Capitan Mike Steps out of the shuttle craft and heads out of the shuttle bay.He starts to head to a turbo lift but his attaion is on a padd in his hand.After walking to a turbo lift Mike pressed the button and when the door opened.Mike stepped inside and watched as the door closed."computer bridge" the caption commanded.As soon as mike said these words the turbo lift started it trip up.I kept going up for what seemed to be forever but in reality was only a minute.Then the lift stopped and the door opened and as Mike enerted the bridge he saw everyone stand at attion.
it is a great story and it dose not matter that ch 5 is long it is verry good and you have been doing a great job of geting this this out faster then the first one
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]
yeah, I'd have to agree with you there, TN, I myself usually buy dvd's rather than tape's nowadays.... [/B][/QUOTE]I do as well