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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. [b][u][i]General Awards[/b][/u][/i] [b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Most improved Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Funniest Member:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Silliest Username:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Member most likely to be here in two years:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention[/size] [b]Avatar of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Signature of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best looking Otaku:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Otaku clique of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best Newbie:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best Oldie:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best Otaku-Related site:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Most likely to become a Staff Member:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b][u][i]Otaku Writers[/b][/u][/i] [b]Poet Laureate:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Brawler of the Year (sparring):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Role-Playing Game of the Year[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b][u][i]Social Otakus[/b][/u][/i] [b]Otaku Social member of the year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Entertainment Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b][u][i]Anime Otakus[/b][/u][/i] [b]Otaku of the Year: (Best Anime member overall)[/b]Rick Hunter (he knows too damn much about anime, why not?) [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]DragonBall Guru:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Digipeep of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b][u][i]Otaku Gamers[/b][/u][/i] [b]Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]The Sony Award:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Xbox Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b][u][i]Otaku Artists[/b][/u][/i] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best Spriter:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b][u][i]Series Otaku[/b][/u][/i] [B]Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]The Chocobo Award (Final Fantasy):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Liberty City Award (Grand Theft Auto):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Mushroom Kingdom Honors (Mario):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]PokéPlaque (Pokemon):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]The Triforce Award (Zelda):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Bleh.... I'm tired, be back tomorrow....ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz....
  2. Thanks for the Z info Hittokiri, but right now... I'm addicted to Gundam Seed. I saw episodes 1-10 over the weekend and by Odin's beard this is a great Gundam series. The sound and animation is just awesome. X-105 Strike Gundam puts my Wing Zero Custom to shame! The cockpit of the Mobile Suits look like cockpits should look like. Not a small black room with 3 monitors and 2 control sticks. Anyway, I'm at work right and and set my computer on auto to keep downloading episodes 11-14. If all goes well it should be done by the time I get back... its just that its driving me crazy that Kazaa only has 14 shows now and I heard from a very reliable source that the series is about 49 episodes long. And to make it worse... these are some big files and I always have trouble running videos that are more than 200 MB! (damn computer is too damn slow to run the action packed scenes) >_< I NEED MORE GUNDAM! EDIT: I just saw the episodes 11-14.... This show is relentless. One bad thing just happens after another and because of it I want to see more! But now I'm stuck at Episode 14 until Animejunkies releases the next few shows. I have to see this series all the way... Gonna be a long time before that happens.:bawl:
  3. I heard about this show long ago and hear it was good. I never saw it unfortuately. Then I saw Cyke's banner and I suddenly wanted to see this show....BADLY. The mech design is wicked and I like it alot just as much as I love Wing Zero Custom. Speaking of which, when I saw Cyke's banner, I thought that dude on the right was Heero... o.O [Quote][i]Originally posted by Domon[/i] [b]Well i haven't seen the series itself but i've seen some very impressive pictures of it and i agree the animation looks splendid, all i'm really waiting for are Double Zeta, Zeta, Forumla 91, Victory Gundam, and Turn-A gundam, i would really like to see those [/b][/quote] Thats pretty much what I have left to see too. Turn-A, from what I heard about it, it doesn't sound like Gundam. And it didn't even look like a Gundam either. The whole evolving thing sounded cool, but wasn't enough to get me interested. I was gonna start buying the tapes of Zeta but the quality was so bad it was unbearable. Anyway, you guys say you downloaded it off the net eh? By any chance is it Kazaa? I hope so, MIRC is so hard to use for me enough though it has the most anime :-/
  4. Oh, I know that this is certainly good news for casual buyers. It just disappoints me that it took a college student to make his own lighting kit to get them to do what people always wanted. Nintendo always had the time to create the regular GBA with these new features. Seeing how they are the Microsoft of the hand held world, they can do anything. Its without a doubt this was in development for quite some time as it already have the design and even the box art done, all ready to go within the next 3 months. The current model GBA design was able to get the internal light to begin with. If it wasn't the Afterburner would've never been made. So was the rechargable battery idea. (They managed to make a smaller GBA with this, its clear evidence it was possible on the current GBA0. Its kinda cheap too in that they announce this after the holidays. Their sales weren't that great in 2002 for the GBA... I guess this move is just to squeeze the last amount of life the current GBA has since everyone is gonna perfer the superior model. The reflective problem isn't really an issue on the Afterburner since one of the installation steps requires you to put in an Anti-reflective film. Although the GBA SP will have that installed together with the LCD, if what I'm thinking is correct, it has to be pretty much the same design since you can't have a light source together with the LCD. The result is total color washout if they do combine both unless Nintendo finds a way around that. Otherwise, it pretty much like a perfectly installed Afterburner. (I was one of the few who was able to). I don't trust those pics with the gameboy logo and Metroid Fusion game. They did the same thing with pictures having the GBA and looks nothing like those in the pictures. The rechargable batteries I like cause to do save money. But like all other rechargable batteries, they wear down over continued use and overcharging leading to less time of playing in the future. Again, unless Nintendo somehow create a type in which they don't wear out they'll have to make some kind of replacement kit or something. I know about leaving the thing to charge while you sleep and such. Its the area where you don't have the ability to charge it up or use the adapter to play is what I'm wondering about. It would be annoying if you're traveling around and can't use the GBA because you simply can't. In the current GBA, you just slap on some new batteries at any time. Finally as for price. Yea it did cost extra cash to get the Afterburner. I think though its cheaper to get the GBA modded, since it'll cost like $60 max for a professional job instead of paying $100 plus tax for the GBA SP. They're about the same price really. $100 plus tax for the GBA SP :: $60+$30 plus tax for the regular GBA and the Afterburner. I didn't care about the warranty since mine months before I modded my GBA. Even if it was, these things are so well made that you'll have to be inhuman to somehow break it during the 90 day period. There was always a professional job option availible too. But in the end though, we just really have to see this thing in action. My early thoughts its Nintendo's answer to a Afterburned GBA. Its really a great thing for those who don't have a afterburned GBA and those who have no GBA at all. I'm not personally planning to buy it. Only way I would if mine somehow breaks and the GBA SP turns out better than I thought. :)
  5. A Miata?! Man, you might as well put up a sign that says 'overlap me'. Believe it not, the you're better off with a Treno or a PT Crusier. Most go with the Treno because its cheaper and you can buy a Racing Chip for it right away. Use this thoughout most of the beginning of the game and use any racing upgrades you can get. The Lancer is a good car. Upgrade this baby enough and you'll be using all the way until you get a S-class car. As for racing tips here's what I do: In the area where it shows the number of your current gear setting, there's always a little red number that pops up next to it. What the basically means is that there's an upcoming turn than can only be taken at that gear setting. So basically, if the number says 3 and you're current gear setting is 6, you have to brake to down shift the car to that gear. Its easier to do this with automatic transmission as the car will down shift on its own while you brake. In manual you have to do both and have to be very familar with the car you're using. The also most of time lets you know ahead of time to be ready to brake and downshift. Most of the time when that red number comes up, it stays steady meaning to start getting ready. When it starts flashing, thats the cue to let go of the gas and hit the brakes. For beginners, I say to make sure that when you brake make the current gear 1 number less then what the red number says. So if it says 3, brake til it just as it hits gear 2.(Man I hope I'm making sense). However though, often the computer doesn't warn you to slow down so you pretty much have to be ready at all times to hit the brakes. Never hold the gas and the brakes together and always use the apexs to take turns. Lastly once you get an S-class car, put some turbo kits in it and change the oil every now and then. You'll be using that sucker throughout the rest of the game. Oh and Rico, your wish came true. Its been confirmed that GT4 will be online but its also going to be the last in the GT series. This may sound like a bad thing but with the online feature, there really isn't no need to make a GT5 since its very likely you'll be able to download maps and new cars. But its still up in the air, so we just have to wait and see.
  6. With my modified GBA, that would go perfect. Its just that I wouldn't have any use for it since I play my GBA on the go and watch real TV when I don't :P
  7. LoL. Someone told me about this yesterday and I had a hard time believing it even when I saw pics. I'm not impressed by it as much as most people mainly because my own GBA is already modified with a front light and an adapter to use when I'm indoors. So the real big difference for me is the size. It is MUCH smaller than the current GBA, but I think thats designed more towards kids because of their small hands. My hands start to hurt if I play for too long with the current GBA as it is due to its size so making it smaller isn't good for me at all. Now here's what I think of the 2 new features it has: The rechargable batteries. In some ways I like this idea in that no longer do you have to pay for AA batteries. Just charge it up and go. But its that same reason why I think its a problem. If you forget to recharge it, thats it, you can't do anything about it til you get to an outlet to charge it up for hours. In today's GBA, if the batteries die, just slap in some new ones. Also knowning Nintendo, I have feeling that they will sell a separate adapter that allows you to turn on the GBA while its charging or something. Even if they don't make such a move in allow you to use an adapter to turn it on with the battery empty still doesn't solve not being able to play without charging on the go. The other new feature is the front light. No this GBA is not back lit like the Sega Game Gear was. Instead its more like a piece of plastic that sits above the LCD screen. When you turn it on it lights up the entire screen allowing for complete view without having to angle the GBA to light sources to see. This is a total copy of an internal lighting kit that was realeased last May called the Afterburner. Its the same thing I just described but for the current model GBA and in one way better than Nintendo's. That one way is that instead of an on/off switch it has a dimmer in which you can regulate how bright the light can be used. At hight power, it drains the life of new AA batteries like the GBA SP does but with the dimmer, you can extend it since you can reduce the amount of power used. It however cannot be turned off completely like the GBA SP but the person installing it can easily install one, both the dimmer and the switch or neither. The only real draw back is that it'll take some time to get it installed and that would be either done professionally (to the company making the Afterburner) or do it yourself. I did this moditfication myself on my own GBA with both dimmer and on/off switch and the result is nothing less than perfect. Here's a pic of what the Afterburner does on the GBA. [img]http://image.lik-sang.com/content/afterburner/10.jpg[/img] But seeing this new GBA altogether only upsets me in a way. It just shows you that Nintendo always had the ability to install such features in the Gameboys and waited until someone created the Afterburner and announced this new GBA after the holidays. For many, its a blessing to have the new GBA SP, but to me, its just a waste time and money.
  8. I liked it alot. Its just that I didn't like how they didn't keep everything from Japanese version. But they were minor set backs like calling V Gundam "New" Gundam. It was also confusing at times. Especially the ending.... [spoiler]I don't know if Char/Amaro died. I hope they did... [/spoiler] It was also my first time seeing the UC newtypes in action. These guys are awesome pilots and can be a regular pilot's worse nightmare. I see why now Gundam fanatics would bite your leg off if you say the AC universe is better. (But my allegiance is always with the AC Gundams ;) ) Kinda hard to follow the story too if you hadn't watched the shows before it might I add. Still though, its certainly one of the best I've seen.
  9. If it only happens to Crazy Taxi then here's one more thing my may want to observe. Put in another game and time how long it takes for the PS2 to load/detect the game. Normally it takes about 5 seconds (and sometimes less)to read the CD. If it loads quick, then the game is damaged. If it takes longer then thats the sign the says the lens is dirty. Again there is no product out there that will safely clean it and the best solution is sending it to Sony. You can also try what Rico did but as he said its time consuming mainly because its a pain putting this thing back together.
  10. No, don't do anything to it! If it only happens to this game, then the game might be damaged. However if it happens to all your games and even those that work take some time to load, then it means your lens is dirty. There is no cleaning kit out there that Sony trusts that will fix your problem. You best and only option is to sent it to Sony for repairs. If your warrenty ran out, send it in anyway. The reason why is because I had the same problem with my PS2 about 3 months ago. I called up Sony and they told me that the lens is most likely dirty. My warranty ran out for more than a year but they told me since it was my first time calling them up with a problem, that I haven't tampered with the PS2 at all (Mod chips ans such) and didn't use non-sony products on it they decided to waive the repair cost which I heard can go into the hundreds of dollars. They'll give you a special work order number and basically you send it to them back with that special work order number along with anything else they need. They'll send it back to you as if you just brought it: Cleaned, fully functional and a renewed warranty. I paid about $50 for the Overnight delivery service (hey I wanted it back ASAP) and the box I put the console in. It was pretty fast too. The Sony Rep told me it was gonna take about 6-8 before I get it back and received it back via UPS ground 2 weeks later. Sony says that the only real way to clean this thing is to keep it in a well ventilated area, use a vacuum on all of the ports of the system and cover the system with some kind of cloth. Since then I treated this thing as if it was gonna blow up and hasn't done anything unusal since. Also the only real function the Diagnostic feature does is boost the power of the reading lens on the PS2. It may be alot of work but its much better than using an unlicensed product to clean a DVD lens which is extremely sensitive as it is. It not worth the risk man.
  11. Hehe... they may not make a remake of FF7 but more like a sequel.... [quote] Report: Final Fantasy VII-2? By Christian Nutt November 06, 2002 Hot on the heels of the formal announcement of Final Fantasy X-2, Japanese site Quiter is reporting that series' producer Yoshinori Kitase mentioned a possible sequel to the series' most popular installment, Final Fantasy VII, in the upcoming issue of Japan's number one game magazine, Famitsu. According to Quiter, in an interview in the mag, Kitase says that he would like to make a continuation to FFVII -- and lots of other people do, too, including character designer Tetsuya Nomura (who recently debuted as a director in his own right with Square's immensely popular Kingdom Hearts.) Kitase goes on to say that since there are so many ardent fans of the game, they don't want to make a bad game. Consequently, concrete plans and a schedule for the game have not been decided upon. It sounds a bit far-fetched, but so did FFX-2 until it happened. We'll see what develops in the future. [/quote] This comes from the offical Playstation site... I know I'm late, but no one seem to have quoted this site yet.
  12. Ah... I don't think too much about this subject either but if I have a boy. I'll give him my name Marcos Antonio Guerrero. Since I'm the 3rd in my family, might was well keep it going so they'll know the names of their elders and tell how long the generations has gone. Maybe Slade for a another boy's name. I have no clue about a girl's name.... maybe Rei :)
  13. I treat newcomers fine. They say hi or ask a question, I reply a hi or answer the question if I know it. Now that the Newbie lounge is destroyed, whenever I see a post, I just reply to it when it gets my interest. Status doesn't mean anything to me so I don't notice it. Heck it took me a while to notice some of the more common people's level. In another board, I always greet them and in another I defend them from the swarm of flamers that reside there. I was flamed once here when I joined. I just ignored them and now forgot who was it who did :-/ Some people greeted me and help me out too so I just return the favor.
  14. *Tries to say Jinzoogenzoogen as wrist cutter outlined it* Damn... try saying that 3 times fast... Now I stumble on a few names. Mystic's Knight as Mystic Knight. Call Genkai as Genkai yee under the old name. Semjaza as Sajema Axel. Mnemolth as milemoth. Alot of names indeed. Heck I do it to myself and just call me Zero G. :-/
  15. It can't get any worse than this...I hate this guy. Since the past month I've had two friends who told me about their experiences with [B]The Dentist[/b]. Both told me about when they had their "Wizom" or Wizdom" Teeth (or however you say/spell it) pulled. Now this is new to me but both expressed how much it hurt. Hurt isn't even the word that can describe it so they say. Its basically when a tooth begins to grow at the very back of your teeth that usually comes out when you're about 19 or so years old. Its a problem because they usually push on the heathly tooth thats next to it and if left unattended it can destroy the good one. At the time I was thankful I didn't have this problem so I didn't worry about it.... until now. I'm starting to feel two teeth grow on the top part of my set and then I remembered all the stuff my friends told me. I told my mom just now and she knows about these teeth of hell and she calls them the "price you pay to live". I haven't see [b]The Dentist[/b] yet but after from what I heard, I'm getting scared like crazy here that I start laughing cause of fear and knowing I gotta do this. I'm on the verge to hire a 300 pound guy to punch me out HARD, see if I can knock them out quick and easy. And I thought getting a root canal or a cavity was bad...
  16. Thats exactly why. The size. I think things are normal here because there is a good number of mods to handle all the members and most of us already know the rules so they can be trusted more. Like you said, in Gaming Age they have WAY more members and guests and the only thing I can think of to keep peace is have an army of mods. The message boards I spoke of doesn't even tell you who is a mod and has someone flaming another like every 30 seconds. Its crazy.
  17. Genkai I know of a message boards that is EXACTLY how you just described it. It was also the first message board I ever signed up for. I never did liked message boards to begin with and the one I just mentioned was full of some of the worst people you can find on the net. I asked simple questions and get back nothing but flame after flame. I'll be lucky to get at least one friendly reply. Then Rick Hunter told me about this place. I was wary to accept his invite and eventually accepted. OB is definitely one place where you can just have good chats with many people and led me to search for any other message boards that are similar. (And found several, I post something or two in each of them but I'm not well known in any of them which just explains why my current posts hasn't hit 500 yet.) As for that gaming boards. After being with them for a year, I'm still not widely known but I often give respected posts and warn any newbies to be careful around there. I'll respect those who give their thoughts they just talk about the subject at hand. But if they flame me or someone who's giving their opinion, I'll make them look like a fool. Thankfully OB and the other boards I go to have been nothing like that and immediately ban those who do. However though, that flame infested message board I speak of has members perhaps in the hundreds of thousands which is likely why so much flaming goes around...
  18. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Ha! It didn't rain here after all! Nothing can stop the power of Times Square on New Years!! :P Date and time is now January 1, 2003 12:26am Bleh... I go back to work tomorrow. V_V Hey my first post in the new year. Lets hope its a good one like 2002. Is it me or did 2002 went by so FAST!?:wigout:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC]I also think it'll really kill NYC in terms of scale, size and beauty.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!! *explodes* You dare defy the power of the mighty Times Square!? Blasphemy! *cough* Well, you might win this year, its gonna rain here later so yeah.... Next year its no holds bar though.:smirk: Date and Time is now December 31, 2002 6:10pm
  20. I could've helped you wit that man. All you had to do is go to Factory2 and the enterance to the big building in the middle is towards the far right on the bottom. Just be ready to fight a Level 1 Raptor in there. But that shouldn't be too hard. Anyway, I did hear that the subweapons play a more important role in the game so we shouldn't worry too much about that.
  21. This is my first time going into this thread and already I see something interesting :/ Anyway, why am I not surprised they used GTA as an example. Violent towards women you say? Its violent towards everyone how is it just towards women? Thats like saying women are children too and shouldn't play this game. As Alexus_Bing said, only people who are "really" mature can play this game. People (mainly Politicans and reporters) who wine on and on how violent this game is are the "real" children because they can't handle it and fail to realize its just a game. If you ask me, I would rather use this game to should children between right and wrong and the differences between the real world an fantasy. As for what media you heard this from... I got money it was from CNN. Those people are friends of Politicians. Notice how GTA is the ONLY game they can base their claims on. I say give them a lolipop and they'll shut up...
  22. ZOE is a decent game. Its certainly in a league all its own but its flaws really hurt this game. While the fighting was good, thats all that is was. Graphics were nice too, but aside you own mech and that red one, neith I think it was, there's nothing else. It was also damn short. I had NES games that lasted longer than this game. ZOE 2 is looking great so far and I posted any information I found. Yet its still unkown if the length of the game as well as the story has been fixed. I for one hope so :-/
  23. More Dragonball? This IS hell. God help us.... They could've aired Inuyasha earlier instead...
  24. I saw 2 videos for this game and one of them had what looked like in gameplay. The graphics are amazing. This F-Zero game will be the first to let you know you that you are going FAST. The video showed the Blue Falcon just blasting though this track, and the objects around it was passing him at an incredible rate. When he used the turbos, thats it. It looked like that effect you see in Star Trek when the spaceships go into warp speed. Don't worry though, the tracks are big enough to make those turns so you don't have to worry about hitting a wall. As for how the car handles... it looks like the controls from F-Zero X will be port because in one part the Blue Falcon began to turn much like what happens in F-Zero X when you turn too hard at high speeds. I hope I'm wrong about this because I didn't like that at all in F-Zero X...
  25. Damn... I'm getting jealous here. :-/ You guys got some great stuff. The things I can do with a palm pilot... damn its times like this I wish I wasn't the techincal genius in my family
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