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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. Time to cash in: -A sweater -Mach 3 Turbo razor with other shaving equipment -$20 in cash -A Shirt -And last but not least! *drumroll* [spoiler]Underwear![/spoiler] It could have been better... I could've gotten things that run on power too but I'm the one who usually buys those. I really wanted a computer but I wasn't expecting it because no one's wallet is that powerful to make my wish come true and I know which best to buy anyway. Also if there is one thing that I learned this year is that I found out I don't like Christmas shopping much.:whoops:
  2. Well my friends... its been fun that I finally got to experience this game... but now I'm afraid Beta Testing ended some time ago. :bawl: Now I gotta wait until the game is released in Febuary and have to pay for the game. *shudders* Now I gotta find something else to do... :nervous:
  3. Nintendo has yet to say about what they are doing with the network adapter and such. I too only heard PSO 1 and 2 to use it. I do hope they say soon because I want to try out PSO and anything else Nintendo comes up with. Their games are wild. Can you imagine an online Super Smash Brothers Melee?
  4. I finally brought this game about 2 days ago. First I must say that I suck. I was never good at deep fighting games and my fighting skills are just average in this game. Anyway, since Roy and Marth are the current topic I found something that my prove challenging. I created a team battle: 1 human VS. 3 level 9 CPU fighters. Of those 3, I choose Roy, Marth and Young Link. The battle is a stock battle and my little bro (who is a way better fighter than I am) wanted to try out my newly assembled team. Well, let me just say it didn't look pretty.... The CPU tore him apart. He tried every character and he still couldn't beat it. He even told me that its harder than the Giga Bowser, Ganondorf, and Mewtwo battle. However just a few minutes ago he finally managed to win the match with Ganondorf but he turned the friendly fire on :-/ I wonder if anyone here can take on my team of swordsmen? :)
  5. Hmm... -Lose some more weight -Return to my strict lifestyle....(the freedom of college is effecting my grades and such...) -Pay back everyone I owe money to -Get my computer repaired so I can return the one I'm using now back to its original owner -I should get back to my drawing too... -Become a bit more social Bah... *walks away*
  6. It depends on how well the game is done for me. I like RPG's the most but I often try to find the one's with potential and such so I wouldn't buy any melons. Action/Adventures are great if you add variety. It's a pain doing the same thing over and over again. Racing are good if you have alot of cars and customizing options. Gran Turismo 3 was great for that and I can't wait to try out Auto Modellista next year!! Its either that or it has to be just plain fun like the Super Mario Kart games. Only puzzle games I liked was Tetris and Tetris Attack. Flight are also my favorites but the only series to do it right was the Ace Combat series. I can't wait how Ace Combat 5 comes out.... (Online play... *drools*) Ugh... I hate fighting games... I just suck. Period. I can do moves and such but when I go up against someone I'll lose. My little bro did this to me... To hell with that new DBZ ps2 game... I play Marvel VS Capcom 2 with him and you have yourself a DBZ fight right there, but I usually lose. -_- I rule in Pocket Fighter though. :P Lastly shooters, I like it when its realistic like Counter Strike and SOCOM. Other times if multiplayer is fun and fair, its all good. Everything else just suck.
  7. Argh... I'm doomed... You guys are right about having to lose your social life over this... This game is too addicting... I must fight to keep my humanity!! lol, yeah, I was wondering if I can get some help in some ways because I'm a total nOOb at this. I keep hearing its very similar to the PC version so there shouldn't be any problems with that. Its just that its kinda annoying not knowing what to do... :-/ I was just wondering if I can get some insight like what weapons I should get and magic if any. I'ma weak human warrior right now so anything that you think I should get would be useful thanks.
  8. Yeah I saw a video of this game too. But it wasn't a gameplay video... nore like the intro. Anyway I am looking forward to this game too... I want to see how fast the machines can go now and do hope they make the best controls yet. In the first one the controls where good but the A.I. always had WAY better turning. I swear they be going max speed and take a 90 degree turn like nothing. F-Zero X is my fav for the cool tracks and the vast selection. (But my aligence is always with the Black Fire Stingray) I love the first Silence track where you pretty much go at top speed at all times. Its just annoying that your machine can fly off the track if you go too damn fast!! And turning was a nightmare at those speeds! I played the GBA version and I didn't like it much. It was a pain having to press the gas in order to take a turn right. Anyway, from what I heard they say this game will have some really big and unique tracks. I hope they keep the same number of cars or add more to it and make them sound cool with a suitable track music to go with it. I just hope though they don't make the drivers as freaky looking as they did on the N64 >_< Hmm.. I wonder if they can make this an online game?? ^_^
  9. I was web surfing earlier and came across a pic of this game I never heard of on Xbox (duh...) called Murakumo on IGN. The mech looked extremely wicked and now I want to know more about it. Unfortunately IGN has the link locked so I can't dig up more info.:( I need to know more about this game... This may be perhaps the spark that will make me finally consider getting an Xbox... Edit: Did some recon on this unkown game and got some interesting results. First let me say that this game is nothing like other games like Armored Core or Mech Warrior in that you can't build your own mech and customise weapons. In fact its not even your typical stomp around mech game. Its actually a new type of game that is basically a pursuit shooter or a mech racer if you will. Story is your basic anime style set up, a well known corporation greates an advanced A.I.that is installed on machines called an A.R.K. (I forget what it means). Anyway, as expected it go berserk for no reason and now a city is in danger of being destroyed. The same corporation then gathers 5 pilots to stop the A.I. in their own own A.R.K. This team is called Murakumo. There is only 5 availible mechs, shown below each with different weapons and stats. The red one is the most balanced, the white is the fastest, blue the best weapons, green best defense, and yellow for close range combat. GFX and Sound is also good but the voice acting is as expected bad. Now for the gameplay and controls. The gameplay is unlike any other in wich you basically use your A.R.K. and you blast through a huge city with pretty much no barriers at incredible speed. A game like this would easily be limited to rails but it hasn't and you can go in, out around, over and under the buildings in the city. While doing this you have to shoot down the enemy. The enemy you're targeting can fly in any direction and its really gives a great feeling of speed and how they can suddenly do a 90 degree turns between buildings. The game is really in a league all its own. Now comes the problems. The game is really great (supposedly) but its suffers from very simple controls. The top problem of it is the accelerate and brakes buttons. They are the back L and R buttons but From Software (the same people who made Armored Core) made a very big mistake. They again did not take advantage of the analog functions of the back buttons. When you press the accelerator and no matter how lightly you release it, your mech just blasts off. It is a major problem when your chasing down a target through narrow areas and its annoying to suddenly smack into a building. Another thing is that you have no control over the targeting system of your mech. To lock on you have to face in the direction of an enemy and the mech automatically locks on to it. It is problem in that you can't switch to another target that is more important to destroy. Finally basically the things I just said is pretty much all you do in the game. You are always shooting down the enemy in every level so don't expect anything else from this. Thats pretty much how this game runs. The game was out in Japan for some time and is now being released in the States with upgrades like more levels and a new type of game mode. Basically in the end, its one of those game that are determined by your tastes in games. [img]http://www.fromsoftware.co.jp/top/soft/murakumo/download/wall/murakumo-04s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.fromsoftware.co.jp/etop/soft/murakumo/images/data/M_Gerry_front.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.fromsoftware.co.jp/etop/soft/murakumo/images/data/M_Chris_front.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.fromsoftware.co.jp/etop/soft/murakumo/images/data/M_Levin_front.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.fromsoftware.co.jp/etop/soft/murakumo/images/data/M_David_front.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.fromsoftware.co.jp/etop/soft/murakumo/images/data/M_Lisa_front.jpg[/img]
  10. I can't seem to find the realplayer format on Kazaa. I keep getting the avi type files. Any idea on other places to get them? I know of WinMX but I have little faith in that since I never get what I want.
  11. Oh how much I want to see this anime.. ;_; I only saw the OVA that contained Kenshin's origin. Instead of buying the show (don't have the time and money to do so...) I download them off Kazaa. Its just pissing me off because sometimes I get videos that are too damn big, no sound, poor subtitles, and/or poor quality to watch in enjoyment. >_< And to top it all off, according to the results in Kazaa, there is at least 95 episodes!!! *cries a river*
  12. Ken!!!! *holds a big Ken Banner* Just because I want to see if he really is gonna cry if he wins :) I wanted to pick Mini-Ken though... ;_;
  13. Whew, I thought no one was gonna reply to this!! Anyway, yeah, I'm starting to know what you mean... I popped in some time ago and its really cool. I don't have the slightest idea on what I really should be doing but being able to team up and chat with other people is really cool. This is really RPG in the truest meaning. I played only a little but I want to play some more and I have these finals to worry about too! >_< Anyway, thanks for the warning Sephiroth, I'll make sure to set aside any events the moment final exams are over :P
  14. My standard are a bit similar to James. He's right in terms of performace in the different fields but as far as I see it, its whoever has the most games that I wanna keep coming back to. Right now the PS2 has done that for me since the Gran Turismo 3 racing package was released. I got a GBA next after that (at first I didn't use it much but after I installed the Afterburner internal lighting kit in it, its been a blast). I only got a GCN just recently due to Metroid Prime. GCN was a great system since I saw it in action... but there weren't that many titles that I would keep playing so I waited until now. The system finally look promising to me so I went ahead and burned the cash. As for Xbox, I'm still against it. Only game I enjoyed playing was Halo and even though it now was games like Splinter Cell, I'm still not getting it because there's a PS2 version being developed as we speak. Like James, I may get one next year but its more likely when Halo 2 gets released. Online wise, Xbox does have the upper hand in this department. Servers should do well but like many other multiplayer support games there's always gonna be those hic-cups in the beginning. Sony is suffering alot due to this but I think once they get the hang of it once they get enough experience. As for what Nintendo is doing... god knows what they up to. I think they planning something big and as James said, if they see online is the way to go then they will most likely use what they have under their sleeve. Anyway, here's like a quick view how I see things: PS2 has the games, GCN has the gameplay, and Xbox has the power. In the end I think which ever system appeals to the most gamer's tastes, is the 'winner'.
  15. WHOA, I made somebody's list!?!?!?!!? O_O *cries* Thanks Elite!! ;_; Anyway, BACK ON TOPIC. I'd like to meet (in no particular order) Me, CWB - he's cool Asuka - I gotta pay respect to the Queen! Piro - funny guy Elite - I gotta pay my respects James - Hey, everybody else is doing it *shrugs* Adam - He spoke to me 3 times in one day in a chat room.... I need more blessings. Roxie - she's a good friend Desbreko - dude knows his games Deathknight - his performace in OBBII is superb. Besides I need to get him back for killing me *points to sig* Eh.. thats bout it for now.. Let me give a shout out to people I didn't mention now... Holla!
  16. I'm kinda mixed in this one. First I need to say that anime originated in Japan so its quite apparent someone may say anything that looks like anime but was made by a non-Japanese studio and such would say it isn't anime. I always liked Japanese anime because they always get my attention and does things better than any of the non-Japanese made anime. Why? Alot of reasons. The art is better than any other cartoon I've seen, better story, character development, actual emotion in the voice department and lastly that one thing that always soars over other animations: higher limits. Western shows are always hindered by censors and parents who do not approve certain types of media and the result is always a show being butchered and losing the elements that made it great to begin with. I laughed when the aired Escaflowne on Fox as a Saturday morning show and got canceled 4 shows later when they got to the intense stuff you'd expect to get cut out. On the other hand if they do make such a show its either a movie or a pointless show like Ren and Stimpy.(God I hated that show.) The Japanese, they take things to heart. They make a love story-it makes you cry, (hasn't happened to me yet but I got close...), they make an action flick-its usually stuff you never saw before, they make thought provoking situations - it drives your insane. Serously, when was the last time you saw a non anime show that does things like this? Chances are it was a movie. Today, these artist are finally taking in the Anime culture and made those shows you see on CN like Samurai Jack and Power Puff Girls. They are both good its perfect for younger auidences, but I wonder if they can continue creating such sucessful shows... Argh... I confused myself again... @_@
  17. Ok my friends, I need your help. Today I received in the mail that I've been chosen as a Everquest Online Adventures Phase 3 beta tester. Now this is where you come in.... I don't know jack about this game. All I know is that its an MMORPG and it originally came out on PC. Other thing I assume is that its in some ways similar to Final Fantasy XI. I need someone to fill me in. Its is good? bad? fun if you do this, bad if you do that, stuff like that. Lets use this thread for anything else related to the game. Thanks!:babble:
  18. [b]Dude:[/b] Legato [b]Anime:[/b] Trigun [b]Info on him:[/b] This guy just popped in one of the shows one day and just said he wanted to cause pain for Vash. Has some crazy power that lets him literally manipulate a person's body! Last known info is he's just plain nuts! [b]Why?[/b] Jesus, this guy freaks me out. He kills people who bother him while he's eating, kills people if they talk to him, hates humans and he's one himself!, death is interesting to him, has them crazy eyes, talks crazy, hurts people to mess with other people's heads, has no weapons but has a power that lets him kill people, and he's suicidal! This guy Large Grade A evil!
  19. -__- Crap... Hunter got here first. Anyway, if there is one thing Hunter forgot to mention is that some anime comes from comics too. Trigun is one of them. So usually whenever a comic is being turned into a tv series, depending on its popularity it would get that 26 episode standard. Its really no biggie though since most of the time the best series are usually the long ones.
  20. My response to this is that the way we act on the boards isn't always exactly the same on how we are in the real world. We are made present by others so in turn we either act the same, similar, or completely oppisite around different people and environments. For example, you can take the craziest member here in OB and I'll bet you they'll act completely oppisite in a work environment (And if you do, you got balls...) and its still the way that person is. We try our best though to be who we want to be depending on how our surroundings allow us. Me, I'm generally the same about the same in some places, some more than others. On OB, I voice my opinion way more often than IRL and usually put thought before I say something. On AIM I'm more direct and a little crazier (SPOON!!!). In school, I'm one quiet SOB. At work, I'm a workaholic. If I need to get something done, I may say a work or two to you but otherwise, stay the heck out of my way. The only place where I'm similar to how I act on OB is when I'm just hanging out with friends. So yeah... "All the world is a stage." is how the saying goes and we play our roles to the "audience".
  21. Just do what you are told man. You're most likely missing out on easy grades because your friends and/or other factors my distract you as well which probablily explains why your Old man is taking crazy measures. Wheter you like the course or not, its like what my old high school teachers said. "Think of school as a job, not a place to be with your friends." You won't believe how much of boost this can do for someone. You may not be gifted in the class but you'll still get a great grade if you show the work. Heck I did so when I was in HS and my term averages never got less than 90% In the meantime, pray that your old man doesn't flip. o_O
  22. I'm happy that this week ended already. Been working like an animal for a while now and this weekend is the first break I had in a long time. My vacation starts after my finals on the 18th. Then I'm free until next semester begins which I think is January 13th. Only problem is that I'm shifted into a full time worker til then so I have to work whenever my office is open. >_< Oh.. well at least the office food is free. Yum.
  23. I love the snow, but as Semjaza said, its sucks when you remember the crap that goes along with it. My winter gear is top notch. My coat is so warm that I literally begin to sweat in it! Whew... my Pathfinder lived up to its name. 4 wheel drive is your friend people. Traffic was bad trying to get off campus but it was easy to get home. Alot of people used local roads to get home. Thats where the mistake is. Since everyone is using local streets then the best answer was to use the highway which had much lesser traffic than on a normal day ^_^ You just gotta play it smart and do things slowly and its all good. Bah... I just remembered though that I have to shovel the snow off my sidewalk. >_< Why is it always the strong people who have to shovel the snow? :P
  24. *is buried in snow with right hand sticking out* Its snowing here... ALOT. I'm in New York and CWB is a few miles from here so he should know too. I'm working on campus and just got the order to close up shop at 1:30 here. Supposedly its gonna get worse later on. Time to see if the 4-wheel drive works on my car for the first time now....
  25. I never heard that one before.... does this happen during a game or does it show up when it starts up (splash screen)? The only thing I've come across that is a bit similar to your problem is ? and a CD picture when I was playing Metal Gear 2. The result of that is it ends up freezing the game. I always thought it was a problem on the Disc but futher analysis shows the lens on the reader was dirty and had to be replaced.
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