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Hikaru Kaiba

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Everything posted by Hikaru Kaiba

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Weapon: Last one he gets. [/B][/QUOTE] Just for your information, the name of Cid's last weapon is the Venus Gospel.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Armadillomon [/i] [B]Finally! Someone who agrees with me!!! I've been saying this whole time that Survivor and other reality TV shows are a big waste of time!! However, I have to disagree with you about Fear Factor. I love that show! Another thing. Shows like Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones, and other "talk" shows are disgusting and wrong. They should be banned from the airwaves as well. List of Shows that I hate (Even if I haven't seen them) Survivor (All versions) Big Brother (All Versions) Temptation Island (All Versions) Jerry Springer Jenny Jones Maury Whats-his-name South Park Greg the Bunny King of the Hill Earth: Final Conflict Pokémon There are probably other shows, but I really can't think of any right now. [/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree, except that I like South Park, Greg the Bunny, and King of the Hill. Oh yeah, and Maury's last name is Povich. Learned that from South Park.;)
  3. I was talking about the fact that magic was treated more like items in FF8 than in FF7 or FF9. You never had to suck the magic out of an enemy to "gain" the magic ability. If an enemy had "???" as a draw option, then if you drew the magic you would know what the magic was and the "???" would be replaced with "Slow" for example. It wasn't always a new type of magic. But yeah Gogeta-sama, that's a good point and I will replace the old draw rules with my new ones and see if you like them.
  4. 1. He gets stepped on when Goku turns Oozaru(giant monkey). 2. I'd have to say...flirting w/ another girl? I dunno. 3. Goku breaks out of Biran's special attack. 4. His village is dying of thirst, and he wants to use the prize money to buy water for his village. 5. After seeing Roshi do it to put out the fire at the Ox King's mountain, he does it to Bulma's car. The Ox King gives them a new car. 6. A girl that eats a lot of food or serves him a lot of food.:D EXTRA__________________________ 1. The logo is on the android of Dr. Gero.(can't remember the number, 20 or 21 or something) 2. He turns Oozaru and I think he destroys a building? 3. The one that was in Muscle Tower, I think General Silver.
  5. I have unedited Lord Slug on VHS.
  6. I used to have a neopet, but it got too boring. When I joined it was free.
  7. Or try stuff that you would never use otherwise. For example, one time I was in a boss fight(can't remember which one)and Dart & Albert were dead. Rose's HP was highlighted in red, and I knew I was gonna die, so I just used an attack item for no reason. That item killed the boss, and the boss wasn't even in red yet, just in yellow. Goes to show ya.
  8. name: Vegeta age: ??? race: Saiyan appearance: He looks like Majin Vegeta w/ the same strength as Majin Vegeta but without the M on his head bio: Saiyan prince
  9. Hikaru Kaiba


    Oh, ok...let me think for a while... I got it! They should make a game where you're the son of Sephiroth and you can make choices as you go that can steer you towards being evil or good. [size=1]I added your double post together, in future please don't double post, I'm on the verge of flipping. - SG[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Oh, ok. Sorry. - Vegeta'sSon[/SIZE]
  10. Yeah, that would be cool. But there's a long FF tradition of the games never being related.
  11. Hikaru Kaiba


    Do you mean like a game as the sequel or typing out a story?
  12. I use Dart, Albert, and Rose. They seem to work for me.
  13. I think that swearing molds a character's personality. For example, I couldn't imagine Zell Dincht getting mad at Seifer Almasy and saying "Well gosh diddily darnit Seifer!"
  14. What is a n00b? And by the way CloudStrife00, don't feel bad-I like Zoids too.:D
  15. What is a n00b? And by the way CloudStrife00, don't feel bad-I like Zoids too.:D
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] if you see an rpg with the words "sign up" next to it, that means you can sign up there, simple really.... [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B] LOL, you should read Neil's Sticky rant before you show up here Vegeta'sSon.[/B][/QUOTE] I'm sorry...:(
  17. I recognize it! It's the thing that you fight in Ultimecia's Mansion when you walk into that little purple cloud!
  18. Squall, Zell, Irvine, Selphie, Rinoa, and Quistis are at the Balamb Garden Festival when Rinoa suddenly starts convulsing and her eyes roll into her head. Ultimecia has taken control of her again! The others trys to stop her, but the possessed Rinoa quickly blasts them into the wall with her supernatural powers. Suddenly, Rinoa disappears without a trace... Here's my character.(format your character like this): Name: Squall Age: 18 Weapon:Lionheart Abilities: Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lion Heart Let's just say that we can get common types of magic from draw points, and that we have to get rare magic(demi, etc)from drawing it from an enemy. I will start the RPG when all the remaining party members are chosen(Zell, Irvine, Selphie, Quistis. NO RINOA! Remember, Rinoa is possessed.)
  19. Charcter: Cloud Weapon: Ultima Weapon Where you joined Cloud's party: I am Cloud!!! Summon: Neo Bahamut, Bahamut ZERO
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [size=1]You didn't sign up for this RPG...you are entering too late. Therefore, you can't be included. Sorry. You'll have to either start a new RPG or sign up to a new one. :)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] oh, ok...how do you sign up for a rpg?
  21. WTF happened to my post???? :flaming:
  22. I don't know what you're talking about. I just picked "winning many battles" because it said "probably" next to it.:D
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