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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. Huh?!? In the USA? Took sony long enough. Good predictions. I agree with you
  2. I have no idea. I just see the DVD of it on display at this video game store I roll by when I'm heading home from work. I just consider it as another schoolgirl show.
  3. I have some wishes. I guess I would pick one of these: -More wishes (But thats cheating! :-) ) -To be Megaman X or Zero when I wan't to -Turn into Tekkaman Blade :-) -World Peace -To have that Supra from the Fast and the Furious -Have Wing Zero Custom or a Valkyrie from Macross
  4. Just thought of some more: Sword of the Berserk Gate Keepers
  5. Yep, Rick Hunter and I know all about clothes being a big deal in High School. First off there was no such thing as populars. Whoever you hanged out with mostly are your peoples and there are those who know who you are but don't really care. Our 'Dress Code' was a solid color buttoned shirt, no jeans or cargo pants, no boots, school sweater or vest and a black or red tie. It was the pits for us at least. (Well those who mainly went to catholic schools) If you was caught violating the dress code, its all over for you. The dean will take you out, make you regret it and then some if its not the first time. I'm just gald I'm in college now and I just gotta worry bout shirts with curse words or something.
  6. Just downloaded this anime on my PC. I thought it was kinda cool. I'll watch this show as much as I see Digimon if I had the shows on tape. Whatever animation studio that made this show even went as far is getting the show almost look exactly like the game. Don't worry though, its not enough to spoil the game and there are things that happen in the show that don't in the game. Has anyone else seen it or know if they have it on VHS yet?
  7. I saw another anime and its new (well sort of) Rockman.EXE (Megaman Battle Network) Downloaded off Kazaa the other day. Its kinda cool. Animation is somewhat like Pokemon but much cooler.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Single H [/i] [B]I feel sorry for you guys...... I have Escaflowne Japanese version with English subtitle. The images are still fresh in my mind. I really fell in love for the first time...... The series was so touching and the plot is soo complicated. First episode, Hitomi and Amano was suppose to be couples but....... Last episode Yukari and Amano became couples instead...... and Allen gets his sister back.... spoiler(Dilandau is his sister!) I think the cut it because there's so much blood. One episode, Van gets seriously injured and he was screaming and blood was everywhere. Keep in mind this is a love story. One thing disturbes me is when Folken uses his technology to make Allen and Hitomi kiss and Van saw It all!!!!! Arrgh..... so much to say but I'll stop for now. [/B][/QUOTE] Damn guy why don't you tell us the rest of the shows while you're at it! Anyways, I'm surprized they even showed the part where Van was messed up. First time I saw that, (Japanese verison) I said "Holy....." I guess that means that the UK censors aren't as strict as the USA censors. This is the kind of love themed anime I like. Complex, and full of action. Not like Sailormoon where they stretched it so much it was unbearable. Hey Kaioshin, why can't you watch this show properly? Kids too young? :)
  9. Actually it does. Capcom found a way to make game's fighting styles to those who like X or Zero. You can use the sword just like you normally use Zero or use the gun just like you normally use X. Yes you can also charge the gun but as far as using weapons from defeated enemies I not sure, I stopped playing the ROM to prevent futher damage to my experience. Everything you expected from an X game is here, from climbing walls to dashing. Be warned though, for some people the controls are gonna be a little awkward, particularly those who don't have much experience with the gameboy itself. The default settings are: B is the gun, A is jump, L is dash and you have to hold R while pressing B to use the sword. Forunately, capcom has given the option to change the controls but how much I don't know since I can't read Japanese. Moreover the gameplay isn't the like the usually pick a level with a boss in it and take him out. In fact they make the levels missions that you get information on by talking to other people and you decide what to do and its outcome depending on your decisions. It kinda puts a little bit of an RPG feel there. I can't elaborate on the story since I won't spoil it for others like what Zero Sama did nor I don't have any additional info than what is out now. (Again I don't know Japanese.) Graphics are nice and very detail for a handheld game. Best example is if you use the gun to defeat an enemy, they blow up while the sword slices them in half. This is all the stuff I can say without blowing the story. I don't know if this game will be better than the current X games. Its likely it is since Capcom actually went out of their way to make new characters, gameplay, story, etc. for the GBA, much like how when Megaman X was first introduced to the SNES. Capcom even stresses that it will be the 'hardest' Megaman game they made. (I don't know if thats good or bad, I'm having some troble with Megaman Xtreme 2 as it is.) Now as for X6, I posted my opinion about that game in another Megaman thread but here's a quick summary: its mad frustrating. Story is kinda weak and the return of certain character is pretty lame. For veteran MM gamers its certainly a crazy challenge with that nightmare system. Lastly it helps link the story in Megaman Zero. The game comes out in the USA in september so I guess you guys in the UK can expect it a little later or earlier.
  10. I still don't have a X-box because there are very few games I like. My view on things is wait and see who has the better games..... Right now I have a PS2 with 11 games and I didn't get the system until like a year and a half later after it was released. Heck, I didn't get my PSX until 3 or 4 years after its release. The GCN and Xbox are great machines, but its the games I like that I'm more concerned with. Right now there's only 3 games that are only for each machine and any others I like have ps2 versions out as well. So I'll only get an Xbox when its looks like the better games will show up there but like I said earlier, having a price drop now isn't a good sign if you ask me.
  11. I think that sailormoon and other similar shows aren't just for girls. Personally I never saw pretty sammy nor Magical girl show but sailormoon I have......and I can't stand it! I hate cause they stretch the love theme so much. Its in every show! Anyways there are people who like these shows and I gotta respect that. However I do think that the series can attract a bigger auidence if they hadn't stretch love and cutness so much. :-\
  12. Alright Hybrid! I knew there was at least another guy who knows Tekkaman around here :-) Good list, took some names right out of my head. Now how bout this?: Galaxy Express 999 Harlock Saga Queen Emeraldas
  13. Oh now i see what you mean...... I thought that blue/white wire he saw was that orange one I was refering to. Rico is right, that blue wire is for the controler and mememory cards.
  14. I know cuz other than my 2 PSX's, i had 2 more before. Yeah I know "damn!" What happened was my first PSX got a virus.... long story. As for the other , its left over PSX parts a friend of mine gave me. One day I decided to open the PSX that had the virus and the one my friend gave me to borrow and saw that every PSX before the non-modable PSX (late models) is made with the same stuff. It isn't that hard to replace if you ask me. You just need a phillps head screw driver and just pull the wires that all connect to the mother board. Don't worry, the wires can all be removed without danger of breaking them, even the orange ribbon - BUT ONLY FROM THE MOTHER BOARD. The thing with that ribbon is that its like paper - If you cut paper with scissors, thats it you can put it back together... same idea applies to that ribbon. If you decide to do it yourself, just simply remove the broken CD reader part for one that works, just be wary in that models both systems were made aren't too far apart from with other e.g. a 1995 model over a 1998 model. Its sorta a good idea to replace parts for newer ones such like if you have one of the first PSXs to be released then you can replace the power supply to get rid of the famous overheating problem of old models. I don't know that blue ribbon you spoke of Squashed Snail. Perhaps its just the color thats different and its really the same ribbon. Other than that then I think its one of the methods sony used to prevent PSX from being modded or its simply a late model PSX (But again I mean PSX not PSone) Damn, I think I got too technical.....I gotta shut up........
  15. I know what you mean Ice Dragon. You should never play around with a model. And if possible try and protect it like in a case to keep further damage and dumb kids who wanna play with it.... I learned that the hard way and my perfect grade wing zero suffered.... :-( Took me a week to figure out how to fix it since there isn't glue, putty or surgical tape strong enough to hold this thing up......
  16. O'man, if its that flat orange ribbon then thats it buddy. That can't be fixed. Since that ribbon is usually attached to that black part of the PSX that reads and spins the CD then you'll have to get that part replaced altogether. If you have another PSX of the same model (Not PSone nor one of the 'late' model PSX) you can fix it yourself if you're very careful. The inner parts the PSX can all be removed from each other. (the power part, the CD reader, the mother board and the controller ports can all be seperated)
  17. ZeroBlade


    The PSX isn't forgotten. They're are making games for the system, its just that they aren't advertised anymore. They usued to play a PSX commercial back then every once in a while, now its rarely seen over the PS2, Xbox and GCN commercials. Unforunately JCBaggee is right, the games that are still coming out for the PSX are all childish. (Sometimes I wonder why they even make games that even some fans of the games don't play them cuz they're poorly made.) I have 2 PSX other than my PS2 and I still use them. I rather keep using my PSX to play PSX games so I can keep my PS2 from malfunctioning too soon.
  18. I'm way with you Alex! I never liked the original megaman games as much as the X games. They're so limited, no dash or climbing ability. I say the X series keep you on edge and force you to use all your abilities. I like the story in the X series alot. Its so much like an anime to me. Like in X5 when the worst happens to Zero and X I wonder what the hell happens next?! Are they alive or dead?! On the other hand, if capcom EVER makes a megaman game that tells the story on what happens between the main series and the X series, I'll go buy it. Its true that the X games is pretty much the same game over and over again. But I don't let that stop me from buying it because its like the next 'video' to buy for an 'anime'. The best example is the upcoming Megaman Zero game. You play as Zero instead of X and they also call Zero megaman for some reason. Your first question is "Huh? Where's X?" so you wanna find out by playing. As for the Legends series, they don't apply to the usual megaman gameplay. Its both are worth playing and story is quite complex. I suggest for anyone to play the first Legends game before part 2, that way you'll know whats going on.
  19. 8 Man was pretty cool the first time i saw it.....haven't seen it in a long time now..... I wich the guys over at the sci fi channel and bring back those shows they aired on saturday and then some. Those guys helped become an Otaku. There is another anime I remember that was also on the sci fi channel but i can't remember the name. Basicly you have this guy who's father was a scienist who made these robots. Well they robots went renegade and the only thing that can stop them was if he's son decided to become a cybog. Only catch is he couldn't live long because of it. I think he was call Kashan or something that sounds like that. Does this sound familar to anyone? Escaflowne: series and movie. - I've only seen one thread of this series so rack another rare one up there.
  20. Really depends on which version you saw Darkmoon.... If it was the English or something similar.....then you're right they edited it. When they aired it on FOX a few months ago they cut out LOTS of parts (they even did some audio work too). The funny thing was is that even with the editing, they canceled the show like 6 or 7 episodes later :) Guess too many parents got afraid of the show and did something about it. Seriously though, if you have the chance to see the Japanese version....take it. This anime is really cool and some the fight scenes are great. (Like the show where Van fights Dilandu's men by himself..... wow) As for the movie.....its basicly the story re-written. Many things are different...some bad, good, and a real nice addition. Certainly one to see for anyone who like Escaflowne
  21. I can't believe it! Cartoon Network started the DBZ series all over again from the very beginning! Do they even realize how long its gonna take to where they left off?!?! Its gonna take months!
  22. Venus Wars.......that sounds familar.......does it involve one-wheeled motorcycles? As for fist of the north star....i don't know if showtime will finish the series (my crappy cable provider doesn't have the special showtime channels) I saw the movie though......kinda cool, worth the time to watch again. How bout this? Spriggan Jin Roh - what the hell is that? has anyone seen this yet?
  23. How bout this? Ninja Scroll - hell yeah (famous but rarely spoken) Tekkaman Blade 1 and 2 (Yeah I know it has its own section in the boards but does ANYbody know anything about besides James, Sephiroth, Hunter and I?)
  24. Good idea Hunter......time to see who really takes their time to watch 'non-televisied" anime. I hated Gasaraki..... *hold crusifix* keep it away! I hate anime that have mechs and make them look real bad. Story was confusing like hel! too. After watching 3 shows, I've had enough. I wanna hear what people say about Final Fantasy Unlimited....... This shows is somehow different to me and i wanna see what else people have to say bout it.... Lastly, has anyone seen Iria: the Zeram Confrontation? They showed it on the sci fi channel once or twice and i think it was a pretty cool movie. Weapons in it are kwel 8-) I wanna see if can find it on an uncut or its japanese version!
  25. As far as I know, the Playstation became reality because of the Nintendo-Sony partnership they had at the time... Sony did live up to its end of the bargan to make the expansion for the SNES and they released pics of the prototype and a game or two. But it wasn't Sony who backed out of the partnership...it was nintendo. Why? I don't know I think it is because nintendo wasn't happy with it and went on to develop the N64. Sony on the other hand didn't want the project to die so they re-designed the prototype to their own liking. The end result was today's playstation. In a way it was sorta a stupid move nintendo backed out of the project but its a fact expansion parts don't do well and its probabaly why they did so in the first place. Wheter or not the project would've turned into a "Nintendo Playstation" is mystery. But I think had that happen, it wouldn't be the system we have today.
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