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Everything posted by NeonMuffinBot

  1. just made a gingerbread house :)

    1. Magus


      Seems like everyone is making those these days

  2. awh cute fishy :3

  3. are you excited for xmas! :D

  4. happy festivus :)

    1. James


      Time to air the grievances? :P

    2. Pleiades Rising

      Pleiades Rising

      I have only 33 minutes to perform my feat of strength. Grievances performed dutifully, however.

  5. i love the bear :) haha

  6. i picked up those miniwheats today! :D i haven't tried them yet but i'll let you know how i like them :)

  7. is wondering what your favorite color is :)

  8. you changed your name! mmm i love eggnog :D

  9. now i want blueberry muffins haha

  10. [quote name='CaNz' date='06 December 2010 - 06:20 PM' timestamp='1291659618' post='702444'] how many of you are ALREADY sick of Christmas carols? [/quote] I wish that they (the radio stations) wouldn't start playing Christmas songs so early :/ If they started later I might actually have the chance to enojy them[img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/pout.gif[/img]
  11. i've actually never had those :0 i had the maple brown sugar ones though and they were good :3

  12. i'll get right on that :)

  13. [quote name='chibi-master' date='05 December 2010 - 11:39 PM' timestamp='1291592380' post='702406'] Agreed. For example, in the animated series, it doesn't take 6 earthbenders and a crapload of stomping and arm waving to move one clump of dirt slowly across the screen. [/quote] Appa looked like he had tentacles half the time[img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif[/img] I'm pretty sure he was a bison in the animated series not an octupus ...
  14. i'm actually a really good cook :D real food and baking :)

  15. yea i envy you so much now knowing you had an easy bake oven haha

  16. [quote name='CaNz' date='05 December 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1291586134' post='702399'] oh, I wanted a kitten for forever. i still want a kitten. the only cats i ever had were alive before I was. [/quote] OHMYGOSH when I was little I had a pretty unhealthy obsession with cats so in 6th grade when I moved I finally got one :D I wuv her so much =^^= [quote name='Japan' date='05 December 2010 - 10:12 PM' timestamp='1291587142' post='702401'] I learned to not expect anything and appreciate what I do get. Afterall it is the thought that counts. [/quote] Yea :/ I was going to buy one with my own money and my parents said I was tooo old for it [quote name='James' date='05 December 2010 - 10:30 PM' timestamp='1291588251' post='702403'][font="Palatino Linotype"] But basically, when I was around five or six years old, my aunt and uncle were planning to go to the U.S. with my cousins and take them to Disneyland. It [i]hurt[/i], man. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif[/img][/font] [/quote] I went to Disney when my sister and I were around 2 so we didn't remember it. So for summer we begged parents to take us and they did :D We were like the oldest kids there XD [quote name='Lyndy' date='05 December 2010 - 11:21 PM' timestamp='1291591276' post='702404'] (and I would always end up taking half the stuff back to the stores >>; ) [/quote] I never thought of that... haha
  17. i want a shirt :( i was gunna get some but i got some from snorgtees instead :/ but they're funny too

  18. I have asked for a stupid easy bake oven every year since I was 5 and am still waiting for it. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/whatever.gif[/img] Every girl I knew had one but me, and I REALLY wanted one. I won't ever let my parents hear the end of it til' I get to make a crappy cake using a light bulb.[img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif[/img] Is there anything you wanted for Christmas that you put on your list every year and never got?
  19. i hope so too :P i never get what i ask for haha

  20. The 21st is National Flashlight Day and Look on the Bright Side Day that's a bit ironic I can't wait til the 23rd (Festivus - for the rest of us) :D
  21. [quote name='chibi-master' date='05 December 2010 - 04:44 AM' timestamp='1291524249' post='702370'] Tried watching The Last Airbender today. I walked out of the living room about half an hour into the movie. Somebody please take away that memory!!! [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/pout.gif[/img] [/quote] that shamalamadingdong guy should be banned from making anymore movies [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif[/img] the sixth sense was his only good one
  22. [quote name='CaNz' date='05 December 2010 - 04:36 AM' timestamp='1291523776' post='702369'] you guys suck at this! who would ever want to stay home in a comfortable environment with there immediate family for the holidays? d: [/quote] my family is crazy so xmas will be anything but comfortable hahaha
  23. twloha is my favorite charity :D

  24. As far as I know my family and I are just staying home, very exciting ... I wanna go somewhere though I really like traveling
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