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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. Chrono Break was a made up rumor by a crazied fan but ironically enough, it may very well be indeed its offical name. (In that square themselves picked up the name and like the sound of it but again its unknown if the game is even in development)
  2. Heh, I'm immigrant from the Dominican Republic but I lived in Brooklyn for like 16 (17?) years now. We seem to like anime alot, just about every Dominican I know has a favorite show. Heck my aunt and cousins like watching it, especially Ranma 1/2, and they live back on the island. Of course its dubbed in spanish but its also uncut and they air just about anything over there. I envy them :/
  3. You guys should really play part 2. If you liked the first, the second just ownz it. It is truly one of the those PS2 games everyone must have.
  4. Actually, there is talk that a Chrono Trigger/Cross sequel is in the works. In an interview done by Playstation Underground, developers at Square said that many there will look forward to making a another Chrono game just like they would for Final Fantasy 7. Its just that it wasn't annouced but it is in the talks but we most likely won't hear of it until like Final Fantasy 12 comes out.
  5. Hehe, nice way of using screen names even more to your advantage Asuka ;) This idea is silly. I think this place would be more of a town than a country. Although we do have thousands of members, remember the banned and the ones we never heard from again is among them. :P I guess that means they are the jailed and those werid people in the scary looking houses most don't know about.:toothy: And that town shall be called...BARD!
  6. Was wondering if anyone saw this last night. I didn't see much myself but I'm happy because Miss Dominican Republic was crowned Miss Universe! Yay! Bow down to my home country and her!:p
  7. Cookies-n-Cream. By god I love it. Been my fav for 6 years now. Everytime I go into a store I always look for this one first. Whats great about Brooklyn is that you can get great stuff for a cheap price. Stores sell these quart sized Ice cream for a $1. (Even cooler is that all the candies sell for $.50 or less around here... :) Anyway, I ate this stuff all the time. Even during the winter I buy it. (Its really takes me hours before I begin feeling cold.) No cold weather will seperate me from my cookies-n-cream. Way to go Shy, now you got me wondering about this "What kind of Ice Cream are you?" thing. I got a feeling it has something to do with skin color...
  8. Old topic... First kiss? *frowns* Almost 20 and I've never been kissed. Not by anyone in my age group to say the least.
  9. Is there an afterlife? Heh... everyday for the past several months I have been wondering that. As we all know... no one knows. If we did know, then we all would've commited suicide by now. I've been going to catholic schools and church since I was in pre-kindergarden and recently my belief in the afterlife/god has been diminishing. One part of me says that maybe there is no afterlife and the whole story of there being one is just a lie and its something to keep being from being so afraid. Another part of me thinks there is one with all the teachings I have been told. And the last part thinks that there HAS to be an afterlife. I believe in that last part the most mainly because of the ability we have to remember. Its hard to believe that more than 65 billion years have gone by and yet none of us can remember anything before we were born. I think we take our memories with us after we die and puts meaning into our lives. If we can't take our memories with us, then I think that makes life meaningless... no matter what we do. I just truly hope that there is a better place after this one...
  10. I've seen the GBA:SP in action some time ago. I must say its pretty impressive. The new internal lighting is better than my Afterburned GBA but only slightly. Compared to my own (which has all kinds of battle scars) the display is crystal clear. It looked like watching TV or something. What I didn't like about it though is that it has this blue tint when the light is on that washes out the light more than my own ABGBA. However it is still pretty nice. Size is as small as everyone says it is, maybe too small for me. I played Megaman Zero on it and I found it a bit harder to execute a command cause my index fingers were on top of each other. The 'face' buttons no longer stick out like the current GBA and they felt a bit awkward but was just as responsive as the current GBA. Last thing I might add is should the internal batteries die on it (as in break) you can't replace them since its of a special type only nintendo can fix. To top it off they put one of those annoying Tri-winged screws on the battery cover and it nulls the warranty if you do. Eh.. I still don't know if you can charge while you play still so I'm gonna have to get back to ya on that some time later. So final verdict is, buy if you don't have a GBA, test if you do or just get the Afterburner mod if you wanna save cash.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GhostofSalvtore [/i] [B]You know what........I dont own a GBA, I own everything else........but that. The only Gameboy I ever owned was the big fat clunky one. But maybe I will look into getting the SP when it comes out.[/B][/QUOTE] I've seen that thing in action last week. I must say its pretty impressive. The new internal lighting is better than my Afterburned GBA but only slightly. Compared to my own (which has all kinds of battle scars) the display is crystal clear. It looked like watching TV or something. What I didn't like about it though is that it has this blue tint when the light is on that washes out the light more than my own ABGBA. However it is still pretty nice. Size is as small as everyone says it is, maybe too small for me. I played Megaman Zero on it and I found it a bit harder to execute a command cause my index fingers were on top of each other. The 'face' buttons no longer stick out like the current GBA and they felt a bit awkward but was just as responsive as the current GBA. Last thing I might add is should the internal batteries die on it (as in break) you can't replace them since its of a special type only nintendo can fix. To top it off they put one of those annoying Tri-winged screws on the battery cover and it nulls the warranty if you do. Eh.. I still don't know if you can charge while you play still so I'm gonna have to get back to ya on that some time later. So final verdict is, buy if you don't have a GBA, rent if you do or just get the Afterburner mod if you wanna save cash.
  12. ZeroBlade


    Well I spent some time with this game and here's my review of it. [b]Graphics[/b] wise this game is nice but its not great. Its already a year old in Japan and you point out some dated GFX such as alaising. Character models are really good. They all have that anime look to them and the details on them are pretty nice. Shion, the main character, is perhaps the best one as she has detail all over her. Others however range from ok and down to needs some work. Some of the less important NPC's have lines in their clothes that fade in and it looks more like a drawing. Special effects are great. The particles effects in most battles goes fine with magic attacks and such and other little things like electricity flowing around robots. Some environments are decent as well whereas others suffer that fading problem like then NPC's. Finally the A.G.W.S. (the Gears, mechs, of the game. Pronounced eggs but like with an A) Let me say first that if you're expecting mechs like those seen in Xenogears, you're going to be disappointed. So far the A.G.W.S. I've come across aren't that great in design and abilities. Reason being is that they are much smaller in size and are more like suits intead of those 50 foot bipetals. I'll get to what they can do later. [b]Story[/b] its hard to say since I'm not too far into the game yet. I can tell you though its turning out to be something you need to pay attention to because there are so many holes in the story at first. ("He", "They" and crap that happened in the past). It also took a while for things to get going to. It took exactly 2 hours for something to happen in terms of plot. No I wasn't fooling around, I did everything straight forward. Cut scenes are long. Some are really long. And others are really really long. Its all for advancing in the story and you have to watch them to know whats going on. IN a good move by Namco though, they gave you the ability to pause a cut scene, skip it and at some points allow you to save in between. Personally, I don't mind them at all. Its really the same as other RPGs in that you have to keep pressing a button to read the next set of text only this time its read to you. It does sound alot like Metal Gear but this will have more gameplay than MGS did and the cut scenes have been said to be shorter and less frequent as the game moves on. Thankfully, from where I'm at now, things are getting pretty interesting so I look forward to see what happens next. Finally, addressing Charles' statement about the lackbuster ending. I have yet to see it but I already know it probably isn't going to be spectacular since its only part 1 of 6 games. Episode 2 is already in the works and its been rumored that the series will span 3 systems and may take a DECADE before its completed. [b]Sound[/b] or should I say what sound? If there is one thing that caught me by surprise is that the game lacks field music (through towns, open areas, etc.) This was done on purpose and you pretty much hear ambient sounds such as footsteps, engine sounds from machines, etc. Music is mostly played during the cut scenes, battles and sometimes in the field. There wasn't much of different kinds too since some of tracks are played over and over again. An example is regular and boss battles have the same music playing. Luckly the ones they played so far aren't that bad either. Now the big one: Voice overs. Have no fear, the dubbing as done pretty well. Namco managed to get a prety good cast for the english verison of Xenosaga. The majority of them will even sound familar since they manged to hire those from other known anime series such as Trigun, Kenshin, Gundam, Robotech and many others. Also the script seems to done well too as since there haven't been any dumb lines said by the characters. [b]Gameplay[/b] Yes there is gameplay in this interactive movie. Its gonna take me a while to explain how it works so I'm gonna leave this place blank until I get home. Trying to do this work isn't a very good idea.... *shifty*
  13. Xenogears short? Man everyone who played that game never clocked below 80 hours their first run through. However the game is a just a testament on how awesome a game can be. But I think its too complex story wise for begnners. I would say a SNES game instead like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 3 (6), and Secret of Mana.
  14. I have this game for some time now but I've only played for a like 5 or 10 minutes. However I must say that this game is very cool. A game like this was never done before in RPG format so Bandai went ahead and threw all the elements a real MMORPG would have such as email, news, 'chat' with the other players online, trade and if they gave you their member addresses, you can call them to start a party anytime you want, just as long as they are logged in (like in the real world, not everyone is one 24/7). Now let me set this straight, this is an offline game but the simulation of this 'online' game is done so well that there will be times that you think its really online. The other players really chat with each other and each act in a different way. One of them is freaking insane that you'll just love them. :) Gameplay wise, there are several things this only this game has. Since you are playing as one character, Kite, then its only natural you can only access things only one can see such as your inventory and not others since its an 'online' game. Battle engine wise, its kinda semi-realtime. When you get into battles, you can only lock on and attack targets that you see in view and range and you press the X button to attack. If someone where to be behind you, you won't be able to attack them until you swing the cammera around to lock on. What kills it though is that if you need to heal or use a special move you have to bring up the menu, which pauses the battle until you exit it. Also things can get so hectic that it may be hard to figure out whats going on. As for the Dungons. Yes they are random but it all depends on you really. To go to a dungon, you must go to a Chaos Gate in which you must choose a set of words to generate a Dungon. You pick 3 words and depending on what you choose determines if the next area is fire based, water based, if there are enemies, and what level they are at. Some of them though are given and are needed to advance in the story. Story wise, the game is short than most RPG's, but after seeing this game in action and how much stuff they put into it I can understand why and its only the first in a 4 part game that will be released later this year 3 months apart from each other. Don't worry about wasting time leveling up and gathering items since the next game will allow you to transfer the part 1 data into part 2. Everything will be transfered, your money, items, weapons, who is in your team, levels, etc. Finally the graphics in this game are great along the sound. Incredibily they even have a choice for Japanese and English voice overs too which can be switched at any time. I know that $50 is a pretty big price for a game that doesn't last too long but Bandai also knew this and they include the .hack//Limiality Dvd which takes places at the same time as .hack//infection but in the real world. Let me give you guys a piece of advice too, this series is confusing and I mean the entire .hack project. If you wish, you can go ahead and play this game even without watching all of .hack//Sign (this gmae is the sequel to it). However I think its best that you watch all of .hack//Sign before going on with the next chapter in .hack. That way you'll be more aware of what is going on. Also do not watch .hack///Dusk either (or .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet for those who have access to imported anime)which is the sequel to the PS2 games. It will spoil alot of things for you if you haven't seen Sign or played the PS2 games.
  15. ZeroBlade


    Well here's the intel I know. It is the the first of 6 part series exculsive to the PS2. I do not know when the game comes out in the land down under but the US version is coming out this month on Feb. 26th or so. Story wise, no one knows how its gonna but basically humans sail the stars in search of new planets. Yea, but not being attacked by aliens that are immune to conventional weapons (bullets, missles, etc.) To fight them, an organization by the name of Vector builds a prototype android that can fight them. From there I don't know anything else. The game is made by the same people who created the hit game Xenogears when they used to work for Squaresoft. (now Namco). Despite the similarites, the game was officially announce to have no relation to Xenogears. Thats all I can tell.
  16. ......whoa...... I just saw episode 11.....this show is freaking me out...............I gotta see what happens next....... >.> *walks away*
  17. I hear about this game alot too. I never played the Dreamcast versions pretty much cause I couldn't pay the fees and tried to get the DSL adapter for it first in which I failed to do so. I saw the GCN version in stores everywhere but the Broadband adapter seems non existant. Even so the Xbox version catches my eye because you can have voice chat with your fellow gamers. Lag is non-existant and there's a slight graphical improvement. The only negative point is that there's the XBL fee you have to pay off aside from the $8.95 PSO fee. Still though, from what I'm hearing the voice chat is MUCH better than using the controller to chat.
  18. If you give me a day or two I can go check if Toonami did edit it. Doesn't look like it though...
  19. I just got my hands on the ZOE2 demo.... Wow.... this game is gonna rule... Time to give a "hands-on" report well I'm free for the time being... It seems all the problems from the first game have all been resolved in this second outing. The graphics of this game is BEAUTIFUL. I kid you not, the videos and pictures you have seen do not give justice to how well this game looks while it runs. Sparks fly with every contact you make with the enemy, explosions, warped air caused by weapons, it has it all. The cell shading is a brilliant move as they work well to bring out the details of the orbitial frames, even froma distance. The gameplay is pretty much the same engine used in the first but much better. Better as in they are more responsive and help make your attacks more fluent. Action is faster and thankfully the new camera/lock on system works well and keeps up. Combat isn't always confined to tight areas like in the last game and you don't have to worry about near by buildings anymore. Also, the ability to grab enemies/objects is fun as hell. I swear I was able to do a certain attack at the moment I needed to do it. In one area I was being overtaken by the the enemy. I had to wipe out a good number of them at once so I just grabed a steel beam and wacked a good number of enemies in one swing (Sammy Sosa got nothing against me :D ) Once I was done swinging it around I threw it like a javelin at the remaining target and moved on. As for types of targets you come across, the raptors and mummy heads from the first are back with old and new tricks to show off. 2 new types as well, one unamaned fighter which are weak but always seem to attack in swams. Another is a spider type of mech. It didn't seem to do much except stick to the wall for a second, jump around to avoid your laser attacks and shoot back. The boss designs are awesome the first 2 especially. However I found it too easy. Why? It's probably because I quickly remembered how to play this game from the first since the crontrols haven't been changed, or the demo difficulty was set at easy when compared to the complete version. Lastly sound. Its one of those times I wish I had a mean sound system to support this. Unfortunatally I'm stuck with a single speaker TV set. Still though the sound effects and music were good. Great if I had a decent system. The effects go perfect with what goes on like the explosions and the music set the current situation. Now I part I had always feared... the voice acting. I shook my head in disappointment on how bad this sounded. So much great stuff about this game and this is where I gets hurt. While the actual voices aren't bad, the tone they have at any point doesn't work. You'd assume that if you meet someone you hadn't seen on a long time that they will act surprized or shocked with their voice volume a bit raised. In this though, that is not the case. The actors just read what they have to say on the script as if they were dead. The only exception I'll make is for your combat computer aid ADA. Thats about the only "character" the works fine. Anyway, after the second boss battle, the demo ended right at an important point in the story :cry: Again, the game seems to address all the problems of the first, except the voice acting of course. There might be one other flaw with the game though... If the action gets too intense, which happened alot in this short demo, there was slowdown... alot of it. I say might because it was a demo and didn't have the full battle engine programed into it. I doubt there will be any though in the final product since fast pace action is the core of this game. I'm not gonna go into the story pretty much because I still don't know whats going on yet. The demo only stared to gather it in the last 5 minutes or so of the demo. Stay tuned for the March release for further details. Zero out...
  20. Saw this show on Saturday too. Thank god I beta tested Everquest Online Adventures, otherwise I wouldn't have understood this at all... Anyway, the show was really interesting to me. Tsukusa (sp?) is one usual character, also the fact that he can't log out of "The World" intrigues me. Story wise I can tell this show is gonna be great. After watching the dub (which didn't sound too bad) I went ahead and got the next 2 shows subtitled. As James said, the beginning deals with the character development and alot happens within the next 2 shows. So far I only picked up one downside to the show and that is it isn't very long. 26 or so episodes to boot however there seems to be a second season being aired in Japan. I don't have the patience for once a week series like this so expect a later post for the whole package. Love the art and the music.
  21. I'm playing this game now. Its really a great game! I'm gald I didn't get this when the DC version was out. As Semjaza said, BUY if you never played. Play a round or 2 if you did.
  22. I seen them earlier too, ain't gonna buy it though. I have the original DC version and I'm fine with that. I was disappointed with SA2. Like James said the levels were better than SA but there wasn't enough. Especially with the 'Dark Side' stages. I wanted to use Shadow since he was just a evil version of Sonic but you ended up playing with Robotnik more than him and Rouge in second. The best Sonic game I played was Sonic 3 with the Sonic & Knuckles expansion. It ruled for me and so did Sonic 2. As for Sonic CD. Thats the only Sonic game I never had the grace to play. :( I heard alot about it and everytime I hear more about it, the more I want to play it. My Sega Genesis no longer works and finding both the Sega CD and Sonic CD is like winning the lotto in New York. I can just hope someone creates an Emulator for it like what they do with SNES games.
  23. Computer I'm using isn't even mine. A friend let me borrow it til I get my own repaired. (Which I haven't gotten around to yet.... >.>) You might wanna check out the Events Thread too. The Otaku Awards are being held.
  24. Well if I had to choose from the above, I'd say Gundam Wing. I didn't like the others much since they were too short. 0079 I like too but I've been watching newer looking anime for too long and the old look turns off the action for me. Otherwise my pick will be Gundam Seed. Now THIS is a kickass show. Its like a 2003 version of the original Gundam and in many ways better. I'm totally into this show. Just take a look at my sig! Second place outside the list is Zeta Gundam. One cool show with some really cool looking Gundams. Too bad I never got around finishing it :(
  25. Yea, I've seen this series in full 2 years ago. I haven't seen it in a long time but it is somewhat good. The story is decent, so are some of the characters. Gundam designs are similar to that of Gundam Wing but in some ways better. This is also the only show that has a Gundam that rivals the Wing Zero Buster Rifle in GW. (Though I think this Gundam's power is more powerful just with bigger flaws) My gripe with it that it talks to much. When this happens, this show can get as boring as a toaster oven. Thankfully some of the battles make up for it.
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