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  1. [quote name='Dragonboym2' date='16 September 2010 - 06:12 AM' timestamp='1284617550' post='700551'] [color="#0000ff"][font="Arial Black"]Um...why are they rebooting Devil May Cry? It's not even that old! We got the Dante we know in MVC3, but this isn't what I was thinking I'd see. What about the questions from DMC4? Is Nero a clone, Dante's half-brother, or something else? What's with Nero's arm? How about Yamato, Virgil's sword? Explain, capcom! Explain! As for the new game, it could be good or bad. This new Dante looks kinda cool, but I'm not sure yet.[/font][/color] [/quote] Nero is Vergils son
  2. [quote name='Burori' date='07 September 2010 - 09:29 PM' timestamp='1283894975' post='700310'] Bare in mind though the experience of saying: "Yes I blew up the citadel with a Monkey and a blow torch." Does not hold the same appeal as actually DOING that. (Btw that aforementioned action is not a plausible one in the game. I just wanted to use an example.) [/quote] Can we give this man a round of applause? THIS is exactly what the problem of playing ME2 without playing ME1
  3. Just for clarification the Metroid Prime series are NOT FPS games They are FP Adventure games Comparing them to Halo is absurd
  4. [quote name='Phenom' date='18 August 2010 - 11:54 AM' timestamp='1282132460' post='699580'] [url="http://masseffect.bioware.com/"]Mass Effect 2 to the PS3[/url] This is good news for me considering how I've lost almost all interest in the Xbox 360 and I'm planning on getting a PS3 soon or later. (More than likely later) Now I just gotta hope ME1 comes along for the ride. [/quote] ME1 won't be on PS3 because MS has the rights to it In all honesty people should just stick with ME on the 360 or PC because then you can continue the story ME1 didn't just tell a story it let you shape it People starting Mass Effect 2 without the repercussions of ME1 are missing seriously missing out
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