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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. I'm surprized Trigun might be aired on CN. Towards the end I think that show is too powerful. The beginning is funny like crazy, but once thats over... wow. I would love to see what our congress men and their tight ***** parent friends is gonna say about it. :)
  2. Uh... I got a question... everyone seems to be for this idea but when exactly can we begin giving reviews for this? Right now or is there a set date when we turn in our 2 cents?
  3. Unfortunately yes. It takes a while to kill the guy for a few reasons but its very easy once you know its pattern (a little harder when you don't). You might get killed once if you have trouble thinking on your feet but once you figure it out its over. Heck 14 energy tanks is way too much energy for this guy. If it wasn't for the stuff that happens before him you could beat him with only 3 tanks. :-/ Anyway... I'm looking into fuzion to see if its worth buying but it seems its too short for me. 2 hours? If thats the total, I rather get the Rom for it. I neeed a new banner... :)
  4. Have no fear I am here. I had that VHS in my rack for 2 years now. (Haven't seen it since :P ) Just let me scrape of the layer of dust to see if it still works... As for renting animes, last time I checked Blockbuster usually have some anime. Only thing is that its most likely they're all dubbed and/or not very good anime. The two main reasons why I don't rent. I borrow from friends instead if Kazaa lets me down. :P (which hasn't happened in a long time)
  5. Well, I finally found that missing missle expansion and got 100% completed. Went and beat the game and found a few new things and a teaser of possible future title... Eh, yeah, finally saw her face big whoa... Now I got nuttin to do again... V_V
  6. Christmas list... I only want one thing but the others would be nice... 1)A powerful-godly-beefy-super computer. (God its all I ask for) 2)Can never go wrong with money 3)A vacation.
  7. For me, technically my first anime show that I was really soaked into was Tekkaman Blade. Back then in the U.S. it was under the name of Teknoman and at that time I didn't know of the word anime. I don't know, there was always something about that show that I knew was different from all the other shows being aired. It was serious, it wasn't that stuff that tries to get you to laugh. I died when they stop airing it and wondered why. Today as I reflect on it, it was some pretty powerful stuff and its obvious parents would've complained about it. Anyway, it wasn't until like two years later when I entered high school that I began to learn more and more about anime. Eventually, Rick Hunter started an anime club within our school and it became history from there. With this new knowledge it turned out that all the shows I loved back then where all animes. :)
  8. Anime music! I love it! Right now the most current title I'm hooked on is the openning theme of Star Ocean EX 'To the Light'. Its great and it even drove me to get the extended version :P Next is Reincarnation from Tekkaman Blade. Cruel Angel's Thesis is cool too. And of course one my favorites: Holy Lonely Light from Macross 7.
  9. I got that same ending in Prime too. I'm almost up to getting 100% and all I need is ONE missing missle expansion... BUT I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA WHERE IT IS!!!!! So in order to find it, I now finally have to resort to a faq.... *cries because honor is ruined* Hopefully someone has made a check list for the stuff and I have to go through all of them.... lets see, thats like another 2 hours added to my clock... >_<
  10. In New York, you have the mother lode.... [b]Chillin[/b] - Often used to tell others you're hanging out, doing nothing or to ask a question? [b]Man[/b] - Used in just about every beginning and ending of a sentence when talking to a guy. [b]Girl[/b] - Same as Man but to women. [b]True True[/b] - To confirm something is right or... well... true about something :-/ [b]Na meen?[/b] - Used to make sure people who are listening to your stories are following. [b]Word[/b] - Same as True [b]Grill[/b] - means to your face, ex: "He was up in my Grill!" [b]Be easy...[/b] - used to calm friends down or to warn people for signs of troble like a Teacher in schools. [b]One...[/b] - The alternative to Bye, numeric symbol often used in for text. [b]Be safe...[/b] - The second alternative to Bye [b]L8erz[/b] - Those who talk to me one AIM know I often use this. [b]Grimey[/b] - Almost the same as Ghetto but often used to say that an mean/funny act done by someone was funny or not right. [b]What was that?![/b] - widely used when you're surprized or shocked by something. Its always said in like a soft tone of voice. Thats bout all I can remember... The human mind is interesting in that you forget what you always do... :-\
  11. People are you mad?! Kirby Super Star and Super Mario Kart!!!
  12. I think the game is already out. Anyway, I heard mixed reviews for this show and judging from you guy's picks, it all depends on what you like. Speaking of which there have been several animes based on games. Final Fantasy and Star Ocean EX are two more. But Star Ocean EX is very based on the Star Ocean 2 game. If you watch this show before you play the game, you basically have an idea on what to do. Still, I think its good, even makes my blood flowing again to pay this game a visit.
  13. Shoot... I'm just about done with this game. Got 86% and exactally 16 hours on the clock and I know I missed some weapons. (Energy tanks and missle expanions only, I got the other beam combo weapons). I hate it when this happens... From what my map says, I've been everywhere, now I gotta go everywhere again scanning everything -__- Whats more is that game has like 3 different endings. Each varies on how much the percentage done is. It goes from 100%-90%, 89%-70%, and 69% or less, or something like that. Don't know what the difference is though plus you have to have 100% done to unlock the stuff you can unlock without Metroid Fusion.
  14. Thats one of the reasons why I didn't get both at the same time. Both are good so it'll be hard to focus on both at the same time. The other reason why is cuz it hurts my wallet too much. :( I'm addicted to Prime... I spent up to 2 am last night playing. I wasn't playing stright at first... I just turned it on just to see what to whats waiting for me around the corner... Something incredible happened to me around that corner and I wanted to scream in joy but couldn't cuz it was 2 am! Hmm.. perhaps I should get the emulator to Fusion in the meantime to see if I should buy it now or later... Now for a few questions. How far is everyone in the game and how many times have you been killed in the game since you first started? Me I got about 72% done now and got like over 14 hours playing. I'm not to sure on the numbers cause I can't remember :P I'll edit this later for the actual numbers. As for death... I got killed twice in action, first during the first area cause I wasn't used to the controls yet, the second was going through a new area and was losing energy on every turn I make with no save points in sight. Eventually, I lost too much power and tried turning back before it was too late but was killed along the way. :/ *screams* THERE'S TOO MUCH STUFF TO TALK ABOUT AND I CAN'T SPOIL IT FOR EVERYONE!!! *cries*
  15. Yeah, the death seqence is pretty cool alright. I'm pretty far into the game. Last time I checked I got somewhere over 60% done and taking the time to go back to areas I couldn't get with any new toys I get. ^_^ Although some of the weapons are from Super Metroid, this game makes them extremely wicked. (The effects of the Ice Beam is great). Game is starting to get a little difficult for me now as I was traveling through a new area and there wasn't any save points in sight. Eventually, I lost too much power and tried to turn back before it was too late.... unforunately it was and got killed for the second time since I first started playing. :/ In return, I went back into that area and let loose on more powerful weapons I had. :devil: Truely a great game people. Don't Rent. Buy! Oh and thanks Desbreko. I got it from this cool guy who just so happen be named Desbreko too. :P Clearly shows what games we are playing. :)
  16. Whoa I had better try out Suikdoen. It sounds like my kind of game. Anyway, my Two Cents: FIrst if you have broadband, and like shooters get yourself a network adapter and SOCOM. Can't go wrong with playing actual people than a CPU. RPG Grandia 2 is good, but as it was mentioned, the DC verison is better. (GFX wise and load times) Final Fantasy X was ok. I liked it at first but got bored and stopped playing. I never got around beating it. Flight Ace Combat 4. Nuff said. Racing Gran Turismo 3. This IS the best racing game out there. You won't go wrong with this. Burnout. I hear this is good too but I never played it. Combat Capcom VS SNK 2 is fun. I suck at fighting games but its all good. Marvel VS Capcom 2 is great. Definiately for the kind of guys wanting to pull off 10 hit combos mid air and fight at quick speeds. Action Devil May Cry is cool. This is really good with all that cool moves you can pull on the enemies. Only gripe is that it ended too soon. But Devil May Cry 2 is coming out soon so and its way better. Armored Core 2:Another Age or 3. If you like mechs get either or both. AC3 is a bit more realistic but if you're more toward like building the ultimate mech AC2:AA is for you. Metal Gear Solid 2. Hey its the sequel to the best PSX game and its just damn good. I'll wait for the Substance verison though since it comes with more goodies.
  17. This is when the backtracking and all that scanning comes into play man. From what it sounds like, you're just running and shooting. Thats what my lil did and although is a bit behind me... I have way more equipment and covered more ground then he did. I do know where to get the suit to get to Magmoor Cavern (But I strongly recommend you get whatever you can... this place is no joke...)just PM me if you really want to know... Also if you leave that little help message option on... it usually hints ya on what you can do next...
  18. I got this game fairly easy. Just went into my usual place and just bought it from my friend. I didn't try the game out until a few hours later and I wish I did... This game is really cool. Everything they said about this game is true. GFX are amazing, sound is spooky like your typical Metriod game. And for a FPS, there sure is alot of looking around. I feel like I'm a tourist, looking around and scanning anything that looks funny. My only gripe is the controls. Its very clunky at first and not being about to freely look around and move without locking on to something is a bit awkward and holding down buttons to do so isn't what many are used to. But as I was playing along it became easier and easier to do so when you get more familiar with the game. The jumping engine works great for a FPS too. When you jump to a platform, you land where you think you'll land. The camera even pitches down a bit so you can keep an eye on the platform and usually we have to do that, but this game does it for you. Sound of the game is really awesome. Dang, I really wish I had Dolby Prologic II support... it would've been heaven. Love the main menu beat too. In the GFX department, this is insane. Not only do they look nice... they even have animations for just about everything. Your Arm cannon like opens up a bit when you charge it, the charged shot warps everything around it, steam fogs up your visor. Its just great. It blows me away that all of that is on a disk thats half the size of your typical CD with ZERO load time. (well actually there is but its masked with cut scenes and that only happens when you travel from one area to another. Time wise.. I got 1:50 on the game clock and got 4% done. I got work to do... As for Fusion, I don't care about that one right now. (Hey Prime is the better of the two) I'll get that game later or just play it from someone else to see if its worthy to play on my Afterburned GBA :D I'm at work now and its all I can think about right now... O.O I'm so fired. I want to go home right now and keep playing! AND THEN WHEN I GET THERE I HAVE TO STUDY FOR A BIG EXAM!! *cries*
  19. Ight this question is for those kats who blasting some pirates right now.... What ya think of the game? I should be gettin mine later today so I'll give my 2 bits later...
  20. I like all the human weapons. I hate all the alien weapons cause they all suck! No need to talk about the Plasma Pistol. Plasma Rifle is decent but takes a while to cool down when you really need its power. Needler is a good one too but only if you make the rounds hit the same target. Pistol for the Accuracy, Assault for all out battles, Sniper to pick targets off, and the Rocket when you got some beef with someone or thing. Both grenedes are good. Human is best when you need that quick boom and the plasma when you wanna turn yourself into a suicide bomber or rip an Elite's face off.
  21. I lucked out a bit... I went to see my people at my local store and they said that since I'm such as good customer, informant, and friend that they'll sell me a copy tomorrow (tuesday). I'm so happy! Now I gotta do all my homework so I can be Samus' slave...
  22. I can't get mine til Wednesday *cries* My inside man at my local store says that they didn't get it yesterday cause the bigger companies wanted more copies of the game on release. So I'm screwed til then and I CAN'T WAIT! *loses it*
  23. Its just a simple port of the arcade meaning no new extras whatsoever. Only reason why they did that is cause since the Dreamcast is dead, no one is buying the Dreamcast copy anymore and its still one great fighting game. I have the Dreamcast verison (thank god I got it when it was cheap) so I don't care. Even though I fair better in the PS2 verison... my little bro can still wipe the floors with me -__- (we fight at the maximum speed, handicap way down, controls reversed, and no time liimit = one heck of a fight)That X-live support sure sounds cool (my lil bro would go nuts.. but we have no X-box ;) )but I never heard about it and the only game I hear it will is Capcom VS SNK 2 EO.
  24. The moment I saw this topic, right away I knew Hunter was gonna post :-/ I loved Robotech since the first time I saw it on Cartoon Network. Yes CN because I never saw it aired back in the 80's. I guess its cause they aired it early in the morning and I usually slept til my parents woke me up. Anyway, I only liked the Macross saga of the Robotech series. I didn't like that Southern Cross because I knew there was something about it that wasn't Macross. I've always wanted to watch the full uncut verison of the original Macross and fate smiled upon me one day. I was rolling around the Chinatown Rick Hunter spoke of and saw DVDs of Macross in this small corner store. I couldn't believe my eyes. I asked the guy how much was it and for the whole set (5 dvds) was only $50 bucks. (This is how Hunter knows its like $50 in chinatown. When I told him he was green with envy ^_~)I was stunned. This guy didn't know what he had! I kept my shut and coughed up the money. Only problem is that the english subtitles on the dvd aren't that very good so its a little annoying when they say something and I don't understand. I'm gonna learn Japanese soon though so that won't be too much of a problem anymore. The movie, Do you Remember love is awesome alright. I really like how just about everything was redone and look even more futuristic than the TV show. The Strike Valkiyres show up for the first time and although they where the same fighters, they we better in this version with cool little details like the Hud was on the conopy, carried more weapons and you saw little bursts of fire come off the sides of the veritechs to show the true physics of space flight. The movie is pretty old too and he very difficult to see that because the animation is done incredibily well. I swear they did alot of scenes with computers than by hand. Macross Plus was perhaps had the most advanced fighters. The YF-19 Alpha One and the YF-21 Omega One are some kick ***** machines. Of the the two verisons availible, I liked the movie more since I think it had a much better ending and portrays the fate of the one of the fighters and its pilot in a more dramatic way. Another good thing about this series is that you really don't even need knowledge of the original Macross to understand it but its recommended to look for any cameos and make the story a bit more enjoyable. Macross 7 is the next TV show that was in the macross timeline. It was a bit watered down than the more darker feel of the original but it was still pretty good. I like alot of things from this show like have familiar characters from the original series have certain roles. Another thing is that the music theme the series is so based on finally moved from its pop to Rock music which sounds really cool. My beef with it is that alot of the animation is recycled alot so you'll often see the same transformation seqence for just about every figther. Macross II is the last series I've seen but like Hunter, I didn't like it much either since it doesn't have that Macross feel and its pretty much outside the Macross universe altogether. If it was it'll be the very last in the timeline. This show is all action which is pretty good by the way and weak story. Of all the Macross series, I've seen Macross Flashback is the one I have yet to see. This is nagging me in the back of my head so much and I often get teased with pics and little clips from it. (I WANNA SEE THE SDF-2 MEGAROAD!!) Eh.. thats bout my view of this show. Liked it so much I even went and brought an action figure of the VF-1A Rick Hunter Style Strike Valkiyre in Gerwalk mode.:p I want the fully transformable VF-1S Skull One even more.:bawl:
  25. [B]Name: [/B] Marcos Antonio Guerrero Jr. III [B]Age: [/B] 19 [B]DOB: [/B] July 16, 1983 [B]Location: [/B] Brooklyn, New York meng [B]One Word: [/B] SPOON! [B]No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: [/B] ImPeCcAbLyM3NtaL [B]Occupation: [/B] Student/ St. John's University Bursar telephone commander/construction worker/computer programer/scienist/ and the list goes on [B]Color: [/B] [color=blue]Blue[/color] [B]Food: [/B] Lasagna, nuff said [B]Beverage: [/B] Pepsi/water [B]Alter Ego: [/B] Zero [B]Dream Job: [/B] Figther pilot/superhero [B]Self-Proclaimed: [/b] Loner [B]Ethnicity: [/B] 100% Dominican, but act like I'm Japanese [B]Extracurricular: [/b] Anything fun/crazy [B]Hobby: [/B] Music, art, anime, video games, nature [B]Dessert: [/B] Ice cream [B]Musician: [/B] No one, just as long as I like the music. [B]Group: [/B] Same as above. [B]Mac or PC?[/B] Grrr.... *looks at PC* :mad: *begins jumping around room like an angery monkey and kicks computer* [B]Nics: [/B] Marc, Marcus, Kiko, Mikito, Marco, Zero, fork, you crazy man [B]Blog: [/B] eh? [B]Home Page: [/B] [url]www.aeboards.tk[/url] [B]Religion: [/B] Catholic [B]Book: [/B] Usually video or computer magazines. [B]Collections: [/B] Anime, video games, art drawn since childhood, old video game mags [B]Sport: [/B] Baseball [B]Won't Eat: [/B] Any of that stuff you see in Fear Factor [B]TV Show: [/B] Don't watch TV [B]Words to live by:[/B] If that is my fate... then so be it. [B]Addicted to: [/B] Winterfresh [B]Comic: [/B] PennyArcade [B]Movie: [/B] The Mask of Zorro, The Musketeer Thats me... boring eh?:whoops:
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