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Everything posted by 1toughCookie

  1. Its been so long!

  2. A question for everyone, how do you express yourself?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vicky


      I'm not allowed to express myself anymore. Danger to society an' all....

    3. CaNz


      I flirt with everyone... obviously....

    4. Linkukun


      Poetry, my piano, hugs...er...sometimes verbally...though I'm not so good at that...written word is the best thing for me.

  3. aww that's mean to say! friends never waste my time!

  4. What?! Only one comment??? Well, I guess there are two now....

  5. Well, it's nice to know I was missed!

  6. 1 - I don't know if this effect will work at all, because people read at different speeds. 2 - Can you actually concentrate with the words and music at once? 3 - Is this an absolutely pointless combination? 4 - Can I even DESCRIBE places in detail - I mean, I have to focus on feelings and expression. Sentences like "Bodies in motion moving greeting drinking swinging breathing". Most of the time I'm completely ignoring grammar rules - is this acceptable? Okay, first off I think you have a interesting idea. Although I can see how you are running into some problems. As for your first problem I really can't help you there because, yeah of course people read at different speeds! But you are basically going to have to just bet on them keeping up to the pace of the song. Secondly, if people can drive and put on make-up, text, curl their hair - not that any of those things are good ideas - than I am pretty sure that they could concentrate on music and reading. Thirdly, I don't think it's pointless! You have a cool idea so how could it be pointless? People listen to music and read at once all the time, so by putting the music and the book in harmony you get a clear picture of emotion and action behind the story the words and the music tell. As for your last question I really don't know about describing the places. I guess that is up for you to decide as the writer. Also, I don't know what you have written so I really can't say. When it comes to grammar rules I am pretty sure it's acceptable, but I suppose I could be wrong. Anyway, I hope this helps! Good luck!
  7. haha, yeah it would take some trampling.

    Hey! I actually made it online!! crazy idea right?

  8. so so sorry that she hasn't been online in a century or so!

  9. haha, it would take some trampling wouldn't it?

  10. I see, this seems to be a major case of an abusive fan

    .....I'll get the police.....

  11. you got stuck again?!

  12. deal! switch flipped!

  13. [quote name='PiroMunkie' date='21 August 2010 - 03:15 PM' timestamp='1282432518' post='699712'] [color="#006400"][font="Arial"]Wow, this thread sort of takes me back, lol. I have thought about [b]Gargoyles[/b] in forever, even though I'm pretty sure I still have the movie on VHS somewhere. [b]Pirates of the Dark Water[/b] was awesome. I loved watching all the [b]Johnny Quest[/b] cartoons, even the old ones รข?? if anything I liked watching the old ones better, but the New Adventures were great. [b]Rocky and Bullwinkle[/b]. The [b]Wacky Races[/b] cartoons were always fun to watch. When I was [i]really[/i] young I used to watch [b]Muppet Babies[/b] a lot, lol. [b]Ren & Stimpy Beavis & Butthead Futurama Venture Bros.[/b] I really don't watch much of any TV anymore to know what the cartoon world is like now, but those were some of my favorites. Oh and any cartoon featuring [b]Marvin the Martian[/b]. He was always a favorite of mine, lol.[/font][/color] [/quote] Marvin the Martain was good. I liked him and Bugs Bunny. I saw probably every episode as a kid that those characters were involved in.
  14. Okay, I know you have already gotten alot of responses to your question but I don't think one more will hurt. First off, I understand where you are coming from. I am currently in a similar situation with a friend and trying to figure things out for myself. Now, as for your situation I think it is best to be open to your friend, let her know what is bugging you and your friends in a non threatening manner. She obviously still sees you as a friend so it would be a stab in the back to suddenly be mean or end the friendship. Although your feelings toward her are otherwise treat her with respect. As for the hugging thing I [i]completely[/i] understand where you are coming from. You don't have to tell her exactly the reasons why you are uncomfortable with this physical contact but don't lie to her either. Simply tell her that you need to set boundries and you can keep your reasons to yourself. If she is truly your friend she will respect your privacy. That is about all I can say on the issue. I hope this helped.
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

  16. So true. But since I have begun to breathe again I think you might want to get off that fan. That could result in death too you know. (Or extreme dizziness.)

    By the way, would you mind answering a question for me?

  17. Yeah well I will have to PM you to tell you that story! If I post it publicly then waaaayyyyy to many people would have blackmail against me. Then again, how do I know I can trust you????? Hmmmmmmm

  18. Thanks for the advice. I wish it felt that easy sometimes. There are many days like these where I feel like it is simply impossible.

  19. Haha! I agree! Internet families and families made up of people that you choose to be close with in life are the best! Like the saying goes, God gave us friends as an apology for our families.

  20. I know he's hilarious and his voice rocks! But then again I seem to fall for dark haired guys........

  21. That's cool! I love families basically because you don't really have to be related to them. I have a similar group of my own. I love them because my real family has waaaayyyyyy to many issues.

  22. Well, my favorite cartoon movie was Lady and the Tramp. As for shows I watched things like spiderman and lots of shows about cars. Yes I know for a girl this is odd. But I guess loving the movie Jaws at age five is strange as well.
  23. Haha! I feel bad for the people you pray for! (In other words, don't pray for me please)

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