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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. Around my way, everytime someone asks me where I live, I tell them the East New York/Cypress Hills section of Brooklyn. For some reason they gasp when I tell them that and they always reply they've heard its a bad section of New York. I don't know, I think its just a rumor or sumthing because I lived in that part for more than 10 years and I've seen only 2 shootings, one not too long ago right in front of my house. Anyways, I consider my city area safe and one of the cleanest areas of New York I've seen. Its either that or I've just developed a way of Dodging bullets without me knowing :-)
  2. I had a feeling Microsoft was gonna do a price drop on this thing eventually since they have like what? no experince in selling hardware of that kind. They only do well in the software business and I still wonder why they tried such a move in the first place. Anyways despite the game DeathKnight said, I also hear GunValkiyre is pretty cool to. I've seen it in action and it pains me that I don't have a machine myself. Even with the price drop, I'm still not conviced with the system... Needs more great games like the ones just metioned in this thread, and seeing that there already was a price drop even before the system turn 1yr old is more like a warning sign for me to avoid the system than to buy at right away.... I'm gonna continue to monitor its performance and see what happens..... On the other hand there IS one thing I like about the system itself.......the ability to rip music off CDs and play them while playing a game. Now thats cool, I hope sony does the same thing when the HDD comes out next year. :p
  3. The only thing in the X series that confuses me is the pattern the game follows for X5. I've been trying to figure out what triggers the different paths you can take in the game and I still haven't gotten the slightest idea on how the system works. :-/
  4. Zidane11 is right about the PS3. Its real and Sony is working with IBM in developing the system. Its processor is only code named "Cell" much like what they called the "Emotion Engine" for the PS2. I recall reading on PSM magazine that the PS3 should show its face sometime in 2005. However this information is rather old and there hasn't been any updates of this as far as I know...
  5. Sorry bout that Hunter........ I didn't think this would go into your neck of the woods since I'm not taking about an anime specificly. Anyways, you remined me of one other thing: I don't have the actual sound tracks of anime but I do have a gigabyte worth of mp3's. I have a music for every mood I'm in from the cool hard rock to Basara's solo guiter hits from Macross 7 ;) I even burned a few CD's to listen to them on the go and I don't understand Japanese! :-)
  6. I hope this thread doesn't get closed......anyway here goes....... How hardcore are you as an anime lover? I wanna know what things people have out there thats from anime. Do you have and models, wallscrolls, clothes, toys, how big is your anime libary (VHS, DVD, etc.), and so forth. Me, I have a prefect grade wing zero model, DBZ playing cards, 2 macross valkiyres, a DBZ t-shirt, DBZ comics, lots of pics and drawings I made and on my PC, and a rather larger anime libary. I even talk in Japanese every now and then too. I have the DVD of Tekkaman Blade, and Macross and the VHS of Robotech, Macross PLUS, evangelion, spriggan, gundam wing, G, X, Stardust memory, tekkaman blade 2, cowboy bebop, zoids, DBZ, DBGT, escaflowne, macross 7, macross 2, macross the movie (I love macross:D ) outlaw star, yu yu hakusho, pilot candinate, endless waltz, and trigun. I've seen other animes too but I can't remember them all, mainly from the sci fi channel Whoa, time for me to shut up.....:blah:
  7. Hmm.....I think it is possible that the government is prob. making a mech. Maybe not a gundam but definately something. Besides, sony was able to make toy robot that walks and moves around like a normal human being. So I wouldn't be surprized. But I do know that if they REALLY have one, I'll join the military in a heart beat!:D
  8. Love, hate it, gotta do it again...... Its fun when you're on the 'giving' end. Kind of weapon I had was a sniper rifle! Moment I got it, I climbed a tree and took anyone who passed by. Didn't know what hit them :-D It wasn't until the other team found me and none of my men were around.......crap....... I threw myself down the tree and took one of their guys hostage and used'em as a human sheild..... needless to say......I was laced.....
  9. I never got grounded, but being bored around the house is real common so try anything, either play a game, watch anime, try and go somewhere......anything as long as it kills boredom.....
  10. Was rolling around internet just now and found some bad/good news. Xenosaga finally got a release date for the U.S. but it won't come out till the end of March of NEXT YEAR!!! :eek: Thats too far away! Why is it that it takes so long for a simple translation to be done and yet we always get the worst end of a deal?:confused: I mean, Japan gets stuff first the they have special edition games and such the same day a game is released while we always get it MUCH later and its just a game: no improvements what-so-ever. Man, its things like this that makes me heated that game developers don't notice there are hardcore gamers like us in the States (and around the world) too! :cussing: So much for a good summer :angry2: I just hope the same thing doesn't happen with Megaman Zero and the online games for the PS2....
  11. How is the nightmare system confusing Squashed Snail? The only thing the system does is put or remove obstacles in your way. The most annoying to me are the huge gaps you gotta jump....
  12. I say it really depends on what you like Alex. Megaman 8 is your classic megaman game with wily and his bots and such. Simple story and a pretty touch difficulty the first time around. The X series is more favored by many due to its anime feel. Story is much more complex and it can be really apreciated if you play the games in order. Each game has its own plus and minuses. X4 is the easiest of the three. Story is a bit lame but its the only game to have animimated cut scences that are really cool. X5 is the toughest. (I must say, i was pleased to have my butt kicked in this game) The story is just awesome and its a blast to play. Unforunately, there is one annoying thing during the game.... every now and then you can be going through a stage and all of a sudden the game takes over to tell you a useless message. X6 is the most frustrating. The nightmare system is a great idea but sometimes its a pain in that there is some parts you just can't get through. Most of the time is being poorly equiped. The other thing is the controls: the moves for a certain character clash with his other moves. You die more because of this problem than by the eneimes. However despite this its still another great game and it can help you link this game with the upcoming GBA game Megaman Zero. Legends is way different from the X or the classic megaman games. Its 3D and its an action/RPG game. The usual "kill 8 robots, copy their weapons and go after the boss of the game" does not apply to this game. You are sent to ruins that are infested with robots called reaverbots, try and find any treasure in the ruins and bring it back. Story is actually pretty good in my opinion and its a nice step away from the usual megaman gameplay.
  13. I wouldn't be surprized if they never release NGE on cartoon network here in the states. It would be exactly what Transtic Nerve said... Even if they did, $10 says they change everything if not then it would have to be on adult swim. LOL, I remember they aired escaflowne on FOX and they cancelled it after 6 shows becuase parents think it was too 'scary':laugh:
  14. ........well i did it people.......I'm on Megaman Zero overload right now. After looking at Zero Sama's avatar...... Grrr.......:mad: I've obtained some rather unsettling information.... I ain't gonna say unless if ya want me to PM me. Zero Sama already might know once he's done with the rom.... Anyways after seeing this game in action personally, I am pleased to say that this is gonna be one awesome game. The controls aren't as annoying as I orginally thought it was and the GFX are much better than the screen shots that are out there and some of the best I've seen on the GBA. However capared to the rom, the cartrige can be better if the lighting is good enough (and for those who are getting their GBA internally lit soon are in for a treat:p ) I already know too much about the story as it is (and everyone else i bet too) but I think its safe to say that once the english verison comes out, it'll truly be a blessing. Looks like it wasn't such a bad idea to bring this game to the gba after all....:babble:
  15. Forget it buddy, I kept watching the show and now I'm definately keeping it!:p I have to say this is in several ways much better than the UPN version..... Also, some shows are making more sense with them uncut and there are even shows that never aired! Unforunately, subtitling is crappy in some shows..... Some are really bad. Luckily though the other show's subtitling are done quite well. Lastly this verison shows how twisted the bad guys really are! Man, these are some mean mother f...... They're crazy! And as for you James: the japanese version is very much more "adult" than the ones we know. If you saw this you'll know.....
  16. Can anyone tell me what they think of the Trigun DVD like extras and its subtitling? I really wanna know if its worth it or not and especially if the subtitling is good. I've read reviews from some anime dvd sites but none of them talk about the subtitling and what better place to ask than someone who has it here at the boards. I need a quick answer cuz I'm gonna see if I can buy them today....Thanks!
  17. Who here played Xenogears? Here's a message for those who haven't played nor heard bout this game: If you like anime and video games, buy this game NOW! It doesn't matter if its new or used, just as long as you have it. This game its really the best RPG that has ever made on the PS1. The game came out like in 1998 as one of those 'silent' games that was released at the time, mainly because of its powerful storyline. Unforunately the game is very rare now-a-days and my friend even tells me the game sold for $700 on eBay once!
  18. I bought the game over a year now from my friend and still haven't beaten it! Don't get me wrong, I'm not weak or anything, its just that I never got around beating it! (wasn't in the mood, didn't have time, playing another game, etc.) But from what I remember, its a pretty cool game. Having 80+ endings though is little over-board though.... I mean, I haven't beating the game yet but I have a feeling that its only different as far as dialogue, and the characters you picked...
  19. Work and being bored til school starts again. :bawl: Really don't know what else other than that...... There's really nothing for me to look forward to since there isn't any anime nor video games that takes my interest. Maybe go to the dominican republic for a month and yell to every pretty girl that I'm from New York so I can be pampered by them:devil: (seriously though, just mention to anyone when in foreign land where you're from and they start hanging out with you and ask you all kinds of things....)
  20. I feel everyone's pain here too. I also get pestered with people saying: "You still see cartoons?!?!" I feel kinda sorry for those who say that because I think they have limited minds. The main reason why I like ANY anime is because you can do what you can't do in movies and such. Where else do you see characters that can get hit with nuclear warheads and survive? or have sword fights with 50 foot tall machines? In anime of course. Also, creators can make up a whole new 'face' for a hero in every anime thats is out there. I guarantee there is not one anime who there who's characters show up in another anime other than the one its from. In 'real' movies you can watch 10 or more movies that can have the same actor appear in all of them. Finally, anime always seems to capitvate me more than regular movies. Very rarely do I ever care if a character dies in a regular movie than what I usually feel when one from an anime does. So I pity those who haven't watched any good anime other than DBZ or pokemon. I say they should look into some and see if they find anything thats interesting to them since there's just about any kind of anime for everyone (robots, magic, med-evil, etc.)
  21. I finally brought the Tekkaman Blade DVD today and I must say I was quite happy now that I can see what happens next after they stopped airing this show on UPN a few years ago. However, after watching the first few shows of the it, it didn't captivate me as it did the first time I saw this show. The characters are kinda dull, they talk very little, and I find the story kinda dumbed down a bit. I need to hear what anyone who watched this to give me their own opinion, because I honestly do not know wheter or not I should return this DVD and get something else.... (Maybe Trigun DVDs)
  22. I am terrified of getting electrocuted and getting hit by lighting. Whenever a thunder storm breaks and I'm outside.....bam! I'm GONE! Don't come back outside til it ends. Yeah I know the odd of getting hit by lighting are high, but lets see how you feel when you have 120+ volts of electrictiy running through you. Also, its funny that I even fix anything that runs on power too:cross: (but i only touch those things when I know there isn't electricity running through it:) )
  23. I'm definately looking forward towards this game becuase I just love the X series (or anything connected to it now:D ) LOL, I had a feel someone would ask if Zero is a girl or guy since it was a very debated question ever since the Megaman X series started on the SNES. He's a guy, don't let the hair or his armor fool you. (My proof comes from Megaman X4....) Anyways, I don't like Zero's new look that much either but it suits a whole new story to the series itself. The only thing I'm worried about is the controls... I think despite how great the series is (and its traditional gameplay) the limited buttons on the GBA will seriously hurt the game. Its games like this that demands you to act at the blink of an eye just to dodge an attack. I really hope capcom figures out a way to get around that. If anyone wants any more info on the X or this series, PM or something. (You can practically call me the God of Megaman X:D - Rick Hunter can back me up on this.)
  24. The Megaman X series in completely different from Megaman Legends. It is the best 2D action games ever made! I really think they should make an anime of this game since this game started having animated shots on the PSX and the cool story line(s)! I never was a fan of the regular Megaman games but ever since they Capcom came out with the X series the SNES, I got hooked. Since then, I now know EVERYTHING about the series and bent on perfecting my playing style. I hope they don't change this game into a 3D game cause I think they'll kill it if they do. I like X6 somewhat, in that I like the difficulty, first X game that actually kicked my ***** in years. However, its controls are flawed - they cross with each other when you play as "the Resrrected Hunter". I lost count on how many times I died with him because of the controls! I really hope they come out with an X7 soon for any system (just as long as they have a PSX/PS2 version). I'm really looking forward to Megaman Zero later this year on the GBA!:excited: Its a crime that you haven't played any X game yet Final_Flash, its truly a great series.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]I live in New York City, manhattan to be exact, I'm 18 years old. However I do plan to move from NY to somewhere else, since NY is not that great of a city!:( [/B][/QUOTE] I can be found in East New York section of Brooklyn. Holla at my NY kats. I'm 18. How can you say NY isn't that great Rick?!? You can do just about anything in this city man! Heck you got most of your anime here!
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