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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. Actually, the game is being released this Fall. (Sometime in September). I am so looking forward for this game...its about time they made a great "Macross" game here!!!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] I wonder if preservation will be as important in the next. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. Yes it is also reported that protecting people will also remain. However, it is not said how since you are going to fight in areas with no civilians. Perhaps when you're playing as Leo, its maybe when after that is up in the air....
  3. lol, I remember when thats what I thought when i saw pics of the cutscenes of the psx verison. Although it would be kinda cool but dumb at the same time to have such a show since it would have to based on the game or if it was different, it had to make since. Still it would've been cool though.....
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i] [B]Im getting cable real soon..I cant wait...my DSL just keeps freezing up on me...Its like I click one thing and I wait forever and then it says we cant find this page try again...I keep trying and it keeps saying that same stuff..its like I go into a huge circle. [/B][/QUOTE] If you DSL keeps freezing it means that there is sumthing wrong with you settings. I had the same problem some time ago and I called up my provider, Verizon. They told me my OS (I have windows ME) has reportly to have some problems with their network. So they gave me a certain IP address and changed some settings they told me. The results were incredible! On my slowest days I can download 10 k/s (but that happens rarely) and I can download as high as 90 k/s now. I suggest you call you provider and see what can you work out.
  5. Ah....Chrono Trigger. One of the best RPG's ever created. I when I played the SNES long ago, I couldn't get enough of it. Everything was great the battle engine, music, gfx, characters story and the coolest part: Time travel! When iit first came out I cared less on who were involved in creating the game. It blew my mind that guys like Akira Toriyama had some ties with game. I haven't seen the PSX verison though. I want to but I only want the Chrono game and not FF5. Come to think of it, I remember how they released the PSX verison long ago and it mad hundreds of people mad. Lastly, as for it's sequel, Chrono Cross.... I didn't like that game much. The whole idea of going to other dimentions was cool, but there was only two and not interactive with each other.... (like time travel: go back in time, leave sumthing behind, go to the future and whatever you left is still there.) Oh and there are rumors flying around of a new Chrono Trigger game.......
  6. Have no fear Crazy White boy, I dug up some more info on the game and it certainly looks promising. First off, Leo ISN'T going to be the main character in this game but rather a solider named Dingo. It is said that Dingo is the oppisite of Leo, i.e. Leo="I don't wanna fight!", Dingo="Lets kick some *****!" However its still unknown if he will be using the same orbital frame (Jehuty) or another one but its very likely the same mech with new moves. Furthermore, it seems that everything ZOE excelled at in the first game is being either re-worked or improved. For example, in the first game you can only fight one-on-one at a time, while in ZOE2, you can fight multiple enemies! This as a result has called upon a new camera system to keep up with all the mayhem which has been reported to be in been in development for a year now. The game now is more linear too. No longer do we need to back track to previous areas to obtain weapons or hints. Whats even better is no longer are we confined in "one world" (or place if you will). The first game took place only on a space colony while the sequel will have you going to the surface of Mars, the moon, a base and even a space station. Jehuty (your mech) has been given some new tricks to try out and on some new enemies too. In the first game you couldn't move when you grabed another mech and can only throw it into another mech or a wall. In the sequel, you will be able to swing them like a bat, or use them as shields. The eniroment is also interactive to a certain degree. You can grab a pipe and swing it and pull a metal plate off a wall and throw it like a frisbee. You can even use it as a fan to blow smaller meches away. Lastly it seems that the lazers Jehuty fires will now be what looks like guided lazers. This is unconfrimed but one of the pics illustrates this. The number of different enemies has also increased from the 3 we saw in the first to 7. The same ones we fought in the first will be making a return and hopefully with some new tricks. Other mechs include types that can transform, bug looking and smaller than usuall types. Lastly the GFX engine isn't was it was in the first game which just had rendered but more like a new type of cell-shading along with rendered models. The reson why the creators took such as step is because they wanted to make the game more like an anime mech show. The cell-shading is used alot in smoke after large explosions and the creators are trying to make the anime 'feel' more present. For example when a mech flies out of a huge smoke cloud, it is followed by a trail of smoke on its edges, the creators are putting that effect in the game as well. Also it seems that even Jehuty has been given a new look too. From the sceenshots released, Jehuty is more black looking than its bluish color in part 1. With the new GFX engine it looks really good! Unfornutely despte all this info, there's still no word on the length of this game but its safe to say that since they are working on the negative points on the first game, its likely the sequel won't be as short. Sephiroth, I can post pics here, but I just don't know how to:( I have yet to figure out how to use these controls to the fullest. If anyone tells me, I'll post them A.S.A.P. otherwise you can just go to IGN.com
  7. Went to IGN today and saw the first screens and info on Z.O.E. 2: the second runner. I can't wait for this game to come out!:wigout: I'm so happy that a sequel is being released and now we can go and fight Anubis (for those who never played the first one, we never fought this guy and we ended up running away from him.....I wanted to kick his *****! :mad: ) Anyway, konami says that all the problems from the first game, such as few enemies, and hopefully game length will be fixed. The GFX has been ramped up and are trully gorgeous and the mech designs have been upgraded:excited: . According to IGN, the story takes place 2 years after the first game and Leo Stenbuck is still the pilot. Also it looks like the story of this game might be pretty powerful too, I'm already shocked that something has happened to Leo and is now on a life support system in his orbital frame and if he leaves it, he dies! I'm dying to to know what the hel! happened to him in the first place! Unforunately, there's no release date yet and there won't be anymore info on this game until IGN gives their hands on report. I just hope the bastards don't make it an IGNinsider speciall.:flaming: I'd post pics, but I unforunately don't know how. :(
  8. ZeroBlade


    I'm not interested in this Zelda game's gfx. I'm more concerned about the gameplay and story. The only thing I know is that Link is out to save his sister. I don't have a gamecube (yet at least) but the only game that has my attention a bit is Metroid Prime. We haven't had a Metroid game in a while and I wanna try this game out. I like how its a 1st person shooter but I wanna see what else we're in store for.
  9. Yeah I've heard about the new features in Devil May Cry 2. A few other things Dante will be able to do are triple jumps, run up walls and there is another move that if Dante falls from high places like a tower you can use your guns to slow you down to avoid losing energy. A few other things I've heard is that the majority of Dante's weapons are returning, some with new moves. The confirmed weapons are Alastor, Ifrit, handguns and the shotgun, no word on the grenade launcher and such though. I wanna see Dante use a Uzi or something. It'll be cool if you uppercut something and make them rise higher in the air with one. :-)
  10. 1) Hmm.... thats a good question. If Sephy or TN left then I guess this place would be very quiet like a school in the summer time. Other than that I think we'll lost our contact of TN throwing bricks at Sephy's 'sushi' 2) Yaoi.....oh man. That would be the least visited forum in OB. I would prob read what others say but definately not post anything there. 3 and 4) Who the hell are those guys? From what I can tell these guys are pretty bad. By any chance are they as bad as Kuja? Well if they really are that bad then I guess they'll set the record times for getting banned.
  11. I gotcha. Alright lets do this. You hold the gun and I'll keep a look out for rent-a-cops.
  12. That goes double for me too! You just wait Seph. and my PC will be named Tuna!
  13. E.Y.E.S of Mars.........wait a minute didn't they show that on the Sci fi channel a few years back? Oh yea and GLR! I've been trying to remember the name of that one for the longest now! I'm surprized someone mentioned it now.... Way to go Queenie. Oh as for Macross Plus. I guess hunter said it a while back but I think he meant macross in general. But if it wasn't then throw Macross 7 and Macross Flashback in there!
  14. You! DAMN you! Argh........Sephiroth's "Power house" is half what I want my dream PC to be. Me I'm stuck with an old Hewlett Packard Pavilion. check out me specs: 366mhz 9.54 gigs 154 ram (orginally 62) 24x CD-Rom Voodoo 2 (Orginally didn't come with a video card at all!) and a 32x burner i also installed. *sigh* If I only had $2000 beans here's what I would've made: 2 ghz athlon xp 60 gigs of space Geforce 4 512 DDR DVD rom stuff like that. *shakes uncontrollably* Thats it! Time to rob a bank! Its the only way I can get my dream machine legally
  15. o.O Stumped me....... maybe Hunter knows.
  16. Wow a Zelda game for the GBA. Thats cool and cooler is the co-op feature. I wonder how nintendo is gonna use that... Anyways, I don't have a gamecube yet and I'm not looking forward to that cel-shaded Zelda game. I don't know how Nintendo now says Link has a sister, since they took long enough for them to tell us if he has any family at all. Anyway as for the price drop, I thought it was $125 drop. At least thats how much I saw it at my local video game store....
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Ahh yes. I frequently have annoying people talking to me...mostly on AIM (though my younger brother can get pretty annoying). Some staff will know what I'm talking about when I say: "Dis does not bode well 4 me!"[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I feel your pain man. My little bro is also annoying and on AIM.... forget about it. I have like 7 people who just won't leave me alone. Its because of them I had to change my settings so only those who I like can IM me. As for in person encounters: There is this one guy I know from High School who comes to my house just about every weekend to play video games.:therock: It gets on my nerves cuz thas all he does (well I guess I can't help it, I have a mean video game area set-up [PS2, PSX, N64, SNES, Dreamcast, NES, Genesis, GCN]) Oh and Atomic Sock.... perhaps if you knew him personally (like me) he wouldn't be 'annoying' to you. He's a cool guy and I talk alot him. He ain't annoying in my book, heck I wouldn't be at these boards thanks to him:)
  18. Nintendo just reduced the gamecube price to $150 now, as well as their controllers. Thats what they did Adam :-)
  19. I think the A.I. was good in the first game as it is. I do like the sequel to be way longer. Maybe a puzzle here and there but if this game is supposed to be an action style Resident evil game then they gotta try and make it scarier if possible. Has anyone seen the screens yet? I don't like Dante's new look... its not as cool as his last suit in the first game. How is this game like a Megaman X game Rico?
  20. I'd be these guys in this order: -Max from Macross (He's the best pilot ever!) -Tekkaman Blade -Van from escaflowne(Love sword fights, especially with a mech) -Vash from Trigun (this guy is cool and funny like whoa) -Zero from Megaman X! (Yeah i know its a video game but my character is so much like him!) -Spriggan #2, Jan Jackmond (funny kat) Oh and Spriggan #1 name's is Yuu. I don't know his last name...
  21. I have several music videos for Trigun, DBZ, gundam, and a few others for anime in general. The ones i have are all pretty cool and like 3 of them are just hilarious. The funny ones are Shaggy "It wasn't me" to Trigun, "Macho man" to trigun as well and "Particle man" to DBZ
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] I remember reading an article on the system in which Microsoft said they have a policy on games. It was something like, "No ports, no patches, no sh_t." [/B][/QUOTE] LOL, there goes that policy. Its confirmed that there is a port of Ghost Recon for the PC headed to the Xbox. Just another point deducted to my "wait til the Xbox is good enough to buy." score board.
  23. Oh, thanks for reminding me *-- RagnaroK--*, its been said that this game is also 2 players. I don't know if this is true as well, I only know because on a certain website I usually go to previewed it and they said its 2 players. I guess the way they use this is by comparing two player's records. The game will be able to record all the enemies you destroyed, how many hits you took, how long you played, etc.
  24. ZeroBlade


    Actually, technically alot of people already voided their warranty already. I mean who here uses non-nintendo products that range from link cables and wormlights? Of course they all need to be connected to the EXT. port of the GBA but since nintendo never really tested those things themselves then how do you know it won't mess up your machine? Me, I'm not worried about damaging my GBA for several reasons: I know how to do technical work, my warranty is already void (expired) and I already have my own ideas to modify my GBA (such as extending the battery life) Lastly, everyone here is all worried about having to install the light themselves. Why don't you guys just take it to professional? (bam, problem solved)
  25. ZeroBlade


    LOL thats way old news Madmax. That project has been in development for the past year and they begun selling those things last friday. I'm expecting my kit by this week! :-) Yea it does require some hands-on work but this is the light everyone has been waiting for. Besides you don't have to do it yourself.
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