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Everything posted by Progressive
Has anybody read The royal assasin books by Robyn hobb? I cant find anyone to discuss them with.
So... i take it that this is well and truly over.. See you guys again
Ant had been watching all of this with awe... She did no know here she would go or even if she had unfinished bussiness. [COLOR=Indigo]I must visit St Peter [/COLOR] she thought to herself. [COLOR=Indigo]I must find out why i came to this place.[/COLOR] She then collasped. [I]She was at the top of a hill. A dark figure with red eyes and a sword approched her "NOOOOOOO" she screamed, she tried to fly but couldn't... She summonded cosmic energy but nothing... The figure kept advancing. She ran and th dark entity slowlt followed. [/I] She woke up in a daze. [COLOR=Indigo]Take me to heaven Aelio.[/COLOR]
Anime Only one anime the rest of your life! CHOOSE!
Progressive replied to geekinthecloset's topic in Otaku Central
Neon Genesis Evangelion all the way.It has it all, Action drama and sexual tension. as to the wierd ending... It was ok but well nothings perfect :) -
[B]Name:[/B] Antesignanus abs abomino (Ant) [B]Affiliation:[/B] Angel [B]Age:[/B] 456 Looks in her twenty's. [B]Appearence:[/B] See Attachments [B]Personality: [/B] Bubbly and happy, like a mother to all and because of this everybody tends to underestimate her power. Is a constant busy body [B]Weapon:[/B] Cosmic energy [B]Reason for Being Placed in Limbo:[/B] Does not know but has violent flash backs and vivid dreams and is piecing it together bit by bit. [B]The Meet: [/B] When she saw Wyatt she saw he was in great pain and asked if she could tag along. to sort of look after him... Not that he needs looking afer.
[COLOR=Purple][B]Name:[/B] Zyluis [B] Age:[/B] 436 [B]Race: Angel[/B] [B]Sub-Race:[/B] Spiritcaster [B]Appearance:[/B] 6' 2" Always wears a white cloak and sunglasses although he does not need them. Dark hair and white eyes with no pupils. [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Two Throwing daggers in two hip holsters. He can Bind White magic to them before throwing with dealy accuracy. [B]Bio:[/B] Has just rose to the ranks of the spiritcasters after being a newbie in the lesser angel ranks for 200 years. I not yet confident of his new found power and responsibility.[/COLOR]
OOC- Sorry guys bought a new comp just got the net. This is where i come in im the one with daggers and we need an evil guy and I'm his lackey Eventually i'll turn good and help... Eventually. "Headmistress's body sprawled across her chair, a dagger sticking out of the side of her neck. The black veins and the subject's face made it clear that such a dagger was powerfully poisoned or enchanted, or both --" _____________________________ "Five of us guys..." "Oh now he decides to show up, where the @#$% have you been?" Joel said. "The usual" said Xyluis piercing Joels eyes... "We need to get this all together Lets split up and souround them, We have the element of suprise they think we will just be cowering at the school, we need to strike now!" "and who made you the boss joel snapped," "Im just thinking quick on my feet, and what the hell happened back there why did the headmisteress not do anything to stop it? Um dude... Shes dead... Silence... Well that does not help us and we need to take action. He faced the rest of the group and started walking. Joel muttered and followed and so did the rest.
[COLOR=Red][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Name: Klaus Schultz Age: 17 Race: German Personality: New exchange student... Can not speak the language well, Appearance: 5'11", longish blonde hair that he ties in a ponytail. Blue eyes, smiles alot as if he knows something others dont, he can come across as arrogant. Perhaps the language barrier of the self confidence that can be mistaken for arrogance. Bio: Left Germany to learn English, and has just started at this school because his host sister/Brother (you decide) also goes there. [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Blue][LEFT] Ooc: I thought we all had the same time table. My Bad ^_^ ___________________________________________________________________ "Ah Archery," Said Xyluis as he started walking out to the archry arena. "Bows are cool and come in handy, but they are not my favorite," he said distracdidly twirling to daggers glowing with light blue aura.Bows are the best wepons man Im awsome." Jode groaned and looked at the floor. "whats up man?" joel asked. Jode remained silent and kept walking. They ran to the edge of a clearing in the forest and the rest of the class was already there waiting to begin. The three of them walked in all as one and sat down at the benches inside a rather small circle. "Good... We are all here," Boomed the mage with a smile. He lifted his hands and the entire class lifted in to the air and taken to a giant training centre, in mid air. "I dont believe it," Xyluis muttered. The Training centre was made of white and gray marble. "Come along please said the mage." He lead them all into a room. "Oh my god" said Joel. "This is archery with a twist.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1]Xyluis sat at the table opposite Cade, yawned and made a big show of not being very impressed. Really he had nothing to be impressed about. He had been at the Guild for three month now and had seen it all. Lightning bolt's striking student out of nowhere, knives with threats attached thrown at people missing by inches he had seen it all. [I]"Ya know," [/I] He said in a very audible whisper.[I] "She should really get over herself, I mean, I've felt the limits of her magic already!"[/I] "[I]Unless she's holding it all back, mabe you should get over yourself!!!" [/I] Cade snapped back nastily. [I]"Ohhh looks like some-one's a big fan"[/I] [I]"No I'm just not as stupid or as arrogant as you, you prick" [/I] :animeblus Xyluis' face fell, he obviously failed to make an impression... Well a good one. [I]"ladies man strikes again," [/I] he whispered glumly to him self as he tried to ignore Cade, and pretend to listen intently on what the head mistress had to say.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New][B]Name:[/B] Jun Tek Lee [B]Age[/B]: 20 [B]Cause of death:[/B] Killed Himself and pregnant Fionce drink driving. [B]Personality:[/B] Normally Bubbly and outgoing (a little too outgoing), At the moment he is over-come by sorrow and grief. everything gets better in time. [B]Appearance:[/B] 5'9", really goodlooking. Sweeping black hair tied in a short ponytai. A really pale complection. Hasn't had to do anything hard in his life. [B] Weapon Of Choice[/B]: He doesnt know yet. He's never had to use one before. [B]Bio:[/B] His father owns one of the bigger software companies in the country. and he has had a cushy life full of private schools and garden parties. He was the apple of his parents eye and an only child. [B] Sample of Character:[/B] Every one was laughing, smoking cigars and disscussing politics, Jun tek had never felt more at home, topping up the drinks and puffing way, smoothly guiding the conversation to areas he wanted it to go. He was in his element. But Seuki lee his soon to be wife was sitting in a corner all alone. She hated being at his fathers house. She came from a poor family and jun's mother and father always maintained she was below him. He got up to go to her and fell over a chair. He stood up to roaring laughter and was feeling giddy. "Alright... Time to go," He whispered... [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Garamond]Name: Xyluis Sex: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Short blonde hair that sweeps across half of his face. Quite good looking and fancies himself to be a bit of a ladies man. Height: 5'7" Weight: Thin Personallity: As i said considers himself a ladies man but seldom turns out to be. Doesn't take anything seriously (including himself). But is loyal and always comes through in the end. Even though he is self centred amd very very tiresome at times. Weapon: Daggers. When he was young before his dad left and never came back. He left him a vest made of shimmering blue and white. in the many pockets are different daggers each with a story behind them. He can bind magic to these daggers, throw them and recieve them in a blink of an eye. Aura: Light blue How He came: Ran away from home. His mother was to smothering and wanted him to find a nice girl and settle down. like thats ever going to happen. ;) ____________________________ [B]OOC:[/B] Cool when are we starting???[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
Sign Up Street Life: Turmoil on Main Street (SignUp)
Progressive replied to Frankie's topic in Theater
Name: Juliet (She wanted to leave her last name behind and she loved Romeo and Juliet... Enough said). Gender: Female Age: 17 Hair: Dark Blonde Eyes: Striking blue Height: 5"7 Talent or Skill: Can Listen (now by listen I mean a special kind, not very many people can truely listen and if any one comes to her with a problem they always find that they come up with a solution Self Defense Weapon: Riding whip (found in dumpster) Reason for street life: Divoced parents, she used to be rich so she can be tarty at times she couldn't cope so she ran away and has been living on the street for about a year. Personality: Can be Blonde at times but always thinks of other people. -
[b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] Final Flash [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Medra [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] NeoCactuar [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] James [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] Juuthena [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Raiha [b]Most improved Member of the Year:[/b] Cyko [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Shinobi [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] OBBII [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] [b]Funniest Member:[/b] Break [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] AJeh [b]Silliest Username:[/b] Crazy White Boy [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Etarah's Maverick [b]Member most likely to be here in two years:[/b] Final Flash [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Raiha [b]Avatar of the Year:[/b] NeoCactuar [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] PiroMunkie [b]Signature of the Year:[/b] Final Flash (Flashy Potter and the Moderator's Stone) [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Juuthena [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] Final Flash and Medra [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Piro and Queen Asuka [b]Best looking Otaku:[/b] Juuthena [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Raiha [b]Otaku clique of the Year:[/b] The clique against cliques. [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] [b]Best Newbie:[/b] JesterSpirit [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Cyko [b]Best Oldie:[/b] Final Flash [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Sephiroth [b]Best Otaku-Related site:[/b] Otaku Pike [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] [b]Most likely to become a Staff Member:[/b] AJeh [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Otaku Writers [b]Poet Laureate:[/b] Mitch [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] Crazy White Boy [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] Final Flash [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] DeathKnight [b]Brawler of the Year (sparring):[/b] Medra without a doubt. [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Raiha [b]Role-Playing Game of the Year:[/b] Dragonball: Battlefield - End of the Universe [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Dragonball: Battlefield - Post Apocalypse Social Otakus [b]Otaku Social member of the year:[/b] Juuthena [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Shyguy [b]Entertainment Otaku of the Year:[/b] Semjaza Azazezlel... o_O; Hell, I dunno, too many Z's [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Transtic Nerv Anime Otakus [b]Otaku of the Year:[/b] Rick Hunter [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Shyguy [b]DragonBall Guru:[/b] PiroMunkie [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Medra [b]Digipeep of the Year:[/b] GinnyLyn [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Sara [b]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b] Yoda [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Altron Gundam [b]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b] [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Otaku Gamers [b]Gamer of the Year:[/b] James [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] NeoCactuar [b]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/b] James [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Semjaza Azazel [b]The Sony Award:[/b] NeoCactuar [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Crazy White Boy [b]Xbox Gamer of the Year:[/b] [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b] DeathKnight [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] RicoTranzrig Otaku Artists [b]Best Graphic Designer:[/b] Final Flash [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Kenji [b]Best "Traditional" Artist:[/b] Final Flash [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] SayianPrincessX [b]Best Spriter:[/b] Final Flash [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Alexander Series Otaku [b]Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b] Desbreko [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] [b]The Chocobo Award (Final Fantasy):[/b] Final Flash [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] AJeh [b]Liberty City Award (Grand Theft Auto):[/b] NeoCactuar [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] S@bretooth [b]Mushroom Kingdom Honors (Mario):[/b] James [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] [b]PokéPlaque (Pokemon):[/b] Nerdsy [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Lady Katana [b]The Triforce Award (Zelda):[/b] Desbreko [b]Honorable Mention:[/b]
[i]The young Moogle sat on his bed scanning the room, he was so excited. After having a quick look at the bathroom he promptly starting flying around the room making whirring sounds as he went... At that point one of Seth's eyes snaped opened and he snatched Mog out of they air and pinned him to the bed.[/i] [b]Seth:[/b] Okay. I think it's time to arrange some ground rules...
I agree with Flash, I think that a shroud of mist appears to signify that he is a black mage... *Shrugs* But what do I know?
[B]Name:[/B] Mog. [B]Age:[/B] 16. [B]Race:[/B] Moogle. [B]Height:[/B] 2' 8" [B]Description:[/B] A small white animal. (See Picture) [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/hollykendall/Mog.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] Is weary and shy of people he meets, but once he is comfortable with them he is very outgoing and friendly. On the battle field he is a conservative fighter and likes to test his opponent for overall strength and speed. However sometimes rage takes hold of him and he goes completely beserk with no honour and mercy to his opponent. [B]History:[/B] Mog was abandoned as a baby in the dense Tropical Jugnles of the South. Having to fend for himself, he grew to be stronger and more resourceful than most others of his kind. More importantly, he learned how to fight. He has decided to study at the Sanctum to increase his skill and power to levels the likes of which have never before been seen. Being a Moogle he has had the ability to fly since birth. [B]Strength[/B] - 10 [B]Defense[/B] - 5 [B]Speed[/B] - 80 [B]Ki[/B] - 5 [B]Dorm:[/B] F
[i]Just then Pogressive came running in and promply tripped over herself...[/i] [b]Progressive:[/b] Sorry I'm late sir. [i]Squall looked at her sternly before allowing himself a little grin, he then quickly composed himself and began his speach.[/i] [B]Headmaster Sqaull:[/b] I think it is time, time to act against Galbainia Garden. They have become powerful too quickly and their uprising has began... *sighs* There is [b]NO[/b] seeD to small to make a difference. Only as a whole can we hope to defeat them. It is not just my hope that I entrust to you. It is the hope of all good people everywhere. May luck be with you, that is all, Thankyou...
I love The Effort You Have Put In The Story Line... Looks Good! ________________ [b]Name:[/b] Progressive [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]GFs:[/b] Shiva [b]Bio:[/b] The origion of her name is about her grandfather who was part of Balamb and became a legend with the alias of 'Progressive" She is trying to live up to him and not digrace her family. She has great fighting strength, is very lady-like and flirtatious. Her family puts alot of pressure on her because they wanted a boy... She is still very unexperienced as a seeD but is 'progressing' well. [b]SeeD leve[/b]l:14 [b]Weapon:[/b] Twin Short Swords strapped to her back. They are her grandfathers and she is very protective of them... It is said that some of her grandfathers spirit is in there and will come out in dire situations. [b]Limit Break:[/b] Slash Fury- This is where she can brand basic magic to her weapon and does a series of slashes. [b]Garden:[/b] Balamb
RPG The Matrix: There is no Spoon, There is no Escape
Progressive replied to Eternal's topic in Theater
[i] Agent Gamma came running up to Agent Delta's side just missing what had happened...[/i] [b]Agent Gamma:[/b] Did you get him? [i] She said looking at the wall and putting two and two together.[/i] [b]Agent Gamma:[/b] Never mind, there is always next time... [i]Agent Delta shot away and Agent Gamma transfered into a body near their base and meet with Dissphoria.[/i] [b]Agent Gamma:[/b] I think you might come in handy for a plan that I have been pondering. [b]Agent Dissphoria:[/b] Yes? What is it... -
RPG The Matrix: There is no Spoon, There is no Escape
Progressive replied to Eternal's topic in Theater
[i]Seemingly out of nowhere Agent Gamma came Bursting in followed closely by Agent Epsilon.[/i] [b]Agent Epsilon:[/b] It seems that you are out numbered. [b]Agent Delta:[/b] And out classed... [i]Locke thought on his feet and before another snide comment could be said he rolled over and fired madly at Agent Gamma... This did not have the desired effect because Agent Delta rushed there and plucked the bullets out of mid air.[/i] [b]Agent Epsilon:[/b] Normal weaponry is no use here! [b]Agent Gamma:[/b] It seems we may have underestimated Neo?s minions. [b]Agent Delta:[/b]Now I will ask you one more time... Where are your companions? -
I would vote for Vice city Freedom, More mindless killing missions better... Yeah
I Loved It!!! I only managed to download the first 7 of 26 but what ive seen is brilliant.
It Will Probably Not Come Out In New Zealand For Many Years... Cheap Cheap Country
RPG The Matrix: There is no Spoon, There is no Escape
Progressive replied to Eternal's topic in Theater
[i]Agent Gamma and Agent Delta Both felt a flicker as neo and co. entered the Maxtrix.[/i] [b]Agent Gamma:[/b] There has been a breach in the main frame, it could be Neo.. [b]Agent Delta:[/b] Yes, let us go...