatal Fury like at 2 am about 2 months ago. Eh....it was dubbed and some parts were cut out but, it was some of the best stuff I've seen, like Iria and Vampire Hunter D. This was the original Toonami and Adult swim!
  11. YEP you read right. Megaman X7 is being developed as we speak and I just saw a trailer... Its for the PS2, and its in 3D! :excited: Unforunately, there's no word on the story and somehow Zero is in this game (according to Megaman Zero, he shouldn't be...). As for the GFX, its cell shaded. (Alot of Cell shaded games coming out lately...) I'm a little worried:worried: about it being in 3D but who cares?! Its Megaman X!:excited:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Well, no I haven't seen the movie, but I haven't bought any new anime in a long time because I'm waiting until I get a DVD player so I can quit wasting my money on stupid dubbed VHS videos...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]Quit wasting money? Now that you're about to enter the world of DVD's you're now gonna waste more! Of course, its usually worth paying extra cash for better quality video, sound and if you lucky a few extras. (Just wish the good stuff didn't cost so much....like the Gundam ZZ box set.....)[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]I'm glad I got a DVD player.. (all hail the PS2, no home should be without one!) and thanks to it I got the box set of my two favorite animes of all time! TEKKAMAN BLADE and Macross! (especially macross since its almost like my real name Marcos! :D*holds both sets in the air*) :excited: But wow, the price I paid to get these......well actually just one.....I burned $90 bucks for Tekkaman and $50 for Macross (this guy was selling it and he didn't know WHAT he had....:D ) It wasn't until I found out from Hunter that the verisons I had weren't that great since the sub isn't done so well.....:bawl: I'll learn Japanese to exprience the fullest of the shows if must!:mad: [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Uh oh...... I think I'm getting off topic......and I work for Hunter (at his boards - come join!)....Sorry! Here's my new hit list!:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]-That Outlaw Star Spinoff......I forgot the name but I think it starts with Angel.... -Sword of the Beserk -Zone of the Enders -Rockman.exe -Noir -Bubblegum Crisis -Love Hina (can someone please tell me what is this all about?) -Vandread -Chobits -Tales of Eternia If I make some mistakes then someone stop me...[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=blue]Its amazing how that most people get into anime by the influence of others. As I said before, Hunter was one of the guys who helped me get into anime, and Asuka just said she was also helped out by her friends too. A 'disease' , well then time to get other people sick! :devil: (Cool banner by the way Queenie) My first subbed show was the Cell saga and the android movie. From there it just went up to macross plus, then evangelion, more dbz, and then its history from there. *Sigh* Its just too bad we graduated and now all my links to getting new anime from my friends are all gone now.....:bawl: I GOTTA FIND SOME OTAKUS AT COLLEGE! Come out! You're not alone!!! Damnit, if I have to start a club....then so be it![/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]The other thing lots of people seem have in common too this watch some the anime the Sci Fi channel had too. I guess this would really be everyone's 'first' anime. Its just too bad, they don't air as much anime as they do back then nowadays and I really miss some of the stuff they had too. I think this had a part in otaku's being in 'hiding' due to the most annoying and absurd question in the world of anime: "You still watch cartoons?" Whenever I was asked this question, I would say yes because I wasn't ashamed of it and really don't give a damn of what others think. I was new to anime but I didn't hide it and thankfully there was others in my school that didn't either like Rick Hunter. It was a great thing when Hunter decided to make an anime club and it was a like a path for others to follow.[/COLOR] :bawl:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] Oh yeah, and they didn't say damn and they didn't say the world kill...which I thought was absurd..[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]I found that to be absurd too. We have more childish shows out there on CN than Gundam Wing and yet they didn't allow this show to use the word kill or damn. They ended up saying destory instead. I remember in one show they used that word like 7 times in one sentence! From what you said Asuka, it looks like CN will edit anything dealing with religion.... Just hearing about the renames of the Devil and God Gundams for G Gundam this fall and Trieze's speech is proof. *Sigh* Its reasons like this that Japanese verison anime is always better. Thanks for your input Queen Asuka, as always your input makes alot of sense.[/COLOR]
  15. WOW, I didn't think someome would actually post about Macross! :eek: I thought only Rick Hunter and I would....:drunk: Damnit Hunter, I'm just as big as a fan as you are man!*shakes hand* Well, welcome to the world of Macross my friend.:) Ah yes, the YF-19 "Alpha one". My third favorite Veritech and one awesome fighter. (My second fav is the VF-1S Valkiyre and my first is the YF-21 "Omega One" - the 21 rules all!:devil: ) The OVA's of Macross Plus is a real good dvd, packed with cool specials. However in my opinion, I think the movie is better. There are some parts the were added in or taken out between the two but its no biggie really. There's a certain part in the movie that has a much bigger impact on the viewer that will most likely shock you and leave you saying whoa.... Anyway, if you liked this show then get into the other series Hunter mentioned. I'm with him about Macross 2 though. It was the only Macross series that wasn't any good story wise that is. Action wise its pretty amazing and the Valkyries in this series are vastly improved remakes of the original Valkyries. But like Hunter said its outside the real universe. As for the 19, if you liked that plane you can see more of it in a mass produced and even a custom verison of it in Macross 7. The custom verison is especially cool since its not even an attack plane and was given a new name: VF-19 Kai Fire Valkyrie. (Military: VF-19 Excalibur Advanced Variable Fighter.):toothy: Unforunately, since the animation isn't as good, the fighters don't "show off" as much as Isamu's. Anyway, aside from the other great animes mentioned here, might I add another?:smirk: Try Escaflowne, it doesn't deal with technologicly advanced mechs but its set in medieval like times and the mech are suits that fight with big swords. Yep not beam swords real, big metal sticks with a sharp edge.
  16. Well, I definately want this game cuz I love amored core games. I don't know how OPM managed to get this game yet when it has even been released yet nor there's any talks that I've heard that its about to. I find it hard to believe the game out today are better than AC3. From what I've heard so far, this game well be the best AC game yet. Being able to pick up and drop weapons and a faster pace of action are some of the stuff that I looking forward to. I guess I better go to my local video game store to make sure... The other armored core game I'm also looking forward to is AC: Sigma Project. Time to see who's is mech is finally better online!
  17. I feared my Computer Programming Final....... Didn't get any sleep for a month cause I was studying everyday. Gald its all over and I actually passed too....I had it back in March.. (Ah the freedom of College)
  18. Whoa, Martial Arts that let you use swords..... God I wish I knew about this when I was younger....(I'm 18 now) If I had the choice of picking a weapon.... I'll pick a sword. Yeah, I know we have guns and such today but you shoot somebody and thats it.... Where's the fun in that? (Not like I would actually do it) And I always thought of what would be the most powerful sword in the world...... I think a sword made of Diamond with a Lazer edge would be god like....... *drools* Also, its funny how I never took a class and yet when I get into minor fights, its almost natural for me to grab people and throw them around by grabing the punch and kicks they throw and my friends wonder if I took a class at all.. Heck, I have a stance and even sometimes can block attacks when I'm not looking at them! Chalk it up for the most commonly known martial arts....... TV
  19. I don't think having Nintendo mascots play against each other in games other than fighting any fun... Just thinking Link in a gokart trying to race Mario, Kirby and watnot is pretty boring. I already have Mario Kart for that. Melee is an exception since it involves many aspects and being fun to play even though its just mostly a fighting game.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ProudClod [/i] [B]I had this game once but sold it (I desperately needed money!). I really enjoyed it while it last though, im thinking of getting armoured core 3, but I read in the ps2 magazine that number 2 is much better so stick with it......what do you think? [/B][/QUOTE] Which PS2 magazine are you talking about ProudClod? (and what issue too) I'm surprized the game has been reviewed already and its been quite for a while now.... I have both AC2 and AC2: Another Age and remember Werehound. For a so called 'bully' he was garbage. Do what Crazy White Boy said, upgrade your mech. Get rid of weapons you don't use and get some better armor but not too heavy that you can't move quick enough and make sure you have that Blue machine gun (R arm weapon) and the Large Rocket Launcher. IF you can't get both then at least get the rocket launcher. I forgot its exact name but its a powerful/cheap weapon. What I suggest you do is you let him waste his ammo. Just keep your distance and dodge his attacks. Don't worry the A.I in this game is pretty dumb so he'll fire even if he's not locked on. If you don't know if he's out of ammo, there's a cockpit option that lets you know. Once he's out, he's a sitting duck. This is my strategy on just about everybody. However let me do stress that if you're having problems with this guy.....you ain't seen nothing yet.......
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B]I've heard G Gundam being called racist because of stereotyping the people from other counrties. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yes, thats very true Outlaw. Its rather insulting if you ask me when they introduce the Gundam Representing the US and England. Only the Gundam representing Japan is prob. the only one considerd 'normal'. Desipte there are people who like this series and the series being 'in a leagueall its own' (Its not in the UC or AC universe) I don think this show will be too popular when it comes out as Gundam Wing was.
  22. When CN used to air the 'uncut' verison of Gundam wing, there really wasn't much of a difference between the two. I saw the first 16 shows in Japanese and was impressed that CN didn't cut any parts out but they did edit the dialogue a bit... As for endless waltz....they cut several parts. Its too bad they had to cancel it though since too many parents complained about it... but as always, Japanese is better. As for G and X, I have all X shows and I think it was pretty good. Series is just as long as Wing and it kinda tells what would've happened if the colonies did drop on earth in Wing. My only real complaint though is that they talk alot and it can be as boring as a toaster oven at times. Thankfully the action is good enough to make up for that and some of the suits in this show are better than some in Wing. (Wait til you see the upgraded Gundam X and the Double X) I hated G. I guess its because its nothing like the usual Gundam shows we're accustomed to. Its also too much like DBZ. Having the suits do moves and such is cool but its just not right for a Gundam. If you see the show you'll know what I'll mean and if not I guess til CN releases it this Fall
  23. Wow....my first anime...... My first was Teknoman on UPN. *Drools* The greatest show I've ever watched in my life. It was when I was in seventh grade and didn't even know what anime was at the time! Then came Robotech. Its kinda interesting how I got into that as well..... My cable had been cut off for a long time and I didn't know about Toonami until they my cable was re-connected.... When I saw Robotech, I was like "oh no! not another old show!" But then I saw the jets transform.... WTF?!?!? When I made it to High School, thats was when I got familar with the term anime, otakus and such. It was also thanks to Rick Hunter and several other people who helped me out by letting me borrow their DBZ, Macross and all the other anime I saw until today.
  24. I don't think it was much of a let down but really confusing! I don't know is the good/bad guys, Uraki had lots mood swings, and they didn't even tell us who the hel! Uraki was firing at the last time we saw Unit 3. I really think Cartoon Network shouldn't have edited the show so much, since there was numberous parts that they cut out, i.e. the core fighter Nina was in when she went after Gato... after they escaped you only see the cockpit of the fighter....... what happened to the rest of it?!? So I just found it very confusing..... I'll have to watch it again a few more times just to see whats going on....
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kristoff119 [/i] [B] They just have to port this and so many other games to the gba. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey thats not a bad idea:smirk: Seeing how lots of the best games the GBA has were SNES ports (like Super Mario World and the port of Zelda:excited: ) Why not port this game over too? However, there's a very slim chance it'll be release this year.... Reason why is because they just spent their time just trying to release the PSX verison. So I doubt it'll get released on the GBA even though it would be kinda cool....
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