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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. It doesn't matter what model you got Zachary. As long as its from the gundam universe. Be sure to tell what grade it is.
  2. Tenchi in Tokyo was kinda bad... I didn't like any of it cause it was just too boring. I only liked the first show the first time I saw it, I was laughing my butt off at the show. Unforunately after that it wasn't good enough to gather my attention. I was especially upset with the ending....Tenchi goes through the troble of putting his sword back together to get Yugi with it and he doesn't even use it! Why the hell was he wasting his time then just to so he won't use it? In short, I think this show is a waste of time. I rather see Tenchi Muyo instead but I'm just as disappointed with that show in that they leave you hanging like what Big O did!
  3. Its either that or he used some of his extra lunch money he had and anime we borrowed when we were in high school.....
  4. Unforunately that like the only good point Mztik_Gohan10. The show $ucks. Its only 12 shows long, action is lame, and plot is weak. The only thing I like about it is the animation.
  5. Can you be a little more specific? There's about 15 different gundam shows guy. Is it the orginial or judging by your sig, Gundam Wing?
  6. If this is the one they showed on the Sci fi channel then count me in too. I think even with the cencorship it was pretty hot.
  7. Thats why I said "I think" icedragon. I wasn't sure, I'm not too familar with the different grades. But the 1/100 grade are the ones I was talking about, that they showed in the commercial. You must be very good on building models, from the models you just told me you have its no wonder you got it done in 3 days. My model is actually my first which explains why it took me so long and again I was only able to work on it little by little a day. (Had to go to school/work, you know everyday stuff) I bet you're wondering how is it I went and got a perfect grade anyway.;) You can say Rick Hunter talking me into it as part of it. The other part is cuz Wing Zero is my favorite gundam aside to the Double X and the Perfect Grade was the best one to drool over:D
  8. Macross was my favorite anime along side Teknoman (Tekkaman Blade). My favorite show was the episode where max fights mirim for the first time. They killed each other, when they fight, the action is bound to be cool. Its also the show where Roy Folker unforunately dies. My second favorite show was "Force of arms", that show was wicked. I liked how the Macross blew up the enemy mother ship from the inside and used the pin-point barrier shield to get out of it. I hated all the songs except the one they played in "Force of arms", unforunately when I saw the orginal Japanese verison, minmay sang one of her own songs and I screamed til my ears bleed. My favorite character is Max Sterling (Max Jeinus). Man, this guy can fly, everytime I play a mech or flight game, I try my damnest to fly like him! My second favorite is Rick Hunter (Man thats feels weird). He does fly as crazy as Max but he still has some nice tricks up his sleeve too. Besides anyone who flies the skull one HAS to be a great pilot. I hated Minmay (Who doesn't hate her?!?!). I jumped for joy when Rick smacked her (and good too, represented eveyone on this planet who didn't like her :devil: ) in Macross the movie: Do you remember love? Finally let me ask one question to add to Rick Hunter's questions: Which was your favorite plane? I loved the Skull one. Its the only fighter that always comes back from a battle, with or without damage. Plus with that Skull insignia, you know you're dead if you're being chased
  9. What models do you have other than the eypon Zero-Dude? Yeah it is bull sh!+ on how many hours it took to build the models they had in that commercial. Especially those two Master grade (i think) wing zero and altron shenlong. I only said 2 weeks for my gundam because I took breaks, watched TV, schoolwork, etc.
  10. AC all the way man, and Wing Zero will lead them. All the gundams (and other mobile suits) from the AC universe out preforms the suits in the UC universe. All the suits have diesel armor, when gundam in a AC universe is covered in bombs, they come out of the blast with little or no damage. In the UC universe, when the orginal Gundam had a bomb on its shield, it ripped it in half! Some of which even have energy barriers, ala Virgo suits, have some very powerful weapons wheter it being solid/energy and long/short range. Most suits can fly too even if they have mad armor and weapons - Tallgeese - and can still manuver type fast.:eek: The suits in a UC universe tend to jump around using the jet boosters to go farther - StarDust memory. Then you have the technology, the best example is the Zero System cockpit. Damn, with this you can practicly predict what your opponent gonna do next. It'll be pretty damn annoying if you can't use your Hyper Mega Cannon or Fin Funnels if your opponent already knows you're gonna use it and be ready for it. And the Flash systerm, wow. Being able to contol 10 or so suits similar to yours with your mind is cool. Also, in most of the battles I see in a UC series, I see that the gundams take cover when they're being attacked by only 5 mobie suits. In AC series, one suit can fight an entire army. Whats even crzier is that the AC MS have lots of ammo and different weapons. UC suits with beam rifles run out of power pretty fast while AC suits have practicly unlimited ammo. (I don't remember wing zero's buster rifle and the Virgo's arm cannons ever running out of ammo). Now, graned GX and the Double X take time to use their most powerful weapon, but they never used them in the heat of a battle. They need to blow up a base? Ok they only did that when they wasn't being attacked. (But i do remember when the Double X was being attacked by the two evil gundams - forgot their names -and it had to destory a airbase, they couldn't get close to the Double X while it was charging). You can't say the "charging" flaw appiles to Wing Zero either. In lots of battles it fired its guns like crazy and the blasts was still powerful in that they destoryed orther suits in an instant. It only charges its guns when it really needs to blow up something, like a colony. Now the Hyper Mega Cannon and the Fin Funnels are some cool weapons, but some other weapons in the UC universe are a bit crazy. A NUKE in Stardust memory.... now thats O.D. Ok you use a nuke on your enemies, kill'em all, win the war....where's the fun in that? And even so you can only do it once. As for G Gundam, I agree with Sephiroth. That thing is nuts, but its neither UC or AC so they don't count. This series reminds me of too much of DBZ too, which is why I never liked it.
  11. Bad anime I've seen: G Gundam, X: the movie, robot carnival(least thats what they called it in the Sci-fi channel) Big O, Sailormoon (too much "love", I know I'ma get killed by girls now but damn....this takes the cake.), and 8-man (again sci-fi). Most of the anime I've seen from the 80's were all ok to me, especially Macross/Robotech. As for dubbing, I've only seen 2 that had good acting, Teknoman (Tekkaman Blade) and Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop and DragonBall I like alot because its funny as hell to me.:laugh: I know other animes I didn't like plot wise but action wise they're good like Spriggan and Macross 2. Hmmm...now that I think about it, most of the anime I've seen that are bad are only bad plot wise....:confuse2:
  12. Too bad the government doesn't realize this is fiction. We're all not gonna see 5 story tall mechs walking down our streets anytime soon anyway. :( (If the military had something like that, I'll enlist in a heart beat) The name changes won't bother me too much, but I'm more worried on how they pronounce the words. Remember in the beginning in Gundam Wing when they called Heero, Hero:flaming: Its true the CN is family television, but they gotta losen the cencorship on Adult Swim a bit more. I can easily pick up deleted scenes in Gundam 0083, and see no defference in Tenchi Muyo or Outlaw Star when they aired it on weekday times.
  13. Yeah I know its wierd taking to another Zero:) (too many Zeros out there) Yeah, you've got points about the Sat. Cannon and the Divider Zero-Sama. However they're both flawed, the Sat. Cannon can only be used when the moon is out (day or night) so its useless pretty much in the day and even if the moon was out, you still got to charge the gun up. As for the divider, its flaw isn't too serious in the right hands. As long as whoever is fighting the GX don't give the pilot time to pull it out they're ok (but he does, the other guy better have a fast mech;) ) As for the rest of the weapons, they're all ok (having two of everything is plus). Now Wing Zero is different story... First you got that gun...now its not as powerful as the Double X's Sat Cannon... but its not limited to day/night times. It even has 3 modes of firing: Seperated, together and the charged shot. Its flaw is: its his only gun, its too powerful in that you gotta worry about whats behind the target....don't wanna blow up a colony by accident. It only has 2 chain machineguns, but from the looks of things they hold ALOT of ammo. (We've seen Heero use it alot in some battles and it took a while to waste it) Finally you got that Cockpit that makes anybody a professional polit or a total killer, another flaw, only some guys can use this without going nuts. Beam sabers don't count since both mechs have 2 sabers. So thats why I asked. They're both pretty much even.:lecture:
  14. I'm sure we all seen that Gundam: "Whats your level of commitment?" commercial and curiosity killed me... Who here has at least one Gundam model and if so what are they? I personally have one, the Perfect grade Wing Zero Custom. It took me $150 bucks and 2 weeks to build this guy and I must say, it was worth it.(Guess that make me a Level 5 [personally I think I'm way past that] :rolleyes: :D ) Too bad it has some damage (damn kids raided my house and played with it.....:mad: :bawl: ) Oh well, nothing that couldn't be fixed - in fact with the repairs I gave it, damage is barely nocticable and its holding up better than before....:smirk:
  15. I would say 0083 Stardust memory is my fav in the normal universe. As for alternate: Its tied between Gunam X and Gundam Wing. I've always wanted to know who would in a battle: Wing Zero Custom or the Double X? (and maybe the upgraded GX);)
  16. Gundam X is a good series. I had the series when they still showed GW on cartoon network. Hunter is right, it is a little lame at first but give it time. It really kicks ***. As far as the gundams, you can say they're remakes of the GW gundams. There are 6 gundams, each unique in a very cool way, espcially the upgraded GX (this thing is sick):eek: Also its the only other gundam show I've seen where one (or two) gundams are as powerful as Wing Zero - considered the most powerful gundam created (hey, you've seen this thing, need I to explain?). Also the show's length is quite long, unforunately they talk ALOT, maybe as much as GW or more, but when the action starts up, its worth it.
  17. Makes you wanna get in a Valkiyre and shoot'em all up huh Hunter?:whoops: I never liked Sailormoon in that the girls only have 1 or 2 moves (which by the way are all seriously weak), not once I've seen them throw a punch, and it relies alot on its theme "Love". Man, ok have it in a show or two but damn, it gets real annoying quick if thats how they always win. Oh and lastly, I can back Rick Hunter on his obsession of Robotech/Macross....believe me I know.....:D
  18. G Gundam is gonna suck. I only saw 3 shows (I gave it 2 chances to redeem itself) and I couldn't take it anymore. Its trash. The only things I'm looking forward to is the DragonBall shows and the DBZ I haven't seen yet. (Not the Majin Buu saga - I've seen most of it)
  19. In NYC, it was on UPN 9. The show didn't even last a year and they canceled it. I don't know if they still show it. They only other place I do know where is in the Dominican Republic, IN SPANISH. I even think its uncensored, these guys showed the Japanese version of DBZ in spanish. The only ways I know you can watch these are by: If you have a fast computer with a with fast connection (and a big hard drive) you can download them from Kazaa if you search for it. The other way would be buying the shows online.
  20. Toonami should've just let the time slots (4-7) alone in the first place. Anyways its about time DBZ is gonna finally end, they need to retire that show or something, its been on for a LONG time. Besides I wonder how we're all gonna act once they show every show again from first to last :eek: As for the other shows, I'm more worried about G-Gundam and Big-O 2. The only way I'll like Big O, and maybe everyone else, is if they continue where they left off. Toonami (or rather the creators) left everyone hanging when they actually developed a plot and just ended the series without warning. But in the end Toonami is doing a good job with the anime they show, I just wish they would show more Kick-*** shows back in the day, like Voltron or Teknoman! :D
  21. I must've died and landed in heaven. I can't believe a Teknoman section was created on theotaku.com. Could it finally mean that the resurrection of one of the greatest animes that I have ever seen is at hand? I totally recomend anyone who hasn't seen or heard of this show to watch this now. It doesn't matter if it the English or Japanese verison, they're both good. The chosen ones who do remember this show get back to me. As for a little history: this show was aired on UPN about 6 or 7 years ago on Sunday's at 10:30 am. (Not surprizing either since most people usually sleep in or go to church or something) The network show about 22 out of thirty something shows (Can't remember) in which they never finished and showed every show at least twice. Personally I've never seen such powerful show since I saw any show of Macross. The characters are top noth, the bad guys give a whole new meaning of evil, story is great, and the action is incredible. Just be warned don't confuse this show with the original 1970's Teknoman: Teknoman: the space knight. I don't have any info on this but I have seen some pics and it looks bad. Anybody with any info on this let me know.
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