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Everything posted by ZeroBlade

  1. I just heard something really cool about this game. Now it hasn't been confirm yet but there are reports that aside from 'talking' to your own team members (in single player that is) there'll be times where you have to scream orders to the enemies too. For example when you raid a house full of terrorists, you may have to bring them in alive and you have to scream things like 'Put'em down' or 'Put your weapons down!' Again, I don't know if its true or not but the possibility IS there. I mean, you can talk to your own men, why not the other way around? Besides there are still things they aren't saying about the game anyway. Oh and I got this info from IGN.
  2. LOL Piro, yeah I could've just done it on MS paint if I didn't want those effects but I disabled that programs since Photoshop is 'better'. As for what version I have, I got the latest 7.0 and have 6.0 lying around my room.... There shouldn't be too much of a difference between the two... I hope at least.:worried: I'll scout around the forum for any info. Anyway, thanks No-name and Psychotik for the votes.:) And don't SuperSayain about Flash's comment. It doesn't bother me.:mad: j/k
  3. That'll be great Juuthena! Just post, PM or email me how you did it. I'm in your debt already!:) Now to get advice from the Gurus....
  4. No need SuperSaiyian, I'll say that secret. I actually forgot to tell how I made that banner since I made the same topic and another Message boards:p The only thing I did was put my name on the picture with an effect or two Juuthena. The format is just a font I have that Photoshop detects. The background was a pic I had that was done and taken from the Megaman X5 video game. It just so happen to be a good size so I just put ZeroG214 on it. Now me being a drawer, thats why I said it felt cheap to me..... Now as for your first banner. If you did that background on your own then I salute you! I don't know how to make something like that! Which is why I ask for help from ANYONE!:help: Back to my first attempt.... THANKS to guys if you think its really good though.
  5. Hello, this is my first time in the arts section and I'm here because I need help. I have been trying to figure out how to use photoshop for the past week now and I only been able to enter text into already made pictures I have. I have attached my first atempt to make my own banner and I would like some of you guys to tell me what you think. On another note, if its possible, I would be so grateful to ANYONE who can help me understand photoshop's basics so I can make my own banners in the future. Just taking a picture and putting your name on it feels so cheap...:( Anywho.... the particular skill I am looking for is how to merge other pictures and those cool backgrounds. Any info will do either a tip or a full blown guide (if there's a website, PM me that so I don't break the rules;) ) Besides look on the bright side maybe the info posted here can help othes:) Thanks!
  6. I've been out of school since early April........I think......I can't remember feels like it was really March.........man, my vacation was so long I can't remember when it began!:eek: I start sometime in September.....I'm hearing the 4th or sumthing like that. Classes start at 12:00 and leave at 3:30. So I still get to sleep in:toothy: but of course then there's work..... Ah the freedom of college.:devil:
  7. ZeroG214. I thought of my SN a few years back and was a spin-off of my AIM sn HighG214. It suits me very well and I'll never change it! Ok here goes: -Zero is for the god of the Maverick Hunters himself. His character is similar to mine in many ways. -Zero again is for what Heero calls Wing Zero, my favorite Gundam. -Zero lastly (yep 3 meanings) is for my callsign I use whenever I'm playing a flight sim. -G stands for the first letter in my last name and for gravity, when combined with Zero, it says ZeroG which shows this thing I have for space (and in turn makes me like anime thats involved with space) It also stands for Zero Gundam again for Wing Zero. -Lastly 214 is just the number of my house.:toothy: I had to put that since someone already took the name ZeroG. (not here on aim and a few other places) But in the end you can call me Zero. Avatar: its Zero! He's my god and I am him so you shall respect him damnit!!! *cough* Right now its one of the default OB avatars, if I ever make 500 posts Ill change it to a better looking Zero, maybe from the upcoming Megaman Zero game. Sig: Its a quote from the latest anime I saw Trigun. Vash didn't really say it but someone he was close to said it first and it had alot of meaning. It just tells us that we are all in control of our future and no one controls it. I'd update it, but I wanna associate it with a banner if I ever get one:bawl: I don't understand Photoshop one bit and even if I did I had no host to put my banner on. If anyone can help me out it'll be much appreciated.:confused::)
  8. Escaflowne is definately one of the best animes out there. Every said about it here is true. The one they aired on Fox though really made a mockery of the show. They edited all the good stuff. Heck they didn't even air the first 2 episodes and there wasn't any fighting!....................well........aside from that dragon.:) The only thing I liked about it was the new sounds they added like the metal swords hittin things. But as genkai_yyh said, that show was way out of their league and really didn't know WHAT they were doing. I have to say, this is definately not a show for Saturday mornings! The fighting was awesome. My two favs was when Van took on Dilaindu's (sp?) army all by himself and his match with Allen. The series is nice and long too which is also good for those who crave it. Also, the shows appeals to just about anyone. If you like either romance, mechs, blood, plot, or swordplay then this show is for you. As for the movie, thats a whole different issue. Although its the same series, its completely different! All the aspects applies (romance, etc.) but everything has been re-done. The art, characters, plot. Its like watching the series all over again. The commercial you saw on CN was the movie. It doesn't have as many mech battles but the hand to hand battles are really cool (for a small example here's a hidden spoiler: [color=white]Van can use magic! [/color] So yeah, bascially you won't be disappointed with either series.:whoops:
  9. The show starts this Monday the 5th at 5 pm. I'll be sure to miss it.
  10. Got the cash, got the system, got DSL, only got one thing to say: WHOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!!
  11. Ah a fellow Ace Combat pilot..... Shoot...... CWB already answered your question.....oh well. The only time you can acutally hit one of the Yellow Squadron pilots is the Shattered Skies mission. You can only hit one guy since after you hit'em they all run away! When they do it makes the mission alot easier. The next mission where you can actually kill'em is Emancipation. Don't worry too much on how good they are. The moves they pull can only be done by the computer. Which totally sucks since they dodge missiles as if they were a mile away. Also to get the best plane in the game you must at least beat the game twice and beat the game on hard. (I think thats you unlock it) . The jet you get is the X-02 which is hands down the best (and coolest) fighter. The Black one is my fav. If I'm not using that then I use the S-37 which is one very agile fighter.
  12. Why? Simple. He ain't Snake. :) I like using the sword though.
  13. Doesn't anybody here went to Six Flags Great Adventure?:confused: of like the 7 or so roller coasters they have only 3 are good. The rest were good in their time but they're boring now. I yawn on the Great American Scream Machine. The newest we have is Nitro. I guess its similar to Goliath in Cali, (God I wanna ge on that:bawl: ) but its good. I forgot how steep the first drop is, I say its about the same as Babygirl's pic but at a lower height. Even so, its enough to slash you vision in half (can only see up) and scream "HOLY.....SHHH.......AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Next coaster I like is Medusa. Something like the Batman ride but with the track on the bottom and pulls some of the best stunts in the park. At one point the train goes flat on its side and you swear you can touch the ground at 50-60 mph (I forget which). Last is Batman and Robin. I like this one because its like a mix between a regular coaster, superman and Deja Vu. Once everyone is set, this sucker just takes off and once it leaves the station the both the Batman and the Robin tracks (yes TWO different tracks) goes straight up and do their work. Many perfer the Robin track over the Batman for the better stunts (Batman track rolls going up and then straight down). Then once thats all done, we do it again backwards. The only and serious flaw this ride has is that its short. Damn short, last for less than a minute (45 seconds I think was the exact number). Even so its one cool ride. I don't like wooden coasters much. There is perhaps only one that I saw on TV. I forgot the name but its the only wooden coaster in the world with a loop!:eek: I think its called Son of Beast.
  14. ZeroBlade


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Once I borrowed Xenogears from a friend of mine, but I never started playing it because the intro was so boring and it was late at night and so I just cut it off and that was that. I've ALWAYS wanted to play it though...I guess one day I'll pick it up since all of you guys seem to like it so much...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh you must QA. This game is just that awesome that I think anybody who didn't play this game is cruel. Everything about this game top notch and I can only think of 2 flauts in the game: one no customization of controls, and LOTS of text, especailly on Disc 2. This game actually did spark a bit of controversy due to its very powerful religious factor and because of that alone the game came within inches of not being released. I have to admit, the story really does leave an impact on you. I swear I didn't know what to believe in after I finished the game! Well, Namco is now taking over the series and claims that thier upcoming Xenosaga game has nothing to do with Xenogears. But there are too many similarites and they aren't doing a good job saying it isn't the same series.
  15. I don't do my own anime characters. What I do is take existing art and change them around. The most recent creations I've done is like taking a standing picture of Zero from Megaman X and change his armor completely like giving him a metal sword, have a different arm gun and several other extras. I have drawing skills, its just that I can't do some of my own and it takes me large amounts of time since I'm always trying to prefect it. Basically I can only copy existing pictures without tracing and change them to my liking. :-\
  16. Right now I welcome console games going online. There are great titles being released and I look forward to play them. But right now I'm a little concerned with what James said. About Microsoft's Xbox being just a launch pad for the Xbox 2 (or "Homestation" if you will) then that just tells me that they aren't even supporting the Xbox itself. When I heard that Nintendo was acutally going to milk the GCN as much as they can and make 'new' types of games I was trilled. They're online game ideas is also good to me since that even Narrowband players can participate and hearing about Phantasy Star 1 and 2 having very little lag even with dial-ups is something that impresses me. Hearing that Microsoft is more focused with the future just reduses the faith I have in the Xbox itself. That is if they are making another console.... Is Microsoft going to use the current Xbox to go with their proposed online idea or is another console in works? Ps2 and GCN I know are going with adapters but I'm not sure with Xbox.:confused:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Regarding Sonic, I can say that there are currently [i]no[/i] Sonic games planned for PlayStation 2. As has been said, Sonic Adventure and Sonic Mega Collection (which even includes Sonic CD...my favourite Sonic game of all time) will be making their way to the console. I believe that we'll hear about Sonic Adventure 3 either at TGS later this year or at E3 next year. I don't think an announcement is [i]too[/i] far away...but it won't happen this month.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, I didn't expect Sonic CD to be released with the Mega Collection. Thats one of the two sonic related games that I never played since you needed the unsuccessful sega CD to play. I wanted to play it so bad but never got the cash:bawl: The other sonic related game few know about is Knuckles Chaotix. This game was for the useless 32x. I saw a demo of it once years ago and it really looked great especially the part of playing as 5 characters. I hope these sonic rumors are true and if both games make it to either system, I'm sold in getting them. Now as for the Geo-mod thing again, I never did read up on this game when it was being developed so to me it was just one of those games that come out without me knowing. If they said it was supposed to be part of the gameplay and it wasn't then I guess they fixed in part two. I can't say for sure since just about every gaming site locked that info to its paying members. I wish they would unlock them already especially IGN. They have videos that I bet few people seen. Damned membership, its friggin annoying:flaming:
  18. Oh boy, I know James is gonna post this thoughts here soon...... Now, the only reason why people claim Nintendo is for kids is only by it's looks. Just like Sephiroth said, don't judge a game by its cover. I tend to play Mario and animal related games from time to time since I enjoy them more than games that have blood, gore, guns, etc. Let those people say its for 'kids', evenutally they'll realize how stupid that statement is and miss out on some great games. Now that pic of Barney I think REALLY sends the wrong message. If it wasn't due to games aren't like what this pic seem to portray then I would easily believe Nintendo is for kids. :(
  19. I say wait my friend. Go out now and you'll still won't be able to play since nowadays you need 3 things to play games: console, memory card, and the game. Unless you don't mind playing a game from the very start over and over again. Controller you buy after you have those 3 things. So paitence, you waited this long so a week or two won't kill ya.
  20. Nintendo does have some pretty addictive games alright. I think the game that had me playing over and over was F-Zero. Wow, I had fun with that game, it kept me on the edge of my seat trying to get in first and avoid blowing up. There are actually a whole mess of SNES I was hooked on now that I think about it, but they were mostly third party games. I lost faith in Nintendo when the N64 was out though. They had games but not as much as the SNES did for me. Mario 64 was really something else. When I saw a video preview of the N64 I was hyped, but was a bit disappointed in the end. I guess its cause of lesser third party support or I was growing out of games:confused: Anyway, the Metroid game does look fun. It'll be cool to play as Samus through her visor and blast some enemies.:toothy: I remeber the shock I had when I found out it was a girl in that suit too. Not that there's anything wrong with that but it was really cool. Somehow I always thought Samus is a copy of Megman though due to the buster arm, special weapons and robotic feel it had....:therock:
  21. Hmm it seems that not everyone knows how the geo-mod system is gonna work yet in Red Faction 2. Well let me share a bit of info for some of ya... that system will be improved such as more stuff will show more damage and that the system will be part of the gameplay. The best example is to blow up a wall to get to an unlocked or to continue with the story. Thats pretty much what they said about it so far. I don't know about blowing up a ceiling and dropping it on somebody but that sounds fun :p As for sonic, its possible that the sonic game thats rumored might be part one and two. I think this because its been announced that the next adventure game for the GCN is acutally a remake of Sonic Adventure. So its possible they might release the same two games for the ps2. At least I think.:worried:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mstyrios WX [/i] [B]Now I got MMX5(Bad Move) and I can't get that%@%#$^%!@ Gaea Head peice cause of stupid #%$ wall maze with a huge %@% thing.Then I run out of %#&%&&# energy and scream my $#^%## head off....I feel much better now... [/B][/QUOTE] If you're haven't troble if X5 then prepare to have ALOT of patience for X6. You'll get your butt splattered be you know it!:) I used to get mad with the game back then but now its too easy for me even on Xtreme mode! The game thats getting me a bit ticked right now is Gran Turismo 3. Damn computer drivers and their indestructible tires. And they pit faster than you too!
  23. I turn 19 later this month. Yeah its true going to R rated movies is about the only thing you can do. I really don't care anyway since I don't drink or smoke (and never will too.......really!). Nowadays if you're smart enough you can get all that stuff without a Fake ID. Like I said, I don't drink or smoke but I can easily get them if I wanted to. (gotta be 21 here) Anyway, I'm gonna go and think what to do for my last 'teen' year......
  24. The games I looking forward to are: Devil May Cry 2, Sonic, Red Faction 2, Armored Core 3, Robotech, Megaman X7, Zone of the Enders 2, Socom, MGS2: Substance, Xenosaga, and FFXI. Thats basicly it from what I can remember off the top of my head. Of course I have other games on others systems too, its just that it really sucks we have to wait to at least Fall to play these games. :(
  25. ZeroBlade


    Man, that totally sucks if its rare. In that case, go get this game. Everything everyone said about this game is true and is well worth the heavy price. The game used to be rare here in the US for quite some time but they recently re-released it and I can find a new copy for $40 bucks.
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