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Everything posted by Progressive

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyko [/i] [B][size=1]I think Asuka is simply the hottest chick in any anime. Just look at her.....:drools:[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Ah yes... Asuka is undoubtedly the sexiest anime character ever!!! *sigh*
  2. [B]Gamma:[/B] They are up to something! [I]She said to herself... It was a shift in the real world. A shift that no one exept her was complicated enough to sense. This was her domain, her 'Matrix' She had to investigate. It was time to get the forces together, to overcome these 'people' These normal beings who could bend her rules...[/I] [B]Gamma:[/B] It is time...
  3. Name: Agent Gamma Age: Unknown Expertise: Agent Bio: She is the third of the new-age Agents, making her the test model. Appearance: Blacksuit, Prefers the form of an attractive female so men are easily lured in.
  4. [B]Name:[/B] Hans Vinach [B]Course Study/Skills:[/B] Pistol Marksmanship, Marine Technology and Robo Engenering [B]Branch:[/B] Opperations [B]Symbol and location of symbol:[/B] A Strange neclace of unknown origin that is shaped like a shirikin and shifts with the amospheric conditions. [B]Nationality:[/B] UoUE-German [B]Assingment:[/B] UoUE [B]Owned Equipment:[/B] Twin pistols [B]Bio:[/B] He has a troubled mind not remembering much he is fighting to redeem himself for a past he can not remember... He was drafted into UoUE by some one in society that said he had "expectations" [B]Appearence:[/B] 6"3, Jet black hair, And dark brown eyes... [B]Personal Traits/Quirks and Personality:[/B] Is very deep and mellow, Good with the ladies because they he listens and they can have indepth converations with him... On the battlefield however he becomes a completely different person and has complete rages where red and orange (fire) mist takes his body over, the origin of this is unknown...
  5. [B]Name:[/B] Iota [B]Type:[/B] Reploid [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 5 years, 2 months [B]Description:[/B] [img]http://www.boomspeed.com/flashartwork/Reploid.jpg[/img] Green eyes, and her blonde hair is split into two large Ponytails. Iota is clothed in a new type of combat suit, fashioned from high density Titanium fibres. This means that the suit is very flexible, and at the same time very strong and close-fitting. It extends from her shoulders down, and onto her right leg. Her armour is very streamlined, moreso that usual Reploids. She has vents and Shoulder Modules similar to Reverb, used to store secondary weapons. She also has a Communication/Radar device attached to her right ear. [B]Props to Flash for drawing Iota. :)[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] Iota is a friendly Reploid, who won't hesitate to help someone in need. Head strong and smart, she has the knowledge and experience of a veteran, but doesn't look it, which catches most off guard. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, and isn't likely to refuse a mission. However, she's used to being in charge, and sometimes has a problem with authority. [B]History:[/B] Iota was created Five years ago in the Svensk Robotics lab in Sweden, for use as a Hunter in the European Force. She served as an B-Class Hunter for one and a half years, as the commander of her squadron. She was transferred to the Japanese/Pacific Hunter force to lead an A-Class squadron. After six months of duty in Tokyo, on a sortie in Osaka, her squad was annhilated and she was infected with the Maverick Virus. She escaped Japan and the forces tracking her. Iota roamed Asia for a few months, finally ending up in Russia. She was tracked and caught by the Russian Maverick Hunters, and put in Isolation. After a year of Iso, the Maverick Virus had lost a long battle against her immunity firewall, and she was released, choosing not to return to the Hunters right away. She has been on leave for two years, working part-time as a security guard for a wealthy land-owner living in Nebula heights. [B]Weapons;[/B] [list] [*][b]Twin Heckler+Kotch Revolver Magnums:[/b] Iota's trademark weapons, loaded with solid rounds. While most people would shun such ancient weaponary, Iota uses them with skill that surpasses most. Each Magnum holds six shots and extra ammo is kept in an internal reloading device in her forearms. This way, they can be reloaded very quickly and efficiently. The Magnums can be loaded with several different bullet types, such as Explosive, Armour Piercing, and Flashbang. They are holstered on her thighs. [*][b]I-Sabre:[/b] A standard beam sabre, refitted for Iota's personal use. It has a long handle, and a thin, straight blue blade. The blade reaches one and a half metres at maximum charge. It is stored in her right shoulder storage unit. [*][b]Synthesis Whip:[/b] The Synth. whip is formed through high levels of Ionic bonding, as seen in most beam weapons. The whip is six metres long, at length. Depending on the intensity of the beam, the whip can be used to manipulate and pick up objects, or slice through them. It is stored in her left shoulder storage unit. [/list] [B]Supplemental:[/B] Iota's Comm. device on her ear not only boosts the power of her internal radio system, but it gives her an Advanced Radar that most other reploids do not have access to without external means.
  6. [B]Good idea[/B] I would Join :babble:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by calumon_luver [/i] [B]This is my horse.... [/B][/QUOTE] Aww Thats sooo cute... Shall we start a two person rpg now? Might as well
  8. [B]Horsebreed:[/B] Hanoverian [B]Name of horse:[/B] Rose [B]Show Name:[/B] Rita [B]Colour:[/B] Bay [B]Sex:[/B] Mare [B]Name of rider:[/B] Nick [B]Saddle:[/B] Stubben GP [B]Bit:[/B] Tom-thumb
  9. I have been riding for five years. I would would have joined if I had read this thread sooner... So dont feel bad :wigout:
  10. I dont even know if I have a right t say every thing but if you start an rpg make sure some people that you know or you know are reliable are in it so if something happens then at least there are some good people still doing it... [B]What I'm Telling you is sort of be picky if you want it to last...[/B]
  11. [I]Nati Thought to herself... "If only I had arrived sooner this whole mess could have been avoided. Im going to go keep a look out on Reiana its the least I can do" A burst of light flashes and she has transformed[/I] Nati: See ya Hendi: Wait... to late.
  12. [B]Name:[/B] Litisha [B]Age:[/B] Unknown [B]Weapons:[/B] Eyes Short swords strapped to back [B]Appearance:[/B] (Attachment) [B]Speed:[/B] 5,500 [B]Attack:[/B] 11,000 [B]Defence:[/B] 10,000 [B]Jumping Ability:[/B] 3,500 [B]Bio:[/B] Being a vampire is all she has ever known until her creator tried combining her with another being and it went terribly wrong. all it did is make her bitter and twisted and she wants to go after vampires at all costs. Her thirst for revenge is slowly consuming her...
  13. Name: Xyluis Rinogen Race: Human (But Must Have something else in him beacause he moves to fast for a human) Age: 21 Class: Thief Weapons: He has Mulitiple daggers That are Kept in dagger slots all over his jacket. Each dagger is keen edged and beautiful and there is a story behind each one... Spells: He Can Cast haste and stealth on him self and can juction minor black magic onto his daggers whilst throwing them. Bio: His past is hazy and there are few things that he remembers. One, is his sister. She got taken away by a vampyre and he needs revenge... She was the only family that he had everknown and his hunger for revenge is consuming him. Now he just goes after vampyres and steals whatever he needs on the way. Appearance: Check Attachment...
  14. [I]Nati had a vision... Something bad was happening she could feel it in her very being. She was walking and she had been walking now for several hours contemplating. In a flash Of light she had transformed and was flying at the speed of light to where she senced the peril.[/I]
  15. [B]Name:[/B] Xyluis [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Desrciption:[/B] Wears nothing but white. If you see him in darkness you can see an aura coming off of him. Being able to control light gives him a large scope in his powers. Quite tall and silent and is move from motives great with in him. [B]Bio:[/B] Unknown [B]Aspect:[/B] Light
  16. ooc I cant post for a while because my family desided that we would go tramping so please remember to inclued me... --------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Just then Nati ran up breathlessly[/I] [B]Nati:"[/B] What just happend here? And why are you dressed up like that Rina... [I]She said looking at a huge puddle on the floor when it was in fact 40 Degrees Celcius and at the barely recognisable Rina[/I] [B]Sailor Rainbow/Rina:"[/B] Look There is some thing i need to tell you. You know how you were glowing the other day? [B]Nati:"[/B] Yeah that really freaked me out.:eek: [B]Sailor Rainbow/Rina:"[/B] Well that is because...
  17. [I]Xyluis saw siren running down the street looking upset.[/I] [B]Xyluis:[/B] Hey wait for me (trips over) [B]Siren:[/B] What do you want? [B]Xyluis:[/B] I just got back from my training and I couln't get my power level above 20,000 [B]Siren:[/B] So what you want sympathy right. [B]Xyluis:[/B] well I thought you looked upset and that we could have a, a bite to eat together [B]Siren:[/B] Ohh Drop dead ya sleeze, besides I'm never upset...
  18. [B]Name:[/B] Falco [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Bio:[/B] [I]He comes from a long line of warriors but unlike his for fathers he is light hearted and takes fighting as a joke... In saying this he can also be very serious when the situation calles for it. He ran away from home at the age of 16 becuase there were to many expectations laid on him.[/I] [B]Description:[/B] [I]At 5"7 he is not very tall but he has a presents of some one taller. He wears big boots normal pants and a big jacket with lots of little dagger shaped pockets. Every dagger in this jacket has a story behind it and most have have been passed down for generations.[/I] [B]Personality:[/B] [I]Has an in your face mentaillity and finds it hard to be serious, He is laid back and easy going even lazy at times but when he is angry warrior blood pumps through his veins and has a wraith bigger than most. He also never holds a grudge for more than an hour.[/I] [B]weapons, items, magic:[/B] Multiple daggers, He has an ability to fuse the elements into his daggers.(ice dagger, fire dagger etc) no items.
  19. [I]Ken and Ben slouched into the principal's office to find Nati sitting there waiting to be talked to by the principal...[/I] [B]Ken:[/B] "What are you doing here?!?!?" [B]Ben:[/B] "Yeah whats the deal...? you never get in trouble." [B]Nati:[/B] "It wasn't really my fault, I was outside in the sun and then I spontaniuosly desided to stare at the sun for a bit to see..." [B]Ben:[/B] "See what?" [B]Nati:[/B] "I dont know. but then all of a sudden Mrs Cherry came out side and she screamed that I was glowing." [B]Ken:[/B] "Glowing?" [B]Nati:[/B] "Now shes got the principal worried as well... But I didn't feel bad, in fact i felt good. how am i going to explain this..."
  20. [B] The Way some peoples mind works is sometimes just screwed... Even so called pefect people have faults and its really hard to judge how they will treat you if you have meet them for an hour or what ever... it just hurts most when it happens to something thats been going on for a long time... good luck[/B]
  21. Whats Happend Here Why IS Nobody Posting...
  22. I created an rpg sign up on the recrutment page... I went into the recrutment page pressed "new" and then I typed up the idea for the rpg... bio, story etc. Then when I made it. It went into the actual rpg page not the recrutment one... what am I doing wrong :(
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